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This note discusses the assumption researchers make when movement attributes are precued in a choice reaction time (RT) paradigm—i.e., that the precue only reduces the number of response alternatives, so that changes in RT reflect the programming time for the unprecued attributes. However, it is argued that since the precue reduces the number of stimulus alternatives, changes in RT reflect changes in both stimulus processing and response programming. Therefore, the interpretation made by Klapp (1977), using the precue paradigm, that response selection and response timing are not independent sequential stages in the programming sequence, is not necessarily correct.  相似文献   

本研究运用模拟实验,考察了以仪表显示为主的监控系统中信号间隔时间和双作业任务对人觉察信号的反应时间的影响.双作业中的主任务是要求被试同时监视4个仪表,次任务为对显示屏上一个红色亮点是否出现闪烁作简单的辨别反应.实验结果表明信号间隔时间是影响信号觉察反应时的一个重要因素.随着信号间隔时间由30-50秒延长到8-10分钟,信号觉察反应时随之先快后慢地增加.在低负荷的仪表监视作业中,通过增加一个刺激率较高而又比较简单的次任务,可使被试保持较高的唤醒水平和更好地集中注意,从而有利于提高信号觉察效率.  相似文献   

张智君  赵均榜 《心理科学》2006,29(6):1415-1418
先前的研究认为基于空间和基于物体的注意选择都是存在的,但是很少有研究探讨这两者的关系,即两者是存在交互作用还是单独作用的。因此本研究采用Egly等修正的线索提示实验范式,探讨基于物体和基于空间的注意选择机制在信号检测任务中的关系。实验采用2(两种物体)×2(两种空间)×3(有效线索、物体内无效线索和物体间无效线索)的被试内设计。16名大学生被试参加实验。结果表明:(1)对有效线索的反应快于无效线索,且物体内无效线索快于物体间无效线索;(2)在不同材料之间,两类无效线索反应时之差存在显著差异;(3)空间因素和物体因素的作用是独立的。结论提示:基于空间和基于物体的选择性注意都是存在的,且两者独立作用于注意的选择过程。  相似文献   

The two experiments reported examined the temporal organization of force and direction motor-programming processes in a step-input tracking type task. Both experiments observed a reduction in reaction time in the direction-uncertain conditions compared to the direction-certain ones. Thus it seems as though the direction decision does not have to precede the selection of the proper amount of force. Experiment 2 observed an underadditive interaction between levels of direction uncertainty (certain or uncertain) and levels of force uncertainty (certain or uncertain). This interaction was interpreted as support for a parallel organization of the processes responsible for the programming of force and direction and thus, strongly supports the parallel model of programming recently proposed by Klapp (1977a, b).  相似文献   

The Psychological Record - The present study examined choice in humans between a single-response task and a task with multiple alternatives (i.e., a multichoice task). The alternatives provided...  相似文献   

Threshold elevations (TE) were determined at a testsite on the left thigh with the simultaneous presentation of combinations of maskers positioned on the trunk. It was found that the resultant TE from groups of up to 10 multiple maskers is nearly equal to the addition of the TE produced by each masker separately.  相似文献   


The effect of aging on interval timing was examined using a choice time production task, which required participants to choose a key response based on the location of the stimulus, but to delay responding until after a learned time interval. Experiment 1 varied attentional demands of the response choice portion of the task by varying difficulty of stimulus–response mapping. Choice difficulty affected temporal accuracy equally in both age groups, but older participants' response latencies were more variable under more difficult response choice conditions. Experiment 2 tested the contribution of long-term memory to differences in choice time production between age groups over 3 days of testing. Direction of errors in time production between the two age groups diverged over the 3 sessions, but variability did not differ. Results from each experiment separately show age-related changes to attention and memory in temporal processing using different measures and manipulations in the same task.  相似文献   

Surface EMG enabled fractionation of a simple hand grip total reaction time into peripheral and central processing components (motor time and premotor time, respectively). Changes in reaction time components were investigated in 12 female intercollegiate swimmers (bilateral athletes) and 12 female intercollegiate tennis players (unilateral athletes) following a 48% strength decrement induced by serial maximal voluntary isometric contractions (5 sec in duration). Despite significantly greater strength in the dominant arm than in the nondominant arm, there was no difference in fatigue effects between arms. Fatigue increased the premotor component of reaction time significantly, and indirectly the total reaction time, but the motor time remained essentially constant regardless of the type of previous athletic training. This indicated that fatigue impaired central nervous system or myoneural-junction operations rather than the intramuscular ability to initiate force.  相似文献   

Research on sleep loss and vigilance both focus on declines in cognitive performance, but theoretical accounts have developed largely in parallel in these two areas. In addition, computational instantiations of theoretical accounts are rare. The current work uses computational modeling to explore whether the same mechanisms can account for the effects of both sleep loss and time on task on performance. A classic task used in the sleep deprivation literature, the Psychomotor Vigilance Test (PVT), was extended from the typical 10‐min duration to 35 min, to make the task similar in duration to traditional vigilance tasks. A computational cognitive model demonstrated that the effects of time on task in the PVT were equivalent to those observed with sleep loss. Subsequently, the same mechanisms were applied to a more traditional vigilance task—the Mackworth Clock Task—providing a good fit to existing data. This supports the hypothesis that these different types of fatigue may produce functionally equivalent declines in performance.  相似文献   

注意定势及时间不确定性对基于空间的返回抑制的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张明  陈骐 《应用心理学》2002,8(3):15-21
在两个实验中使用比例控制范式 ,研究了基于空间位置的注意定势及时间不确定性对检测任务中IOR出现时程的影响。实验 1以 75名本科生为被试 ,将SOA水平作为组间变量 ,从而消除了时间不确定性。结果发现 ,当被试形成“更依赖于提示位置”的注意定势时 ,IOR出现的时程延长。实验 2以 2 2名本科生为被试 ,将SOA作为组内变量 ,从而将时间不确定性引入实验任务。结果表明 ,存在时间不确定性时 ,IOR出现的时程恢复到正常水平。两个实验的结果表明 ,IOR的时程受到内源和外源性注意之间交互作用的影响 ,而注意定势和时间不确定性是决定IOR何时出现及持续时间的两个十分关键的因素。  相似文献   

The authors investigated children's narrative competence by analyzing the development of the reciprocal relationship between storytelling and story retelling performances over a school year through a cross-lagged panel design. The participants in this study were 170 Italian kindergarten pupils (M age = 4.98 ± 0.31 years). Children were asked to produce oral narratives in two different tasks: a storytelling and a story retelling task. Narrative competence was assessed in terms of structure and coherence. The cross-lagged panel analyses showed that both storytelling and story retelling tasks are stable constructs, but they differ in the emphasis on coherence. Data confirmed the pivotal role played by storytelling as a task, and structure as a component in fostering the development of children's narrative competence. Overall, results from this study suggest that storytelling and story retelling are tasks that involve interrelated but not overlapping processes, and trigger different aspects of narrative competence.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis of Asian-disease-like studies is presented to identify the factors which determine risk preference. First the confoundings between probability levels, payoffs, and framing conditions are clarified in a task analysis. Then the role of framing, reflection, probability, type, and size of payoff is evaluated in a meta-analysis. It is shown that bidirectional framing effects exist for gains and for losses. Presenting outcomes as gains tends to induce risk aversion, while presenting outcomes as losses tends to induce risk seeking. Risk preference is also shown to depend on the size of the payoffs, on the probability levels, and on the type of good at stake (money/property vs human lives). In general, higher payoffs lead to increasing risk aversion. Higher probabilities lead to increasing risk aversion for gains and to increasing risk seeking for losses. These findings are confirmed by a subsequent empirical test. Shortcomings of existing formal theories, such as prospect theory, cumulative prospect theory, venture theory, and Markowitz's utility theory, are identified. It is shown that it is not probabilities or payoffs, but the framing condition, which explains most variance. These findings are interpreted as showing that no linear combination of formally relevant predictors is sufficient to capture the essence of the framing phenomenon.  相似文献   

Masked vibrotactile thresholds at the index fingertip were measured as a function of masker intensities, which were applied to the thenar eminence of the same hand. Test and masker frequencies were selected so that the Pacinian and non-Pacinian receptor systems were selectively activated. Remote-site masking was effective only when both masker and test stimulus were within the frequency range of the Pacinian system. Cross-channel masking did not occur.  相似文献   

Functional assessments identified that the grabbing behavior of a 24‐year‐old man with intellectual disability was maintained by social positive reinforcement, that is, attention. Aggression was more likely to occur when his social environment changed from high to low attention. An intervention that combined extinction with activity choice and noncontingent reinforcement was most effective at reducing grabbing. The intervention and beneficial effects were maintained over 17 months, although staff retraining was required at 6 and 16 months. Retraining was implemented successfully when aggression increased and procedural integrity had declined. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effects of choice and no choice of preferred and non preferred instructional activities on the academic behavior of 3 students with disabilities were investigated. Participant preferences for spelling tasks were assessed and an ABCDEF design was used to examine choice and preference within 6 experimental conditions: a) choice of preferred tasks, b) choice of non preferred tasks, c) no choice of preferred tasks, d) no choice of non preferred tasks, e) no choice of preferred tasks (yoked-control), and f) no choice of non preferred tasks (yoked-control). Results indicate that all 3 participants had higher levels of task engagement when working with preferred tasks, regardless of a choice or no choice format. The findings from this investigation contribute to the growing body of research that focuses on developing interventions that are responsive to individual student preferences.  相似文献   

通过运动迷津和语言描述任务,考察情境和任务对大学生空间参考框架选择的影响。结果表明,开放空间和目标物同背景融为一体有利于被试选择绝对参考框架。习惯空间术语对空间参考框架选择有影响,但影响程度视情境和任务之间关系而定。  相似文献   

E. Weichselgartner and G. A. Sperling (1987), using rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP), estimated that attention could be moved to a new spatial location within 300-400 ms. H. J. Müller and P. M. Rabbit (1989) used a spatial cuing task and found a similar time course for voluntarily redeploying attention. A separate phenomenon known as the attentional blink (AB) also follows a similar time course, yet occurs when participants attend to a single spatial location. The present study found that attention can be shifted more quickly than previously estimated and that part of the deficit observed during searches of spatially distinct RSVP streams is due to an AB. The results support some early and late selection accounts for the temporal dynamics of visual attention and suggest different bottlenecks during visual selection. The implications for visual search and visual processing are discussed.  相似文献   

In a choice between responding with the left or right hand, some kinds of differences between the movements increase RT (Reaction Time) while others do not. Of the first kind are differences in form, while differences in the finger used are of the latter kind. In previous experiments differences in form were confounded with differences in duration. Since there is some indication that a difference in duration is sufficient to lengthen RT, both characteristics were varied separately. It turned out that a difference in form (duration being constant) has essentially the same effects as a difference in duration (form being constant): Mean RT is longer, variability of RT and MT (movement time) is larger, and frequency of choice errors is smaller than in choice between identical movements. These effects, which seem to be associated with choice between movements of different temporal patterns, are interpreted in terms of advance specification of movement parameters. Additional results on the relationship between response duration and RT suggest that RT does not depend on duration (or velocity) per se, but on how much the duration deviates from quickest performance.  相似文献   

Based on the formulation that psychological distance, future time perspective, and internal-external expectancy represent outcomes of the socialization process, it was hypothesized that desired psychological intimacy would be positively related to an extended future time perspective and to an internal orientation. Using a newly constructed Psychological Distance Scale, the Future Events Test, and Rotter's Internal-External Scale, administered to college students, closeness to the concepts Sister and Father was found to be associated with internal expectancy for female Ss. There was also some support for the predicted relationship between psychological closeness and an extended future time perspective. The marked sex differences on the Future Events Test suggest that psychological distance has different meanings for the sexes.  相似文献   

Allocation of visuo-spatial attention during dynamic viewing was investigated with a dual task. Primary tasks (reading, scanning, searching) all required sequential left-to-right eye movements. An additional speeded manual response was made to a visual probe that appeared early or late after the onset of a randomly determined fixation (25 or 170 msec probe delay). The probe appeared to the left, directly above, or to the right of the currently fixated character (-10, -5, 0, +5, or +10 characters probe eccentricity). Faster probe detection near the location of the forthcoming eye fixation was found in the search task, but not during reading or scanning. Fixation times increased and saccade lengths decreased as a consequence of probing in all three tasks. Fixations were, however, less prolonged when the probe appeared in the right than when it appeared in the left hemifield, and saccades were greatest when the probe appeared at +10 characters. The results extend the notion of goal-directed attention shifts to free viewing and highlight the impact of task-specific processing requirements.  相似文献   

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