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苏联解体后, 进入后苏联时期的俄罗斯心理学出现了一些新的动向, 主要表现为重新评价和审视苏联心理学的原则立场, 纠正十月革命后心理科学发展出现的偏差, 活动概念和文化历史理论仍具有生命力, 理论研究未见重大进展但工作仍继续进行, 心理科学的研究越来越贴近社会生活与实践等。当前俄罗斯心理学已成为一门深受大众青睐的科学, 它对当代各种形式的社会实践均产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

俄罗斯儿童心理学发展新动向史民德北京师范大学发展心理研究所当1991年苏联心理学随着一场急剧的社会变革,戛然结束了它长达70年的发展史时,作为它的老朋友的中国心理学、儿童心理学工作者无不为之感念,维果茨基、鲁宾斯坦等着名心理学家奠定的方向能否继承下来疑团,压在每个人的心头,因为中国心理学和苏联心理学的密切关系使我们不能不十分关注它的命运和前途.  相似文献   

文章介绍了俄罗斯经济心理学的现状与特征:俄罗斯经济心理学发展的背景、研究机构成立与著作出版的状况、突出对经济意识的研究、具体的经济心理学研究的原则、对经济积极性主体范畴的关注和俄罗斯经济心理学的具体研究方向;文章最后阐述了俄罗斯经济心理学对我们经济心理学发展的启示意义。  相似文献   

苏联一九七六年出版的,由彼得罗夫斯基主编的《普通心理学》是经苏联教育部批准的,作为高等师范院校的教科书。它概括了苏联数十年来心理学理论研究和实验研究的成果,也吸收了西方心理学若干成就。与苏联一九五六年出版的,由斯米尔诺夫总主编的《心理学》相比,从理论体系到基本内容上都有所不同。现在谈谈其中几个特点。一、扩大了心理学研究的对象  相似文献   

苏联心理学近几年的发展情况如何?今后几年主要研究些什么问题?这是许多心理学工作者与爱好者所关心的。本文就主要介绍这两个问题:一、苏联心理学若干领域的现状,二、苏联心理学今后几年的任务。一、苏联心理学若干领域的现状  相似文献   

维果茨基(1896—1934)是苏联建国初期杰出的马克思主义心理学家,他在心理学的许多领域内所进行的一系列的创造性的研究,奠定了苏联心理学后来发展的基础。他所提出的许多心理学思想可以说在很大程度上决定了苏联心理学今天的面貌,因此他“在苏联心理学的发展史上具有特殊的地位。”苏联心理学六十多年来的研究成果在许多方面都是受维果茨基心理学思想的启发与指导而取得的。例如对人的心理的历史观、活动观、内化观、系统观以及今天在我们教  相似文献   

张世英   《心理科学进展》1983,1(2):10-15
苏联心理科学,从十月革命以来,就被列入新的社会制度的结构中去了。苏联心理科学在苏联社会发展中具有越来越大的意义。从革命后的最初年代开始,苏联心理科学就开展了新的社会主义个性类型的研究。同样重要的是,苏联心理学是在新的社会关系逢勃发展的条件下形成起来的。苏联心理学的观点,在推翻过去资本主义社会占统治地位的,供养着唯心主义心理学的  相似文献   

后苏联时代俄罗斯伦理学研究的路径演变及范式转向反映了社会道德意识形态的变化,研究呈现出可以纵向探究和横向考察的理论空间。历时态变迁中的后苏联时代俄罗斯伦理学,其研究的实践进路体现在伦理学研究的整体裂变、社会适应、理性转变和价值传承上;共时态视野中的后苏联时代俄罗斯伦理学,其主要特征之一就是政治伦理学、生态伦理学、经济伦理学、宗教伦理学等伦理学分支学科研究的范式转向。后苏联时代俄罗斯伦理学研究的路径演变及范式转向是社会生活对道德意识形态建构提出的具体要求,它既反映了俄罗斯社会从社会主义制度向资本主义制度的根本转变,同时又在道德层面持续指引和反映着俄罗斯社会发展的演进历程。  相似文献   

陈会昌 《心理学报》1983,16(1):39-48
苏联是当代教育心理学研究比较先进的国家。加强对苏联教育心理学研究的了解,是我们的一项重要工作。 从十月革命到现在,苏联德育心理研究的基本情况,有必要进行一番评介。据苏联一些有影响的教育心理学家,如Д.В.艾利康宁~[1],包若维奇~[2],В.В.达维多夫~[3][4])等人的意见,苏联的教育心理学(包括年龄心理学和儿童心理学)大体上经历了三个主要发展阶段:从十月革命到第二次世界大战结束;从二次大战结束到五十年代末;从六十年代初到现在。本文即参考这种划分方法,根据所能掌握的资料,对苏联德育心理研究的历史与现状加以概略评述。  相似文献   

本文着重反映了当前苏联实验心理学发展的一些情况,强调了心理学实验联系实际的意义:强调了马列主义学说的指导作用;强调在科学知识的总体系中,实验占有光荣的地位以及实验心理学研究的进一步发展需要利用新的枝术成就:强调研究心理学发展的历史等。并对实验心理学的发展趋势提出了一些看法,代表了当前苏联一些心理学家的观点。  相似文献   

In the early 20th century the child population became a major focus of scientific, professional and public interest. This led to the crystallization of a dynamic field of child science, encompassing developmental and educational psychology, child psychiatry and special education, school hygiene and mental testing, juvenile criminology and the anthropology of childhood. This article discusses the role played in child science by the eminent Russian neurologist and psychiatrist Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev. The latter's name is associated with a distinctive program for transforming the human sciences in general and psychology in particular that he in the 1900s labelled “objective psychology” and from the 1910s renamed “reflexology.” The article examines the equivocal place that Bekhterev's “objective psychology” and “reflexology” occupied in Russian/Soviet child science in the first three decades of the 20th century. While Bekhterev's prominence in this field is beyond doubt, analysis shows that “objective psychology” and “reflexology” had much less success in mobilizing support within it than certain other movements in this arena (for example, “experimental pedagogy” in the pre‐revolutionary era); it also found it difficult to compete with the variety of rival programs that arose within Soviet “pedology” during the 1920s. However, this article also demonstrates that the study of child development played a pivotal role in Bekhterev's program for the transformation of the human sciences: it was especially important to his efforts to ground in empirical phenomena and in concrete research practices a new ontology of the psychological, which, the article argues, underpinned “objective psychology”/“reflexology” as a transformative scientific movement.  相似文献   

Contemporary Russian sensory physiology and psychology uses the notion of a “dark sense,” referring to the background of bodily sensation, especially of the position and movement of the body. The physiologist Ivan Sechenov introduced this language in the 1860s in the context of arguing for a physiological basis for scientific psychology. The muscular sense (the term preceding modern notions of kinaesthesia and proprioception) thereafter featured in the many talks and journal articles he presented to spread scientific enlightenment. The paper describes the history and significance of this. It does so in the light of Soviet representations of Sechenov as a scientist who substantially contributed to the Leninist materialist–realist theory of knowledge. These representations assessed Sechenov’s discussions as a breakthrough in world science to the understanding of the human organism as a self‐regulating material system. It is necessary to understand the purposes and pressures driving Soviet historiography. The paper confirms the historical importance the sense of movement has had in realist theories of knowledge of the world; and it contributes a previously unknown chapter to the history of psychology.  相似文献   

This article introduces American psychologists to some approaches from the former Soviet Union to dealing with training and performance problems derived from indi- vidual differences in personality features. Our work considers some aspects of these problems based on Russian psychologists' study of personality within the framework of the theory of activity. The approach is known as "individual style of activity" and is fundamental to the analysis of practical achievement in Russian psychology. Sev- eral areas of applied research are presented to illustrate the approach. These studies examine the process of adaptation to objective requirements by participants with distinct individual features. This research does not emphasize the classification of individuals into particular groups for the purpose of selection; rather it emphasizes how to facilitate the adaptation of people with diverse personal features through the development of individualized methods of performance, teaching, and training. The findings have many important applications in education, sports, work, and other performance settings.  相似文献   

This statement, first presented at a plenary session of the Pavlovian Society on 9 October 1992, in Los Angeles, California, attempts to assess the recently released speech delivered by Ivan Pavlov in 1923, but publicly brought to light only in 1991, on the subject of “Communist Dogmatism and the Autonomy of Science.” This speech, noteworthy for the courage of the delivery under adverse circumstances no less than the contents of its remarks, compels a new estimate of the place of science in a totalitarian system boasting an ideology of physiological psychology. It also sheds new light on the Russian Nobel laureate and pioneer in the areas of behavior modification induced by the functions of the higher nervous system. These remarks take an in-depth view of American radical and Marxian appraisals — how they followed the Soviet lead in harnessing Pavlov to the Communist cause, and in attempting to discredit the work of Sigmund Freud. This lethal combination of Communist political needs and ideological proclivities served to rationalize the implementation of slave labor as work therapy during the Stalinist era. The linkage of Pavlov to Makarenko in education and Michurin in biology serves as a case study in the manufacture of tradition. The collapse of the Soviet system permits a recasting of the history of science and Pavlov’s place in Russian life. Such new conditions also provide a lesson in the distortive role of ideology in the evolution of modern science.  相似文献   

This article represents a collaboration between Russian and Western researchers concerned with the cross-cultural study of gender. A con-temporary Russian psychoanalytic perspective on gender role development in the context of their own culture is presented, and its relationship to the Soviet and Western research literature is explored. Historical changes are noted in the transitions from prerevolutionary peasant society to Soviet socialism and to the new reforms in Russia. A long standing ambivalence toward agentic values is described throughout these phases of Russian history, and its legacy is identified in current social problems. Difficulties inherent in using Western conceptualizations of gender roles in this different context are discussed, as are points of compatibility, and their application to an investigation of Russian gender roles is illustrated.  相似文献   

The present bibliography includes the most important writings which have appeared in Western countries about Soviet psychology, and the translations (into English, French, German, Spanish and Italian) of monographs and anthologies of Soviet psychologists. The references were collected in connection with the preparation of a work on the diffusion of Soviet psychology in Western countries.  相似文献   


There are common traditions in investigations into industrial stress and other kinds of poor workers' states in Western and Russian/Soviet applied psychology. Based upon these traditions we attempt to overview the main domains of research and possibilities for their application in a practical sense. Proposed psychodiagnostic and psychoprophylactic approaches have to be developed according to different kinds of work situations and technological progress. But the intention of basing research on the analysis of structural mechanisms of activity regulation seems to us the most productive in all of these cases. It corresponds to the increasing demands on human internal resources and mental activities in modern technological systems.  相似文献   

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