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本文详细阐述并澄清了人格类型量表(MBTI)中涉及的基本概念,介绍了该量表在国内外的应用和发展及其在职业、家庭、教育方面的应用研究;并就此量表背后所包含的深刻内涵和意义进行了论述,以期人们能够更深刻、更准确地领会荣格的心理类型理论并更好地运用这一人格类型量表。  相似文献   

首先从MBTI的理论基础入手分析了MBTI评估与其他人格评估的差异,指出MBTI评估的优势。接着从理论研究和实践应用两方面介绍了国内外的相关研究,前者包括MBTI的信度、效度、常模资料,国内的修订情况,以及MBTI与其他量表的相关关系分析;后者包括MBTI在组织发展与团队建设中的应用,在职业辅导、师生互动、家庭治疗等领域的应用。最后指出使用中存在的问题,并给出相关建议  相似文献   

MBTI—G人格类型量表中文版的修订   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:24  
MBTI(Myers—Briggs Type Indicator)是代表Jung心理类型理论的测量工具之一,编制的目的是通过测量内外倾、感觉一直觉、对事一对人、认知一判断等四种人格维度的量,以了解人格类型的偏好倾向。MBTI经过50多年使用和完善,证明其是具有很好信、效度的人格量表,已经发展成为具有广泛影响和应用前景的国际著名人格量表,并已广泛应用于职业指导、人事咨询、管理人员评估及团体动力学分析等方面,其测验题仅有97道,简便易行。1994年,我们与美国东卡罗莱纳大学合作,对MBTI-G量表进行系统的翻译和修订,经过近六年的工作,基本完成了中文版MBTI人格测验量表的修订工作。  相似文献   

采用MBTI对中国和澳大利亚管理者人格类型的性别差异进行了比较研究.结果表明,在人格的维度、维度组合、类型上,澳大利亚管理者比中国管理者有更大的性别差异;而两国男性管理者在人格的维度、维度组合、类型上的差异比两国女性管理者的差异更大.研究同时发现,中国男、女管理者人格类型的分布都较集中,澳大利亚男、女管理者的人格类型分布都较均衡.  相似文献   

心理类型量表(MBTI)的修订初步   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
MBTI是基于荣格的心理类型理论编制而成的一个自陈量表.此量表包括四个维度,每个维度包括两个相对的极点,代表不同的偏好倾向.对四个维度的基本偏好不同组合便构成了16种人格类型.本研究首次将其翻译成中文并修订,以258名大学生作为试测样本,结果表明,绝大多数项目都具有相当高的鉴别力;量表信度和效度良好,尤其结构效度极佳.  相似文献   

MBTI人格类型量表的效度分析   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
目的探讨中文版MBTI人格类型量表的内容效度、效标关联效度和结构效度,为其在中国应用提供操作性技术,方法大学本科和专科学生2123名,陆军初级军官276名;MBTI-G量表中文修订版;效标测验包括EPQ、16PF、MMPI-2、A-Type和PM测验。结果(1)经专家评判、中英文版相关分析、自评他评和信度分析,表明中文版MBTI有较好的内容效度。(2)效标关联效度研究发现EI维度具有明显的内外向人格特征;感觉型个体温和、现实和谨慎,直觉型个体则恃强、敢为、果断和中强度A型行为特征;对事型个体稳重、安详、恃强、自律;判断型个体善于交往和社会化程度高,做事有强的责任感、计划性和有恒性,适应新环境能力较强,成就感强。以上发现与MBTI原设计和国外研究吻合。(3)97项题目因子分析最大负荷落在主因素上平均占82.81%,次级负荷占11.02%,仅6题因子分析不理想。(4)修订版MBTI人格类型测验与PM领导行为类型测验间有一定相关;中国军队初级指挥员以ESFJ、ISTJ人格类型为主。结论本研究修订的中文版MBTI具有较好的内容效度、效标关联蚊度和结构效度。  相似文献   

采用MBTI测验量表对领导群体成员人格特质研究,结果表明:(1)企事业组织领导群体成员ESTJ最多,其次为ISTJ;(2)领导群体成员主要为外向型人格类型,其次为外向-内向混合型,再次为内向型;(3)核心领导者与其他领导成员之间在个性倾向性方面存在显著差异.  相似文献   

企业管理者人格类型研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
杨慧芳  赵曙明 《心理科学》2004,27(4):983-985
研究企业管理者人格类型对评价企业经营者任职资格.有效配置管理者有很大帮助。本文采用MBTI—M.对255名企业管理者的人格类型进行研究。结果表明.ESTJ型和ISTJ型是企业管理者的典型人格类型;性别、年龄、教育水平、管理职位、管理领域、企业性质等变量对管理者的典型人格类型没有显著影响。研究同时表明,MBTI—M是较理想的人格测量工具。  相似文献   

中国领导干部人格类型研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
敖小兰 《心理科学》2004,27(3):731-734
该文用MBTI中文修订版对中国东部、中部、西部共745名领导干部进行测试,得出了我国领导干部人格类型的总体分布情况,以及不同性别、不同年龄、职务级别、单位性质、工作属地、学历的领导干部在16种人格类型上的分类:我国领导干部人格类型以ESFJ(外向感觉情感判断)类型居多,其次为ESFJ(外向感觉思维判断)类型,并且更多地偏向“S”(感觉)、“F”(情感)和“J”(判断)。  相似文献   

在押毒品犯人格类型的聚类分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张锋  朱海燕 《心理学报》2002,34(2):96-102
目的 :探讨毒品犯的人格分类模型。方法 :以 378名在押毒品犯接受CPI测验数据为基础 ,在 2 0个变量组成的 2 0维空间内对毒品犯进行Q型聚类。结果 :采用分层聚类中的Q型聚类方法分析在押毒品犯的人格类型 ,得到 3种基本的人格类型 ,经F检验和LSD检验 ,表明 3种人格类型在各分量表上的得分具有十分显著的差异。结论 :怯弱 -不成熟型、独立 -不成熟型和可控制 -不成熟型 3种人格类型是一个有效的分类模型 ;这一分类模型有助于监狱开展对在押毒品犯的分类矫治工作  相似文献   

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI; Myers & McCaulley, 1985) was evaluated from the perspectives of Jung's theory of psychological types and the five-factor model of personality as measured by self-reports and peer ratings on the NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI; Costa & McCrae, 1985b). Data were provided by 267 men and 201 women ages 19 to 93. Consistent with earlier research and evaluations, there was no support for the view that the MBTI measures truly dichotomous preferences or qualitatively distinct types; instead, the instrument measures four relatively independent dimensions. The interpretation of the Judging-Perceiving index was also called into question. The data suggest that Jung's theory is either incorrect or inadequately operationalized by the MBTI and cannot provide a sound basis for interpreting it. However, correlational analyses showed that the four MBTI indices did measure aspects of four of the five major dimensions of normal personality. The five-factor model provides an alternative basis for interpreting MBTI findings within a broader, more commonly shared conceptual framework.  相似文献   

Despite its immense popularity and impressive longevity, the Myers‐Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) has existed in a parallel universe to social and personality psychology. Here, we seek to increase academic awareness of this incredibly popular idea and provide a novel teaching reference for its conceptual flaws. We focus on examining the validity of the Jungian‐based theory behind MBTI that specifies that people have a “true type” delineated across four dichotomies. We find that the MBTI theory falters on rigorous theoretical criteria in that it lacks agreement with known facts and data, lacks testability, and possesses internal contradictions. We further discuss what MBTI's continued popularity says about how the general public might evaluate scientific theories.  相似文献   

The present paper focuses on approximately two dozen recent published studies that examined reliability and validity of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) in clinical, counseling, and research settings. Several assessments of split-half and test-retest reliability of the standard Form F and shorter Form G of the Inventory have yielded generally satisfactory correlations for all four scales. A larger number of studies of construct validity of the MBTI have yielded support for research hypotheses in situations ranging from correlations of the MBTI with a personality inventory, to couples problems in a counseling setting, to line judgment in groups, and others. Therefore, the applications of the MBTI have been broad, although somewhat unsystematic, and with generally favorable validity assessment. Continued attempts to validate the instrument in a variety of settings are needed.  相似文献   

This study attempts to bring a fresh perspective to the study of presidential personality. Critics of the personality approach doubt that personality really has much impact on presidential leadership, and they question whether the approach will contribute to the development of a presidential leadership theory. Critics also see problems with the conceptualization of personality variables in particular studies, such as James David Barber's much-praised, much-maligned The Presidential Character . The study proposes the use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) to analyze the relationship between presidential personality and presidential leadership. Administered to about 1.7 million people annually by psychologists, career counselors, and business managers, the MBTI makes possible the classification of each president as one of 16 personality types, and it offers predictions about many characteristics of leadership style for each type. The study concludes with an extensive MBTI analysis of President Clinton's leadership style.  相似文献   

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is based on Jungian psychological theory and provides a tool for counselors to understand themselves and appreciate the diversity of their clients. Ways to apply the Indicator in work situations, research on type related to careers, and suggestions for employment counselors' use are presented. The most important reason for using the MBTI is that it provides a way of appreciating human differences and enhancing self-esteem.  相似文献   

This study is designed to explore the measurement properties and utilities of the Myers-Briggs Type indicator (MBTI) items when the two competing alternatives of individual items were rated separately on a 7-step, free-response continuum. Data were collected from 125 college students who volunteered for this study. Ratings were also obtained from subjects on occupational preferences reported to be leading occupational choices for the 16 MBTI personality types. Major analytic results include the findings of: (a) high factorial validity of unipolar ratings in separate analyses of the two alternatives of MBTI items, (b) high reliability coefficients for all eight preference poles and high convergent and discriminant validities for each of the four MBTI scales, and (c) four significant factors emerging from the combined factor analysis of subjects scores on occupational preferences and MBTI personality poles. Finally, the empirical evidence was discussed about the linkage between Jung theoretical constructs of personality typologies and the MBTI scales. The possibility of just using unipolar ratings for MBTI items in a continuous-response format was also suggested.  相似文献   

杨慧芳 《心理科学》2011,34(4):915-919
采用问卷法对个性心理因素中的人格、决策模式与非理性金融行为的关系进行了研究。研究结果表明:人格、决策模式对非理性金融行为有显著影响,不同人格类型、不同决策模式的个体的非理性金融行为差异显著。研究发现,人格、决策模式对各类非理性金融行为以及各类非理性金融行为总和的预测力皆达显著,并且对不同的非理性金融行为有不同预测力;理智型、即时型、依赖型的决策模式与感觉-直觉人格维度对非理性金融行为总和的预测力显著。  相似文献   

The Five-Factor Model (FFM) of personality traits has been widely adopted and applied to a diverse set of issues in psychology and related disciplines. In this article, we identify a number of unresolved questions and propose new directions for research using the FFM. In clinical psychology, research is needed on the optimal ways to utilize personality assessments in psychotherapy. Acculturation studies are crucial for an understanding of the origins of national differences in trait levels. The large literatures on personality and on the self should be better integrated, adding a process perspective to trait psychology. Personality psychology should begin to transcend the individual, examining the consequences of aggregate personality traits in dyads, organizations, and nations. Applications of the FFM appear to be limited only by the creativity and industry of researchers.  相似文献   

This article investigates the relationship between natural language and personality characteristics. In particular, an effort was made to determine whether "thinkers" and "feelers," as defined by Jung's typologies, differ in terms of the language they use to express themselves. First, a linguistic content analysis scale was developed. Next, 5-min verbal samples were obtained from subjects and content analyzed. Content analysis scores were correlated with subjects' self-evaluations and their scores on the Thinking-Feeling scale of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Gender differences relating to thinking-feeling preferences were also investigated. Significant correlations between content analysis and MBTI scores were obtained, suggesting that valid information regarding individual preferences for thinking versus feeling may be obtained through the analysis of natural language. Males and females differed significantly in terms of their MBTI scores and self-evaluations, but not in their content analysis scores.  相似文献   

We examined Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) score distributions computed using item response theory (IRT) to assess the generalizability of earlier bimodality reports that have been cited in support of the "type" versus "trait" view of personality. Using the BILOG IRT program to score a sample of approximately 12,000 individuals who participated in leadership development programs, theta score distributions for the 4 dimensions of the MBTI computed using 10 (the BILOG default) versus 50 quadrature points were compared. Results indicated that past reports of bimodality were artifacts caused by BILOG's default use of a small number of quadrature points; when larger numbers of points were used, score distributions became strongly center-weighted. Although our findings are not supportive of the "type"-based hypothesis, the extremely high correlations between theta scores (rs > .996) suggest that no practical differences would be expected as a function of the number-of-quadrature-points decision.  相似文献   

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