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In cart-pole balancing, one moves a cart in 1 dimension so as to balance an attached inverted pendulum. We approached perception-action and learning in this task from an ecological perspective. This entailed identifying a space of informational variables that balancers use as they perform the task and demonstrating that they improve by traversing the space to the loci of more useful variables. We presented a novel information space-including fractional derivatives of pendulum angle (e.g., halfway between angle and angular velocity)-as possible information for balancing. Fourteen college students tried to meet a criterion of balancing the pole for 30 s on 3 of 5 successive trials, up to a maximum of 150 attempts. Loci in the fractional derivative space predicted the time series of force production well. Systematic differences were seen in loci as a function of success, and systematic changes in locus were seen with learning. The fractional derivatives were shown to predict pole angles a short time interval into the future, allowing balancers to prospectively control the action and thereby nullify visuomotor delay. In addition to loci in the information space, we analyzed loci in a calibration space, reflecting the gain relating force to information. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   

In recent approaches to social judgment, information distortion has been discussed primarily as a violation of individual rationality, due to unintentionally occurring biases. In contrast to this view, it is argued that frequently individuals make purposive use of selective changes in information processing in order to avoid indecisiveness. In this sense, selective changes in information processing may be considered a functional requirement of a volitional process which protects the current intention (or tentative decision) from being replaced by competing behavioral tendencies. On the basis of J. Kuhl's theory of action control (1981, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 40, 155–170; 1982, in W. Hacker, W. Volpert, & M. von Cranach, Eds., Cognitive and Motivational Aspects of Action, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1984, in B. A. Maher, Progress in Experimental Personality Research, Vol. 13, New York: Academic Press) it was predicted that subjects having a high score on the action-control scale (i.e., action-oriented subjects) should show a stronger tendency to increase the attractiveness rating of a tentatively preferred decision during the process of decision making than subjects scoring low on that scale (i.e., state-oriented subjects). To test this assumption, students searching for an apartment were offered 16 apartments along with a list containing information about the alternatives. The subjects had to rate the attractiveness of each apartment twice before they were asked to indicate which apartments they would like to rent. The results confirmed the predictions. It was found that action-oriented subjects increased the divergence of their attractiveness ratings from the first to the second point of evaluation, whereas state-oriented subjects did not.  相似文献   

Our project in this essay is to showcase nonnaturalistic moral realism’s resources for responding to metaphysical and epistemological objections by taking the view in some new directions. The central thesis we will argue for is that there is a battery of substantive moral propositions that are also nonnaturalistic conceptual truths. We call these propositions the moral fixed points. We will argue that they must find a place in any system of moral norms that applies to beings like us, in worlds similar to our own. By committing themselves to true propositions of these sorts, nonnaturalists can fashion a view that is highly attractive in its own right, and resistant to the most prominent objections that have been pressed against it.  相似文献   

There are several views about the organization of memory functions in the human prefrontal cortex. One view assumes a process-specific brain lateralization according to different memory subprocesses, that is, encoding and retrieval. An alternative view emphasizes content-specific lateralization of brain systems involved in memory processes. This study addresses this apparent inconsistency between process- and content-specific lateralization of brain activity by investigating the effects of verbal and nonverbal encoding on prefrontal activations during encoding and retrieval of environmental novel sounds using fMRI. An intentional memory task was applied in which subjects were required either to judge the sounds' loudness (nonverbal encoding task) or to indicate whether or not a sound can be verbally described (verbal encoding task). Retrieval processes were examined in a subsequent yes/no recognition test. In the study phase the right posterior dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) was activated in both tasks. During verbal encoding additional activation of the left dorsolateral PFC was obtained. Retrieval-related fMRI activity varied as a function of encoding task: For the nonverbal task we detected an activation focus in the right posterior dorsolateral PFC whereas an activation in the left dorsolateral PFC was observed for the verbal task. These findings indicate that the right dorsolateral PFC is engaged in encoding of auditory information irrespective of encoding task. The lateralization of PFC activity during retrieval was shown to depend on the availability of verbal codes, with left hemispheric involvement for verbally and right hemispheric activation for nonverbally coded information.  相似文献   

The role of central information processing for the acquisition of information about locations in a large-scale environment was investigated in two experiments. Subjects with and without a concurrent backwards counting task traversed a locomotion path repeatedly attempting to learn the locations of six reference points designated along the path, then estimated direction and distance numerically to these reference points when traversing the same path further times in a subsequent test phase. The main dependent measures were the latencies and the constant and variable errors of the estimates. The results indicated that acquisition of information about the locations was disrupted when central information processing was interfered with. However, central processing seemed to be less critical for long-term storage of information about the locomotion path. The latter type of information could thus be used by the subjects with the concurrent task when estimating the locations. Finally, the results suggested that information about the path was used also by the subjects without any concurrent task when the test phase required them to remain oriented relative to several reference points at the same time.  相似文献   

Maintenance of orientation relative to reference points along a locomotion path and acquisition of locational information about these reference points were investigated by requiring subjects with and without a concurrent backwards counting task to walk in alleys and estimate direction and distance to the reference points when stopped. One or three reference points were presented on each trial in different groups of subjects. Acquisition of locational information was indicated by decreased latencies and variable errors with repeated exposure to the same locomotion path. Neither the larger number of reference points nor the concurrent task seemed to affect acquisition, but both lead to increased latencies indicating that the subjects under these conditions were unable to keep track of the locations of the reference points whilst walking. However, they may still have been able to infer these locations after the locomotion path had been traversed.  相似文献   

Maintaining an unstable equilibrium requires that multiple joints be coordinated so that the center of mass is kept above the base of support. The authors' aim in the present study was to discover the underlying dynamics of local (foot, hip, or head) and global (center of mass) components involved in balance control and how those dynamics are affected by changes in the available information. Participants (N = 6) had to maintain their balance on an unstable platform. Using dimensional analyses (largest Lyapunov exponent and correlation dimension), the authors examined the active degrees of freedom involved in balance control. Results indicated a similarity in dimension between local (joints) and global (center of mass) components, between a fixed point and a limit cycle. The behavior of the center of mass was found to be more predictable than the behavior of its local constituents. In addition, the available visual information affected the predictability of the postural behavior, which suggests that vision is used in the stabilization of the low-dimensional dynamics underlying balance control.  相似文献   

Reducing the number of traffic accidents due to human errors is an urgent need in several countries around the world. In this scenario, the use of human-robot interaction (HRI) strategies has recently shown to be a feasible solution to compensate human limitations while driving. In this work we propose a HRI system which uses the driver’s cognitive factors and driving style information to improve safety. To achieve this, deep neural networks based approaches are used to detect human cognitive parameters such as sleepiness, driver’s age and head posture. Additionally, driving style information is also obtained through speed analysis and external traffic information. Finally, a fuzzy-based decision-making stage is proposed to manage both human cognitive information and driving style, and then limit the maximum allowed speed of a vehicle. The results showed that we were able to detect human cognitive parameters such as sleepiness –63% to 88% accuracy–, driver’s age –80% accuracy– and head posture –90.42% to 97.86% accuracy– as well as driving style –87.8% average accuracy. Based on such results, the fuzzy-based architecture was able to limit the maximum allowed speed for different scenarios, reducing it from 50 km/h to 17 km/h. Moreover, the fuzzy-based method showed to be more sensitive with respect to inputs changes than a previous published weighted-based inference method.  相似文献   

Neuroimaging studies with positron emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance imaging have begun to describe the functional neuroanatomy of human emotion. Taken separately, specific studies vary in task dimensions and in type(s) of emotion studied, and are limited by statistical power and sensitivity. By examining findings across studies in a meta-analysis, we sought to determine if common or segregated patterns of activations exist in different emotions and across various emotional tasks. We surveyed over 55 positron emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance imaging activation studies, which investigated emotion in healthy subjects. This paper will review observations in several regions of interest in limbic (eg, amygdala, anterior cingulate cortex) and paralimbic (eg, medial prefrontal cortex, insula) brain regions in emotional responding.  相似文献   

Testing the hypothesis that spatial localization can be based on an abstracted spatial location code, rather than on stored proprioceptive information, orientation of an unseen limb was contrasted under intra- and interlimb-movement conditions. In Experiment 1, movements were executed in the midline either vertically upward or horizontally forward in the sagittal plane. These results revealed that intralimb errors were smaller than interlimb errors only at the most distant criterion spatial targets, and it was hypothesized that positioning of a limb could be mediated by a spatial location code if spatial targets were coded in association with body reference points. Experiment 2 tested the egocentric referent hypothesis further by manipulating the availability of body-based spatial reference points under intra- and interlimb conditions. At spatial targets that could be coded in conjunction with body reference points, no difference was found between intra- and interlimb accuracy. In contrast, at spatial targets where body reference points were absent, or at least made difficult to rely on, accuracy was greater in the intralimb condition. It was concluded that spatial reference points, in this instance body-based, are necessary if the spatial positioning of a limb is to be based on the spatial location code. The data were also discussed within a more comprehensive framework of spatial frames of reference.  相似文献   

The effect that ratio schedules of reinforcement had upon variability of responding was investigated in college students. Subjects were paid $0.02 contingent upon completion of eight presses, distributed in any combination across two push buttons; 256 different sequences were possible. Sequence emission was reinforced according to fixed- and variable-ratio schedules. Ratio requirements of 1, 2, 4 and 8 were presented in alternate components of a multiple schedule. The variability engendered by variable-ratio schedules was also compared to that engendered by fixed ratios. Variability increased with ratio size, irrespective of whether the schedule requirement was fixed or variable. The data demonstrate the similarity between the determinants of human and nonhuman variability, and they illustrate the role of ratio size in determining variability in operant behavior.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is now widely accepted as a tool for analyzing human brain function. Since the realization of fMRI in the early 1990s, numerous reports have been published. In this paper, we present three studies. The first examined syntactic processing of Japanese sentences and the results prove that Broca's area is involved in the use of grammar. The second study compared binocular with monocular stereopsis. There were significant activations in the right inferior parietal lobe. The third study concerned the encoding and retrieval processes underlying face recognition. It revealed activations mainly in the right prefrontal areas, which is contrary to the hemispheric encoding and retrieval asymmetry (HERA) theory. fMRI will continue to play an important role in the analysis of human brain function.  相似文献   

Acquisition of cognitive maps (locational information about reference points) was investigated by requiring subjects to walk repeatedly according to paths consisting of 2, 4 and 6 linear segments. The starting point of each path was designated as a reference point, to which direction and distance were estimated by the subjects at the end of the path. Acquisition was indicated by the finding that variable errors and latencies decreased across blocks of trials. Interfering with central processing of locational information during locomotion by means of a concurrent task, while impairing orientation performance, did not seem to prevent acquisition. As suggested by an increase in latencies with the number of path segments, the subjects performing the concurrent task may have been able to infer and store the location of the starting point after walking. Finally, orientation performance did not improve for blindfolded subjects, probably because they were unable to use stored information about locations.  相似文献   

Cognitive psychologists have characterized the temporal properties of human information processing in terms of discrete and continuous models. Discrete models postulate that component mental processes transmit a finite number of intermittent outputs (quanta) of information over time, whereas continuous models postulate that information is transmitted in a gradual fashion. These postulates may be tested by using an adaptive response-priming procedure and analysis of reaction-time mixture distributions. Three experiments based on this procedure and analysis are reported. The experiments involved varying the temporal interval between the onsets of a prime stimulus and a subsequent test stimulus to which a response had to be made. Reaction time was measured as a function of the duration of the priming interval and the type of prime stimulus. Discrete models predict that manipulations of the priming interval should yield a family of reaction-time mixture distributions formed from a finite number of underlying basis distributions, corresponding to distinct preparatory states. Continuous models make a different prediction. Goodness-of-fit tests between these predictions and the data supported either the discrete or the continuous models, depending on the nature of the stimuli and responses being used. When there were only two alternative responses and the stimulus-response mapping was a compatible one, discrete models with two or three states of preparation fit the results best. For larger response sets with an incompatible stimulus-response mapping, a continuous model fit some of the data better. These results are relevant to the interpretation of reaction-time data in a variety of contexts and to the analysis of speed-accuracy trade-offs in mental processes.  相似文献   

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