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Books reviewed in this article:
Creation and the History of Science . By C hristopher K aiser .
Conceptual Revolutions . By P aul T hagard .
Pierre Duhem: Philosophy and History in the Work Of a Believing Physicist . By R.N.D. M artin .
German Science . By P ierre D uhem .
Mortal Questions . By T homas N agel .  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Tradition in Science . By W erner H eisenberg .
Order and Organism: Steps to a Whiteheadian Philosophy of Mathematics and the Natural Sciences . By M urray C ode .
Transfornation and Convergence in the Frame of Knowledge: Explorations in the Interrelations of Scientific and Theolgoical Enterprise. By T homas F. T orrance .
The Christian Frame of Mind. By T homas F. torrance .
Darwin's Legacy. Edited by C harles L. H amrum .
The Universe Is a Green Dragon: A Cosmic Creation Story. By B rian S wimme .
Einstein's Space and Van Gogh's Sky: Physical Reality and Beyond. By L awrence L eshan and H enry M argenau .
Insight-lmagmataon: The Emancipataon of Thought and the Modern World. By D ouglas S loan .  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
The Great Living System: The Religion Emerging From the Sciences By J ohn R uskin C lark .
Science and Reality: Recent Work in the Philosophy of Science Edited by J ames T. C ushing , C. F. D elaney , And G ary M. G utting .
Evil and Evolution: A Theodicy. By R ichard W. K ropf .
Process Ethics: A Constructive System , By K enneth C authen .  相似文献   

Reviews in this article:
The Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology Watcher . By L ewis T homas .
New Theology No. 10 . Edited by M artin E. M arty and D ean G. P eerman .
The World System: Models, Norms, Appliccitioiis . Edited by E rvin L aszi .
Meaning and Method: Prolegomena to ai Scientific Philosophy of Religion and a Scientific Theology . By A nders N ygren .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Beyond Objectivism and Relativism: Science, Hermeneutics, and Praxis . By R ichard J. B ernstein .
Reason and the Search for Knowledge: Investigations in the Philosophy of Science . By D udley S hapere .
For Creation's Sake: Preaching, Ecology & Justice . Edited by D ieter T. H essel .  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article.
God and the New Physics. By P aul D avies .
Cosmology and Theology. Edited by D avid T racy and N icholas L ash .
Discovering Reality: Feminist Perspectives on Epistemology, Metaphysics, and Philosophy of Science. Edited by S andra H arding and M errill B. H intikka .
Experimenting with Truth: The Fusion of Religion with Technology, Needed for Humanity's Survival. By R ustum R oy .
The Creation of Consciousness: Jung's Myth for Modern Man. By E dward F. E dinger .
The Naked Public Square: Religion and Democracy in America. By R ichard N euhaus .  相似文献   

《The Philosophical quarterly》2005,55(220):504-540
Book reviewed in this article:
Plato on Knowledge and Forms: Selected Essays . By G ail F ine .
The Dialectic of Essence: a Study of Plato's Metaphysics . By A llan S ilverman .
Hobbes, Locke, and Confusion's Masterpiece: an Examination of Seventeenth-Century Political Philosophy . B y R oss H arrison .
A Defense of Hume on Miracles . B y R obert J. F ogelin .
Freedom and Anthropology in Kant's Moral Philosophy . B y P atrick R. F rierson .
Sittengesetz und Freiheit: Untersuchungen zu Immanuel Kants Theorie des freien Willens . B y J ens T immermann .
On Liberty . By J ohn S tuart M ill . E dited by D avid B romwich and G eorge K ateb .
Donald Davidson . E dited by K irk L udwig .
A Philosophical Guide to Conditionals . B y J onathan B ennett .
Modality . B y J oseph M elia .
Agency and Self-Awareness: Issues in Philosophy and Psychology . E dited by J ohannes R oessler and N aomi E ilan .
Defending Science – Within Reason . B y S usan H aack .
Natural Ethical Facts: Evolution, Connectionism, and Moral Cognition . B y W illiam C ase-beer .
Liberalism, Constitutionalism, and Democracy . B y R ussell H ardin .
Indeterminacy and Society . B y R ussell H ardin .
Does God Exist? The Craig—Flew Debatez . E dited by S tan W. W allace .
The Creation of Art . E dited by B erys G aut and P aisley L ivingston .  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
The Cosmic Blueprint: New Discoveries in Nature's Ability to Order the Universe. By P aul D avies.
But Is It Science' The Philosophical Question in the Creation/Evolution Controversy. Edited by M ichael R use .
The Darwinian Paradigm: Essays on Its History, Philosophy and Religious Implications . By M ichael R use .
Philosophy of Biology Today. By M ichael R use.
Science and Providence: God's Interaction with the World. By J ohn P olk -I nghorne .
Universe: An Evolutionary Approach to Astronomy. By E ric C haisson .  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1973,14(1):72-107
Book reviewed in this article:
The Meaning of Righteousness in Paul . By J. A. Z iesler .
Clement of Alexandria: A Study in Christian Platonism and Gnosticism . By S alvatore R. C. L illa .
Ancient Rhetoric and the Art of Tertullian . By R obert D ick S ider .
Tertullian, A Historical and Literary Study . By T imothy D avid B arnes .
Cluniac Monasticism in the Middle Ages . Edited by N oreen H unt .
Papal Judges Delegate in the Province of Canterbury 1198–1254 . By J ane E. S ayers .
Itinera Ministri Generalis Bernardini De Arezzo (1691–1698). By P hilippus D e F irenze .
The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman . Volume XXI, January 1864 to June 1865. Edited by C harles S tephen D essain and E dward E. K elly .
The Spirituality of Friedrich von Hügel . By J oseph P. W helan .
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Theologian of Reality . By A ndré D umas .
Contemplation in a World of Action . By T homas M erton .
Merton's Theology of Prayer . By J ohn J. H iggins .
Faith and Order Louvain 1971 .
The Absolute and the Atonement . By I lltyd T rethowan .
Religion and the Scientific Future . By L angdon G ilkey .
Problems of Religious Knowledge . By T erence P enelhum .
An Introduction to Modal Logic . By G. E. H ughes and M. J. C resswell .
Modal Logic and its Applications . By D. P aul S nyder .
Deontic Logic: Introductory and Systematic Readings . Edited by R isto H ilpinen .
Philosophy as Dramatic Theory . By J ulián M arías . Translated from the Spanish by J ames P arsons .
Metaphysical Anthropology: the Empirical Structure of Human Life . By J ulián M arías . Translated by F rances M. L ópez -M orillas .
Shadows of Heaven . By G unnar U rang .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《The Philosophical quarterly》2004,54(216):463-492
Knowing Persons: a Study in Plato. By Lloyd Gerson.
Cognition of Value in Aristotle's Ethics: Promise of Enrichment, Threat of Destruction. By Deborah Achtenberg.
Aristotle: Political Philosophy. By Richard Kraut.
Mind, Metaphysics and Value in the Thomistic and Analytical Traditions. Edited By John Haldane.
Thomas Aquinas: Approaches to Truth. Edited By James Mcevoy and Michael Dunne
After Aquinas: Versions of Thomism. By Fergus Kerr
Aquinas. By Brian Davies
Thomas Aquinas on Human Nature. By Robert Pasnau
A Companion to Early Modern Philosophy. Edited By Steven Nadler
Kant: a Biography. by Manfred Kuehn
Knowledge and its Place in Nature. by Hilary Kornblith
Belief's Own Ethics. By Jonathan E. Adler
Intellectual Trust in Oneself and Others. by Richard Foley
Impartiality in Moral and Political Philosophy. by Susan Mendus
The Culture of Toleration in Diverse Societies. Edited by Catriona Mckinnon and Dario Castiglione
The Moral and Political Status of Children. Edited by David Archard and Colin Macleod  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Cultural Psychology: Essays on Comparative Human Development . Edited by J ames W. S tigler , R ichard A. S hweder , and G ilbert H erdt .
Technology and Religion. (Vol. 10 of Research in Philosophy and Technology . Edited by F rederick F erre .
Human Universals . By D onald E. B rown .
A Theory of Religion . By R odney S tark and W illiam S ims B ainbridge .
Creation and the History of Science . By C hristopher K aiser .
Portraits of Creation: Biblical and Scientijiic Perspectiues on the World's Formtion . By H oward J. V an T ill , R obert E. S now , J ohn H. S tek , and D avis A. Y oung .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Equality and Partiality . By Thomas Nagel.
Multiculturalism and "The Politics of Recognition". By Charles Taylor.
Autonomy and self-respect. By Thomas E. Hill.
Dignity and Practical Reason in Kant's Moral Theory. By Thomas E. Hill.
Science and Subjectivity: The Vienna Circle and Twentieth Century Philosophy. Edited by David Bell and Wilhelm Vossenkuhl.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Universes. By J ohn L eslie .
Physical Cosmology and Philosophy. Edited by J ohn L eslie .
The Biology of Moral Systems. By R ichard D. A lexander .
An Interpretation of Religion: Human Responses to the Transcendent. By J ohn H ick .  相似文献   

Book Review     
Book reviewed in this article:
RELIGION, TRUTH AMD LANGUAGE-GAMES By Patrick Sherry Library of Philosophy and Religion, John Hick.
ON THINKING By Gilbert Ryle  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article.
Erikson: Identity and Religion. By J. E ugene W right , J r .
Insights and Oversights of Great Thinkers: An Evaluation of Western Philosophy. By C harles H artshorne .
The Gospel from Outer Space. By R obert L. S hort .
The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics as the Language of Nature. By H einz R. P agels .
Science, Theology and Einstein. By I ain P aul .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Semantic Tradition from Kant to Carnap: To the Vienna Station. By J. Alberto Coffa (edited by Linda Wessels).
The Crooked Timber of Humanity. By Isaiah Berlin.
Nietzsche on Truth and Philosophy. By Maudemarie Clark.
Situating the Self: Gender, Community and Postmodernism in Contemporary Ethics. By Seyla Benhabib.
Die Konstitution der Moralität: Transzendentale Anthropologie und praktische Philosophie. By Thomas Rentsch.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Punishment — A Philosophy & Public Affairs Reader. Edited by A. John Simmons, Marshall Cohen, Joshua Cohen, and Charles Beitz.
Aristotle's Rhetoric: Philosophical Essays. Edited by David J. Furley and Alexander Nehamas.
Past, Space and Self. By John Campbell.
Vorlesungen über Ethik. By Ernst Tugendhat.  相似文献   

Brain Research and Personhood: A Philosophical Theological Inquiry. By E ugene P. W ratchford.
Charles Darwin and the Problem of Creation. By N eal C. G illespie.
Creativity and God: A Challenge to Process Theology. By R obert C. N eville.
Creation and the World of Science. By A. R. P eacocke.
Physics and Philosophy: Selected Essays. By H enry M argenau.
Biblical Games: A Strategic Analysis of Stories in the Old Testament. By S teven J. B rams.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Study of Religion and Its Meaning: New Explorations in Light of Karl Popper and Émile Durkheim. By J. E. BARNHART.
The Triumph of Evolution: American Scientists and the Heredity-Environment Controversy, 1900–1941. By HAMILTON CRAVENS.
Mind and Nature: A Necessary Unity. By GREGORY BATESON.
Our Cosmic Journey: Christian Anthropology in the Light 4 Current Trends in the Sciences, Philosophy, and Theology. By HANS SCHWARZ.
Scientists and World Order: The Uses of Technical Knowledge in International Organizations. By ERNEST B. HAAS, MARY PAT WILLIAMS, and DON BABAI.
The Road of Science and the Ways to God. By STANLEY L. JAKI.  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Meaning and Purpose in the Intact Brain: A Philosophical, Psychological, Biological Account of Conscious Processes . By R obert M iller
Liturgies and Trials: The Secularization of Religious Language . By R ichard K. F enn
The Compromised Scientist: William James in the Development of American Psychology . By D aniel W. B jork
Through a Darkening Glass: Philosophy, Literature and Cultural Change . By D. Z. P hillips
Mechanistic and Nonmechanistic Science: An Investigation Into the Nature of Consciousness and Form . By R ichard L. T hompson
Religion, Revelation and Reason . By E ric R ust  相似文献   

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