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本研究基于双元孝道模型和病理性互联网使用的认知行为模型,考察双元孝道信念对网络成瘾的影响,并检验非适应性认知的中介作用。以1152名大学生为被试,采用双元孝道信念量表、非适应性认知量表和网络成瘾量表进行测试,结果发现:(1)互惠性孝道和非适应性认知显著负相关,和网络成瘾显著负相关;权威性孝道和非适应性认知显著正相关,和网络成瘾显著正相关;非适应性认知和网络成瘾显著正相关;(2)非适应性认知在孝道信念与网络成瘾之间起中介作用。具体而言,互惠性孝道负向影响非适应性认知,权威性孝道正向影响非适应性认知,非适应性认知正向影响网络成瘾。本研究的结果表明,根植于中国传统文化的孝道信念通过非适应性认知的中介作用影响网络成瘾;而且互惠性孝道和权威性孝道具有相反的作用。  相似文献   

采用孝道认知量表和简式父母教养方式问卷, 调查了479名青年子女的传统孝观念, 探讨在青年独生和非独生子女群体中, 传统孝观念的保持情况, 以及传统孝观念与早期(18岁以前)父母教养行为的关系。结果发现:(1)青年子女的传统孝观念整体上有弱化的趋势;独生子女和非独生子女的孝观念并无显著差异;(2)性别对传统孝观念存在一定影响, 女性尊亲恳亲和奉养祭念的孝观念显著强于男性;(3)父母的教养行为与子女孝观念的强弱有密切关联, 且这种关联因家庭结构的不同而存在差异。  相似文献   

The necessity to criticize Pellegrino and Thomasma's ‘A philosophical basis of medical practice’ on all methodological levels of scientific practice is defended; a transcendental critique such as their approach is inconsistent with the possibility of science, a theoretical refutation of their work which is internally inconsistent due to its phenomenological/pragmatic stand, an empirical critique of their readings of historical and sociological findings, and a rejection of the possible application of their approach as its social effects sustain or enhance ideological notions about health, healing and the medical practice. Due to the scope of the work under criticism and the breadth of our critique, we cannot give a detailed account on every issue mentioned here.  相似文献   

Passport to Duke     
Editor’s Introduction The following text was prepared by Pierre Bourdieu for delivery at a conference on his work held at Duke University, April 21–23, 1995. Entitled “Pierre Bourdieu: Fieldwork in Culture,” the conference was sponsored by the Duke Graduate Program in Literature and included such well-known literary scholars as Barbara Herrnstein Smith, Jonathan Culler, and Fredric Jameson. Bourdieu, of course, was the invited guest of honor, but was uncertain as to whether he should make the effort of attending, particularly since he was recovering from a short period of poor health. As I too had been invited (and seemed more familiar with the American scene), Bourdieu discussed the question with me in Paris. He was rather concerned about wrongheaded, trendy applications of his theories by American literary scholars, who often misunderstand his work because they simply do not know the intellectual landscape to which it relates. Reading such conference paper titles as “Cross-Dressing for Success: The Scramble for Symbolic Power in Tabitha Sweeney’s Female Quixotism,” Bourdieu confessed his fear of being taken as simply the French intellectual flavor of the month, one whose theory is used simply as grist for the American academy’s industrious mills of literary interpretation. He ultimately decided to send the following text to be read at the conference in his absence. It treats, with polite frankness, his worries about being misinterpreted through importation into the American theoretical field with its peculiar conception of French philosophy; Bourdieu’s paper situates these particular worries within a more general account of “allodoxic”distortions caused by the international travel of theory; but it also tries to prevent further misunderstanding by offering a brief contextualization of his theory and a brief summary of his method of analysis through fields. The translation of Bourdieu’s text was prepared by Loïc Wacquant, and is presented here with only minor adjustments.  相似文献   

This paper explores De Finetti’s generalized versions of Dutch Book and Accuracy Domination theorems. Following proposals due to Jeff Paris, we construe these as underpinning a generalized probabilism appropriate to belief states against either a classical or a non-classical background. Both results are straightforward corollaries of the separating hyperplane theorem; their geometrical relationship is examined. It is shown that each point of Accuracy Domination for b induces a Dutch Book on b; but Dutch Books may need to be ‘scaled’ in order to find a point of Accuracy-Domination. Finally, diachronic Dutch Book defences of conditionalization are examined in the general setting. The formulation and limitations of the generalized conditionalization this delivers are examined.  相似文献   

This paper re-evaluates the significance of Jesus for Nietzsche by looking at The Anti-Christ. Specifically we will ask whether a re-evaluation of this relation can shed new light on Nietzsche’s critique of Christianity. And we will do this first by surveying the standard interpretations of this issue, as well as the existing literature on The Anti-Christ. Arguing that the latter picks out nothing new regarding a critique of Christianity, we nonetheless suggest that a new criticism can be developed via the discussion of Jesus there. Further, this can be done by looking at the account given of faith and belief in that text. That is, we will explore the status of Jesus for Nietzsche by looking at the origins and development of “faith” as a mode of belief. In particular, we trace the former’s development as a type from a basic mode of faith. As such, we begin by looking at the psychological origins of this kind of belief in “decadence”, and why Nietzsche is critical of this. However, we will then discuss the emergence of a more positive faith in the form of Buddhism, and see how this represents an analogue for Jesus’s faith. Continuing, we will see how Jesus signifies a similar problematic development, but also “overcoming”, of initial decadence faith. And we will argue, also, that this overcoming is rooted in his emphasis on the immediacy of lived experience. Finally though, we will look at how Christianity returns Jesus’s more productive relation to the world again to a primitive mode of faith. In other words, we will see how Christianity converts the fluid, lived, “faith” of Jesus into something again based on transcendent belief. And lastly, we will ask what new light this point sheds on Nietzsche’s critique of Christianity, and his affinity with Jesus the man.  相似文献   

Although some studies have revealed that traditional filial piety belief is weakening, few have explored whether and how the role of the belief in social life has changed correspondingly. The present study used questionnaires to examine solutions to filial piety dilemmas and the roles of contextual theme, filial piety beliefs, and generation in a sample of 123 young and 92 middle‐aged Chinese adults. With respect to the solutions adopted to solve parent?child conflicts, preferences varied depending on the dilemma themes. Specifically, participants were more likely to select a self‐sacrifice (rather than an ego‐centered) solution for respect dilemmas than for caring dilemmas, and least likely to do so for obedience dilemmas. Participants were also likely to select a balancing (rather than an ego‐centered) solution for respect or caring dilemmas than for obedience dilemmas. In addition, the concordance between beliefs and solutions was exhibited in reciprocal, but not authoritarian, filial piety beliefs. Individuals with stronger reciprocal filial piety beliefs were more likely to select self‐sacrifice or balancing solutions than ego‐centered solutions whereas authoritarian filial piety showed no influence on solutions for either young or middle‐aged adults. Furthermore, the generation effect was not significant, and the solution selection did not differ between young and middle‐aged adults.  相似文献   

The Psychological Techniques of Martin Luther Thomas' Radio Addresses (Adorno, 2000) echoes Adorno's analogous critique of the culture industry by detecting an ideological effect, prior to any given content, intrinsic to the form of radio religion. Notwithstanding the text's narrowness, I argue that Adorno's analysis of Thomas' ‘fait accompli technique’—presenting claims as previously established certainties—was both typical of his work and insightful for issues in cultural criticism. First, it refused subjectivist reductions of sociological effects to false consciousness. Second, it warned that historicism runs the risk of repeating the fait accompli when it treats what exists empirically as the only possible reality, or when it treats empirical givens as representatives of a future redemption. I argue that Adorno's dismissal of religious radio was consistent with his critique of positivism, and that the Thomas study models an historicist methodology that refuses, against its own logic, to reduce otherness to its own categories.  相似文献   

In this brief reply I argue that criticisms of the hiddenness argument recently published in this journal by Imran Aijaz and Markus Weidler are without force. As will be shown, their critique of my conceptual version of the argument misses the mark by missing crucial distinctions. Their critique of my analogical version of the argument misunderstands that argument and also misapplies the work of W. H. Vanstone. And their critique of my view that belief is necessary for a certain kind of relationship with God overlooks both some central features of that kind of relationship and some good reasons for not accepting acceptance or anything similarly nonbelieving as a substitute for belief in this context.  相似文献   

李启明  陈志霞 《心理科学》2016,39(5):1216-1222
基于代际传递的视角,入户配对调查了439户亲子被试,构建并检验了物质主义对双元孝道直接和间接的影响模型。结果显示:(1)亲子的物质主义都显著负向预测子女的权威性孝道和互惠性孝道;(2)物质主义存在较强的代际传递效应,且父母物质主义以子女物质主义为中介变量间接负向预测子女的权威性孝道和互惠性孝道;(3)权威性孝道和互惠性孝道都存在较强的代际传递效应,子女物质主义在其中起了显著的负向调节作用,但父母物质主义的调节效应未达显著水平。据此结果,揭示亲子的物质主义对权威性孝道和互惠性孝道的多重负面影响路径,这对学校和家庭的孝道教育具有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

《易传》作者有意表明了对《易经》的研究与评价的立场 ,《易传》文本包含有关美学—文学思想的内容。在前人研究的基础上 ,本文拾遗补阙 ,论述《易传》之“美”有美在自然、自然美高于艺术美、美乃自然而然、无所为而为等方面的内容以及阴柔之为美及其含蓄的特征 ;又 ,关于“修辞立其诚”的意义及其影响 ,关于“衰世之意”、“忧患”著书的意义及其对司马迁“发愤著书”说的影响等等。论述结合了与古今中外美学—文学理论的比较 ,加强证明了《易传》实为《文心雕龙》之先导 ,是我国最早作专书批评的文章—文学理论著作。  相似文献   

While the definition of religion in sociology has been highly contentious, we define religion in this article as simply the acts of piety that are conducted within the religious sphere. The point of this definition is to draw attention to practice and away from belief. This approach to religion appears to be especially useful in the case of contemporary Islam, where female piety has become a significant aspect of religious renewal. The idea of a religious sphere is taken from the work of Luc Boltanski and his colleagues who have coined the expression ‘the inspirational city’. Religion thus consists of acts of piety within the inspirational city, where this space is seen to be in tension with the secular city. The measurement of piety in everyday life sharply differentiates the profane world from religion. These ideas are explored in this article through qualitative data that are drawn from a small sample of pious women in contemporary Malaysia. We explore three aspects of female piety: veiling, polygamy and child-rearing. The article attempts to understand the terms in which piety is measured within the broader context of the Islamization of public life in Malaysia.  相似文献   

The Dutch Book Argument shows that an agent will lose surely in a gamble (a Dutch Book is made) if his degrees of belief do not satisfy the laws of the probability. Yet a question arises here: What does the Dutch Book imply? This paper firstly argues that there exists a utility function following Ramsey’s axioms. And then, it explicates the properties of the utility function and degree of belief respectively. The properties show that coherence in partial beliefs for Subjective Bayesianism means that the degree of belief, representing a belief ordering, satisfies the laws of probability, and that coherence in preferences means that the preferences are represented by expected utilities. A coherent belief ordering and a utility scale induce a coherent preference ordering; a coherent preference ordering induces a coherent belief ordering which can be uniquely represented by a degree-of-belief function. The preferences (values) and beliefs are both incoherent or disordered if a Dutch Book is made.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the concept of authenticity has evolved since the time of Adorno’s critique in The Jargon of Authenticity, and that an analysis of tourism offers a way of grasping the altered status of the concept of authenticity and its current ideological function in the contemporary capitalist system. It is suggested that authenticity no longer refers to an existential state, but instead to a purchased experiential moment. This paper traces the alterations in the understanding of existential authenticity from its origins in existential phenomenology to its current status as a key concept in tourism research. It suggests that, while Adorno’s critique of authenticity has become somewhat outdated due to changes in the social relations of modern capitalism, its central argument still holds true, in that contemporary notions of authenticity still play an ideological role in securing the socio-economic status quo by both expressing and concealing the sense of alienation caused by social relations under capitalism.  相似文献   

采用问卷法对全国六城市共2327名中学生的孝道信念、亲子依恋、人际适应状况(亲社会倾向和人际疏离)进行调查,探讨了中学生孝道信念的特点以及孝道信念、亲子依恋和人际适应间的关系,结果发现:(1)男生的权威性孝道显著高于女生,初中生的互惠性孝道和权威性孝道均显著高于高中生;(2)互惠性孝道与亲社会倾向呈显著正相关,与人际疏离呈显著负相关,权威性孝道与人际适应两维度的相关不显著;(3)互惠性孝道在亲子依恋对人际适应的预测中起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

Integrating Hume's Accounts of Belief and Justification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hume's claim that a state is a belief is often intertwined—though without his remarking on this fact—with epistemic approval of the state. This requires explanation. Beliefs, in Hume's view, are steady dispositions (not lively ideas), nature's provision for a steady influence on the will and action. Hume's epistemic distinctions call attention to circumstances in which the presence of conflicting beliefs undermine a belief's influence and thereby its natural function. On one version of this interpretation, to say that a belief is justified, ceteris paribus , is to say that for all that has been shown the belief would be steady in its influence under suitable reflection. On a second version, it is to say that prima facie justification is an intrinsic property of the state, in virtue of its steadiness. These versions generate different understandings of the relationship between Parts iii and iv of Book I of the Treatise .  相似文献   


This article examines a relatively little-known text, the Kitāb al-ruhbān/Book of Monks, from the ninth-century Muslim moralist, Ibn Abī al-Dunyā. The topical range of Ibn Abī al-Dunyā’s own literary corpus was extensive, yet the concern for ascetic practices forms a consistent thread throughout his work. As for this particular text, the esoteric wisdom associated with asceticism is specifically communicated through the teachings of Christian hermits. The Kitāb al-ruhbān, formulated as a collection of short dialogues and edifying statements regarding Christian monastic piety, profoundly demonstrates the continuing appreciation for monastic insight, particularly amongst Muslim ascetics, well into the Islamic period. There are, moreover, no explicit traces of sectarianism or confessional barriers here. Instead, the sagacious maxims for maintaining a righteous life are often passed from Christian hermits to devout Muslim listeners. This text thus further reveals the intricate connections between Christian monastic communities and medieval Islamic mystical culture.  相似文献   

There are a number of reasons for being interested in uncertainty, and there are also a number of uncertainty formalisms. These formalisms are not unrelated. It is argued that they can all be reflected as special cases of the approach of taking probabilities to be determined by sets of probability functions defined on an algebra of statements. Thus, interval probabilities should be construed as maximum and minimum probabilities within a set of distributions, Glenn Shafer's belief functions should be construed as lower probabilities, etc. Updating probabilities introduces new considerations, and it is shown that the representation of belief as a set of probabilities conflicts in this regard with the updating procedures advocated by Shafer. The attempt to make subjectivistic probability plausible as a doctrine of rational belief by making it more flowery — i.e., by adding new dimensions — does not succeed. But, if one is going to represent beliefs by sets of distributions, those sets of distributions might as well be based in statistical knowledge, as they are in epistemological or evidential probability.  相似文献   


Starting from an analogy with Quine’s two dogmas of empiricism, I offer a (neo-Kantian) critique of two dogmas of analytic historiography: the belief in a cleavage between the justification of a philosophical claim and an account of its genesis and the belief in rational reconstructionism. I take Russell’s rational reconstruction of Leibniz’s philosophy as my detailed example.  相似文献   

This essay argues that Simone Weil appropriates Marx's notion of labor as life activity in order to reposition work as the site of spirituality. Rather than locating spirituality in a religious tradition, doctrine, profession of faith, or in personal piety, Weil places it in the capacity to work. Spirit arises in the activity of living, and more specifically in laboring—in one's engagement with materiality. Utilizing Marx's distinction between living and dead labor, I show how Weil develops a critique of capital as a “force” that disrupts the individual's relation to her own work by reducing it to the mere activity of calculable “production.” Capital reduces labor to an abstraction and thereby uproots human subjectivity, on a systemic scale, from its connection to living praxis, or what Weil calls spirituality. Life itself is exchanged for a simulacrum of life. In positioning living labor as spiritual, Weil's work offers a corrective to these deadening practices.  相似文献   

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