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How do evaluators form comparative judgments of improved versus consistently strong performance records with equivalent recent performance? We propose that evaluators judge those with improved records to be more deserving of future opportunities (e.g., a promotion) and that this can be explained – at least in part – by perceptions of effort investments. Specifically, evaluators rely on improvement to judge effort and hence devalue consistent strong performance. Five studies supported these propositions. Evaluators perceived greater effort investment and trait effort in individuals with improved profiles than those with consistent profiles and consequently thought that those with improved profiles were more deserving of future opportunities. We discuss implications of these results across various decision contexts. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

邢淑芬  俞国良  林崇德 《心理科学》2011,34(5):1079-1084
以103名小学五年级的儿童为被试,考察不同归因取向的表扬对儿童遭遇失败后的影响效应。结果发现:(1)接受能力取向表扬的儿童在遭遇失败后表现出无助取向的反应模式,接受努力取向表扬的儿童表现出掌握取向的反应模式;(2)接受能力取向表扬的儿童倾向于采取防御性的失败归因策略,将失败更多地归因于测试焦虑,但其对能力因素的归因仍高于努力组和控制组,接受努力取向表扬的儿童更多地将失败归因于努力因素;(3)接受能力取向表扬的儿童表现出自我设限倾向,他们报告更多的测试焦虑,并缩短后测的做题时间和更低的后测成绩。  相似文献   


通过Meta整合方法系统梳理关于艾滋病病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV)感染者遭受医务人员歧视的经历和体验的质性研究,为提高HIV感染者就医体验提供参考依据。经过文献筛选和质量评价后共纳入19篇文献,通过Meta整合共得出27个研究结果,其中相近结果可归类为7个新类别,最终归纳出3个整合结果:(1)医务人员歧视产生的原因;(2)医务人员歧视的表现形式;(3)遭受医务人员歧视的危害。提示医务人员对HIV感染者具有多种歧视,并会严重影响患者的治疗行为和心理健康,未来有必要采取干预措施,减轻甚至消除医务人员对HIV感染者的歧视现象。


艾滋病污名的形成机制、负面影响与干预   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘颖  时勘 《心理科学进展》2010,18(1):123-131
艾滋病污名主要包括实际污名、感知污名和自我污名, 这些不同形式的污名给艾滋病患者带来了精神上的痛苦、社会资源的剥夺等一系列的负面影响。归因理论、社会文化理论和道德理论分别从社会心理学、社会不平等和文化道德的角度阐述了艾滋病污名的形成机制。从这些机制出发, 减少艾滋病污名可以结合接触假设、知识传播以及认知行为疗法, 并注意改变艾滋病患者的自身观念。未来的艾滋病污名研究应更多地从社会文化以及道德的角度进行跨文化的量化研究。  相似文献   

Three studies were conducted to investigate whether individuals whose performance on a learning task fell short of their previous overconfident self‐assessment would apply more effort on a subsequent task to resolve their dissatisfaction and thereby achieve better subsequent performance than individuals who made accurate or underconfident self‐assessments. Specifically, Study 1 and Study 2 used overestimation, and Study 3 used overplacement to predict subsequent performance by measuring students' self‐assessments before the first task, their level of dissatisfaction with their actual performance on that task, the effort they applied in learning, and their performance on the subsequent task. Furthermore, Study 3 divided the participants randomly into a false feedback group (the control group) and a real feedback group (the experimental group). The results showed that when controlling for prior performance, participants who were more overconfident tended to express greater dissatisfaction and increase more effort to achieve their desired outcomes when they perceived a gap between their desired performance and their actual performance. Notably, they achieved better subsequent performance, whereas those in the control group who were overconfident neither applied more effort in subsequent learning nor increased their subsequent performance when they received “unbiased feedback.” The implications of these findings for education are discussed. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

努力程度对消费者购买意愿的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
童璐琼  郑毓煌  赵平 《心理学报》2011,43(10):1211-1218
在日常生活中, 消费者经常面临着各种各样的自我控制问题。当消费者有合适的理由时, 他们会放松自我控制。基于此, 本文经由三个实验探查了消费者努力程度对消费者购买意愿的影响。其中, 实验一和实验二通过操纵被试的相对努力程度, 发现努力会提高人们对于产品的购买意愿, 并且证明负罪感的变化是导致这一影响的内在原因。实验三通过改变产品品类, 证明相对于实用品, 努力对于人们对享乐品的购买意愿的影响更大。  相似文献   

People are often exposed to polarized viewpoints in web comment sections. Inspired by attribution theory and framing theory, this article tests the effects of comments that frame a politician or a journalist as triggering evasiveness in a media interview. We compare attributions ascribing deceptiveness to the politician versus external attributions implicating the media situation. In the first experiment, comment sections affect perceptions of evasiveness, credibility of the politician relative to the journalist, and people’s attitudes toward the politician and journalist. A second study replicates, and voters type comments which largely reflect the comments to which they were exposed. Also, perceptions of external control by the journalist affect perceptions of the politician. The article extends attribution theory and framing theory via commonly encountered online exposure which affects people’s perceptions of politicians as deceptive relative to their journalistic arbiters.  相似文献   

This paper explores the representation of emotional health and healing in traditional Chinese literature, and the holistic relationship between traditional Chinese mental medicine and literature as well as philosophy. The philosophical, moral and aesthetic significance assigned to emotional health and healing not only inspired but also mandated the representation of these subjects in Chinese literature. For many Chinese readers, emotional health is more than a medical concern but is integral to their moral and spiritual wholesomeness, the attainment of which necessarily involves the edifying role of literature. The literary representation of emotional health and healing gave rise to a subculture of emotional health and a medical dilettantism in Chinese society. The mutual inclusivity of the professional and the amateurish is peculiar to traditional Chinese mental medicine. While facilitating popular appreciation of emotional health and helping to validate the legitimacy and efficacy of emotional healing, such a phenomenon also caused a certain degree of charlatanization that undercut the rationality and validity of mental medicine. An investigation into the relationship between traditional Chinese literature and mental medicine provides an interdisciplinary perspective from which to examine the latter's history, theory, and practice, thus shedding a cross-cultural light on modern psychology and psychiatry.  相似文献   

Counterfactual thinking refers to mental comparisons of reality with imagined alternatives of it. The “functional view” of counterfactual thinking suggests that upward counterfactuals (which improve on reality) serve a preparative function and downward counterfactuals (which worsen reality) serve an affective function. This view presumes that people generate counterfactuals that focus on cause(s) that have actually produced the negative outcomes. The two experiments reported here demonstrate that people spontaneously manipulate the causal content of their counterfactuals, depending on their motivational goals. Specifically, it was found that when people aim to feel better about a poor decision they generate less realistic (upward) counterfactuals, experience less negative affect and tend to attribute the outcome to less controllable causes than when they aim to learn from their experience. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

采用结构知识归因的方法,以学习判断和项目优先选择作为元认知监测和控制的指标,考察重量对元认知监控的影响是否是无意识的。被试学习粘贴在不同重量纸盒上的词对,进行学习判断(实验1)或项目选择(实验2),并报告其判断或选择的依据。结果:(1)重量影响学习判断和项目优先选择,相对于轻纸盒,被试给予重纸盒上的词对更高的JOL并优先选择重纸盒上的词对进行学习;(2)重量对学习判断的影响只发生在判断依据为猜测的情况下,重量对项目优先选择的影响只发生在判断依据为猜测和直觉的情况下。上述结果支持了元认知的具身性,并提示重量对元认知监控的影响可能是无意识的。  相似文献   

沉迷于电子产品所诱发的积极情绪体验严重影响青少年的学习与生活,引起社会各界高度重视。本文通过两项研究考察日常情绪体验与意识努力程度对自我控制的影响,并探讨其背后的内在机制。研究1采用问卷调查随机抽样300名大学生发现,大学生日常情绪体验差异显著,且以积极情绪体验为主,同时低意识努力的情绪刺激源显著多于高意识努力的情绪刺激源;研究2在研究1基础上,进一步通过“意识努力”介入的方式对136名被试进行干预,结果表明大学生日常情绪体验对自我控制无显著预测效应,意识努力显著正向预测其自我控制,且高水平的意识努力在日常情绪体验与自我控制之间的关系中发挥正向调节作用。  相似文献   

归因对理解和预测环境有着重要作用。归因的两阶段过程理论认为,自动化加工会衍生内归因,进一步的控制化加工才会导致外归因。社会权力会提升自动化加工倾向,因此,社会权力可能会提升基本归因错误的发生。通过四个研究,对此进行验证。研究1-3通过问卷测量,以特质性权力感作为社会权力的指标,其中研究1通过情境判断测验对基本归因错误进行测量,研究2-3采用自陈量表对基本归因错误进行测量,并对社会经济地位进行了控制。研究4则采用启动的方法启动临时性社会权力,探求社会权力与基本归因错误之间的因果关系。四个研究均得出了一致的结论:高社会权力个体更倾向于内归因。  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of functionally equivalent task designs and alternatives, as validated by motion study procedures, on dependent variables (nonadaptive responses, use of alternative, attempts at task, and completed attempts at task) relevant to performing a selected task. First, we evaluated the effects of functionally equivalent task designs on the dependent variables. Second, we evaluated the effects of an efficient functionally equivalent alternative on the variables. Third, we compared the effects of the efficient functionally equivalent alternative with a less efficient functionally equivalent alternative on the same variables. The results showed that the inefficient functionally equivalent task design occasioned higher rates of nonadaptive responses than the efficient functionally equivalent task design. The results also showed that the functionally equivalent task designs and alternatives competed within and across response classes to reduce nonadaptive responses. Mixed results were obtained in comparing the effects of the efficient versus the less efficient functionally equivalent alternatives. We provide evidence for extending the current concept of functional equivalence to include task design responses as well as alternative responses in functional equivalence training.  相似文献   

The study examined the relationship between examinees’ test-taking effort and their accuracy rate on items from the PISA 2015 assessment. The 10% normative threshold method was applied on Science multiple-choice items in the Cyprus sample to detect rapid guessing behavior. Results showed that the extent of rapid guessing across simple and complex multiple-choice items was on average less than 6% per item. Rapid guessers were identified, and for most items their accuracy was lower than the accuracy for students engaging in solution-based behavior. A number of plausible explanations were graphically evaluated for items for which accuracy was higher for the rapid guessing subgroup. Overall, this empirical investigation presents original evidence on test-taking effort as measured by response time in PISA items and tests propositions of Wise’s (2017 Wise, S. L. (2017). Rapid‐guessing behavior: Its identification, interpretation, and implications. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 36(4), 5261. doi:10.1111/emip.12165[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) Test-Taking Theory.  相似文献   

借鉴目前归因理论研究的成果,重点探讨了医生医疗工作归因的含义、结构、作用及方法,提出医生应学会对自己医疗工作中的成败进行合理的归因,自觉地总结经验、汲取教训,不断取得医学事业上的成功.  相似文献   

韦纳的人际归因模型在中国被试中的适用性研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
为检验韦纳等的人际归因模型,以中国中学生为被试对这一模型进行了验证。结果表明,韦纳提出的人际归因模型具有一定的文化普适性,也适合中国被试,它为改善儿童的同伴关系提供了一个新的视角。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to investigate the role of age-related attitudes in perceptions of elderly individuals. Fiske and Neuberg's (1990) model of person perception suggests that under some conditions people's attitudes toward older adults as a group are related to perceptions of elderly individuals. It was unclear, however, how people's attitudes toward their own aging may affect those perceptions. In this study younger and older adults completed measures of their age-related attitudes and then in a second session evaluated an elderly individual. Results revealed that both group attitudes and own aging attitudes were related to judgments of elderly targets when the elderly target was seen as typical of the group. The findings have implications for person perception models as well as for research on age-related attitudes.  相似文献   

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