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Little information exists on the contribution of psychological strengths to well-being in persons with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Data from other populations suggest that gratitude, defined as the positive experience of thankfulness for being the recipient of personal benefits, may have salutary effects on everyday functioning. We investigated whether dispositional gratitude predicted daily hedonic and eudaimonic well-being in combat veterans with and without PTSD. We also examined associations between daily gratitude and daily well-being across time. Veterans with PTSD, compared to those without PTSD, exhibited significantly lower dispositional gratitude; no differences were found on daily gratitude. Dispositional gratitude predicted greater daily positive affect, percentage of pleasant days over the assessment period, daily intrinsically motivating activity, and daily self-esteem over and above effects attributable to PTSD severity and dispositional negative and positive affect in the PTSD group but not the non-PTSD group. Daily gratitude was uniquely associated with each dimension of daily well-being in both groups. Although preliminary, these results provide support for the further investigation of gratitude in trauma survivors.  相似文献   

Most of the literature on the Arab–Israeli war in 1973 takes material gains and military advances as measurements that indicate victory or defeat. Accordingly, based on the magnitude of weaponry used and the associated tactics employed, scholarly works declare Egypt or Israel the winner. This article moves away from such ‘materialistic’ accounts of the war’s conclusion by exploring a similarly significant victory-maker: the use of the discourse of religion. By looking at previously untapped official and semi-official texts from the war’s onset through the eight years of President Anwar Sadat’s rule, the article finds this discourse to be composed of three thematic structures. These structures cohere into patterns that facilitated an account of the war as a massive and unquestionable Egyptian ‘victory’. The study also addresses how the interplay of language and religion was so closely attuned to the broader context that included the use of authoritarianism in politics and in the media as well as a so-called Islamic revival. Rather than supposing that the religious references in this discourse may have been in some way truthful, I show that it relied on a set of intentional falsehoods.  相似文献   

Regression has been commonly associated with war and postwar symptomatology. Posttraumatic symptoms have been considered regressive when manifested by chronic dependent behavior or outbursts of primitive, aggressive behavior. Recovery from regressive symptoms may in itself induce regressive experiences since recovery necessarily leads to another change in ego boundaries; rigid or fused boundaries becoming realigned, intact, and flexible. Recovery therefore requires a stable and trusting therapeutic relationship to gradually permit such changes. Psychological treatment of Vietnam veterans often has occurred in phases with immediate management of regressive symptoms occurring during early phases and induction of regressive states has often occurred during late phases to facilitate integration of split-off traumatic experiences and emotions.  相似文献   

Suicide and homicide rates significantly increased throughout the Vietnam War among young American civilian males who constituted the principal manpower pool for the war. Ironically, men who reached military age after the war were at greatest risk. Years of high combat intensity were not associated with higher suicide or homicide rates than years of low combat intensity. Suicide and homicide rates were correlated at .95, suggesting a common source of pathogenesis. No similar trend was found for motor vehicle death. Broad social forces, not the Vietnam War itself, were responsible for the changes in violent mortality trends that we observed among the birth cohorts of men in our study.  相似文献   

Five birth cohorts of young women who became age 20 before, during, and after the Vietnam War were selected for this study of motor vehicle accident, suicide, and homicide between ages 13 and 30. Suicide and homicide increased strongly in succeeding years (1953-1986). Motor vehicle accident rates were affected primarily by age. But age, birth cohort membership, and age x cohort interaction significantly affected suicide and homicide rates, with the 19-24-year-old age range most greatly affected. The correlation between suicide and homicide risk (r = .92) was similar to that for young males (r = .95) and suggested a common source of pathogenesis for both genders.  相似文献   

This study explored the relationship between help-seeking and adherence to mainstream religion (Christianity, Judaism and Islam), alternative religion (for example, New Age spiritual belief and Paganism) and no religion (including agnosticism and atheism). Four-hundred and fourteen participants completed an online survey which included questions on demographics, help-seeking beliefs and paranormal beliefs (a modified form of the Paranormal Beliefs Scale was used). Previous research had explored adherence to various religions and compared aspects of help-seeking and paranormal beliefs separately. Comparisons were made between basic theoretical differences in belief (e.g., monotheism vs. polytheism vs. rationalism) and help-seeking beliefs. Implications of this research for therapeutic practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Although it is known that state initiatives can help produce moral panics, the role policy rhetoric assumes in creating, sustaining, and terminating moral panics has not been theoretically addressed. This article offers a typology of drug policies and illustrates how each is used at varying stages of a moral panic. It is argued that moral panics begin when proactive and punitive statements are used in combination. Moral panics subside when reactive and rehabilitative rhetorical statements are issued concurrently. The argument is empirically tested by analyzing the presidential addresses of the Reagan and Bush administrations for drug-related statements. Regression analysis, analysis of variance, and crosstabular analyses are used to test several hypotheses derived from the theoretical discussion. The empirical evidence supports the theoretical discussion and the constructionist perspective of social problems.  相似文献   

In the years immediately preceding World War I, American economists indicated their intense concern with the problems of high and rising prices. Despite disagreements over the role of monetary phenomena in causing inflation, most observers saw it as a serious problem and considered the middle class its chief victim. However, more recent work indicates that the rise in prices was quite moderate and that middle income groups probably suffered less than others. This suggests that anxieties about the future of middle class careers, values, and family life influenced economists' theorizing about inflation. Rising prices seemed to threaten the doctrine of success through individual effort, thrift and restraint in consumption, and a patriarchal family structure. The article traces the ways in which many leading economists displayed these concerns in their discussions of inflation and the cost of living.  相似文献   

我国实行改革开放以来,经济发展取得了举世瞩目的成就,但随着开放步伐的加大,宗教渗透也越演越烈。在构建社会主义和谐社会的今天,和谐  相似文献   

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