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Emerging Insights Into the Nature and Function of Pride   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
ABSTRACT— Pride, a "self-conscious" emotion involving complex self-evaluative processes, is a fundamental human emotion. Recent research provides new insights into its nature and function. Like the "basic" emotions, pride is associated with a distinct, universally recognized, nonverbal expression, which is spontaneously displayed during pride experiences. Yet, pride differs from the basic emotions in its dependency on self-evaluations and in its complex structure, which is comprised of two theoretically and conceptually distinct facets that have divergent personality correlates and cognitive antecedents. In this article, we summarize findings from the growing body of research on pride and highlight the implications of this research for a broader understanding of emotions and social behavior.  相似文献   

自豪的结构、测量、表达与识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自豪是个体把一个成功事件或积极事件归因于自身能力或努力的结果时所产生的一种积极的主观情绪体验。自豪作为一种自我意识情绪,具有双维结构,可以分为真实的自豪和自大的自豪。自豪的非言语表达和识别具有跨文化的普遍性。对自豪的测量,目前大多采用自我评定和非言语表达编码两种方式。  相似文献   

This research investigated how a couple decides which parent stays home as a childcare provider by attempting to determine the economic value on maternal care versus paternal care while examining the potential effects of nationality, gender role attitudes, and social support. We collected data from 240 American participants and 250 Norwegian participants who were asked to decide how much a mother needs to earn to allow her husband to stay at home to provide childcare and how much a father needs to earn to allow his wife to stay at home and provide childcare, in addition to items assessing gender role attitudes. No effect of social support was found, but Norwegians were slightly more likely than Americans to place a heavier earning burden on the husband. There were few differences in gender role attitudes by nationality. The impact of public policy and social desirability on the results and childcare decision making are discussed.  相似文献   

Pride, in Western Christianity, has long been recognized as a vice and deadly sin. In this article, individual and communal pride is understood as emerging from, and supported by, a system of hierarchical valuations, which provides a subjective and intersubjective sense of self-worth along with a sense of power and privilege. A pride system is linked to, and supported by, stories and rituals that omnipotently confirm individual and communal status and power. This complex system is accompanied by a particular faith dynamic that benefits its members, yet alienates those deemed to be of lesser value. While positive valuations support a persons (and communitys) sense of self-esteem and are, more often than not, important for a sense of trust, group loyalty, and community, they are also accompanied by negative appraisals that are projected onto an other. This other is alienated from the privileges and power of those who identify with, and own, the positive valuations. Pride systems, then, are good to the extent that they shore up a sense of self and community and bad, or inherently deadly, to the extent that goodness depends on the subtle or overt alienation of a person or group.  相似文献   


Mexican American immigrant women have faced many adversities historically, resulting in significant injuries to their physical and psychological selves. In attempts to heal from such injuries, these women have long engaged in self-healing through maintenance of their own cultural values, identities, and beliefs and also through working with, or even becoming, traditional healers. Such healing processes can be seen as a form of adjustment to a new culture, as well as a maintenance of native culture (Espin, 1996 Espin, O. M. (1996). Latina healers: Lives of power and tradition. Encino, CA: Floricanto Press. [Google Scholar]) and may take the form of a blending of cultures representing a “new indigeneity.” This article highlights such healing practices, including the role of cultural values and beliefs for healing, as well as current efforts to blend cultural healing practices within a framework of equality and respect.  相似文献   

Intergroup emotions motivate behavior, yet little is known about how people perceive these emotional experiences in others. In three experiments (Ns = 109, 179, 246), we show that U.S. citizens believe collective guilt is an illegitimate emotional motivator for ingroup political behavior, while collective pride is legitimate. This differential legitimacy is due to the perception that collective guilt violates the norm of group interest, while collective pride adheres to it; those who believe ingroup interests are more important than outgroups’ exhibited this illegitimacy gap. The perception that the intergroup emotion promoted ingroup entitativity mediated the relationship between emotion (pride vs. guilt) and legitimacy; this relationship was especially strong for those high in the belief in the norm of group interest. Collective guilt can have prosocial consequences, yet the perception that it is illegitimate may hinder such consequences from being realized.  相似文献   


The authors examined the roles of social comparisons, publicity of success, and praise on the experience of pride in an experiment in which college students successfully completed a timed intelligence task in private and later received 1 of 4 types of feedback from the experimenter: no feedback (private), mere public acknowledgment of completion, general praise containing both a public and an evaluative component, or praise containing explicit comparison information. Half of the participants also received written normative information suggesting they performed at a high level. Participants then completed a number of dependent measures, including a key measure of pride. Overall, results suggest that the public aspect of a performance, together with the superior standing suggested by any praise accompanying this publicity, is important in the experience of pride.  相似文献   

Regarding self‐conscious emotions, studies have shown that different forms of perfectionism show different relationships with pride, shame, and embarrassment depending on success and failure. What is unknown is whether these relationships also show cultural variations. Therefore, we conducted a study investigating how self‐oriented and socially prescribed perfectionism predicted pride and embarrassment after success and failure by comparing 363 British and 352 Japanese students. Students were asked to respond to a set of scenarios where they imagined achieving either perfect (success) or flawed (failure) results. In both British and Japanese students, self‐oriented perfectionism positively predicted pride after success and embarrassment after failure, whereas socially prescribed perfectionism predicted embarrassment after success and failure. Moreover, in Japanese students, socially prescribed perfectionism positively predicted pride after success and self‐oriented perfectionism negatively predicted pride after failure. The findings have implications for our understanding of perfectionism, indicating that the perfectionism–pride relationship not only varies between perfectionism dimensions but may also show cultural variations. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


A comparison of 4 subsamples with the Ethnic Identity Scale (developed for the present study) yielded 2 relatively independent facets of ethnic identity: ethnic pride and belonging (EP) and ethnic differentiation (ED). First, the distinction between EP and ED increased understanding of how age and immigration status affect changes in ethnic identity. In a comparison of Estonians living in Sweden with those living in Estonia, only ED was affected by emigration and contacts with other ethnic groups, although both EP and ED were positively correlated with age. Second, the distinction between EP and ED increased understanding of earlier and seemingly contradictory findings about the connection between ethnic identity and ethnic attitudes. In the present study, EP was not correlated with ethnic attitudes, but, for 2 majority groups, ED was positively correlated with negative evaluations of out-groups. The authors also discuss the role of group status and relationships with the target nation in understanding the relationship between ethnic identity and ethnic attitudes.  相似文献   

Pride and shame, two moral emotions partially neglected by the literature, can also be categorised as achievement emotions, because of their salience within everyday school and academic life. Our aims were to explore whether they are organised in a setting-specific manner and whether they differ in two settings, learning exam-relevant material and taking exams. Five hundred and forty university students evaluated pride and shame related to the two settings. A confirmatory multitrait-multimethod analysis (MTMM) indicated higher salience of type of emotion rather than type of setting; however, the structure of pride and shame was best explained when also type of setting was accounted for. A repeated-measure analysis of variance revealed higher levels of the positive emotion compared to the negative emotion, with the latter higher for the evaluative setting. Findings are discussed in light of their theoretical and applied relevance.  相似文献   

采用情境式自豪感问卷、青少年外显自尊和流调中心用抑郁量表,以城市非贫困生为对照,对400名城市贫困生的自豪感、外显自尊与抑郁状态进行考察。结果发现:(1)城市贫困生随年龄的增长,自豪感和外显自尊呈下降趋势,抑郁状态受年龄的影响不显著。女生自豪感程度显著高于男生,外显自尊和抑郁状态的性别差异不显著;(2)城市贫困生自豪感、外显自尊水平显著低于非贫困生。贫困生自豪感与外显自尊呈显著正相关,与抑郁状态呈显著负相关。整体自尊、学业自尊与人际自尊对自豪感的预测作用显著;(3)人口社会学变量中父母亲工作、文化水平、身体状况以及家庭经济收入对自豪感、外显自尊、抑郁状态有不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

Self-complexity, a measure of self-concept structure consisting of number of self-aspects and relatedness of self-aspects, was compared in the United States and South Korea. University students in each country completed measures of self-complexity and self-construal. In two studies, participants from South Korea had more self-aspects and overall self-complexity (as measured by H) than participants from the United States. Self-construal was not responsible for these differences. In addition, a comparison of previous self-complexity research carried out in different countries supports the conclusion that people from East Asian countries have more self-aspects than people from the United States. The results are discussed in terms of broader cultural differences in psychological phenomena.  相似文献   

The study examines children's ability to convey social – as opposed to basic – emotions in their human figure drawings. One hundred children aged 4‐, 6‐ and 8‐years were asked to draw a person experiencing shame, pride, jealousy, happiness, sadness and fear as well as a baseline figure ‘feeling nothing’. Drawings were rated in terms of (i) overall emotional expressiveness and (ii) variety and types (face, body/posture and context) of graphic cues used to convey emotion. The effect of age on overall expressiveness and use of these graphic cues was also investigated. The results showed that drawings depicting social emotions were rated as less expressive and presented fewer graphic cues than those conveying basic emotions. Children's developing ability to depict pride, shame and jealousy was largely driven by an increased use of contextual cues in their human figure drawings. As regards the effect of age, it was found that 6‐ and 8‐years old produced more expressive drawings containing a larger range of graphic cues than the 4‐year olds. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In 2011 Norway experienced its worst violent attack in peacetime and one of the most horrible mass murders ever: one young, white Norwegian killed 77 people, injured 40, and destroyed the Government Building in Oslo. He explained that the terror as a necessary attack on the Social Democracy and the multi‐ethnic and pluralistic society. Was he insane or competent? Was he guilty? In this article I argue that theology can contribute to the debate about guilt, punishment, and evil acts. A contextual theology today should draw from the treasures in the Christian tradition and take part in contemporary discourses about existential and ethical issues.  相似文献   


This article addresses custody and visitation trends in domestic violence cases in the United States. It defines domestic violence behaviorally, looks briefly at its prevalence, and discusses national policy statements and studies. It also examines statutory trends concerning the role of domestic violence in custody and visitation cases, including the O. J. Simpson guardianship case. Practical suggestions for litigants and judges are included. The article concludes that the way domestic violence issues are treated in custody and visitation cases is often problematic, and calls for specific reforms.  相似文献   

This study investigated proposed paths of the affective events theory (AET; H. M. Weiss & R. Cropanzano, 1996), with part-time employees completing surveys at 2 points in time and completing an event-contingent diary over 2 weeks. In support of AET, negative affectivity (Time 1) related to negative emotional reactions at work. Negative emotional reactions were associated with intention to leave the job (Time 2). This relationship was especially strong for the sadness emotions (disappointed, depressed, unhappy). Positive affectivity (Time 1) directly related to job satisfaction (Time 2), but only weakly predicted positive emotional reactions at work (aggregated over 2 weeks). Qualitative data provided information about work affective events and affect-driven behaviors. Interpersonal mistreatment from customers were the most frequent cause of anger and resulted in faking expressions about 50% of the time. Recognition from supervisors for work performance was the main cause of pride.  相似文献   

In Norway, legalized gambling is pervasive, easily accessible and socially accepted, particularly the participation in national lotteries. We conducted a stratified probability sample study during January–March 2007 (age group 16–74 years, N  = 3,482, response rate 36.1%) to assess gambling behavior and prevalence of problematic gambling by the NORC Diagnostic Screen (NODS). Overall, 67.9% of the study population had been engaged in past-year gambling and 0.7% were past-year problematic gamblers (NODS score 3+). Male gender, low educational level, single marital status, and being born in a non-Western country were variables positively associated with problematic gambling. Past-year problematic gamblers indicated the slot machine (34.6%) and Internet gambling (26.9%) as the most important games, while most non-problematic gamblers pointed out the lotteries (62.3%) as the most important game. The prevalence of self-reported sleeping disorders, depression and other psychological impairments was significantly higher among problematic gamblers. Gambling problems affect people's lives in multiple ways.  相似文献   

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