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非熟练中—英双语者跨语言长时重复启动效应   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
李利  莫雷  王瑞明  罗雪莹 《心理学报》2006,38(5):672-680
采用跨语言长时重复启动研究范式进一步探讨非熟练中-英双语者的记忆表征模型。被试为华南师范大学大一本科生共140名。实验自变量是语言条件(同语言和跨语言)和学习状况(学习过的和未学习过的),实验因变量是单词判断的反应时和正确率。实验1中被试在学习和测验阶段都完成概念任务,结果表明获得了跨语言长时重复启动效应。实验2中被试在学习和测验阶段完成词汇任务,结果表明没有获得跨语言长时重复启动效应。实验3中被试在学习阶段完成概念任务,在测验阶段完成词汇任务,结果表明没有获得跨语言长时重复启动效应。实验4中在学习阶段的概念任务中呈现汉语单字词,在测验阶段的词汇任务中呈现英语翻译对等词,结果表明没有获得跨语言长时重复启动效应。总的实验结果表明,在基于内隐记忆的跨语言重复启动的范式下,非熟练中-英双语者的记忆表征支持概念表征共享、词汇表征分离的观点。更重要的是,非熟练中-英双语者需要经由汉语翻译对等词的词汇表征,才能通达英语单词的概念表征,支持了词汇连接模型的观点  相似文献   

采用DRM范式以112名非熟练中-英双语者为被试进行了跨语言的错误记忆通道效应实验。实验采用三因素混合设计,根据学习通道和测验通道的不同,把被试分为4组,用由汉语与英语单词组成的DRM词表进行学习和测验。结果发现,⑴在非熟练中-英双语被试中存在错误记忆的跨语言现象;⑵非熟练中-英双语者跨语言的错误记忆存在很强的语言特异性,表现为相同语言条件高于不同语言条件、汉语高于英语;⑶在学习与测验相同语言条件下运用校正的再认分数——敏感性指标Pr,进一步探讨错误记忆的通道效应,发现了跟西方不一致的结论:即无论汉语词表还是英语词表,非熟练中-英双语者在视觉通道上的错误记忆明显高于听觉通道  相似文献   

中-英双语语义通达机制的启动效应实验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘伟志  刘明波 《心理学探新》2005,25(4):40-44,55
采用不同加工水平的词汇判断任务,考察了启动刺激对目标刺激的启动效应,来探讨中英双语的语义通达机制。被试为大学生38名。结果发现:当启动刺激(英)和目标刺激(英)之间存在语义联想关系,得到了显著的启动效应(实验一);当启动刺激(中)和目标刺激(英)之间存在语义联想关系,也得到了显著的跨语言启动效应(实验二);当启动刺激(中)的翻译对等词和目标刺激(英)之间存在语音相同或相近关系时,采用基于语音的词汇判断任务,也得到了显著的跨语言启动效应。这一结果表明,对于中英双语者来说,第二语言的词汇表征既直接通达语义概念表征,又可以借助第一语言的词汇表征为中介再通达语义概念表征。  相似文献   

熟练中-英双语者跨语言长时重复启动效应   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
莫雷  李利  王瑞明 《心理科学》2005,28(6):1288-1293
采用跨语言长时重复启动范式探讨熟练中-英双语者的记忆表征模型。实验结果表明,在词义决定任务条件下,发现了跨语言重复启动效应(实验一);在词汇决定任务条件下,没有发现跨语言重复启动效应(实验二);在学习阶段完成概念任务、测验阶段完成词汇任务的条件下,没有发现跨语言重复启动效应(实验三)。总的实验结果表明,熟练中-英双语者可以不需经由汉语对等词而从英语单词直接获得概念表征,这一结果支持了概念调节模型的观点。  相似文献   

毛伟宾  王松  亢丽丽 《心理学报》2012,44(10):1289-1296
采用DRM范式进行跨语言错误记忆的研究较为鲜见, 而且得出了许多不同的结果, 关于错误记忆跨语言产生的理论解释也是各执己见。研究以非熟练中-英双语大学生为被试, 采用DRM范式对非熟练中-英双语者的跨语言错误记忆进行了研究。在2个实验中, 分别探讨了项目特异性加工和关系加工条件下, 语义激活的不同水平对跨语言错误记忆的影响。结果发现:1)非熟练中-英双语者也存在跨语言的错误记忆; 2)在项目特异性加工和关系加工条件下, 相同语言内与不同语言间发生关键诱词的错误再认的结果是不同的; 3)只在项目特异性加工条件下, 长词表比短词表会诱发更多的对关键诱词的错误再认。研究结果支持了激活-监测理论。  相似文献   

采用两种不同的任务类型对熟练维汉双语者跨语言掩蔽翻译启动效应进行考察,结果发现,在词汇决定任务中,熟练维汉双语者在L1-L2和L2-L1两个方向上均表现出了掩蔽翻译启动效应,但L1-L2方向远大于L2-L1方向,即掩蔽翻译启动效应具有不对称性。而在语义分类任务中,熟练维汉双语者在两个方向上表现出的翻译启动效应量相近,具有对称性。结果支持Kroll的修正层级模型。  相似文献   

Luo  Xueying  Cheung  Him  Bel  David  Li  Li  Chen  Lin  Mo  Lei 《The Psychological record》2013,63(1):193-208
The Psychological Record - This study examines semantic sense and form-meaning connection across the bilingual’s languages as factors behind translation priming asymmetry, which refers to...  相似文献   

Chinese-English bilinguals in Grades 2, 4, 8, 10, and in college read Chinese and English color words in black or in colored print in the corresponding language. Subjects were more efficient in reading Chinese than English. This superiority effect of reading Chinese gradually decreased as subjects' familiarity with English increased. Furthermore, skilled readers were less susceptible than less skilled readers to the introduction of conflicting colors of ink. This result indicates that the pattern of the reversed Stroop (1935; Dunbar & MacLeod, 1984) effect is related to the proficiency of word processing.  相似文献   

李杰  侯友  王凤梅  姜淞秀 《心理科学》2013,36(2):350-355
采用跨语言长时重复启动范式探讨非熟练蒙英双语者的词汇与概念表征特点。选取165名非熟练蒙英双语者为被试。实验自变量为语言条件和学习条件,因变量为任务判断的反应时和正确率。结果发现,词汇判断任务中未产生跨语言长时重复启动效应,表明非熟练蒙英双语者的词汇表征是分离的;语义判断任务中产生了跨语言重复启动效应,表明非熟练蒙英双语者的概念表征是共享的。在概念判断任务中语言内启动是对称性的,说明语言内启动可能发生在词汇水平;而语言间启动效应是非对称性的,即英-蒙条件产生跨语言长时重复启动效应,而蒙-英条件未产生跨语言长时重复启动效应,结果支持修正层级模型。  相似文献   

Masked translation priming asymmetry is the robust finding that priming from a bilingual's first language (L1) to their second language (L2) is stronger than priming from L2 to L1. This asymmetry has been claimed to be task dependent. The Sense Model proposed by Finkbeiner, Forster, Nicol, and Nakamura (2004) claims that the asymmetry is reduced in semantic categorization relative to lexical decision due to a category filtering mechanism that limits the features considered in categorization decisions to dominant, category-relevant features. This paper reports two pairs of semantic categorization and lexical decision tasks designed to test the Sense Model's predictions. The experiments replicated the finding of Finkbeiner et al. that L2-L1 priming is somewhat stronger in semantic categorization than lexical decision, selectively for exemplars of the category. However, the direct comparison of L2-L1 and L1-L2 translation priming across tasks failed to confirm the Sense Model's central prediction that translation priming asymmetry is significantly reduced in semantic categorization. The data therefore fail to support the category filtering account of translation priming asymmetry. Rather, they suggest that pre-activation of conceptual features of the target category provides feedback to lexical forms that compensates for the weak connections between the lexical and conceptual representations of L2 words.  相似文献   

汉英双语者语言产生与理解过程中的切换研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别用图片命名和词汇判断的方法考察了汉英双语者的语言切换过程.实验一发现,当被试分别用英语和汉语对图片进行命名时,只有汉语出现了切换代价,而英语没有出现.在实验二中,当被试进行词汇判断时,切换代价的模式发生了根本的变化,只有英语出现了切换代价,而汉语没有出现.研究表明,双语者语言产生与理解中语言切换的认知过程有本质的差异.  相似文献   

蔡厚德 《心理科学》2008,31(6):1394-1397
采用半视野速示术对48名英语专业硕士研究生进行词汇判别的语义启动实验,检查中一英双语者词汇语义通达可能存在的大脑功能偏侧化与合作效应.结果提示:(1)相对熟练的中一英双语者L1(中文)和L2(英文)均可直接通达一个共同的词汇语义概念表征系统,但L1可以通过两半球,而L2可能主要依赖于大脑右半球;(2)跨语言条件出现了半球间语义通达的合作优势效应.  相似文献   

Extensive media coverage of a political issue has been shown to influence, or prime, the criteria used to judge overall performance of political leaders. This political priming effect is traditionally explained with network models of memory, which identify priming intensity and recency as key factors in determining the strength and endurance of a priming effect. However, these two assumptions of network models have not been directly tested in media studies. The potential of priming valence to influence the priming effect also has had little treatment. This experiment evaluated priming intensity, recency, and valence within a typical political priming context. In support of previous psychological findings, priming effects were apparent immediately following positively valenced primes, dissipating quickly thereafter. For negative primes, the influence of the prime on judgment formation was contingent on the individual's political leaning, in that individuals who would likely agree with the message exhibited priming effects and individuals who would likely disagree with the message exhibited little effect. The adequacy of applying associative memory models to political priming studies is discussed.  相似文献   

采用改造后的长时重复启动范式,探讨母语为汉语的非熟练中英双语者语言理解转换中非目标语言的激活层面,以及词汇熟悉度的影响。实验1考察学习阶段不同熟悉度的非目标词在测验阶段呈现时能否出现长时重复启动效应,从而检测双语者语言理解转换中非目标语言是否自动激活,实验2探究学习阶段不同熟悉度的非目标词在测验阶段以翻译对等词呈现时能否出现长时重复启动效应,从而检测双语者语言理解转换中非目标语言的语义层面能否激活。结果发现:非熟练中英双语者语言理解转换中非目标语言不管为中文还是英文,都能自动激活,但激活层面会受到词汇熟悉度的影响;当非目标语言为二语时,熟悉度高的二语词能激活到语义层面,熟悉度低的二语词只能激活到词汇层面;当非目标语言为一语时,不管词汇熟悉度高还是低,都能够激活到语义层面。  相似文献   

J. R. Vokey and J. D. Read (1985) indicated that listeners cannot consciously recognize backward messages but that some information can be obtained from reversed speech. If reverse speech has a powerful influence on language processing, as D. J. Oates (1991) has claimed, then one should be able to measure a reliable priming effect from reversed messages. Sixty undergraduate students listened to short messages presented either backward or forward. Immediately after listening to each message, they responded in a lexical decision task to a visually presented word that had either been present or had not been present in the preceding message. No priming effect was found for backward messages, although there was significant priming for forward messages. The results are not consistent with an effect of reverse speech on word processing.  相似文献   

Wheeldon and Monsell (this issue) found that production of a word in response to a definition had a large and long-lasting facilitatory effect on latency for later production of the same word to name a pictured object, and that this priming effect was not due to repeated production of the phonological word-form per se. This paper reports a further test of the locus of the effect. Welsh-English bilinguals named pictured objects in Welsh. Half the words were primed either by their earlier production in Welsh in response to Welsh definitions or by production of their equivalents in English in response to English definitions. Substantial facilitation resulted from prior production in the same language, none from prior production in the other language—provided that the equivalents differed in phonological form. Given that priming results neither from repeated activation of a meaning when different phonological forms are produced, nor from repetition of the same phonological form in response to different meanings, the priming effect must be localized in the connection between a word's meaning and its phonological form. We also put forward an account of bilingual lexicalization that accommodates this result together with some evidence indicating that production of words in one language is not wholly insulated from the “availability” of words in the other.  相似文献   

The present research tested the hypothesis that the age at which one’s first language (L1) words are learned influences language processing in bilinguals. Prior research on bilingual language processing by Kroll and colleagues has suggested that memory links between L1 words and conceptual representations are stronger than memory links between one’s second language (L2) word and conceptual representations. We hypothesized that the strengths of memory links between L1 words and conceptual representations are stronger for words learned early in life than for words learned later in life. Support for the hypothesis was obtained in bilingual translation experiment with 36 Spanish–English bilinguals. Participants translated L1 words into L2 and L2 words into L1. Half of the L1 words were learned early in childhood (early AoA words), and half were learned later in life (late AoA words). The L2 words were translation equivalents of the L1 words tested; the average age at which L2 words were learned was age 7. Target words were presented either in random order or blocked by semantic category. Translation times were longer when trials were blocked by semantic category (i.e., categorical interference) occurred only when early AoA L1 words were translated into L2. Implications for current models of bilingual memory are discussed.  相似文献   

Hospital-based nurses ( N  = 832) and doctors ( N  = 603) in northern and eastern Spain completed a survey of job burnout, areas of work life, and management issues. Analysis of the results provides support for a mediation model of burnout that depicts employees' energy, involvement, and efficacy as intermediary experiences between their experiences of work life and their evaluations of organizational change. The key element of this model is its focus on employees' capacity to influence their work environments toward greater conformity with their core values. The model considers 3 aspects of that capacity: decision-making participation, organizational justice, and supervisory relationships. The analysis supports this model and emphasizes a central role for first-line supervisors in employees' experiences of work life.  相似文献   

Syntactic priming in language production is the increased likelihood of using a recently encountered syntactic structure. In this paper, we examine two theories of why speakers can be primed: error‐driven learning accounts (Bock, Dell, Chang, & Onishi, 2007; Chang, Dell, & Bock, 2006) and activation‐based accounts (Pickering & Branigan, 1999; Reitter, Keller, & Moore, 2011). Both theories predict that speakers should be primed by the syntactic choices of others, but only activation‐based accounts predict that speakers should be able to prime themselves. Here we test whether speakers can be primed by their own productions in three behavioral experiments and find evidence of structural persistence following both comprehension and speakers’ own productions. We also find that comprehension‐based priming effects are larger for rarer syntactic structures than for more common ones, which is most consistent with error‐driven accounts. Because neither error‐driven accounts nor activation‐based accounts fully explain the data, we propose a hybrid model.  相似文献   

通过考察高、低水平汉英二语者阅读难易英语句子的知觉广度,本研究发现二语水平和句子难度调节汉英二语者的英语阅读速度,但不影响其阅读知觉广度,均表现为注视词左侧1个词至右侧1个词。该结果表明汉英二语者采用相对固定的注意分配策略来阅读英语,与中央凹加工负荷假说不一致。  相似文献   

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