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Turning the trunk or head to the left can reduce the severity of leftward neglect. This study sought to determine whether turning the trunk or head to the right would reduce pseudoneglect: A phenomenon where normal participants underestimate the rightward features of a stimulus. Participants made luminance judgements of two mirror-reversed greyscales stimuli. A preference for selecting the stimulus dark on the left was found. The effect of trunk-centred coordinates was examined in Expt. 1 by facing the head toward the display and turning the trunk to the left, right or toward the display. Head-centred coordinates were examined in Expt. 2 by directing the eyes toward the display and then turning the head and trunk. No effect of rotation was observed. It was concluded that the leftward bias for the greyscales task could be based on an object-centred attentional bias or left-to-right eye scanning habits.  相似文献   

Previous investigators have reported discrepant results for Ss in a choice reaction time (CRT) situation when stimuli are not equi-probable. Sixty Ss participated in an absolute judgment CRT task under three conditions of equi-probable stimuli and three of unequally probable stimuli. The results indicate that previous findings may be determined by a threshold dependent upon the effect of unequal stimulus frequencies and the utilities of different response strategies.  相似文献   

Previous investigators have reported discrepant results for Ss in a choice reaction time (CRT) situation when stimuli are not equi-probable. Sixty Ss participated in an absolute judgment CRT task under three conditions of equi-probable stimuli and three of unequally probable stimuli. The results indicate that previous findings may be determined by a threshold dependent upon the effect of unequal stimulus frequencies and the utilities of different response strategies.  相似文献   

A recent studysuggests that lesions to all major areas of the cholinergic basal forebrain in the rat (medial septum, horizontal limb of the diagonal band of Broca, and nucleus basalis magnocellularis) impair a spatial working memory task. However, this experiment used a surgical technique that mayhave damaged cerebellar Purkinje cells. The present studytested rats with highlyselective lesions of cholinergic neurons in all major areas of the basal forebrain on a spatial working memorytask in the radial arm maze. In postoperative testing, there were no significant differences between lesion and control groups in working memory, even with a delayperiod of 8 h, with the exception of a transient impairment during the first 2 d of postoperative testing at shorter delays (0 or 2 h). This finding corroborates other results that indicate that the cholinergic basal forebrain does not playa significant role in spatial working memory. Furthermore, it underscores the presence of intact memoryfunctions after cholinergic basal forebrain damage, despite attentional impairments that follow these lesions, demonstrated in other task paradigms.  相似文献   

Experiments are reported which have been designed to establish what features of a pair of figures can be used as an input for apparent motion. The display consisted of a central figure, A, which appeared briefly and was followed immediately afterwards by two figures, B and C, which appeared on either side of the original location of A. Figure A can thus move towards either B or C. When A was a low-pass filtered square it moved towards C (a low-pass filtered square that was similar to A but 'rotated' by 45 degrees) rather than toward B (a high-pass filtered square identical to A in orientation and size). When A was an unfiltered square it moved towards C (a low-pass filtered square of identical orientation) rather than towards B (a high-pass filtered square of identical orientation). Lastly, when A was a 'solid' square it moved towards C (a solid circle) rather than towards B (an outline square). All three experiments suggest that the direction of perceived movement is determined exclusively by low spatial frequencies rather than by similarity of oriented edges, especially when speed of alternation is rapid.  相似文献   

The tendency for observers to overestimate slant is not simply a visual illusion but can also occur with another sense, such as proprioception, as in the case of overestimation of self-body tilt. In the present study, distortion in the perception of body tilt was examined as a function of gender and multisensory spatial information. We used a full-body-tilt apparatus to test when participants experienced being tilted by 45 degrees, with visual and auditory cues present or absent. Body tilt was overestimated in all conditions, with the largest bias occurring when there were no visual or auditory cues. Both visual and auditory information independently improved performance. We also found a gender difference, with women exhibiting more bias in the absence of auditory information and more improvement when auditory information was added. The findings support the view that perception of body tilt is multisensory and that women more strongly utilize auditory information in such multisensory spatial judgments.  相似文献   

Smilek, Eastwood, and Merikle (2000) demonstrated that the detection of change was facilitated when the target character changed in many rather than few of its features. Specifically, the function relating search response time to display set size was shallower when more features changed than when fewer features changed. The researchers interpreted these results as indicating that large feature changes provide preattentive guidance of focal attention to the location of the change. We tested this preattentive guidance hypothesis by examining change detection performance in the context of a spatial cuing paradigm. The hypothesis predicts that (1) the cost on invalidly cued trials should be less when more features change than when fewer features change, and (2) the features manipulation should have no effect on validly cued trials. In contrast to these predictions, our results show that cuing effects are equivalent across all levels of feature change and that a robust effect of the features manipulation is observable for both validly and invalidly cued trials. We argue that large feature changes do not provide preattentive guidance and in fact can be detected more readilyafter attention is already in place at the target location.  相似文献   

《Cognitive development》2001,16(2):679-692
Akhtar [J. Child Lang. 26 (1999) 339.] found that when 4-year-old English-speaking children hear novel verbs in transitive utterances with ungrammatical word orders (e.g., Elmo the tree meeked), they correct them to canonical SVO order almost all of the time. However, when 3-year-olds and older 2-year-olds hear these same utterances, they waver between correcting and using the ungrammatical ordering. In the current study, we adapted this task for children at 2;4, using an intransitive construction. The major finding was that children corrected the noncanonical word order less than half as often as Akhtar's 2-year-old subjects who were approximately 4 months older. At the same time, however, children showed in several ways that they had some implicit understanding of canonical SV order; for example, they used the novel verb which they heard used in grammatical word order more often than the novel verb which they heard in ungrammatical word order, and they consistently used pronouns and the progressive –s auxiliary in appropriate ways. The current findings thus contribute to a growing body of theory and research suggesting that the ontogenetic emergence of linguistic categories and schemas is a gradual process, as is the emergence of categories in other domains of cognitive development.  相似文献   

Srinivasan N  Brown JM 《Perception》2006,35(2):193-200
Two experiments were designed to explore the relationship between visual attention and spatial-frequency processing using a cuing paradigm. In both experiments, the targets were a sharp-edged line segment with high spatial frequencies present and a blurred line segment with only low spatial frequencies present. In each trial an endogenous cue appeared at fixation indicating the probable location, left or right, in which a stimulus would appear. In experiment 1, a typical cuing effect was found with simple reaction times (RTs) for detecting the stimuli being faster when they appeared at a cued (ie attended) compared to an uncued (ie unattended) location. In experiment 2, choice RTs were measured, with participants indicating whether the sharp-edged line segment or the blurred line segment was presented in each trial. In this case, when it was necessary to process the spatial-frequency content of the stimuli, RTs were significantly faster at the attended location only for the sharp-edged line segment. For the blurred line segment without high spatial frequencies, RTs did not differ for attended and unattended locations. The results indicate that endogenous spatial attention interacts differently with high-spatial-frequency and low-spatial-frequency selective mechanisms depending on whether the task is to detect a stimulus or identify it on the basis of its spatial-frequency content.  相似文献   

The processing of sine-wave gratings presented to the left and right visual fields was examined in four experiments. Subjects were required either to detect the presence of a grating (Experiments 1 and 2) or to identify the spatial frequency of a grating (Experiments 3 and 4). Orthogonally to this, the stimuli were presented either at threshold levels of contrast (Experiments 1 and 3) or at suprathreshold levels (Experiments 2 and 4). Visual field and spatial frequency interacted when the task required identification of spatial frequency, but not when it required only stimulus detection. Regardless of contrast level (threshold, suprathreshold), high-frequency gratings were identified more readily in the right visual field (left hemisphere), whereas low-frequency gratings showed no visual field difference (Experiment 3) or were identified more readily in the left visual field (right hemisphere) (Experiment 4). Thus, hemispheric asymmetries in the processing of spatial frequencies depend on the task. These results support Sergent’s (1982) spatial frequency hypothesis, but only when the computational demands of the task exceed those required for the simple detection of the stimuli.  相似文献   

The automaticity of semantic activation in the Stroop task is still the subject of considerable debate (Augustinova & Ferrand, 2007; Manwell, Roberts, & Besner, 2004). The present experiments were designed to assess whether coloring and cuing a single letter (vs. all letters) in the Stroop task reliably eliminates semantically based Stroop interference or whether the elimination observed by Manwell et al. was due to insufficient statistical power. Experiment 1 was an exact replication of the experiment conducted by Manwell and colleagues and involved a large population. Experiment 2 replicated and extended Experiment 1 by controlling for initial fixation. In line with previous findings obtained by Augustinova and Ferrand, both experiments indicated that coloring and cuing a single letter failed to eliminate or even reduce the semantically based Stroop effect. Thus, these results add to the growing body of evidence suggesting that semantic activation in the Stroop task is automatic.  相似文献   

The role of high spatial frequencies in face perception   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The relevance of low and high spatial-frequency information for the recognition of photographs of faces has been investigated by testing recognition of faces that have been either low-pass (LP) or high-pass (HP) filtered in the spatial-frequency domain. The highest resolvable spatial frequency was set at 15 cycles per face width (cycles fw-1). Recognition was much less accurate for images that contained only the low spatial frequencies (up to 5 cycles fw-1) than for images that contained only spatial frequencies higher than 5 cycles fw-1. For faces HP filtered above 8 cycles fw-1, recognition was almost as accurate as for faces LP filtered below 8 cycles fw-1, although the energy content of the latter greatly exceeded that of the former. These findings show that information conveyed by the higher spatial frequencies is not redundant. Rather, it is sufficient by itself to ensure recognition.  相似文献   

Humans extract visual information from the world through spatial frequency (SF) channels that are sensitive to different scales of light-dark fluctuations across visual space. Using two methods, we measured human SF tuning for discriminating videos of human actions (walking, running, skipping and jumping). The first, more traditional, approach measured signal-to-noise ratio (s/n) thresholds for videos filtered by one of six Gaussian band-pass filters ranging from 4 to 128 cycles/image. The second approach used SF "bubbles", Willenbockel et al. (Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance, 36(1), 122-135, 2010), which randomly filters the entire SF domain on each trial and uses reverse correlation to estimate SF tuning. Results from both methods were consistent and revealed a diagnostic SF band centered between 12-16 cycles/image (about 1-1.25 cycles/body width). Efficiency on this task was estimated by comparing s/n thresholds for humans to an ideal observer, and was estimated to be quite low (>.04%) for both experiments.  相似文献   

Faces are perceived holistically, a phenomenon best illustrated when the processing of a face feature is affected by the other features. Here, the authors tested the hypothesis that the holistic perception of a face mainly relies on its low spatial frequencies. Holistic face perception was tested in two classical paradigms: the whole-part advantage (Experiment 1) and the composite face effect (Experiments 2-4). Holistic effects were equally large or larger for low-pass filtered faces as compared to full-spectrum faces and significantly larger than for high-pass filtered faces. The disproportionate composite effect found for low-pass filtered faces was not observed when holistic perception was disrupted by inversion (Experiment 3). Experiment 4 showed that the composite face effect was enhanced only for low spatial frequencies, but not for intermediate spatial frequencies known be critical for face recognition. These findings indicate that holistic face perception is largely supported by low spatial frequencies. They also suggest that holistic processing precedes the analysis of local features during face perception.  相似文献   

Although the use of merit pay, incentive pay, bonus pay, and job promotion are well-established measures in the private or corporate sector of American society, few examples of successful teacher merit pay systems exist. In 1983, the Eastern Washington University Department of Education surveyed six major private corporations to determine whether corporate merit pay programs could be applied to teachers and educational institutions. Survey findings suggest several reasons why merit pay programs for teachers will probably fail: (a) lack of monetary goals; (b) the necessity for subjective evaluation, which requires multiple measurement devices, extensive supervision, and time; (c) the absence of a many-tiered corporate structure in most educational institutions; and (d) increased supervisory direction that could stifle creativity and flexibility.  相似文献   

Lora Liss 《Sex roles》1975,1(3):209-223
Low perceptions of sex discrimination among full-time women faculty interviewed at a multicampus northeastern university in a major metropolitan area are explained and compared with statistical data documenting inequities in salary, promotion, rank, and tenure. Structural reasons for the misperceptions are offered, such as concentration in lowest ranks, pluralistic ignorance, merit myths, and cooptation. Data are generalizable because similar patterns prevail at most educational institutions. The study highlights the irony of the way women perceive their status and their own documentation of the day-to-day inequities which cumulatively result in the statistical patterns now accepted by the United States Supreme Court as prima facie evidence of sex discrimination. Solving status inequalities requires strong social networks among women, according to the author. Affirmative action recommendations are outlined to close the gap between women faculty and administrators without resorting to the courts.  相似文献   

The effect of visual distracting stimuli upon the straight alleyway performance of dorsal hippocampectomized Wistar rats was investigated. In comparison with control animals it was observed that dorsal hippocampectomized animals (1) ambulated more during the preexposure phase, (2) acquired at the same rate a running response for food (training phase), (3) reacted similarly to a new visual stimulus (black cards) presented in a sector of the alleyway, and (4) habituated to successive presentations of that stimulus in the same place. (5) However, dorsal hippocampectomized rats did not react, unlike the controls, to the presentation of the same stimulus in another place of the alleyway but (6) reacted to the visual pattern change of the stimulus (now black/white check cards) in the same place. These results indicate that under certain experimental conditions, hippocampus-lesioned animals are capable of interrupting a running response for food in order to explore a new conspicuously located stimulus, habituate to repeated presentations of that stimulus, and to react to a new pattern of visual stimulation. They suggest that hippocampectomized rats do not lose the capacity to react to a new stimulus; the disruption seems to be related to the spatial context of stimulus presentation, supporting a spatial mapping hypothesis of hippocampal function.  相似文献   

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