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自尊对大学生失败后情绪状态的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
以117名大二学生为被试,采用2×2两因素混合设计检验了自尊对大学生失败后情绪状态的影响。结果表明:(1)无论失败前还是失败后,低自尊组都比高自尊组有更多的抑郁、焦虑情绪;(2)无论高自尊组还是低自尊组,失败后都比失败前有更多的抑郁、焦虑反应;(3)自尊水平与情绪测量时间没有显著的交互作用;(4)高自尊组和低自尊组在失败后的情绪变化幅度上没有显著差异。  相似文献   

自尊结构研究的发展趋势   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
近年来,自尊结构的研究领域内出现了一些新进展,主要表现在:(1)内隐自尊研究的逐步兴起;(2)由注重总体自尊的研究到注重研究自尊的结构和具体自尊;(3)注重对自尊稳定性维度的分析研究;(4)注重对自尊结构的跨文化研究。这些都为我们理解和探讨自尊结构提供了新的观点和视角。文章综述了该研究领域的进展,并对今后的自尊结构研究作了展望。  相似文献   

Terror management theory argues that mortality salience (MS) enhances adherence to cultural norms. Recent cross-cultural research has suggested that Japanese culture emphasizes modesty and the enhancement of important others compared to the self. Thus, it was predicted that Japanese would show increased modesty and relative self-effacement in response to MS. In addition, the moderating effects of degree of enculturation were examined in two studies investigating Japanese undergraduates. Those strongly enculturated to the Japanese worldview showed a tendency to evaluate success more negatively (Study 1) and self-efface more relative to their close friends (Study 2). A view which regards both Easterners' self-effacement and Westerners' self-enhancement after MS to be a reflection of efforts to fit into cultural norm is presented.  相似文献   

泛文化的自尊——基于中国大学生的研究证据   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蔡华俭 《心理学报》2006,38(6):902-909
过去一直认为,自尊是人类普遍的需要,是泛文化的。但是,过去十多年来,这一观点受到严重挑战。其主要理由是许多跨文化的研究显示集体主义文化下个体的自尊显著低于西方,少有自我促进的迹象。但是,几乎所有这样的证据都是来自自陈式测量。由于自陈式测量难以避免自我展现(Self-presentation)或社会期许(Social Desirability)的影响,并且严重依赖于个体的自我报告,本研究采用新的能够防止社会期许的影响并能触及无意识的内隐测量——阈下评价性启动(Subliminal Evaluative Priming)程序,对中国大学生的自尊进行了研究。结果发现中国大学生对自我持有显著的积极、肯定的评价,中国人存在内隐自尊。这表明,集体主义文化下的个体的自尊需要是存在的,只是以内隐的方式表现或在自我展现的影响最小化后表现出来。这一发现和自尊的泛文化论是一致的  相似文献   

The current research was designed to examine associations of perceived life threat (PLT) and religious coping with the development of avoidance behavior following terror event exposure. Based upon the terror management theory (TMT), we hypothesized that religious coping, through its effect on religious beliefs as a meaning system, would moderate the impact of threat, as expressed in PLT, on an individual's reaction to terror event exposure, as manifested in avoidance behavior. Participants were 591 Israeli Jewish students who were vicariously or directly exposed to a terror event in the past. We report a significant interaction between PLT and negative religious coping. PLT was positively associated with avoidance behavior but this relationship was more profound among persons who reported high negative religious coping. Secular students reported higher rates of avoidance behavior and negative religious coping and were more likely than religious students to report intrapersonal religious conflict. Our findings suggest that terror event exposure is associated with an elevated sense of threat, which is, at least in part, associated with a weakening of prior religious beliefs.  相似文献   

高自尊的异质性研究述评   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
自尊不只有高低之分,很多研究者分别从实证研究的结果矛盾性、对自尊的概念及其测量方法的理论思考等方面论述了高自尊异质性存在的可能性,并分别从不同角度提出了高自尊的不同类型及其测量方法,如,不稳定的高自尊与稳定的高自尊、防御的高自尊与真诚的高自尊、相倚的高自尊与真正的高自尊、高外显低内隐自尊与高外显高内隐自尊、脆弱的高自尊与安全的高自尊等,其测量方法也因不同类型而不同。这些研究均说明高自尊存在异质性,需在未来的自尊研究中加以注意  相似文献   

The death of a close other (DOCO) is perhaps the most difficult experience that people endure. According to terror management theory (TMT), people manage the potentially terrorizing awareness of their mortality by immersing in cultural worldviews that allow them to feel like valuable members of a meaningful universe who may have some existence or trace after death. Although TMT has potential implications for understanding how people cope with DOCO, few studies have examined this possibility. We report results from four studies showing that, in line with TMT, students who experienced DOCO reported stronger valuing of their identification with their in-groups, which in turn was associated with higher levels of self-esteem. These findings shed new light on the social-psychological dynamics of DOCO.  相似文献   

自尊对自我确认倾向的影响:来自认知判断的证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过改编后的“整体自尊问卷”和“交谈自尊问卷”筛选出整体自尊和交谈自尊高低不同的四组被试,采用认知判断指标测量被试的自我确认倾向,通过模拟现实人际互动情境,在评价人对被试的交谈表现提供不同评价(肯定或否定)及表达不同交友态度(接受或排斥)的条件下,考察了整体自尊与特殊自尊对人际互动过程中自我确认倾向的影响。研究结果表明,与一致性需求的满足有关的特殊自尊调节着自我确认倾向,而与社交需求的满足有关的整体自尊对自我确认倾向的影响在整体上不具普遍性。  相似文献   

大学生习惯性负性自我思维与自尊的相关研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用实验法和测验法,让186名大学生完成内隐联想测验、SES量表和习惯性负性自我思维量表,探讨了中国文化背景下大学生习惯性负性自我思维与自尊的关系。结果发现:1)大学生有强烈的内隐自尊;2)内隐、外显自尊是相对独立的;3)习惯性负性自我思维存在显著性别差异;内隐、外显自尊及ZIAT-ZSES性别差异不显著;4)男大学生习惯性负性自我思维与外显自尊存在显著负相关,女大学生相关不显著;习惯性负性自我思维与内隐自尊及ZIAT-ZSES相关不显著。  相似文献   

采用2×2两因素被试间设计检验了不同归因方式的诱导对自尊不同学生失败后测验成绩的影响。结果表明:(1)总体上,高自尊组在失败后的测验成绩显著优于低自尊组;(2)内部归因后,高自尊组的后继测验成绩非常显著地优于低自尊组;外部归因后,高、低自尊组的后继测验成绩无显著差异;(3)对于高自尊组,内部归因后的后继测验成绩优于外部归因后的成绩,但未达到显著性水平;对于低自尊组,外部归因后的成绩显著优于内部归因后的成绩。  相似文献   

为了探索亲子关系在经济压力影响下的差异以及亲子关系对贫困大学生内隐与外显自尊的影响,本研究抽取67名贫困大学生和65名非贫困大学生进行比较研究。结果发现:(1)贫困大学生对父母持积极的内隐态度和显著的高内隐自尊;(2)非贫困大学生的父母教养方式比贫困大学生的更积极,但贫困大学生比非贫困大学生对父母的内隐态度更积极;(3)贫困大学生父母的积极教养方式对外显、内隐自尊以及自尊的分离有显著的预测作用,非贫困大学生的内隐父母态度对三个因变量预测作用较好。因此,亲子关系中相对薄弱的方面对自尊有重要影响。  相似文献   

Ideological beliefs have long attracted the attention of social psychologists, who have investigated their genesis as well as their influence on a host of social phenomena. Conservatism, from the Motivated Social Cognition framework, stems from epistemic and existential needs of the individual, and notably the fear of death. However, Terror Management Theory proposes a view of conservatism and its contrary, liberalism, as equivalent cultural worldviews, equally fit to fulfill such needs. In the present contribution, results are presented from five studies, which test the contrasting hypotheses derived from these two perspectives. A new perspective is considered that accounts for these and previous findings.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of locus of control on university students' mental health and to examine possible mediational roles of self-esteem and coping. A total of 418 university students completed Rotters I-E Scale, Self-liking/self-competence Scale, Endlers Coping with Stressful Situations Scale and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale. The results showed that external locus of control, lower self-liking and self-competence, as well as less problem-focused and more emotion-focused coping predict more symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress in university students. However, mediational analysis revealed that the effect of locus of control was fully mediated by self-esteem and coping, with self-liking and emotion-focused coping being the strongest mediators. Results suggest that beliefs about control affect beliefs about one's self-worth and coping strategies, which in turn can affect one's mental health.  相似文献   

Fierce public discussion has centered on anti‐Islamic attitudes and tolerance in America and the West more broadly. The present research explored whether the awareness of mortality (a common theme in politics, e.g., war/terrorism, health care, abortion, and so on) and tolerance salience might influence (1) the endorsement of anti‐Islamic attitudes in American politics and (2) political orientation. Study 1 (n = 79) was conducted in lab and Study 2 (preregistered, n = 396) replicated it online; both obtained the same results. In a neutral‐value‐prime condition, American participants reminded of mortality (vs. control topic) more strongly endorsed a Congressman’s anti‐Islamic statements about Rep. Ellison. However, in a tolerance‐value‐prime condition, participants reminded of mortality maintained their acceptance of Rep. Ellison’s beliefs and practices. Political orientation was not impacted. Implications for terror management theory (TMT), other theories of existential dynamics and motivated conservative political ideology, and both recent and contemporary American politics are discussed.  相似文献   


The authors investigated word-task performance of 192 postgraduate Indian women, grouped according to high or low self-esteem, after different causal attributions for failure. The subsequent performance of the low-self-esteem (LSE) participants improved after reattribution training. When the LSE participants were induced to attribute their prior failure to external causes, the external attribution not only reduced their natural tendency toward self-blame but also broke the self-defeating cycle, thereby enabling them to improve their subsequent performance.  相似文献   

The relationship between gender and global self-esteem in adolescence, while modest, has been well established, with boys consistently scoring higher than girls. In the present study, we sought to understand gender differences in adolescent self-esteem in terms of its component parts. With a relatively large (n = 545) sample of adolescents, drawn from Grades 8, 10. and 12, we specified 8 domains of adolescent self-esteem (personal security, home/parents, peer popularity, academic competence, attractiveness, personal mastery, psychological permeability, and athletic competence) across a number of different instruments and brought them together into a common assessment superstructure. Gender differences as well as the relative contributions of the different domains to overall self-esteem scores were measured. As predicted, boys attained slightly higher global self-esteem scores than girls did, by a difference of .22 standard deviation units. Contrary to our expectation of more balanced domain effects, boys significantly outperformed girls in 6 of 8 domains, whereas the 2 remaining domains exhibited no significant gender differences. There were no main or interaction effects for grade level. In terms of relative contribution of these domains to global self-esteem for the 2 genders, global self-esteem in boys and girls is predicted in very similar strengths and in the same order of magnitude by identical domains of self-esteem: home/parents, personal security, academic competence, attractiveness, and personal mastery—yielding multiple R 2s from .88 to .91.  相似文献   

Research on the hopelessness and self-esteem theories of depression (Abramson, Metalsky, & Alloy, 1989; Metalsky, Joiner, Hardin, & Abramson, 1993) suggests that HIV-infected persons with depressotypic attributional style (AS) and low self-esteem (SE) may be at risk for onset of a syndrome referred to as hopelessness depression (HD). In a prospective study conducted to test these theories, measures of anxiety and depression, AS, and SE were administered to 85 HIV+ and 43 HIV– men; symptoms were reassessed 6 months later. Results indicated that: (1) The interaction of AS, SE, and HIV status predicted change in HD symptoms, but not overall depression or anxiety symptoms; (2) HIV+ men with depressotypic AS and high SE had increased HD symptom levels while other men with high SE had decreased HD symptom levels; (3) HD symptoms remained stable over the 6-month interval among men with low SE; and (4) High SE predicted decreases in anxiety symptoms among HIV– men, but not among HIV+ men. Contrary to the study hypothesis, these findings suggest that among individuals with life-threatening illnesses such as HIV infection, those with depressotypic AS and high SE may be at highest risk for onset of HD.  相似文献   

不同自尊者在赌博情境下的风险规避行为   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
为了考察不同自尊水平的个体在赌博情境下的风险规避行为,263名大学生被试同时完成外显Rosenberg量表、内隐联想测验和21点赌博游戏。实验结果发现,(1)随着风险的增加,所有被试都表现出风险规避;(2)在高外显自尊水平的个体中,低内隐自尊水平个体比高内隐自尊水平个体表现出更多的风险规避行为;在低内隐自尊的个体中,高外显自尊个体比低外显自尊个体表现出更多的风险规避行为。风险规避行为间接地反映出个体的防御倾向,结果提示,在风险情境中,高外显低内隐自尊个体表现出较高的自我防御倾向。  相似文献   

自尊概念辨析   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
自尊是个人对自我价值和自我能力的情感体验,属于自我系统中的情感成分,具有一定的评价意义。它与其相近概念,如自尊需要、自我效能、自我价值、自我概念等都有着本质的区别和联系。该文就自尊的概念及其与相关概念的区别与联系进行了尝试性探讨,以期抛砖引玉,更好地认识自尊这一人格变量。  相似文献   

Terror management theory (TMT) proposes that thoughts of death trigger a concern about self-annihilation that motivates the defense of cultural worldviews. In contrast, uncertainty theorists propose that thoughts of death trigger feelings of uncertainty that motivate worldview defense. University students (N = 414) completed measures of the chronic fear of self-annihilation and existential uncertainty as well as the need for closure. They then evaluated either a meaning threat stimulus or a control stimulus. Consistent with TMT, participants with a high fear of self-annihilation and a high need for closure showed the greatest dislike of the meaning threat stimulus, even after controlling for their existential uncertainty. Contrary to the uncertainty perspective, fear of existential uncertainty showed no significant effects.  相似文献   

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