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工业组织心理学中的社会称许性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先介绍了社会称许性测量中的归因与否认模型、自我欺骗与印象管理模型,相关的研究分别指出社会称许性既具有特质性又具有情境性。其次综述了计算机呈现的问卷测量与纸笔问卷在社会称许性上的差异;称许性反应对组织心理学中构念间关系的影响——称许性对构念间的关系存在调节作用,但并没有想象的广泛;以及称许性反应对选拔中的人格测验的影响。在此基础上提出了一些关于称许性研究对人格测量、职务分析的影响以及控制称许性反应方面的未来研究问题。  相似文献   

运用马洛-克罗恩社会赞许量表(MCSD)和儿童社会期望量表(CSD),采用3×3设计,测查了高、中、低三类赞许动机水平的246名初中生在高、中、低三种不同赞许情境下完成诚实性测验的差异,以考察社会赞许性反应。结果显示低赞许动机被试比高赞许动机被试整体上更诚实,他们在三种情境下的诚实性行为差异不显著;高赞许动机水平被试在三种赞许情境下诚实性行为差异显著。说明前者更多依从自己内部判断,后者更多依从外界评价。  相似文献   

The role of socially desirable responding in the report of treatment motivation and psychological distress by patients seeking surgical treatment for dentofacial disharmony was explored. Participants completed the Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding (BIDR; Paulhus, 1988), which measures two components of socially desirable responding (SDR): impression management (IM), which is the purposeful tailoring of answers in order to create the most positive social image, and self-deceptive positivity (SDE), which is an honest, but overly positive self-presentation. When simple bivariate relationships were examined, statistically significant inverse associations were observed between socially desirable responding and specific motives for treatment and between SDR and psychological distress. However, the relationship between socially desirable responding and motives for treatment disappeared when the effect of psychological distress was controlled. The positive relationship between psychological distress and the report of social well-being, and self-image motives for treatment remained statistically significant even after the variance attributable to socially desirable responding was removed. Implications of the findings for the evaluation of psychological distress and treatment motivation in this population are discussed.  相似文献   

社会称许性量表的测量等价性探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
白新文  李锋  陈毅文 《心理科学》2004,27(5):1083-1086
若观测变量和潜在特质之间的关系在相比较的群体之间等同,就称该量表具备测量等价性。测量工具满足测量等价性的要求是进行组间差异比较的前提条件。该文首先明确测量等价性的概念及在结构方程模型中所要满足的5个条件,然后以社会称许性的性别差异为例,阐述测量等价性检验和建立的方法。结果表明,男性群体和女性群体的测量等价。文章最后讨论了该研究的理论意义和不足之处。  相似文献   

潘逸沁  骆方 《心理科学进展》2017,(10):1664-1674
社会称许性反应是影响人格测验效度最常见的一种反应偏差,从20世纪30年代至今,测量学家一直努力揭示社会称许性反应的性质和内部结构,并开发社会称许性量表对其直接测量。本文综述了社会称许性量表的发展脉络,指出了至今遗留的问题。并且,从事前控制和事后控制的角度,对当前主要的控制社会称许性反应的方法进行了论述,指出了社会称许性量表的效度对事后控制方法的重要影响,并给出了一些如何控制社会称许性反应的指导建议。  相似文献   

Self-report data collection methods are widely used techniques to gather information in studies related to road safety. One of the most considerable limitations of self-reports is social desirability bias. One way to overcome the possible detrimental effects of socially desirable responding is to control it by using social desirability scales. With respect to that, the present study aims to adapt the Driver Social Desirability Scale into Turkish, examine its construct validity, and investigate the relationship between social desirability and driving-related measures. A total of 351 drivers between the ages of 19 and 59 completed a questionnaire including a demographic information form, the Driver Behavior Questionnaire (DBQ), the Driver Skill Inventory (DSI), the Two-Dimensional Social Desirability Scale (SDS), and the Driver Social Desirability Scale (DSDS). Factor analysis supported the two-factor structure of the DSDS in the Turkish sample. Social desirability correlated positively with age and driving experience. Female drivers reported higher levels of driver impression management, while male drivers scored higher on self-deception. Driver impression management was associated negatively with violations and perceptual-motor skills and positively with safety skills. Lastly, driver self-deception was positively related to violations, positive driver behaviors, perceptual-motor skills, and safety skills. The study shows that the Turkish version of the DSDS is a reliable and structurally valid instrument with incremental validity compared to the general social desirability measure in predicting driving-related outcomes.  相似文献   

Inattentiveness and social desirability might be particularly problematic for self‐report scales in creativity and arts research. Respondents who are inattentive or who present themselves favorably will score highly on scales that yield positively skewed distributions and that assess socially valued constructs, such as scales measuring creativity and arts knowledge. A total of 204 undergraduates completed an online survey with several self‐report measures (the Creative Achievement Questionnaire, the Biographical Inventory of Creative Behavior, and the Aesthetic Fluency Scale). Many metrics of inattentiveness were included, such as directed response items, self‐reported attentiveness, and scales to catch inconsistent and patterned responses. The Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding measured facets of social desirability. We found high rates of inattentive responding. A latent class analysis indicated that around 25% of the sample was potentially inattentive, and inattentive respondents received higher scores on the creativity and arts scales. Excluding problematic participants increased the effect sizes of interest, consistent with the coarsening effect of careless participants. Social desirability, in contrast, had essentially no relationship with the creativity and arts scales. These findings suggest that social desirability is probably less of a problem than researchers fear, but that inattentiveness is an underappreciated threat. Some practical guidelines are suggested.  相似文献   

编制中国成年人社会赞许性量表。参考已有同类量表,通过小组讨论、专家访谈等方法编写题目,通过两次预测筛选、修改并确定量表题目,在此基础上再进行第三次测试以检验量表的心理测量学特征。结果表明,本次编制的中国成年人多维社会赞许性量表具有可接受的内部一致性、分半和重测信度以及结构效度、内容效度、同质效度和聚合效度。结论:中国成年人多维社会赞许性量表具有可接受的心理测量学特征,可被用来测量和评估现代中国成年人的社会赞许性。  相似文献   

社会称许性反应由两个成分组成:自我欺骗(无意识地夸大反应)和印象管理(有意识地歪曲作答)。采用实验研究范式和Mixed Rasch Model,探讨二者在BIDR印象管理量表上的得分及作答模式差异。结果发现,当发生印象管理时,量表分数高于仅发生自我欺骗时的分数,且被试倾向选择极端反应。进而采用logistic回归对量表分数划定分界线,将高于分数线的被试认定为故意作假者,低于分界线的被试认定为仅发生了自我欺骗,没有故意作假。  相似文献   

A tutorial example demonstrates the effects of social desirability bias on fictional multiculturalism and mental health data and how bias can be moderated by parital correlations using social desirabiliry measures of different degrees of validity. The 33-item Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability scale was translated from English to Norwegian and presented to 117 university students and 124 non-students. Using psychometric criteria, and a "seed-crystal" method accretion, a 10-item Norwegian short-form of the Marlowe-Crowne scale was produced.  相似文献   

自恋与自尊:社会赞许性的中介作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:考察社会赞许性在自恋与自尊关系中所起的中介作用。方法:对614名大学生进行自恋人格问卷(NPI)、自尊问卷(SES)、马洛一克罗恩社会赞许量表(MCSD)测评。结果:高自恋者的自尊水平显著高于低自恋者;自恋总分及权欲、优越感、自我钦羡三个因子与自尊显著性正相关,特权感因子与自尊负相关;自恋总分及权欲、优越感、自我钦羡因子对自尊有较好的直接预测效应,以社会赞许性为中介能更好地解释特权感因子与自尊的关系。结论:自恋与自尊关系稳定,自恋的权欲、优越感、自我钦羡因子预测健康的自尊,特权感因子预测防御性的自尊。  相似文献   

文化与社会赞许反应:社会个人互动的观点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在处理社会赞许反应的文化差异时,常用的两种方法为实验控制和统计控制。我们在本文中提出另一个观点。通过回顾近期的相关文献,我们指出:社会赞许反应的文化差异,反映在不同社会环境中,人们在相应的文化要求下,以不同的自我呈现方式来加强他们追求个人目标的动力。这种社会、文化与个人的对话历程乃研究文化—心理关系的核心课题。用实验或统计方法将因这个历程产生的变量从跨文化数据中剔除后,所得的结果便只有微薄的文化意义了。因此,我们反对将社会赞许反应的文化差异视为跨文化研究的噪音。相反地,我们认为跨文化研究者应认真地分析社会赞许反应的社会文化意义,以社会赞许反应作为一个窗口,管窥社会、文化与行为相生相成的关系。  相似文献   

曾秀芹  卞冉  车宏生 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1165-1168,1160
本研究采用共同方法偏差控制法研究在应聘情境下,社会称许性(SD)因素是否存在于16PF测验的二级因素结构中,对人格测量产生影响,并探索SD对15个分量表的影响程度。结果表明:在应聘情境下,16PF的二级因素结构中存在SD因素,SD普遍对13个分量表有显著的影响,其中分量表C、Q4和G受到的影响较大,分量表A、E、F、M、NI、、Q1和Q2受到的影响较小。本研究为探索如何矫正SD对16PF人格测量的影响提供参考。  相似文献   


The so-called “lottery question,” which asks whether individuals would stop or continue working if there were no economic reasons to do so, was used to evaluate non-financial employment commitment. Data were collected through a survey conducted among a representative sample of the adult population in Israel. The sample included 501 respondents, who were interviewed via telephone in their homes by professional interviewers from a national survey agency. The additional contribution of social desirability to the prediction of nonfinancial employment commitment, beyond the contribution of age, is significant. There is a higher likelihood of indicating a desire to continue working under conditions of high social desirability rather than under those of low social desirability. It is suggested that, in order to examine the actual scope of nonfinancial employment commitment, some measures of detecting or reducing the social desirability bias should be taken.  相似文献   

Gianakos  Irene 《Sex roles》2002,46(5-6):149-158
This investigation examined the influence of 4 personal attributes—sex, gender role, social desirability, and locus of control—as predictors of coping with work stress. Participants were 208 employed adult students (154 females and 54 males), primarily European Americans (90.4%) from working-class backgrounds. Theresults indicated that men were more likely to use alcohol and women more likely to use direct action. Femininity and/or masculinity scores predicted control-related coping butwere unrelated to escape-related coping. High social desirability scores predicted direct action coping, whereas low scores predicted alcohol use. In terms of locus of control, an internal orientation predicted help-seeking and positive thinking, a powerful others orientation predicted avoidance/resignation, and a chance orientation predicted alcohol use.  相似文献   

应聘情境下作假识别量表的开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
骆方  刘红云  张月 《心理学报》2010,42(7):791-801
在应聘情境中, 被试容易对人格测验作假。应对作假的常用方法是采用社会称许性量表对作假直接测量, 再去校正和识别作假效应。但是采用社会称许性量表测量作假存在很多问题, 因而基于作假的特殊性质开发了《作假识别量表》。采用探索性因素分析证实了量表的单维性, 解释率为54.650%。概化理论检验表明测验信度较好, G系数为0.906, j系数为0.902。采用一个真实的应聘情境检验效度, 发现《作假识别量表》对作假更加敏感, 能够比较充分地测量作假。  相似文献   

Desirability bias is the tendency to overpredict desirable outcomes and underpredict unwanted outcomes. Previous research suggests that this bias is quite pervasive among non-experts but there is very scant evidence of its intensity among experts. For at least twenty years, financial academics and, to a lesser extent, practicing investment managers have claimed that the financial markets are among the most efficient and bias free in existence. Therefore, this paper examines the degree of desirability bias among expert and practicing US and Taiwanese investment managers. The empirical results suggest that desirability bias does appear to be a characteristic of these experts. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

傅鑫媛  陆智远  寇彧 《心理学报》2015,47(8):1058-1066
道德伪善既有印象管理或欺人的一面, 也有自欺的一面。道德伪善的影响因素众多, 而人际层面的影响因素则少有研究。本研究采用实验的方法, 以大学生为被试, 设置捐款情境, 探讨单个陌生他人在场及其真善/伪善行为能否抑制个体的道德伪善。结果表明:陌生他人单纯在场或做出伪善行为都不能抑制捐款情境中个体的道德伪善, 而在场陌生他人的真善行为可以有效抑制捐款情境中个体的道德伪善。  相似文献   

In 2 experiments, the researcher investigated the social desirability of different love styles (Eros, Ludus, Storge, Pragma, Mania, and Agape). In Experiment 1, the Marlowe-Crowne measure of social desirability (D. P. Crowne & D. Marlowe, 1960) was correlated negatively with possessive, dependent (Mania) love styles in both men and women. In men, social desirability was correlated positively with romantic, passionate love (Eros) and game-playing love (Ludus), but negatively with all-giving, selfless love (Agape). In women, social desirability was correlated positively with Agape, but negatively with Ludus. In Experiment 2, the researcher replicated these findings using an impression management manipulation (good, bad, and honest responding). The gender differences in social desirability of different love styles are explained in terms of traditional and nontraditional gender role socialization.  相似文献   

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