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Some studies have shown that pleasant scent encourages the prosocial behavior of people requested for help. However, the effect of pleasant ambient odor on spontaneous helping has never been tested. Male and female confederates accidentally dropped a glove on the floor while walking in places with pleasant ambient odors (e.g., pastries) and in places with no odor. The confederate continued his/her walk, seemingly unaware of his/her loss. It was found that passers-by helped the confederates more favorably in the pleasant-smelling areas. Positive mood induced by ambient smell was used to explain such results.  相似文献   

本研究采用感恩特质问卷、共情反应问卷和助人行为独裁者游戏对629名大学生进行了施测,以探讨大学生感恩影响助人行为的内在机制,并考察共情反应的中介作用及其性别差异。结果发现:(1)女生感恩、共情反应和助人行为均显著高于男生;(2)共情反应在大学生感恩和助人行为之间的关系中具有部分中介作用;(3)共情反应的中介作用在男生和女生样本中均达到显著水平,相对于男生,女生共情反应对感恩与助人行为的中介效应显著增强。研究结论对于高校大学生的感恩教育和道德教育与干预具有参考价值。  相似文献   

李丹  李燕  宗爱东  丁月增 《心理科学》2005,28(4):961-964
1引言 在儿童早期的社会发展中,社会情绪及其相应的社会行为发展最为关键。由社会动因驱使的人际互动行为,如爱抚、安全、舒适等需要的满足将导致社会情绪状态的重组和发展。在诸多的社会情绪中,移情能力的发展对于幼儿来说尤为重要。移情是对另一个人产生同感的情感反应(Hoffman,2003),它是一种复杂的情绪沟通能力,是在条件反射基础上,在人际互动过程中,通过模仿、强化逐渐形成的。  相似文献   

The present research addressed the question of whether empathy can be experienced in terms of anger on behalf of a victimized person (i.e., empathic anger). The present research also tested whether empathic anger motivates desires intended to help a victim, or desires intended to punish a transgressor, or both. Four studies were conducted. Studies 1–3 developed and validated a measure of trait empathic anger. Study 4 validated a measure of state empathic anger and tested whether participants' empathic anger has an effect on their desire to engage in helping and punishing behaviors. State empathic anger had direct, positive effects on both helping and punishing desires, and trait empathic anger had positive mediated effects (via state empathic anger) on both desires. The effects of trait and state empathic anger were unique from the effects of existing measures of empathy-as-sadness. Implications for future empathy and prosocial behavior research are discussed.  相似文献   

IAT在内隐助人态度上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪伟 《心理学探新》2008,28(3):93-96
内隐联想测验(Implicit Association Test)是研究内隐社会认知的一种新方法,根据内隐联想测验的基本原理,采用IAT对内隐助人态度进行了研究。主要采用词汇测验,目标概念是助人性和非助人性词汇,属性概念是积极词和消极词。通过比较目标概念和属性概念在不同联结情况下被试完成分类任务所用的反应时之差,来确定其是否具有倾向于助人的内隐态度。结果发现:1)IAT词汇测验中,助人性信息和积极性词汇之间的平均反应时小于助人性信息和消极性词汇之间的平均反应时,且差异显著;2)IAT测验中,男女被试间无显著性差异。研究表明,IAT可以应用于内隐助人态度的研究。  相似文献   

研究选取北京市某幼儿园3~6岁幼儿共118名作为研究对象。以助人任务为实验情境,设置了慷慨施恩者VS吝啬者(情境一)、施恩者VS好人(情境二)和传承知恩图报意识(情境三)三种情境,研究幼儿在三种不同助人情境下知恩图报意识的发展关键年龄及发展趋势。结果表明,在情境一和情境二中的知恩图报意识的发展关键年龄为5岁;情境三中幼儿知恩图报意识的发展关键年龄推测为6岁以后。各情境下知恩图报意识随年龄增长而提升。  相似文献   

The proportion dominance effect (PDE) refers to a higher motivation to help when the victims are part of a small (you can help 56 out of 60) rather than a large (you can help 56 out of 560) reference group. In two studies using different experimental paradigms, we investigated possible mediators of the PDE. Study 1 (N = 168) was conducted in three separate steps in order to test each link of the mediator model independently. Students read six vignettes where it was possible to help a fixed number of victims but where the size of the reference group was either small or large. When the reference group was small, helping motivation and perceived utility were higher, whereas sympathy toward the victims and perceived rights were not. A within‐subject mediation analysis showed that perceived utility mediated the PDE. Study 2 (N = 36) presented four versions of a single helping situation in a joint evaluation mode where the size of the reference group became gradually smaller in each version. All participants compared and responded to each version. Helping motivation increased as the reference group became smaller, and this effect was mediated by perceived utility rather than by distress, sympathy, or perceived responsibilities. Our results suggest that unlike, for example, the identifiability and singularity effects, which have been suggested to be mediated by emotional reactions, the PDE is mediated by perceived utility. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The bystander effect refers to the phenomenon that individuals are less likely to help if there are potential other helpers present. For instance, past research revealed that participants were less likely to help computer-controlled characters if there were other computer-controlled characters present. Research has also shown that the bystander effect occurs if the presence of others is merely imagined. The present research examined the idea that the presence of multiple characters within a video game reduces the player's helping behavior even after the video game is over. In fact, participants who played a video game with multiple characters present were less likely to devote time to assisting in a future study than participants who had played the same video game with only a single character present.  相似文献   

人际责任归因与助人意愿的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
人际责任归因研究是归因研究与责任推断相结合的一个新领域,它将归因理论应用于对他人失败行为的责任分析之中,为行为责任的推断提供了一个崭新的视角。本研究结合助人行为探讨人际责任归因与助人意愿之间的内在联系,204名教育硕士生和大学生被试参与了此项研究,并通过EQS建立了有关归因的控制性、情感反应、责任推断以及助人行为之间关系的结构方程模型。研究结果支持Weiner的人际责任归因理论假设,并且表明在归因与助人意愿关系模型中责任推断与情感反应是双向的而非单向的关系。  相似文献   

This study reports on the effectiveness of a helping skills training program for intern psychometrists. A randomized pretest–posttest comparison group design was used to evaluate the training program. Participants (N = 22; 82% = female, and Afrikaans-speaking = 95%) were selected from the psychometrist-in-training program from a tertiary institution. Three helping skills development measuring instruments were administered before and after the training program. Data were quantitatively analysed to examine training effects on empathy, respect and genuineness, as well as the participants’ ability to respond to content and personalise meaning. At the conclusion of the training, participants appeared to have evidently developed a heightened sense of purpose in life.  相似文献   

This experimental vignette study examined children's perceptions and evaluations of helping a peer, in the context of friendships and in the presence of by-standing peers. A total of 1246 children (8 to 12 years) reported their attitude toward helping when either friends of the helper, friends of the recipient of help, or no bystanders were present. In agreement with the competitive altruism model, children most strongly endorsed helping when friends of the helper were present compared to the other two situations. This indicates that children take reputation concerns into account when evaluating helping situations. However, in contrast to lower prosocial children, the evaluations of higher prosocial children were not influenced by the presence of by-standing peers. These children seemed to base their evaluation on increasing the recipient's welfare and less on reputation concerns of the helper.  相似文献   

以56名大学生为被试,采用被试内设计先后在群体内外两种条件下完成观点采择、共情反应与助人行为实验,探讨大学生观点采择在影响其助人行为的过程中,群体关系与共情反应的不同作用。结果表明:(1)在内外群体关系中,大学生观点采择对助人行为的影响均需要借助于共情反应的中介而发挥作用;(2)群体关系在观点采择对助人行为的作用中发挥了一定的调节作用。在内群体关系中,大学生观点采择对助人行为的影响不仅需要借助于共情反应的部分中介效应而发挥作用,同时也存在一定的直接效应;在外群体关系中,大学生观点采择则完全借助于共情反应的中介效应而发挥作用,不存在显著的直接效应。  相似文献   

We theorized that unmitigated‐agentic personality constructs (UAPs)—prioritizing 'getting ahead’ over 'getting along’—and unmitigated‐communal personality constructs (UCPs)—prioritizing getting along over getting ahead—are associated with distinct affect‐regulatory helping strategies. In Study 1 (N = 179), UAPs, on average, related to greater negative‐affect versus positive‐affect induction helping tactics. In two experiments, UAPs, on average, related to a greater likelihood of selecting anger‐inducing versus love‐inducing or sadness‐inducing songs to help a target overcome a breakup (Study 2; N = 313) and greater selection of anger‐inducing and hubris‐inducing messages versus authentic‐pride‐inducing and love‐inducing messages to help a teammate struggling in a game (Study 3; N = 246). UCPs manifested the opposite patterns. Generally, these associations corresponded with helping‐strategy utility beliefs and were robust to moderators of helping target (self or other; Study 2) or altruistic versus selfish motives (Study 3). Study 4 (N = 205) provided some evidence of ecological validity in contexts of recalled everyday helping. Associations between personality constructs and relative helping strategies were about moderate in size (rs ~ .20) across these four studies. Findings suggest that UAPs are associated with helping strategies believed to promote ‘contemptuous’ self‐enhancement relative to ‘innocuous’ self‐enhancement and self‐transcendence, and vice versa for UCPs. © 2019 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

This article investigates the mediating role of job dissatisfaction in the relationship between employees’ perceptions of workplace incivility and their helping behavior, as well as the buffering role of political skill in this process. Three-wave, time-lagged data collected from employees and their supervisors revealed that employees’ exposure to workplace incivility diminished their helping behavior through their sense of job dissatisfaction. This mediating role of job dissatisfaction was less salient, however, to the extent that employees were equipped with political skill. For organizations, this study accordingly pinpoints a key mechanism—namely, unhappiness about their job situation—through which rude coworker treatment links to lower voluntary workplace behaviors among employees, and it reveals how this mechanism can be better contained in the presence of political skill.  相似文献   

Using several different samples, model specifications, and variable proxies, this study revisits the role of social capital in generating life satisfaction (happiness). The main outcome of the exercise is that the parameter for social capital (generalized trust) is extremely fragile, and most estimates show little significant role of social capital in generating happiness. Six additional points are noted. First, the role of income seems generally positive and significant. Second, there are marked parametric differences between high-income and low-income subgroups, but it is difficult to say whether social capital or income is more important in either group. Third, significance of income inequality and of inflation vary considerably across the models and the samples, but their association with happiness is generally weak. Fourth, two measures of happiness (life satisfaction) yield similar sets of estimates. Fifth, there is some indication that “transition” economies are marked by lower happiness while Latin American countries are generally happier. Last, a reasonable test indicates absence of any significant specification error and mitigates worries about possible endogeneities.  相似文献   

运用ERPs技术探讨了正常和抑郁个体在中性和负性情境诱导下的情绪Stroop效应。结果发现正常被试在负性情境下对中性词判断的错误率比在中性情境下更高,对负性词加工的P1波幅减小、N1增大,出现了Stroop效应;抑郁被试在两种情境下对负性词加工的P1和 N1波幅没有差异。研究结果提示,抑郁个体在负性情境下出现注意脱离困难和资源不足,难以解决情绪冲突任务,支持了注意脱离损伤假说,并进一步说明抑郁个体的情绪选择性注意加工会受到心境一致性状态的影响,因过多的注意资源卷入从而出现负性情绪调节不良。实验结果为探讨抑郁个体对负性情绪的注意加工和调节过程提供了来自电生理的证据。  相似文献   

Extreme weather events have been increasingly in the news, accompanied by images. At the end of 2011, when such reports were ever present, the International Panel on Climate Change published a draft report on extreme weather and climate change adaptation. This report itself was covered in the news and illustrated with images. Some of these depicted ‘extreme weather’, in particular with relation to floods, droughts and heat waves, hurricanes and ice/sea-level rise. For this article, these images were studied using visual thematic analysis, with a focus on examining the way they may symbolise certain emotional responses, such as compassion, fear, guilt, vulnerability, helpless, courage or resilience. Climate change communicators have examined the way that evoking such emotions in verbal communication can lead to engagement or disengagements with the topic of climate change. However, while researchers have also become increasingly interested in climate change images, they have not yet studied them with respect to symbolising certain emotions. Various typologies of images have been proposed in the past, distinguishing, for example, between human and natural impact images or iconic and geographically specific images. The images studied here do not neatly map onto these distinctions. They symbolise human suffering and loss and they are sometimes geographically and socially distinctive, but they are also iconic of climate change and they are symbols of its natural impacts. They all, to some extent, symbolise helplessness and may thus lead to disengagement rather than engagement with the issue of climate change.  相似文献   


The author manipulated affective demeanor (positive or negative) and cognitive processes (positive or negative) displayed by a target person, along with the perspective-taking focus (affect or cognitions) of participants, to assess the unique and interactive effects of those variables on the participants' helping behavior, operationalized as time volunteered to help other students. An ethnically diverse sample (N = 109) of U.S. working adults (mean age = 31.56 years, SD = 8.21) viewed a videotape of a female target talking about returning to college. Participants adopting an affective perspective-taking focus volunteered more time than did those who adopted a cognitive perspective-taking focus. Also, a significant interaction between participants' perspective-taking focus and target's affective demeanor revealed that participants who focused on the target's feelings and who viewed a warm, cheerful target volunteered more time than did the other groups. Moreover, a significant interaction between participants' perspective-taking focus and target's cognitive processes revealed that the participants who focused on the target's feelings and who viewed a confused and unfocused target volunteered more time than did the other groups. The author also discusses the relationship between empathy, personal distress, and helping.  相似文献   

We examined the reliability and validity of the research validity scales (Schinka, Kinder, & Kremer, 1997) for the NEO-Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO-PI-R) in a clinical sample. The Negative Presentation Management (NPM) and Positive Presentation Management (PPM) scales were found to have satisfactory internal consistency reliability. Support for the validity of these scales was provided by the pattern of convergent and discriminant correlations with respective Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) validity scales. Finally, PAI profiles of individuals with invalid NPM scores were found to differ significantly from those with valid NPM scores. Comparisons of the invalid profiles with profiles from other clinical samples provided additional support for the use of the NPM scale as a measure of negative impression management.  相似文献   

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