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Cognitive Resources and Leadership Performance   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Le rôle et la fonction des ressources cognitives que sont les aptitudes intellectuelles, l'expérience et les connaissances spécialisées ont longtemps été une énigme tacitement ignorée dans la théorie du leadership. En pratique, tout protocole de sélection ou de promotion d'un manager ou d'un leader évalue soigneusement les aptitudes intellectuelles du candidat, ses connaissances et son expérience professionnelle. Pourtant, rien de tout cela n'est en forte corrélation, voire tout simplement en corrélation, avec les performances de leader. Cet article, qui s'appuie sur la théorie des ressources cognitives (CRT), fait la synthèse aussi bien des recherches récentes que de nouveaux travaux qui éclairent le rôle des ressources cognitives dans le phénomène de leadership, et en tire des indications permettant d'améliorer les performances des leaders.
The role and function of such cognitive resources as intellectual abilities, experience, and expertise, have presented a long-standing but tacitly ignored enigma in leadership theory. Practically all managerial and leadership selection and promotion processes carefully weigh the leader's intellectual abilities, expertise, and job-related experience. However, none of these correlates highly, if at all, with leadership performance. This paper, based on Cognitive Resource Theory (CRT), summarises recent research, as well as new findings, that clarifies the role of cognitive resources in the leadership process, and spells out implications for more effective leadership performance.  相似文献   

I feel very honoured by the distinguished group of colleagues who consented to comment on my paper. All raised thought-provoking questions which merit a detailed reply. I only regret that the strict space limitation imposed by the editor restricts my response to points on which my paper was unclear, and to a few important substantive issues. It would have been very satisfying to explore the many constructive and highly intriguing insights contained in the commentators' contributions.  相似文献   


Meta-analyses demonstrate that the negative effects of subtle forms of discrimination on a range of work-related outcomes can be worse than those of overt discrimination (Dhanani et al. Personnel Psychology, 71(2), 147–179, 2018; Jones et al. Journal of Management, 42(6), 1588–1613, 2016). Yet, these syntheses and the primary studies on which they are based offer little insight into how or why these effects emerge. In the current study, we examine consequences of both of these types of discrimination on task performance and citizenship intentions via cognitive resource depletion. A total of 131 women experienced (a) overt discrimination, (b) subtle discrimination, (c) overt and subtle discrimination, or (d) no discrimination and were then asked to conduct a series of in-basket performance tasks. Results revealed that subtle (but not overt) discrimination significantly impaired measures of task performance and that cognitive resource depletion mediated these relationships. By pinpointing cognitive resource depletion as the mechanism that transmits the negative consequences of subtle discrimination, this work sheds new light onto this detrimental psychological experience and further opens up new opportunities for its remediation.


A recently proposed cognitive resource theory of leadership effectiveness explicates the role of such cognitive variables as intellectual abilities, technical competence, and job-relevant knowledge (experience) in determining group performance. This paper reviews research showing that the leaders' intellectual abilities contribute to performance only when leaders are directive, do not experience stress, have supportive groups, and work on tasks which require intellectual effort.  相似文献   

This study investigated the theoretical underpinnings of individual differences in emergent leadership behaviors and their relationships to teamwork processes and outcomes. Both personality and cognitive ability were utilized to examine behaviors of leadership emergence, team performance, and KSAs. Three hundred and twenty undergraduate psychology students completed personality and cognitive ability tests and then formed sixty-seven mixed-gender teams. Members rated each other on emergent leadership behaviors as well as their team on specific interpersonal and self-management KSAs. Results revealed that extroversion, openness to experience and cognitive ability were predictive of emergent leadership behaviors. Conscientiousness and cognitive ability were associated with team performance. Implications and future directions for research are discussed.  相似文献   

It is argued that current theory and practice of cognitive therapy are encapsulated by a set of epistemic values that assign causative primacy for psychological problems to the cognitive processes of the individual knower. Social contructionism represents an alternative to this state of affairs by underscoring the inextricable connection between the personal and the social, challenging the merit of decontextualized accounts of psychological problems, and identifying empowerment and social change as viable therapeutic options.  相似文献   

网络不同于传统媒介的最大特点是以灵活的超文本形式呈现信息,超文本将关联的信息以网络状形式加以组织,读者可以通过链接从一个节点跳转到其他任何一个节点。本文回顾了超文本阅读的研究历程,指出目前这一领域研究存在的困境并试图寻找原因,在此基础上提出了今后研究的建议。  相似文献   

卢会志  刘永芳  许科 《心理科学》2008,31(1):242-244
以认知心理学理论为基础的内隐领导理论研究近十几年来引起人们极大的兴趣,逐渐成为领导研究的新热点.本文通过对该领域当前最新研究成果的回顾与思考,探讨了内隐领导理论的概念、结构、一致性与影响因素,并提出了实践与未来研究的建议.  相似文献   

This paper is an investigation of performance leadership and management in elite sport. Thirteen national performance directors of Olympic sports were interviewed with regard to best practice. Four main areas were identified: vision, operations, people, and culture. The main vision issues were vision development, influences on the vision, and sharing the vision. The main operations issues were financial management, strategic competition and training planning, athlete selection for competition, and upholding rules and regulations. The main people issues were staff management, lines of communication, and feedback mechanisms. The main culture issues were establishing role awareness, and organizational and team atmosphere.  相似文献   

Developing countries, such as Brazil or Argentina, share most of the benefits and problems concerning use of cognitive enhancers with developed countries; however, they present some peculiarities related to the potential clientele for these drugs. The ageing population has increased very sharply in Brazil and Argentina because of a rapid increase in life expectancy, but their financial means have not increased. Furthermore, the stress of poverty constitutes a major factor in the development of cognitive disturbances in these countries, in both the young and the old; these disturbances usually pertain to categories that should not be treated with cognitive enhancers.  相似文献   

Recent empirical and theoretical work has advanced our understanding of charismatic leadership in organisations. Despite this progress, only a few studies have tested the hypothesis that charismatic leadership might be related to objective, organisationally relevant indicators. In order to address this research gap, the present study tested whether charismatic leadership was related to followers’ absenteeism, their training and development activities, as well as branch‐level profit. Charismatic leadership was defined according to Conger and Kanungo's (1998 ) theory. It could be demonstrated that facets of charismatic leadership were negatively related to followers’ absenteeism, but positively related to their training and development activity. Moreover, charismatic leadership showed a positive relationship to profit. In sum, the results contribute to theory and practice of charismatic leadership. Un travail empirique et théorique récent a fait progresser notre compréhension du leadership charismatique dans les organisations. Malgré ce progrès, seules quelques études ont testé l’hypothèse selon laquelle un leadership charismatique serait liéà des facteurs objectifs et pertinents pour l’organisation. Pour une compréhension plus approfondie des effets du leadership chatismatique, la présente étude teste si ce style de leadership est lié aux suiveurs, à l’absentéisme, aux activités de formation et de développement ainsi qu’aux bénéfices au niveau de la branche. Le leadership charismatique est défini en accord avec la théorie de Conger et Kanungo (1998). On a pu démontrer que les facettes du leadership charismatique sont liées négativement aux suiveurs, à l’absentéisme et positivement à l’activité de formation et de dévelpppement. En outre, le leadership charismatique montre une relation positive au profit. En somme, les résultats contribuent à la théorie et à la pratique du leadership charismatique.  相似文献   

As coaching becomes an established learning and development tool, it expands to new work contexts and relevant populations. Exploring coaching outcomes in insolvent entrepreneurs is a new and promising field. Business failure is a devastating experience for entrepreneurs, associated with negative emotions and adverse psychological and physiological reactions. Our study is the first to examine if coaching can help improve the coping resources, health, and cognitive performance of insolvent entrepreneurs. The results of our pre-post-test-within-subject analyses based on 19 participants show a positive improvement in psychological well-being, vital exhaustion, and vigilance. By contrast, no improvements were found with regard to coping resources and biomarkers such as stress hormones concentrations in hair. Unexpectedly, the working alliance between client and coach did not increase the improvements following coaching. Our findings contribute to the growing literature on the effects of coaching; however, our results should be interpreted cautiously as unfortunately we had no opportunity to include a control group in our research design.  相似文献   

个体量词是汉藏语系的特色词类, 它一般不能单独充当句子成分, 只有与名词组合在一起构成计数名词短语以后, 才能够灵活地使用。个体量词的存在顺应了汉语语音、语法的发展要求, 体现了汉民族具象思维发达的思维特点。它按照一定的规律有选择地搭配名词, 并且在认知加工中对名词发挥着重要的选择与限制作用。研究个体量词的存在价值、个体量词在认知加工中的作用、个体量词与名词之间相互关联的实质, 对个体量词的理解和学习具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Aristotle's triarchic theory of intelligence prefigures, but apparently does not serve directly as a source for, Sternberg's comparable contemporary theory. The indepently derived similarities in their gross structure lend weight to some triarchic view. Sternberg's analytical, practical, and creative intelligences closely resemble Aristotle's theoretical, practical, and productive excellences of intelligence. Each comparable component incorporates significantly related ideas. Disparities may be attributed to a variety of differences in the aims, methods, and resources of Aristotle's and Sternberg's inquiries. This is not the first time in the history of psychology that roughly parallel investigations have yielded comparable theories, but it is surely among the most temporally disjoined.  相似文献   

术后认知功能障碍(postoperative cognitive dysfunction,POCD)是临床上老年患者术后常见的并发症,主要表现为精神活动、人格、记忆力和社交活动以及认知能力的异常,渐渐为患者和医学工作者所重视,但其病因和发病机制尚不清楚.运用哲学的基本原理,掌握科学的方法论和辩证思维方法,有助于正确分析POCD的相关病因及其发病机制,从而更好定指导临床工作.  相似文献   

术后认知功能障碍(postoperative cognitive dysfunction,POCD)是临床上老年患者术后常见的并发症,主要表现为精神活动、人格、记忆力和社交活动以及认知能力的异常,渐渐为患者和医学工作者所重视,但其病因和发病机制尚不清楚。运用哲学的基本原理,掌握科学的方法论和辩证思维方法,有助于正确分析POCD的相关病因及其发病机制,从而更好定指导临床工作。  相似文献   

Zajonc和Baron分别提出社会唤醒理论和分心-冲突理论对社会助长效应进行解释,但仍存在一定的不足。研究在两种理论的基础上提出一种基于认知资源的解释观点。通过行为实验和脑电实验对这一观点进行验证,结果发现: (1)行为数据符合社会唤醒理论假设(2)简单任务组比复杂任务组诱发更高的N1波幅。(3)简单任务下,有人在场诱发更高的N1波幅;复杂任务下,有人在与无人组诱发的N1无显著差异。结果提示:他人在场通过改变个体的注意力投入来影响任务的完成效果。研究很好的解释了社会唤醒理论和分心-冲突理论无法解释的盲区,为社会助长效应的研究提供了一个新的视角。  相似文献   

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