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Shame is a potent emotion that plays a major role in the life of addicted individuals. Shame's ability to penetrate and skew major motivational systems may play a part in the formation of addicted lifestyles. The shame-based or shame-prone individual, such as the addicted client, poses unique problems for the therapist. This paper explicates the processes and consequences of shame and offers guidelines to help clinicians work with addicted clients.Mitchell B. Young, MS, is a third-year doctoral student in the department of counseling and development at Purdue University.The author wishes to express appreciation to Kate Kerr, PhD, for her fine editorial work.  相似文献   

...We will turn our attention to the current state of pain relief technology and the ethical questions surrounding the use of advanced technology, otherwise referred to as "high-tech," pain relief. It is obvious that pain may decrease the quality of life for cancer patients. The availability of long-acting narcotics, such as MS Contin or methadone, affords cancer patients long-duration pain relief at minimal cost. The use of adjuvant medications may also be important. Clinical examples of the effective use of adjuvant medications include the addition of a nonsteroidal, anti-inflammatory agent to help patients cope with bone pain and the use of a serotonin blocking agent to reduce the transmission of pain impulses in the spinal cord. Only a small percentage of patients are good candidates for high-tech delivery systems for narcotic administration. In our pain management clinic, all patients are initially placed on oral medications. When the side effects of oral medications become excessive, or the patient becomes unable to take oral medications, high-tech modalities are considered for use.  相似文献   

Abstract—The knowledge base on neural substrates an mechanisms involved in classical eyeblink conditioning makes it an ideal paradigm for investigating fundamental issues in learning and memory. New applications for the model system presented here include its use in (a) assessment to evaluate neurocognitive development in infancy, (b) theory building in abnormal psychology to test relationships between obsessive-compulsive behavior and learning rate, (c) evaluation of hypotheses about brain memory systems, and (d) exploration of the role of brain structures such as the cerebellum in learning and timing. Human eyeblink conditioning is a prototype of the utility of a model system that has become well characterized at both the behavioral and the neurobiological levels.  相似文献   

Coming from the framework of unmarked fry tracking, we compared the capacities, advantages, and disadvantages of two recent video tracking systems: EthoVision 2.3 and a new prototype of multitracking. The EthoVision system has proved to be impressive for tracking a fry using the detection by gray scaling. Detection by subtraction has given less accurate results. Our video multitracking system is able to detect and track more than 100 unmarked fish by gray scaling technique. It permits an analysis at the group level as well as at the individual level. The multitracking program is able to attribute a number to each fish and to follow each one for the whole duration of the track. Our system permits the analysis of the movement of each individual, even if the trajectories of two fish cross each other. This is possible thanks to the theoretical estimation of the trajectory of each fish, which can be compared with the real trajectory (analysis with feedback). However, the period of the track is limited for our system (about 1 min), whereas EthoVision is able to track for numerous hours. In spite of these limitations, these two systems allow an almost continuous automatic sampling of the movement behaviors during the track.  相似文献   

Applicative computing systems and technologies have taken a strong position in modern computing. In this paper, the basic applicative system, whether it is a lambda calculus or a system of combinators, is considered as a prototype concept system, using which it is possible to build individual systems that are practically significant for mathematics, computing, or programming. They are families of computational models that have both their own semantics and applied areas. This conceptualization/individualization technique is characteristic of the field of semantic studies. As it turns out, the applicative approach forms a metatheoretical framework that provides the basis for cognitive systems that consider abstract objects and interpret their properties and behavior in the environment of modern computing.  相似文献   

Odum (2000) criticized our recent conclusions about the participation of women in the experimental analysis of behavior (McSweeney & Swindell, 1998). We address her criticisms here. We argue against the need for statistical tests. We show that our conclusions still apply to all journals except the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior even when we include the senior editorial staff along with members of the editorial board. We argue that the data that Odum provides to show gender equity are limited, inconsistent with past findings, and hard to interpret in the absence of other data. Finally, we argue that Odum failed to address our most convincing argument for gender inequity and misinterpreted our suggestions for improvements.  相似文献   

Making computer imagery more responsive and realistic is one of the most basic goals of graphics researchers, and adaptive display is one of the primary means for achieving it. While previous displays have achieved a spatial adaptivity, our research focuses on achieving temporal adaptivity--sampling some regions not only more densely, but also more often. We use closed loop feedback to guide sampling to image regions that change significantly over space or time. Adaptive reconstruction emphasizes older samples in static settings, resulting in sharper images; and new samples in dynamic settings, resulting in images that may be blurry but are up-to-date. In terms of peak signal-to-noise ratio, this prototype produces much better image streams than nonadaptive renderers with the same simulated sampling rates. This new display also offers new opportunities for adapting to user state, allowing adaptive response both where and when it is needed. Our prototype system already responds interactively to changes in the user's viewpoint, it might also respond to any of a number of other indications of user state, including eye tracking, repeatedly manipulated objects, and biometrics.  相似文献   

Belief systems are instruments for observing events, classifying information, communicating with others, and doing therapy. A belief system is a combination of feelings, thoughts, actions, and expectations. Belief systems operating in the training environment affect how therapists are able to deal with transference and countertransference. Belief systems must be evaluated in terms of whether they are comprehensive, delusional, absent, sinelusional, and the extent to which they are structuring us. The use of belief systems provides us with an appreciation of our own activities, an instrument for conveying our feelings, and, most importantly, a means for understanding the views of others.  相似文献   

Dissociable prototype learning systems have been demonstrated behaviorally and with neuroimaging in younger adults as well as with patient populations. In A/not-A (AN) prototype learning, participants are shown members of category A during training, and during test are asked to decide whether novel items are in category A or are not in category A. Research suggests that AN learning is mediated by a perceptual learning system. In A/B (AB) prototype learning, participants are shown members of category A and B during training, and during test are asked to decide whether novel items are in category A or category B. In contrast to AN, research suggests that AB learning is mediated by a declarative memory system. The current study examined the effects of normal aging on AN and AB prototype learning. We observed an age-related deficit in AB learning, but an age-related advantage in AN learning. Computational modeling supports one possible interpretation based on narrower selective attentional focus in older adults in the AB task and broader selective attention in the AN task. Neuropsychological testing in older participants suggested that executive functioning and attentional control were associated with better performance in both tasks. However, nonverbal memory was associated with better AN performance, while visual attention was associated with worse AB performance. The results support an interactive memory systems approach and suggest that age-related declines in one memory system can lead to deficits in some tasks, but to enhanced performance in others.  相似文献   

Systematic reviews and meta-analyses are means of summarizing and synthesizing research evidence in a given topic area. They can be used to define the current state of knowledge and how confident we can be in that knowledge, to identify evidence gaps, and to provide recommendations for policy and practice based on the best available evidence. At European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, our editorial stance is explicitly to encourage the conduct of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. The purpose of this editorial is to provide some guidance to authors and journal referees on the (technical) features of good systematic reviews.  相似文献   

An integrated representation of large-scale space, or cognitive map, colled PLAN, is presented that attempts to address a broader spectrum of issues than has been previously attempted in a single model. Rather than examining way-finding as a process separate from the rest of cognition, one or the fundamental goals of this work is to examine how the wayfinding process is integrated into general cognition. One result of this approach is that the model is “heads-up,” or scene-based, because it takes advantage of the properties of the human visual system and, particularly, the visual system's split into two pathways. The emphasis on the human location or “where” system is new to cognitive mapping and is port of an attempt to synthesize prototype theory, associative networks and location together in a connectionist system. Not all of PLAN is new, however. Many of its parts have analogues in one or another preexisting theory. What makes PLAN unique is integrating the various components into a coherent whole, and the capacity of this resulting system to speak to a wide range of constraints. Our approach emphasizes adaptiveness; thus, our focus on such issues as ease of use and efficiency of learning. The result is a model that has a stronger relationship both to the environment, and to the ways that humans interact with it, compared with previous models. The resulting model is examined in some detail and compared to other systems.  相似文献   

On behalf of the new editorial team, let me welcome you to this first issue of Rehabilitation Psychology under our leadership. We are excited and honored by this responsibility. We look forward to serving the readership, authors, and the entire rehabilitation community as we develop and grow the flagship journal of rehabilitation psychology. As part of the editorial transition, I want to take this opportunity to reflect on our history, define our mission, encourage our team, and explore our future. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   

With this special section on children, adolescents, and the Internet, we survey the state of a new field of inquiry in developmental psychology. This field is important because developmentalists need to understand how children and adolescents live in a new, massive, and complex virtual universe, even as they carry on their lives in the real world. We have selected six empirical articles to showcase various aspects of child and adolescent development in this virtual universe. These articles reflect three major themes of this new field: communication on the Internet; cognitive development, academic achievement, and the Internet; and adolescents in a globalized Internet world. These three sections reflect one of our major editorial goals: to sample various relevant aspects of development as they relate to the Internet. The selection of articles reflects a second editorial goal: to sample both the positive and negative aspects of the virtual world in which children and adolescents are increasingly living. Another of our editorial goals was to sample as large an age range as possible. We also utilized a very broad definition of development. Last but not least, we sought out and found methodological diversity.  相似文献   

The article explores—from a utility/adaptation perspective—the role of prototype and exemplar processes in categorization. The author surveys important category tasks within the categorization literature from the perspective of the optimality of applying prototype and exemplar processes. Formal simulations reveal that organisms will often (not always!) receive more useful signals about category belongingness if they average their exemplar experience into a prototype and use this as the comparative standard for categorization. This survey then provides the theoretical context for considering the evolution of cognitive systems for categorization. In the article’s final sections, the author reviews recent research on the performance of nonhuman primates and humans in the tasks analyzed in the article. Diverse species share operating principles, default commitments, and processing weaknesses in categorization. From these commonalities, it may be possible to infer some properties of the categorization ecology these species generally experienced during cognitive evolution.  相似文献   

There are very few (published) accounts of editorial misconduct, and those that do exist are almost exclusively focused on medicine-related areas. In the present article we detail a case of editorial misconduct in a rather underexplored domain, the social sciences. This case demonstrates that although legal systems provide different instruments of protection to avoid, compensate for, and punish misconduct on the part of journal editors, the social and economic power unbalance between authors and publishers suggests the importance of alternative solutions before or instead of bringing a lawsuit to court. It puts forward strong arguments in favour of the need for effective regulatory bodies so as to achieve and maintain a culture of research integrity by all involved in the process.  相似文献   

Participation by women and men in (a) the editorial process and publication of three behavior analysis journals, (b) leadership in the Association for Behavior Analysis (ABA) and the Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, and (c) participation in the 1982 and 1991 conventions of the Association for Behavior Analysis are described. The data indicate that the relative involvement of women in all three areas is lower than the percentage of ABA members who are women (31%) and is considerably lower than the percentage of women in society at large (51%). This underrepresentation of women in editorial and leadership roles in behavior analysis mirrors the reported phenomenon of a glass ceiling for women in leadership roles in business and industry. The men who control our institutions are asked to share power and responsibility by increasing the involvement of women in behavior analysis.  相似文献   

Modelling, reasoning and verifying complex situations involving a system of agents is crucial in all phases of the development of a number of safety-critical systems. In particular, it is of fundamental importance to have tools and techniques to reason about the doxastic and epistemic states of agents, to make sure that the agents behave as intended. In this paper we introduce a computationally grounded logic called COGWED and we present two types of semantics that support a range of practical situations. We provide model checking algorithms, complexity characterisations and a prototype implementation. We validate our proposal against a case study from the avionic domain: we assess and verify the situational awareness of pilots flying an aircraft with several automated components in off-nominal conditions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the degree of editorial independence at a sample of medical journals and the relationship between the journals and their owners. We surveyed the editors of 33 medical journals owned by not-for-profit organizations (“associations”), including 10 journals represented on the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (nine of which are general medical journals) and a random sample of 23 specialist journals with high impact factors that are indexed by the Institute for Scientific Information. The main outcome measures were the authority to hire, fire, and oversee the work of the editor; the editor’s tenure and financial compensation; control of the journal’s budget; publication of material about the association; and the editor’s perceptions about editorial independence and pressure over editorial content. Of the 33 editors, 23 (70%) reported having complete editorial freedom, and the remainder reported a high level of freedom (a score of ≥8, where 10 equals complete editorial freedom and 1 equals no editorial freedom). Nevertheless, a substantial minority of editors reported having received at least some pressure in recent years over editorial content from the association’s leadership (42%), senior staff (30%), or rank-and-file members (39%). The association’s board of directors has the authority to hire (48%) or fire (55%) the editor for about half of the journals, and the editor reports to the board for 10 journals (30%). Twenty-three editors (70%) are appointed for a specific term (median term =5 years). Three-fifths of the journals have no control over their profit, and the majority of journals use the association’s legal counsel and/or media relations staff. Stronger safeguards are needed to give editors protection against pressure over editorial content, including written guarantees of editorial freedom and governance structures that support those guarantees. Strong safeguards are also needed because editors may have less freedom than they believe (especially if they have not yet tested their freedom in an area of controversy).  相似文献   

The current knowledge about signaling networks is largely incomplete. Thus biologists constantly need to revise or extend existing knowledge. The revision and/or extension is first formulated as theoretical hypotheses, then verified experimentally. Many computer-aided systems have been developed to assist biologists in undertaking this challenge. The majority of the systems help in finding “patterns” in data and leave the reasoning to biologists. A few systems have tried to automate the reasoning process of hypothesis formation. These systems generate hypotheses from a knowledge base and given observations. A main drawback of these knowledge-based systems is the knowledge representation formalism they use. These formalisms are mostly monotonic and are now known to be not quite suitable for knowledge representation, especially in dealing with the inherently incomplete knowledge about signaling networks. We propose an action language based framework for hypothesis formation for signaling networks. We show that the hypothesis formation problem can be translated into an abduction problem. This translation facilitates the complexity analysis and an efficient implementation of our system. We illustrate the applicability of our system with an example of hypothesis formation in the signaling network of the p53 protein.  相似文献   

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