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错误记忆研究综述   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
李宏英  隋光远 《心理科学》2003,26(3):512-514,518
1 引言当一个人错误地声明一个新词或一个新的事件他以前见过时,错误记忆现象就发生了。对错误的分析有助于理解潜在的记忆过程,但二十世纪中期以前,绝大多数研究都集中在对正确记忆的报告上,仅把错误当作方法学矫正的对象。对于错误记忆的研究得益于1959年Deese的实验,他描述了错误记忆(false memory),但并未在记忆研究者中形成广泛的兴趣。直到1995年,Rodiger和McDermot的工作才使更多的心理学家开始对错误记忆现象寻求更多的理解。  相似文献   

B2C电子商务中的消费者决策支持系统   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
B2C电子商务环境下的决策支持系统主要包括专家系统,推荐系统和智能代理系统或者其组合等。其目标是帮助消费者发现和澄清需求,在网络海量的信息环境下发现和比较信息,筛选符合客户需要的产品,或者提供建议。该文回顾了近年来网上决策支持系统的研究进展,并对其在B2C电子商务中的应用前景和研究发展趋势进行了预测与展望  相似文献   

There has been considerable research interest in the effects of exercise upon depression outcomes. Recently, health agencies in the United Kingdom (UK) and beyond have made several guidance statements on this issue. Therefore, this review seeks to provide a synthesis of evidence regarding the effectiveness of exercise in the management of depression (including postnatal depression) in adults. Studies were identified by searching PubMed, Medline, Cochrane Library (CENTRAL) and PsychINFO using relevant search terms. The article describes how meta-analyses from peer reviewed journals have reported exercise as treatment for depression is more effective than no treatment, as effective as traditional interventions in some instances, possibly a promising approach to postnatal depression and has equivalent adherence rates to medication. However, reviews have also raised concerns about the methodological quality of trials, possible overestimation of treatment effects and lack of data regarding long term benefits. Based on the available evidence it is concluded that while awaiting further high quality trial evidence it would seem appropriate for exercise to be recommended in combination with other treatments.  相似文献   

I argue that if there are nondisabled reasons to believe p, then there cannot be nondisabled reasons to believe something incompatible with p. I first defend a restricted version of the view, which applies only to situations where the relevant agent has complete evidence. Then, I argue for a generalized version of the view, which holds regardless of the agent's evidence. As a related result, I show that, given plausible assumptions, there cannot be nondisabled reasons to believe something false.  相似文献   

In this paper I try to explicate the idiom '(An agent) x is able to render (the proposition) p false', which plays a crucial role in van Inwagen's Consequence Argument and which has been extensively discussed in the literature on it. However, the explications offered so far fail to meet some intuitive desiderata which an analysis of the notion should fulfil, as for example the desiderata that (i) nobody can render necessary falsehoods false and that (ii) nobody can render historical falsities false. I propose a novel analysis which deviates from the foregoing in employing an explanatory notion, the connector 'because'.  相似文献   

用Logistic Regression侦察题目差异功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
题目差异功能(differential item functioning,DIF)是构造测验公平性的重要依据,DIF的研究与测验的效度有直接的关联.本文通过对DIF的提出作简要的回顾,着重介绍如何运用Logistic Regression探测一致性DIF和非一致性DIF,并例证了学习适应性测验(AAT)的6个项目在性别上存在题目差异功能.  相似文献   

This study investigated the deception detection abilities of teenage offenders and teenage non‐offenders who made veracity judgments about 12 videotaped interviewees and also explored the behavioural characteristics of teenage liars and truth tellers. The findings revealed that teenage offenders were significantly more accurate in their credibility judgments than teenage non‐offenders. However, the offenders' impressive accuracy rates were not as a consequence of using valid cues to deceit. The feedback hypothesis helps to explain why the offenders were more accurate in their decisions: Operating within a criminal environment may mean that teenage offenders frequently lie and are lied to. Consequently, they receive more feedback than non‐offenders regarding the effectiveness of their lies as well as how successful they are at detecting lies. As a result, their lie detection ability improves. The current study suggests moving away from individual deceptive cues as predictors of deceit towards a more intuitive and holistic approach to lie detection, such as the Brunswikian Lens Model.Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We tested the prediction, derived from Coyne's (1976b) interpersonal model of depression, that dysphoric individuals would be more sensitive than nondysphoric individuals to false reassurances and phoniness. In Part 1 of a two-part study, dysphoric and nondysphoric individuals watched videotapes of discussants talking about paintings they liked and disliked with an art student who had created some of the paintings herself. As predicted, the dysphorics were more accurate than the nondysphorics at discerning when the discussants really did like the paintings only when the discussions were about disliked paintings that were the art student's own work. The Part 2 stimuli were audiotaped lies and truths conveyed by men and women to attractive same-sex and opposite-sex targets. The dysphorics tended to be more accurate than the nondysphorics at identifying the truths and lies told to opposite-sex targets, and they were significantly more accurate at identifying the opposite-sex communications than the same-sex ones.  相似文献   

It was predicted that trained observers would detect deception more accurately than untrained observers. More specifically, it was predicted that the highest deception detection accuracy would be found among trained observers judging the veracity of low self-monitors and unrehearsed liars, whereas the lowest detection accuracy would be found among untrained observers judging the veracity of high self-monitors and rehearsed deceivers. It also was hypothesized that the discrepancy between observers‘actual ability to detect deception and their certainty in the accuracy of their judgments would be smaller for trained observers than for untrained observers. Observers trained to detect deception used six behavioral cues based on research by deTurck and Miller (1985): (a) message duration, (b) response latency, (c) adaptors, (d) pauses, (e) nonfluencies, and (f) hand gestures. Results confirmed both hypotheses.  相似文献   

Test collusion (TC) is sharing of test materials or answers to test questions before or during the test (important special case of TC is item preknowledge). Because of potentially large advantages for examinees involved, TC poses a serious threat to the validity of score interpretations. The proposed approach applies graph theory methodology to response similarity analyses for identifying groups of examinees involved in TC without using any knowledge about parts of test that were affected by TC. The approach supports different response similarity indices (specific to a particular type of TC) and different types of groups (connected components, cliques, or near-cliques). A comparison with an up-to-date method using real and simulated data is presented. Possible extensions and practical recommendations are given.  相似文献   

根据词语情绪标准编制汉语双字词关联词表和英汉双语关联词表,考察DRM任务下的英汉双语者对负性情绪诱词产生的语言内、语言间关联性错误再认。结果表明:(1)汉语双字词语义关联下,情绪色彩的强度影响错误再认水平,负性诱词的错误再认率显著高于中性诱词;(2)英汉双语语义关联下,错误再认发生跨语言现象,汉语负性诱词的错误再认显著高于英语负性诱词与汉语中性诱词的错误再认;(3)汉语负性诱词的语言间关联性错误再认率显著增加, 语言类型、词表类型与情绪强度有显著交互作用。  相似文献   

Incomplete or missing data is a common problem in almost all areas of empirical research. It is well known that simple and ad hoc methods such as complete case analysis or mean imputation can lead to biased and/or inefficient estimates. The method of maximum likelihood works well; however, when the missing data mechanism is not one of missing completely at random (MCAR) or missing at random (MAR), it too can result in incorrect inference. Statistical tests for MCAR have been proposed, but these are restricted to a certain class of problems. The idea of sensitivity analysis as a means to detect the missing data mechanism has been proposed in the statistics literature in conjunction with selection models where conjointly the data and missing data mechanism are modeled. Our approach is different here in that we do not model the missing data mechanism but use the data at hand to examine the sensitivity of a given model to the missing data mechanism. Our methodology is meant to raise a flag for researchers when the assumptions of MCAR (or MAR) do not hold. To our knowledge, no specific proposal for sensitivity analysis has been set forth in the area of structural equation models (SEM). This article gives a specific method for performing postmodeling sensitivity analysis using a statistical test and graphs. A simulation study is performed to assess the methodology in the context of structural equation models. This study shows success of the method, especially when the sample size is 300 or more and the percentage of missing data is 20% or more. The method is also used to study a set of real data measuring physical and social self-concepts in 463 Nigerian adolescents using a factor analysis model.  相似文献   

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