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眼动记录技术与方法综述   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
眼动记录法是一种重要的心理学研究方法,目前已被广泛地应用于心理学的基础研究和应用研究领域之中。本文对主要的眼动记录方法进行了总结和分析,对国内外眼动记录仪的研制和发展情况进行了介绍,并就眼动记录技术和方法的前景提出了几点看法。  相似文献   

阅读过程的眼动理论综述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
该文介绍了解释阅读过程的主要眼动理论,并对早期的视觉缓冲器加工理论、直接假说和眼-脑假说、聚光灯理论、Morrison的眼动理论模型等眼动理论和新近的战略战术模型和E-Z模型等眼动理论进行了评述。最后,对眼动理论的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

选取3~5岁自闭症谱系障碍儿童(Autism Spectrum Disorder,ASD)与正常儿童各18名,采集其观看目标刺激沿不同垂直幅度、水平速度正弦曲线运动视频的眼动数据,考察振幅、速度等目标运动特征对被试平滑追踪眼动的影响。结果发现:(1)ASD儿童平滑追踪目标刺激的视觉位置误差显著大于正常儿童,其追踪目标的眼动轨迹不如正常组儿童平滑均匀,平滑追踪眼动存在明显不足。(2)正常儿童追踪目标刺激大振幅运行的位置误差显著大于小振幅运行条件,但ASD儿童却与之相反。(3)与正常儿童一样,目标刺激运行速度越快,ASD儿童平滑追踪的位置误差越大。总之,ASD儿童存在平滑追踪能力的不足;相比追踪大振幅运动的目标,ASD儿童追踪小振幅运动目标的能力更差。  相似文献   

表象建构中的眼动机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金一波  王鹏 《心理科学》2006,29(4):887-889
表象与知觉的关系一直是空间认知领域关注的热点问题,眼动轨迹的相似性是表象与知觉认知过程相关性的重要外显形式。本文结合实证研究,从信息加工的角度系统分析知觉眼动和表象眼动的差异性,深入探讨表象建构中的眼动机制,有力地支持了表象眼动的机能性作用。最后对未来表象眼动的研究加以展望。  相似文献   

视觉心理表象是一种基于过去经验的自上而下的加工过程,它是信息表征的一种形式.以往的研究主要采用视觉来诱发表象,但是这很难排除视觉后像的干扰,而且与表象“自上而下”的加工过程不一致.听觉诱发表象很好地解决了视觉后像的干扰问题,也更吻合表象“自上而下”的加工过程,因为被试产生的表象是基于自己过去的经验,从自身出发,主动加工的结果.采用实验法,考察通过听觉通道诱发表象眼动的情况,使用眼动仪记录被试的眼动轨迹.结果发现:(1)不管是运动还是静止的物体,都能诱发表象,在表象时存在眼动行为.(2)运动的物体诱发眼动的程度更大.(3)眼动影响表象的建构,在表象建构中起机能性作用.  相似文献   

眼动追踪技术因干扰性低、客观性强、获取数据丰富而准确等优点, 被广泛应用于行为决策研究。通过操纵眼动过程, 可使决策结果按照预期的方向改变, 建立决策过程和结果的因果链, 为决策的干预研究提供思路。基于外源性眼动操纵、注视追随操纵这两类研究, 介绍了行为决策领域眼动操纵的基本方法及原理、常见操纵指标、操纵效果, 并分析和讨论了不同操纵类别的优缺点。在实验设计中考虑决策者策略及偏好的差异, 结合计算建模等方法进一步丰富操纵指标和分析方法, 并将该方法的优势拓展到其它领域是眼动操纵研究未来的重要方向。  相似文献   

采用眼动记录法探讨面孔识别的加工过程。在实验一中,通过记录被试识别面孔图片和非面孔图片时的即时加工过程,考查被试在知觉面孔与一般物体时的眼动差异。在实验二中,考察被试在知觉熟悉面孔与陌生面孔时的眼动差异与时间进程的差异。结果表明:(1)个体在加工面孔时倾向于首先在双眼间平移而后向嘴巴运动,完成面孔识别,而在识别物体图片时则没有固定的运动轨迹。(2)在知觉熟悉面孔时被试倾向于只注视眼睛,而在知觉陌生面孔图片时则与实验一的面孔图片眼动轨迹相似。  相似文献   

本文主要以时间为线索,介绍了当代阅读心理学家对此问题进行探讨的六个理论模型.早期的理论模型主张眼动与大脑对语义进行加工之间没有关系.随着研究的深入,新的理论模型否定了这种主张,提出它们之间存在一定的关系.  相似文献   

平滑追踪眼动是人们对环境中感兴趣的运动物体进行持续视觉追踪的一种眼动行为, 它受个体在其过程中获得的视觉信息和眼动反馈信息等感知觉因素, 以及心理表征和期待等高水平认知因素的影响。同时, 平滑追踪眼动过程影响着个体的预测性眼动追踪、追赶性眼跳、空间定位和接触时间估计等涉及运动物体时空特征表征和预测的行为。未来的研究应注意探讨在平滑追踪眼动过程中获得的感知觉信息和高水平认知因素对上述时空特征表征和预测行为的影响。  相似文献   

使用美国应用科学实验室生产的504型眼动仪,以错觉量和眼动特征为指标,考察了Muller-Lyer(ML)错觉的产生及其作用过程.结果表明(1)在ML错觉中,较长箭杆促进长度的准确判断,较长箭翼干扰长度的准确判断.减弱ML图形的总长度线索有助于降低错觉量;(3)箭杆与箭翼的交互作用对注视时间产生显著影响;(3)被试通过整合两条矛盾的线索进行长度判断,实验结果支持矛盾线索理论.  相似文献   

聋人读者普遍存在阅读困难,通过眼动技术来探索聋人阅读中的基本问题已成为一种新趋势,聋人读者在阅读过程中存在其独特的眼动模式。在回顾以往聋人阅读眼动研究的基础上,提出了对未来研究的展望:(1)眼动技术的广泛应用是聋人阅读研究的一个新趋势;(2)从跨文化研究视角探究中外聋人阅读加工的异同;(3)考察聋人视觉注意的特点与语言加工之间的关系;(4)通过眼动技术考察聋人读者的手语加工效率。  相似文献   

Several forms of eye movement dysfunction (EMD) are regarded as promising candidate endophenotypes of schizophrenia. Discrepancies in individual study results have led to inconsistent conclusions regarding particular aspects of EMD in relatives of schizophrenia patients. To quantitatively evaluate and compare the candidacy of smooth pursuit, saccade and fixation deficits in first-degree biological relatives, we conducted a set of meta-analytic investigations. Among 18 measures of EMD, memory-guided saccade accuracy and error rate, global smooth pursuit dysfunction, intrusive saccades during fixation, antisaccade error rate and smooth pursuit closed-loop gain emerged as best differentiating relatives from controls (standardized mean differences ranged from .46 to .66), with no significant differences among these measures. Anticipatory saccades, but no other smooth pursuit component measures were also increased in relatives. Visually-guided reflexive saccades were largely normal. Moderator analyses examining design characteristics revealed few variables affecting the magnitude of the meta-analytically observed effects. Moderate effect sizes of relatives v. controls in selective aspects of EMD supports their endophenotype potential. Future work should focus on facilitating endophenotype utility through attention to heterogeneity of EMD performance, relationships among forms of EMD, and application in molecular genetics studies.  相似文献   

One session of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) appeared to be an effective treatment for test anxiety, reducing reported physiological distress, worry, and fears of negative evaluation. The research design included two components: a comparison study, comparing Immediate Treatment and Wait List groups, and a replication study, comparing the treatment response of Immediate and Delayed (Treated Wait List) groups. Seventeen test anxious university students were randomly assigned to one session of EMDR or Wait List. At post-test, the Immediate group demonstrated significant improvement, compared to the Wait List group, on the Test Anxiety Inventory (TAI) and Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale. Treatment effects were maintained at follow-up. The Wait List group received treatment after post-measures were taken. Treatment of the Delayed group replicated effects. Improvement was reflected by large treatment effect sizes and a decrease in percentile ranking on the TAI from the 90th to the 50th percentile.  相似文献   

Previous work has found that repetitive auditory stimulation (click trains) increases the subjective velocity of subsequently presented moving stimuli. We ask whether the effect of click trains is stronger for retinal velocity signals (produced when the target moves across the retina) or for extraretinal velocity signals (produced during smooth pursuit eye movements, when target motion across the retina is limited). In Experiment 1, participants viewed leftward or rightward moving single dot targets, travelling at speeds from 7.5 to 17.5 deg/s. They estimated velocity at the end of each trial. Prior presentation of auditory click trains increased estimated velocity, but only in the pursuit condition, where estimates were based on extraretinal velocity signals. Experiment 2 generalized this result to vertical motion. Experiment 3 found that the effect of clicks during pursuit disappeared when participants tracked across a visually textured background that provided strong local motion cues. Together these results suggest that auditory click trains selectively affect extraretinal velocity signals. This novel finding suggests that the cross-modal integration required for auditory click trains to influence subjective velocity operates at later stages of processing.  相似文献   

简要介绍阅读中眼动控制的研究进展,具体探讨了阅读过程中关于注视点停留位置、跳读、回视和注视时间等方面的研究,并对Morrison的眼动理论模型、O'Regan的战略战术模型和Reichle最新提出的E—Z读者模型进行了评述。最后,提出在吸收国外的这些研究成果的同时,要注意考虑中文与西文阅读的差异性。  相似文献   

发展性协调障碍是一种特殊的发育障碍, 它的一个显著特征是动作协调困难, 这种障碍影响着5%~8%学龄儿童的学业成绩和日常生活。发展性协调障碍常常与其他类型的学习困难并存。发展性协调障碍的病因非常复杂, 这种障碍与一定程度的视觉空间认知能力受损有关, 早期精细运动技能发育与脑神经发育进程可能存在时间的重合。近年来, 研究者们试图探索影响发展性协调障碍的神经基础, 并先后提出不同的神经关联假说。这些理论假说主要涉及到小脑、顶叶、胼胝体、基底神经节和大脑白质等脑区。本文全面回顾了该领域研究的最新进展, 并提出未来研究应该关注的方向与问题。  相似文献   

通两个实验考察名词的具体性效应.实验一采用词汇判断法,考察名词的具体性效应.采用2(具体性:具体、抽象)×2(词频:高频、低频)的两因素被试内实验设计.结果表明:低频词存在具体性效应.实验二应用眼动技术,以EyelinkⅡ眼动仪为工具,考察在句子阅读中的名词具体性效应.实验为单因素被试内设计,自变量为句子中目标词的具体性.结果表明:在句子语境条件下,低频词也存在具体性效应,而且这种效应表现在低频词的晚期加工阶段.  相似文献   

使用ASL-504型眼动仪,采用2×2的被试问设计,对46名智力、视力均正常的小学生在两种材料呈现方式下.对维度不同的2套图片材料的分类结果和分类过程中的主要跟动指标加以考察。结果表明:(1)材料呈现方式和维度交互影响着小学生的分类结果;(2)小学生分类结果是否存在显著的材料呈现方式与维度差异.与他们在分类过程中的兴趣区数、注视时间、注视次数、注视频率、注视点持续时间等跟动指标存在着一定的关系。  相似文献   

When we read narrative texts such as novels and newspaper articles, we segment information presented in such texts into discrete events, with distinct boundaries between those events. But do our eyes reflect this event structure while reading? This study examines whether eye movements during the reading of discourse reveal how readers respond online to event structure. Participants read narrative passages as we monitored their eye movements. Several measures revealed that event structure predicted eye movements. In two experiments, we found that both early and overall reading times were longer for event boundaries. We also found that regressive saccades were more likely to land on event boundaries, but that readers were less likely to regress out of an event boundary. Experiment 2 also demonstrated that tracking event structure carries a working memory load. Eye movements provide a rich set of online data to test the cognitive reality of event segmentation during reading.  相似文献   

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