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Charles Darwin's original and important contributions to science resulted from commitment, persistence, and hard work throughout his adult life. How, when, and where Darwin developed these prerequisites for creative thinking is the focus of this paper. Using a cognitive case study approach to examine the rich record of Darwin's life and work indicates that the 1 &frac; years he spent in Edinburgh as a medical student when he was 16–18 years old was the major turning point in his transformation from a hobbyist into a scientist. Darwin first found hisvoice in science in Edinburgh during late adolescence.  相似文献   

Alfred Schutz was the outstanding representative of the phenomenological approach to the philosophy and methodology of the social sciences. An attempt is made here to explore one fundamental feature of Schutz's work: his theory of typification. That theory is found to be a development of Husserl's doctrine of the intentionality of consciousness and is shown to be concerned with the structure of pre‐predicative experience as well as the process of abstraction and ideation as constitutive of the ‘natural standpoint’ of daily life.  相似文献   

The questions asked of victims of sexual and physical assault by the prosecutor and defense were recorded and coded by courtroom observers. The defense in comparison to the prosecution treated both types of victims in a negative way. Sexual assault victims were subjected to more negative questions and required to give a more personal form of testimony than physical assault victims due to the strategies used by both the prosecution and the defense. Sexual assault cases were convicted less often than physical assault cases. It was concluded that the new law in Canada which replaced the offense of rape with one of "sexual assault" has not had its intended effect of reducing the burden on a victim when she testifies in court.  相似文献   

溃疡性结肠炎的诊断标准与诊断思维   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
溃疡性结肠炎的诊断条件包括临床表现、结肠镜改变、钡灌肠与肠黏膜组织学等,诊断标准应根据上述条件的不同组合分为疑诊与确诊,结肠镜与黏膜活检最为重要。强调在排除诊断基础上正确应用诊断标准。诊断成立后,应全面评估病情,特别是病变范围、严重度与活动性,以便合理地临床决策与预后判断,提高诊断水平。  相似文献   

The paper takes issue with the traditional view of Darwin's influence on psychology; namely, that it is he who passed on to psychology the concept of individual adaptation. Three arguments are presented: a) that Darwin, qua scientist, was only interested in species adaptation, an entirely different concept from that of individual adaptation, b) that Darwin's writings on individual adaptation are so unexceptional that it is inconceivable that psychologists should have been influenced by them, and c) that the two concepts are logically incompatible since species adaptation presupposes a strict hereditary determinism, while individual adaptation conceives of the organism either as free and undetermined or else as determined by the environment.  相似文献   


On 4 December 1514, a suspect heretic named Richard Hunne died while being held in Lollards Tower, the bishop of London’s prison in Old St Paul’s. The discovery of Hunne’s body, hanged, provoked sharp dissension between Church and State while also triggering an anticlerical backlash among London’s citizenry in the years preceding the Reformation. This study will consider if Hunne’s death was murder, as John Foxe, the martyrologist, subsequently insisted, or suicide, as claimed by the church authorities and by Thomas More in his later published treatment of the affair. A definitive answer to this question has eluded historians for 500 years, but here a new explanation, judicial but bungled torture, is suggested as the key to this death in custody.  相似文献   

Within the past couple of decades, the Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler has become increasingly popular among consultants, educators, and psychotherapists alike. The approach also has gained the attention of several vocational researchers, and some vocational investigations on Adler's theory have appeared. Unfortunately, such empirical studies have been all too few, seemingly because no articulated framework exists of an Adlerian vocational theory. In this article, an Adlerian vocational theory is proposed. Specific hypotheses and corollaries, each derived from the substantive base of Individual Psychology, are presented and explained.  相似文献   

Mental health courts (MHCs) use a collaborative justice approach to provide a therapeutic alternative to the traditional justice process for defendants with mental illnesses directly relevant to their alleged criminal offenses. MHCs have proliferated in recent years, in light of early research reports documenting their successes. The aim of this paper is to provide further evaluation of the effects of MHCs by evaluating the impact of the Sacramento County MHC in California. We analyzed quantitative data and conducted interviews with stakeholders and MHC participants to understand how the MHC influenced individual participants' recidivism rates, mental health, and quality of life. Results from the quantitative data analysis indicate that defendants had a lower rate of recidivism after the MHC program than before it. Moreover, graduates were less likely to be rearrested and rehospitalized than non‐graduates. Qualitative analyses revealed several core themes regarding participants' views on facilitators and barriers related to the MHC's success. These findings provide further insights into the effectiveness of MHCs.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,邪教在农村不少地区禁而不止并呈曼延之势,其原因主要在于:1、中国传统的多神信仰民俗,为异端邪说的滋生蔓延提供了深厚的社会土壤;2、中国传统的灾难信仰制度与灾难信仰心态,使邪教的"劫变"观大行其道,并极大限度地增加了邪教的煽动性和扩张力;3、社会转型时期农村思想政治工作的薄弱、基层政权控制能力的疲软、文化娱乐生活的匮乏、价值信仰的失范,都给了邪教以可乘之机;4、农民物质生活的相对贫困,农村社会保障体系的欠缺,是邪教在广大农村扎根与发展不可忽视的物质因素.对农村邪教问题的治理是一项综合性的工程,主要包括:1、加强相关的法律建设和制度建设;2、建设农村基层组织中的斗争机制;3、加强宗教理论研究,普及宗教知识;4、大力加强社会主义精神文明建设;5、发展经济,建立和健全农村社会保障体系.  相似文献   

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