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This article gives an historical review of the 48 years of development of the psychotherapy guidelines for outpatient treatment by the statutory health insurance (GKV). Furthermore, some plans for further developments of psychotherapy are discussed.  相似文献   

Developments in Soviet ethics have been largely, but not exclusively, determined by the official ideology. Since 1917 philosophers have debated four successive models of morality. In the first, morality was regarded as tool of the exploiting classes and thus was superseded by communism. This attitude in fact fostered moral nihilism and anarchism. In the second period of ethical reflection, morality was contrued as a social, class-relative, phenomenon, conceived in utilitarian terms. With respect to Communist morality whatever serves socialism as defined by the Communist Party acquires the force of a moral imperative. It is important to understand whether this perspective is true to Marx's views. Whereas classical ethics assumed an extraworldy foundation for morality Marx adopted the humanist, immanentist perspective, according to which morality has a pragmatic sense as an ideal, the goal of activity. Soviet ethical theory of the Stalin era did not deviate from this perspective, for which reason ethics as a professional science was entirely subordinated to Party decrees about socialism as an ideal. In the third period beginning in the mid-fifties, a new view came to the fore which was codified in the 1961 Party program: moral values are now regarded as having a specific quality, social development involves a moral dimension, and moral values exhibit an all-human import. During this period the leading issue among philosophers is the question of the essence and specificity of morality as distinct from other forms of social consciousness. Just prior to the era of perestrojka beginning in 1985 a fourth model emerged which in fact prepared in most essential respects the actual new thinking in morality. The matters under consideration had to do with the global dimensions of moral problems given the common experience and fears of humanity. For this reason morality was now seen as superseding politics. Presently, this reorientation has not only enabled abandoning attitudes favoring class morality, but thrown into relief the tragic consequences of this attitude within Soviet history.The new image of morality corresponds to abstract humanism with its stress on the person and universal values. The task before Soviet ethicians is to provide theoretical and methodological foundations for their research by which they can improve the professional quality of their work and provide the discipline with a new identity over and against Marxism.  相似文献   

Children of the Second World War are considered here as members of the age group born between 1939 and 1945. The development of these children was determined by coping with the early traumatization by war experiences. Many of them were left alone with their traumatization in the post-war period and obtained no support from the generation of the parents who were preoccupied with their own broken lives. As a consequence they have in common a strange split relationship to their own biographies lacking consciousness about the trauma. They became a self-alienated generation. They borrowed their identity from being concerned about others. By this they fulfilled the delegation given by their parents whose own lives were broken down. As long as the identification persisted, the trauma of the war period remained hidden and was transmitted to the next generation, to the children of the war children. When this dynamic can be detected in psychoanalysis and worked through there is a chance to assimilate emotionally this fate and to reach a positive war child identity. This thesis will be demonstrated by a case study.  相似文献   

这是海德格尔1927年为马堡大学建立400周年的纪念文集撰写的关于马堡大学自1866年以来哲学讲座教席历史的文章.借此文,海德格尔简要评述了60年来新康德主义马堡学派诸代表人物的思想特点和哲学贡献,是一篇难得的历史文献.  相似文献   

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