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本理论模型的建构思路,以文献分析前人关于时间洞察力研究为基础,并于此进行罪犯开放式问卷调查,得出罪犯过去时间洞察力的维度结构共包括三个维度十二个因素。并将结果进行对比分析,可以看出两者基本吻合。不一致之处主要表现在前者在过去时间认知维度上,比后者多出两个因素,即曲解过去和第一次认知;而后者在过去行动上比前者多出一个因素,即行动守时性。  相似文献   

时间洞察力(Time perspective, TP)是个体分类、组织、管理人生和社会经验的必要心理时间框架。在当今快节奏和高竞争性的社会中,寻求过去、现在和未来时间洞察力之间的平衡被认为是优化个体社会适应、提升幸福和促进心理健康的重要方式。然而,由于概念取向模糊、测量方法局限等,现有平衡时间洞察力与心理健康的关系研究较为繁杂,作用机制尚不明确,且缺乏宏观角度上的理论框架。通过对现存研究的梳理,从平衡时间洞察力的不同概念取向入手,整合形成平衡时间洞察力的双通道理论模型,包含时间转换取向与总体健康取向平衡时间洞察力对心理健康的直接与间接作用路径,以及潜在的边界条件。未来研究应区分平衡时间洞察力的不同概念取向,并分别进行拓展研究,着重发展时间转换取向平衡时间洞察力的测量手段,深化中国文化背景下平衡时间洞察力与心理健康的理论研究和实证探索。  相似文献   

论时间洞察力   总被引:33,自引:7,他引:26  
时间洞察力既是能力特质也是动力特质,是个体对时间的认知、体验和行动(或行动倾向)的人格特质,它可以区分为过去时间洞察力、现在时间洞察力、未来时间洞察力,也可以区分为特质时间洞察力和状态时间洞察力。时间洞察力是决定个人事业与人生成功的关键因素。我们已开始用多维度-多方法对时间洞察力开展深入的研究。  相似文献   

采用津巴多时间洞察力量表(ZTPI)、一般拖延量表(GPS)和跨期选择任务,考察了时间洞察力对拖延行为的影响,并从时间折扣视角检验了时间洞察力影响拖延行为的中介机制。结果表明(1)对553名大学生的测量数据进行逐步回归和优势分析,结果表明:"未来"时间洞察力对拖延行为具有良好的预测力,解释率最高;(2)对121名大学生的测量数据进行中介分析,结果表明:时间折扣在时间洞察力影响拖延行为过程中起着中介作用。这些结果说明,"未来"时间洞察力对拖延行为具有较好的预测作用,而且未来时间洞察力对拖延行为的影响可能是通过时间折扣为中介实现的。  相似文献   

为考察未来时间洞察力对大学生职业决策自我效能感的影响及其作用机制,本研究采用未来时间洞察力量表、领悟社会支持量表、自尊量表和职业决策自我效能感量表,对756名高校学生进行调查。结果表明:(1)未来时间洞察力、领悟社会支持、自尊、职业决策自我效能感两两之间存在显著正相关;(2)社会支持和自尊在未来时间洞察力与职业决策自我效能感之间起显著的中介作用。具体为三条中介路径:一是社会支持的单独中介作用; 二是自尊的单独中介作用; 三是社会支持和自尊的链式中介作用。研究揭示了未来时间洞察力与大学生职业决策自我效能感的关系及其作用机制,拓展了大学生职业决策自我效能感的影响因素,对大学生的职业指导具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

时间洞察力的心理结构、特征及研究焦点   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
吕厚超  黄希庭 《心理科学》2004,27(5):1037-1040
概述了五种有关时间洞察力心理结构的观点:二因素、三因素、四因素、五因素和综合的观点;较详细地说明了时间洞察力的心理特征;并对时间洞察力的研究焦点做了总结;最后指出了以前研究中存在的问题和时间洞察力的未来研究方向。  相似文献   

成瘾行为给个体和社会带来了严重的危害。对成瘾人群时间洞察力的研究成为探讨成瘾行为产生和发展的一个新的视角。过去消极、现在享乐和现在宿命时间洞察力取向的个体更可能出现成瘾行为, 而未来时间洞察力取向则是成瘾行为的一个保护性因素, 它不仅可以减少成瘾行为的发生, 也有利于成瘾行为的康复。从自我调节, 冲动性决策等行为机制和前额叶的神经机制方面可以帮助我们深入理解时间洞察力对成瘾行为的影响。未来研究可以进一步探讨不同成瘾行为者时间洞察力的一致性与特异性; 采用纵向研究方法探讨成瘾者时间洞察力的动态变化过程; 对成瘾者的洞察力进行干预, 增加成瘾者的未来时间洞察力, 减少其过去消极和现在时间洞察力取向来帮助成瘾者实现时间洞察力的平衡, 从而提高其戒断效果。  相似文献   

采用未来时间洞察力量表和时间管理自我监控量表对563名中学生进行调查,探讨未来时间洞察力、时间管理自我监控和学业成绩的关系。结果表明:未来时间洞察力、时间管理自我监控和学业成绩之间存在显著相关关系,时间管理自我监控在未来时间洞察力与学业成绩之间的关系中具有显著的中介效应。因此,未来时间洞察力不仅对学业成绩有直接影响,而且还通过时间管理自我监控间接影响学业成绩。  相似文献   

采用大学生未来时间洞察力量表、学习倦怠量表、学业自我效能感量表,对219名师范生进行施测,考察未来时间洞察力、学习倦怠对学业自我效能感的作用及三者的关系。结果表明:(1)远目标定向、学业行为自我效能、情绪低落和行为不当存在显著差异;(2)未来时间洞察力对学业自我效能感有显著的正向影响,学习倦怠对学业自我效能感有显著的负向影响;未来时间洞察力和学习倦怠分别对学业自我效能感有显著的预测作用。(3)未来时间洞察力在学习倦怠和学业自我效能感间起部分中介作用。结论:师范生未来时间洞察力和学习倦怠对学业自我效能感有显著影响。  相似文献   

通过对530名大学生的问卷调查,考察特质焦虑、压力知觉、未来时间洞察力和网络成瘾之间的关系。结果发现:(1)压力知觉在特质焦虑和网络成瘾之间起部分中介作用,特质焦虑既对网络成瘾产生直接影响,也通过压力知觉产生间接影响;(2)未来时间洞察力对压力知觉的中介作用起调节作用,压力知觉对网络成瘾的影响随着个体未来时间洞察力的增加而减少。大学生特质焦虑、压力知觉、未来时间洞察力和网络成瘾共同构成一个有调节的中介模型。  相似文献   

A balanced time perspective (BTP) is defined as a frequent and equal tendency to think positively about both one's past and future. A BTP is related to greater psychological well-being, such as life satisfaction and wisdom, and these BTP associations may vary cross-culturally, although few studies of BTP in non-Western countries exist. In order to advance cross-cultural comparisons of BTP, an important methodological step is to validate BTP measures in different cultures. This study aimed to develop and validate a Japanese version of the modified Balanced Time Perspective Scale (mBTPS). Japanese participants (N = 1,020, aged 18–79 years) completed the mBTPS-J, along with Japanese versions of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI-J) and measures of well-being (life satisfaction and wisdom scales). Factor analysis of the mBTPS-J resulted in a 27-item mBTPS-J consisting of Past, Present, and Future subscales. Correlations between the relevant mBTPS-J and ZTPI-J subscales, and with the well-being measures, supported both convergent and predictive validity, respectively. The demonstrated psychometric strengths of the mBTPS-J will allow for specific testing of important cross-cultural questions.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted investigating the relationship between the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) scales and well-being measures in British (N = 179) and Russian (N = 289) student samples. On the basis of person-oriented approach, a cluster-analysis operationalization of Balanced Time Perspective (BTP) using ZTPI was proposed and validated, demonstrating more evidence for its validity than the previously suggested cut-off-point approach. Four distinct time perspective patterns were discovered in both samples: future-oriented, present-oriented, balanced and negative. The clusters revealed significant differences in well-being, with members of the BTP cluster demonstrating the highest scores in both samples. The relationship between ZTPI and Temporal Life Satisfaction Scale in the British sample was found to be non-uniform for past, present and future. Based on these findings, a distinction between three aspects of time perspective is theoretically proposed, and its implications for the future development of the ZTPI are discussed.  相似文献   

Time perspective therapy (TPT) is a new time-based therapy that focuses on clients' perceptions of their past, present, and future. Based on Zimbardo's temporal theory and the utilization of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory, the authors have developed this new narrative therapy approach for the purpose of treating clients diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder. The goal of TPT is to identify clients' six time perspective factors and then work with and balance these perspectives to promote a more positive future orientation, replace their traumatic past negativity, and thereby create a more responsive and healthier individual.  相似文献   

Time perspective (TP) has been related to different problematic human behaviors. The work presented in this paper assesses the role of time perspective in predicting problematic Internet use (PIU) by studying a sample (n = 149) of Facebook users. Participants (79 male, 70 female, mean age = 32.40, SD = 11.80) completed electronic versions of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) to assess their TP, and the Generalized Problematic Internet Use Scale 2 (GPIUS2) to assess their PIU. Results show that Past Negative and Present Fatalistic temporal frames are predictors of problematic Internet use, suggesting that time perspective is an individual difference construct that should be taken into consideration in the context of PIU.  相似文献   

以山东地区两所高校的548名大学生为研究样本,采用问卷调查法收集数据,考察未来时间洞察力和成就动机在大学生成长型思维与坚毅之间的链式中介效应。结果显示:(1)成长型思维、未来时间洞察力、成就动机与坚毅之间均存在显著正相关;(2)成长型思维既能通过未来时间洞察力和成就动机分别间接预测大学生的坚毅品质,又能通过未来时间洞察力→成就动机的链式中介作用间接预测大学生的坚毅品质。  相似文献   

本研究采用经典内隐联想测验任务,研究了现在享乐、现在宿命和未来三种时间洞察力特质中学生的健康行为选择内隐偏好以及未来情景性思维在时间洞察力类型与健康行为选择内隐偏好中的调节作用。结果发现:未来特质中学生的健康行为选择内隐偏好高于现在享乐和现在宿命特质中学生;未来情景性思维水平在中学生时间洞察力类型与健康行为选择内隐偏好的关系中起调节作用,即未来情景性思维显著提高现在享乐和未来特质中学生的健康行为选择内隐偏好,而对现在宿命特质的作用不显著。本研究的发现表明未来时间洞察力特质是中学生选择健康行为的积极因素;未来情景性思维能促进现在享乐和未来时间洞察力特质中学生的健康行为选择内隐偏好。  相似文献   

The authors investigated adolescents' use of coping strategies in relation to attachment to parents and time perspective. Adolescents in Grade 3 upper secondary school (M age = 18.3 years, SD = 0.6 years; n = 160) completed the Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment, the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory, and the Brief COPE. Correlational analyses showed that attachment to parents was associated with a more favorable view of the past (higher past positive and lower past negative), a less fatalistic view of the present, and a more favorable view of the future (higher future positive and lower future negative). Parental attachment accounted for significant variance in composite coping scores (adaptive and maladaptive) when entered before, but not after, time perspective subscales in hierarchical regression analyses. However, time perspective (mainly present hedonistic and positive or negative future) predicted adaptive or maladaptive coping over and beyond attachment. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that most of the relationship between adolescents' attachment to parents and coping is mediated by individual differences in time perspective. By contrast, factors other than attachment to parents (e.g., temperament) must be considered to fully account for the relationship between time perspective and coping.  相似文献   

钟毅平  李琎王潇 《心理科学》2017,40(5):1161-1167
探索两类时间洞察力特质个体外显与内隐食物选择偏好。实验1用《津巴多时间洞察力问卷》选出"现在享乐"和"未来定向"两类个体,考察其外显食物选择偏好,结果发现,与"未来定向"组相比,"现在享乐"个体选择更多垃圾食品。实验2中,两类个体分别接受不同的解释水平操作,之后完成单靶内隐联想测验,以考察其对垃圾食品的内隐态度,并检验解释水平的调节作用。结果发现,与未来定向组相比,现在享乐组对"垃圾食品"存在内隐偏好。此外,对现在享乐者,解释水平改变会对食物选择偏好有显著影响;而对未来定向者,其影响不显著。这表明与未来时间定向者比,现在享乐者在外显、内隐层面对"垃圾食品"有选择偏好,并且解释水平会通过改变心理距离对其内隐选择偏好产生影响。  相似文献   

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