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B ergstrom , S. R. Induced avoidance behaviour in the Protozoa Tetrahymena. Scand.J. Psychol ., 1968, 9, 215–219.—A sample of Tetrahymena, exposed to a series of light and electric shocks paired, was placed in a partially lighted glass chamber. During the first three minutes the number of animals in the lighted parts of the chamber decreased, and an essentially smaller proportion of the sample was then found in the light, in comparison with control samples, which had received either shocks or light or neither of the two stimuli.  相似文献   

B ergström , S. R. Amount of induced avoidance behaviour to light in the Protozoa Tetrahymena as a function of time after training and cell fission. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1969, 10 , 16–20.—Two cultures of Tetrahymena, dividing synchronously after exposure to an alternating heat treatment, were exposed to series of light and electric shocks paired. After 20 and 30 exposures resp. to the stimulus combination, samples of these cultures were drawn every 18 min and placed in a partially lighted chamber. In samples drawn shortly after training, an essentially smaller proportion was found in the light, in comparison with control samples, which had received either shocks or light or neither of the two stimuli. In later samples, this proportion increased until it approached level of control samples. The course of the increase was not influenced by intervening synchronous cell division.  相似文献   

B ergström , S. R. Avoidance behaviour to light in the Protozoa Tetrahymena. The effect of a gradual versus an abrupt boundary between dark and light. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1969, 10 , 81–88.—Samples of Tetrahymena, trained to avoid light, were placed in the dark part of a partially lighted chamber. The frequency of animals entering the lighted part through a gradual and through an abrupt boundary between dark and light was observed. It was found that a gradual boundary was a much more effective obstacle to the animals than an abrupt one.  相似文献   

损毁海马对大鼠跳台回避反应的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本工作研究了大鼠跳台回避反应的特点,以及损毁双侧海马对大鼠跳台回避反应的影响。结果表明,大鼠初次跳台电击后痕迹浩动约持续2分钟;重复训练,跳台回避反应易于建立与巩固。损毁双侧海马明显地影响跳台电击后的痕迹活动。跳台回避反应也难于巩固。但是,既经巩固,就会出现良好的保持。作者就上进结果进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Contingent reinforcement and imitative prompts were used to teach an autistic child to use simple and compound sentences to describe a set of standard pictures. When imitative prompts and reinforcement were discontinued, correct use of simple sentences declined, but increased again when imitative prompts and reinforcement were re-instated. When imitative prompts and reinforcements were used to teach compound sentence structure, correct use of simple sentences declined and correct use of compound structure increased. At the end of training, the child also used novel compound sentences to describe a set of pictures on which he had received no direct training.  相似文献   

R ussell , R. W., W atson , R. H. J., and F rankenhaeuser , M. Effects of chronic reductions in brain cholinesterase activity on acquisition and extinction of a conditioned avoidance response. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1961, 2 , 21–29.—Significant effects of five different levels of reduction in brain ChE activity in the white rat were found during the extinction, but not during the acquisition, of a conditioned avoidance response. The reductions were produced and chronically maintained throughout the experiment by administration of an organo-phosphorous anticholinesterase. (1) Reduced brain ChE activity was associated with differential effects on the behavior, i.e., speed of conditioning was not altered significantly, whereas speed of extinction was so affected. (2) There appears to be a 'critical level' between 60 and 65 per cent reduction of normal ChE activity below which extinction was significantly affected.  相似文献   

W allgren , H. & S avolainen , S. Modification of shuttle-box to improve rate of avoidance learning in rats. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1962, 3 , 78–80.—Acquisition by rats of a conditioned avoidance response seems to be retarded in an ordinary shuttle-box by the necessity to re-enter the compartment where shocks have previously been received. To avoid this, a four-compartment box was introduced in which the animals can proceed in one direction. Rats were given either continuous trials until nine avoidance responses were made during 10 consecutive trials, or 30 trials per day until 27 correct responses were made during one session. With both methods of training, the rate of learning was approximately 40 per cent more rapid in the four-compartment box than in the ordinary shuttle-box.  相似文献   

Aaron Adair 《Zygon》2012,47(1):7-29
Abstract Centuries of both theologians and astronomers have wondered what the Star of Bethlehem (Matt 2:2, 9) actually was, from miracle to planetary conjunction. Here a history of this search is presented, along with the difficulties the various proposals have had. The natural theories of the Star are found to be a recent innovation, and now almost exclusively maintained by scientists rather than theologians. Current problems with various theories are recognized, as well as general problems with the approach. The interactions between the sciences and religion are categorized and explored.  相似文献   

Elliott Jaques’ work in the area of compensation is evaluated for two major reasons: first, to ascertain its methodological fitness and meaningfulness; and, second, to discuss the impact of his work on the course of psychological research on pay. It is concluded that, although Jaques is the first psychologist to have attempted to bind theoretically a number of vaguely related concepts such as job analysis, equity, level of work, and pay curves, his pay technology has not achieved its goal due to a poor methodological foundation. Replication of Jaques’ studies is virtually impossible because his instruments and concepts are poorly defined. Furthermore, some of the hypothesized relationships among the constructs contained within the model appear inconsistent. However, Jaques’ work is valuable because it has served as a first approximation to a general program of research on pay. Furthermore, his work has highlighted a number of important, fundamental issues which investigators who research pay must ultimately resolve. Several of these issues are discussed.  相似文献   

学生智力与反应时的关系的教育神经心理学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过比较不同智商者的大脑两半球的反应时发现,小学生中智力较高者大脑西半球的反应时较智力较低者明显为短,说明智力水平与大脑反应明显相关;选择反应时与智力水平的关系较简单反应时尤为密切。但正确反应率在两组之间未见有明显差异。  相似文献   

数学等值概念获得的过渡性学习者认知发展的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王沛 《心理学报》2000,32(4):409-415
就数学等值概念获得而言,一般地,过渡性学习者在解决简单问题作业时趋向于使用一种正确策略,而当题目较难时则使用几种不同的错误策略。经过针对性的指导(或输入适当信息)后极易掌握此概念,表现为使用一种正确且充分的策略。同时,“言语一手势失匹配”可能不是过渡性学习者的必然的认知特征。  相似文献   

This study used a pretest/posttest design and included a control group to examine the impact of harassment training on intended responses to harassment. The sample consisted of 282 full-time professionals. At time 2, trainees expressed lower intentions to confront the perpetrator than did control-group participants. The simple and moderating effects of conflict avoidance on response intentions were also tested. Conflict avoidance was significantly negatively related to formally reporting gender harassment and sexual attention harassment and interacted with training to predict these outcomes. Practical implications of the results for organizations implementing harassment training programs are discussed.  相似文献   

Ralph Wendell Burhoe 《Zygon》2005,40(4):799-812
Abstract. Spirituality emerges in the function of culture to reinforce and yet redirect our genetic heritage. Our genes urge us to be concerned only for our own welfare, which can turn us to evil behaviors. Our religious traditions urge us to engage in behaviors of transkin altruism. These religious traditions have been selected for in the processes of natural selection. The challenge to spirituality is to discern the fundamental dynamics of the evolutionary processes, both genetic and cultural, that have created us and to direct our behaviors in ways that can be beneficial to the entire natural system. Reason is not enough; we must also cultivate spiritual discernment in order to perceive the true nature of our situation and the best responses that are called for. The religious communities have the major responsibility for cultivating the spirituality that can achieve the most adequate discernment.  相似文献   

Smedslund, J. The acquisition of conservation of substance and weight in children. VII. Conservation of discontinuous quantity and the operations of adding and taking away. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1962, 3 , 69–77.—In Exp. I a test of conservation and highly different items of addition and subtraction were given. Conservation was closely related only to an item involving a subtraction of a piece and a subsequent addition of the same piece (- + sequence), followed by an addition of a piece and the subsequent subtraction of the same piece (+ - sequence). In Exp. II a test of conservation was given together with items involving various combinations of simple - + and + - sequences. It is concluded that - +, + -, and conservation seem to form a genetic sequence in this order, thus strengthening the hypothesis that a concept of conservation reflects a complete reversibility of the operations of + and -.  相似文献   

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