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Neglect dyslexia is a disturbance in the allocation of spatial attention over a letter string following unilateral brain damage. Patients with this condition may fail to read letters on the contralesional side of an orthographic string. In some of these cases, reading is better with words than with non-words. This word superiority effect has received a variety of explanations that differ, among other things, with regard to the spatial distribution of attention across the letter string during reading. The primary goal of the present study was to explore the interaction between attention and lexical processes by recording eye movements in a patient (F.C.) with severe left neglect dyslexia who was required to read isolated word and non-word stimuli of various length. F.C.'s ocular exploration of orthographic stimuli was highly sensitive to the lexical status of the letter string. We found that: (1) the location to which F.C. directed his initial saccade (obtained approximately 230 ms post-stimulus onset) differed between word and non-word stimuli; (2) the patient spent a greater amount of time fixating the contralesional side of word than non-word strings. Moreover, we also found that F.C. failed to identify the left letters of a string despite having fixated them, thus showing a clear dissociation between eye movement responses and conscious access to orthographic stimuli. Our data suggest the existence of multiple interactions between lexical, attentional and eye movement systems that occur from very initial stages of visual word recognition.  相似文献   

The relationship between eye movements and spatial attention   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Most previous studies of the attentional consequences of making saccadic eye movements have used peripheral stimuli to elicit eye movements. It is argued that in the light of evidence showing automatic “capture” of attention by peripheral stimuli, these experiments do not distinguish between attentional effects due to peripheral stimuli and those due to eye movements. In the present study, spatial attention was manipulated by varying the probability that peripheral probe stimuli would appear in different positions, while saccades were directed by a central arrow, enabling the effects of attention and eye movements to be separated. The results showed that the time to react to a peripheral stimulus could be shortened both by advance knowledge of its likely position and, separately, by preparing to make a saccade to that position. When the saccade was directed away from the most likely position of the probe, the targets for attention and eye movements were on opposite sides of the display. In this condition, the effects of preparing to make a saccade proved to be stronger than the effects of attentional allocation until well after the saccade had finished, suggesting that making a saccade necessarily involves the allocation of attention to the target position. The effects of probe stimuli on saccade latencies were also examined: probe stimuli that appeared before the saccade shortened saccade latencies if they appeared at the saccade target, and lengthened saccade latencies if they appeared on the opposite side of fixation. These facilitatory and inhibitory effects were shown to occur at different stages of saccade preparation and suggest that attention plays an important role in the generation of voluntary eye movements. The results of this study indicate that while it is possible to make attention movements without making corresponding eye movements, it is not possible to make an eye movement (in the absence of peripheral stimulation) without making a corresponding shift in the focus of attention.  相似文献   

Dyslexia: saccadic eye movements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes an extensive study of the parameters of saccadic eye movement in a group of 28 poor-reading children and a comparative normally reading group of 31 children. Ages ranged from 6.0 to 16.9 yr. Poor readers had normal intelligence but were lagging by at least two years in reading ability as compared to their peer age group. Parameters studied in refixation eye movements included saccadic latency, accuracy, velocity, and acceleration, as well as differences in latency for abduct and adduct movements. Shapes of saccades were also studied. It was shown that eye-movement performance in simple saccadic refixation was not distinguishably different for poor readers and normal readers, even though in reading, which requires higher processing, eye-movement characteristics are quite different. Maturational changes for various saccadic eye-movement parameters were also examined for the normal and poor reading groups.  相似文献   

In this paper, we show that human saccadic eye movements toward a visual target are generated with a reduced latency when this target is spatially and temporally aligned with an irrelevant auditory nontarget. This effect gradually disappears if the temporal and/or spatial alignment of the visual and auditory stimuli are changed. When subjects are able to accurately localize the auditory stimulus in two dimensions, the spatial dependence of the reduction in latency depends on the actual radial distance between the auditory and the visual stimulus. If, however, only the azimuth of the sound source can be determined by the subjects, the horizontal target separation determines the strength of the interaction. Neither saccade accuracy nor saccade kinematics were affected in these paradigms. We propose that, in addition to an aspecific warning signal, the reduction of saccadic latency is due to interactions that take place at a multimodal stage of saccade programming, where theperceived positions of visual and auditory stimuli are represented in a common frame of reference. This hypothesis is in agreement with our finding that the saccades often are initially directed to the average position of the visual and the auditory target, provided that their spatial separation is not too large. Striking similarities with electrophysiological findings on multisensory interactions in the deep layers of the midbrain superior colliculus are discussed.  相似文献   

Attention and saccadic eye movements   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Four threshold detection experiments addressed three issues concerning the relationship between movements of spatial attention and saccadic eye movements: (a) the time course of attention shifts wit saccades, (b) the response of the two systems to changes in stimulus parameters, and (c) the relationship of attention to saccadic suppression. These issues bear on the more general question of the degree of independence between the saccadic and attentional movement systems. The results of these experiments support the contention that the mechanisms that shift attention are separate from those that control saccadic eye movements. Relevant events in the visual field periphery, however, will trigger both a saccade and attention shift. The attentional response to such events does not appear to be under subjects' control. The implication of these results for theories of saccadic suppression is discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated the coupling between a speaker's and a listener's eye movements. Some participants talked extemporaneously about a television show whose cast members they were viewing on a screen in front of them. Later, other participants listened to these monologues while viewing the same screen. Eye movements were recorded for all speakers and listeners. According to cross-recurrence analysis, a listener's eye movements most closely matched a speaker's eye movements at a delay of 2 sec. Indeed, the more closely a listener's eye movements were coupled with a speaker's, the better the listener did on a comprehension test. In a second experiment, low-level visual cues were used to manipulate the listeners' eye movements, and these, in turn, influenced their latencies to comprehension questions. Just as eye movements reflect the mental state of an individual, the coupling between a speaker's and a listener's eye movements reflects the success of their communication.  相似文献   

The lateral eye movements of 24 college students were videotaped as they reflected on spatial and analytical questions. As predicted, participants with more initial movements to the left had significantly higher scores on the leftist (or humanistic) index of the Tomkin's Polarity Scale. The direction of this relationship was reversed for the rightist index (right movers scoring higher) but this difference was not significant. Results are interpreted as additions to evidence which suggests a connection between the left and right sides of the human body and more global dichotomies of ideology or personality.  相似文献   

Nijhawan R 《Perception》2001,30(3):263-282
An object flashed briefly in a given location, the moment another moving object arrives in the same location, is perceived by observers as lagging behind the moving object (flash-lag effect). Does the flash-lag effect occur if the retinal image of the moving object is rendered stationary by smooth pursuit of the moving object? Does the flash-lag effect occur if the retinal image of a stationary object is caused to move by smooth-pursuit eye movements? A disk was briefly flashed in the center of a moving ring such that the ring center was completely 'filled' by the disk. In this display, observers perceived the flashed disk to lag such that it appeared only to partially 'fill' the ring center. The 'unfilled' portion (perceived void) of the moving ring was seen in the color of the background. With smooth pursuit of the ring, the flash-lag effect was eliminated, and observers saw the flashed disk centered on the moving ring. A strong flash-lag effect was observed when observers smoothly pursued a moving point target past a continuously visible stationary ring. Once again, the flashed disk appeared to only partially fill the center of the continuously visible stationary ring, yielding a vivid 'perceived void'. These results are discussed in terms of neural delays and their compensation.  相似文献   

Eye movements were monitored with a sensitive binocular measuring device during presentation of stimuli that caused binocular rivalry. It was found that the number of microsaccades was approximately 50% higher when measured during rivalry than when measured during periods of normal viewing. The level of microsaccadic activity is greater at the beginning than toward the end of the suppression interval. The results suggest that the depth of suppression associated with binocular rivalry is not constant over the duration of a rivalry interval.  相似文献   

Dyslexic and normal readers' eye movements   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Dyslexic and normal readers' eye movements were compared while tracking a moving fixation point and in reading. Contrary to previous reports, the dyslexic and normal readers did not differ in their number of saccades, percentage of regressions, or stability of fixations in the tracking task. Thus, defective oculomotor control was not associated with or a causal factor in dyslexia, and the dyslexics' abnormal eye movements in reading must be related to differences in higher cognitive processes. However, individual differences in oculmotor efficiency, independent of reading ability, were found within both the dyslexic and normal groups, and these differences were correlated in reading and tracking tasks.  相似文献   

Four dual-task experiments required a speeded manual choice response to a tone in a close temporal proximity to a saccadic eye movement task. In Experiment 1, subjects made a saccade towards a single transient; in Experiment 2, a red and a green colour patch were presented to left and right, and the saccade was to which ever patch was the pre-specified target colour. There was some slowing of the eye movement, but neither task combination showed typical dual-task interference (the “psychological refractory effect”). However, more interference was observed when the direction of the saccade depended on whether a central colour patch was red or green, or when the saccade was directed towards the numerically higher of two large digits presented to the left and the right. Experiment 5 examined a vocal second task, for comparison. The findings might reflect the fact that eye movements can be directed by two separate brain systems--the superior colliculus and the frontal eye fields; commands from the latter but not the former may be delayed by simultaneous unrelated sensorimotor tasks.  相似文献   

Saccadic eye movements of 14 children with reading difficulties and of 14 normal readers were compared before and after the problem readers underwent a seven month individual tutoring program. At pretesting the problem readers showed a rate of eye movements that was markedly lower than that of the normal readers whose rate they attained and surpassed at completion of the remedial reading program. Results are discussed in terms of the presumed function of saccadic eye movements and their relation to reading, attention, and information gathering.This study was supported by grant OEG-2-2-2BO24 from the National Institute of Education. The valuable assistance of Mark J. Fischer and the help of Sandra Armel, Steven Rayack, and Betty White are gratefully acknowledged. Dr. Lowey, of the Three Village School District and particularly Mr. Hanrahan, Principal of Main Street School, greatly facilitated our work and we are most grateful.  相似文献   

BackgroundThis study examined the effects of cultivated (i.e. developed through training) and dispositional (trait) mindfulness on smooth pursuit (SPEM) and antisaccade (AS) tasks known to engage the fronto-parietal network implicated in attentional and motion detection processes, and the fronto-striatal network implicated in cognitive control, respectively.MethodsSixty healthy men (19–59 years), of whom 30 were experienced mindfulness practitioners and 30 meditation-naïve, underwent infrared oculographic assessment of SPEM and AS performance. Trait mindfulness was assessed using the self-report Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ).ResultsMeditators, relative to meditation-naïve individuals, made significantly fewer catch-up and anticipatory saccades during the SPEM task, and had significantly lower intra-individual variability in gain and spatial error during the AS task. No SPEM or AS measure correlated significantly with FFMQ scores in meditation-naïve individuals.ConclusionsCultivated, but not dispositional, mindfulness is associated with improved attention and sensorimotor control as indexed by SPEM and AS tasks.  相似文献   

为探明手动作流畅性和情感材料呈现空间在不同利手者左右空间情感偏好中的关系,本研究将情绪Stroop范式和眼动测量相结合,通过反应速度和眼动数据将动作流畅性和空间情感注意偏向相分离,并考察其交互作用。结果发现右利手个体的反应速度存在优势手效应,不同利手者在使用左手时表现出对优势手同侧空间的内隐情感偏好,表明右利手个体的反应速度存在优势手流畅性的主导作用,手动作流畅性和内隐空间情感偏好的作用可以分离。  相似文献   

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