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Summary Two experiments were conducted to determine perceived similarities among psychophysical tasks. In Exp. I Ss first participated in five brightness-perception tasks: category estimation, magnitude estimation, absolute judgment, method of constant stimuli, and binary choice. At the conclusion of this phase, they rated the similarity of each pair of tasks according to each of four judgment criteria: general similarity, visual discrimination, learning, and memory. The average ratings were scaled, yielding a one-dimensional solution; where absolute judgment and category estimation were grouped at one end, constant stimuli and binary choice at the other, and magnitude estimation in between. In Experiment II another group rated similarity of the tasks based only upon relevant instructions. (They did not actually judge brigthness.) Scaling results were in agreement with those obtained in Exp. I. Theoretical implications are examined and tested in the second part of this work (Baird & Szilagyi, 1977)The present article is the first of a two-part series. Some of the results reported here were first presented at the 1974 meetings of the Psychonomic Society in Boston  相似文献   

Accurate and efficient control of self-motion is an important requirement for our daily behavior. Visual feedback about self-motion is provided by optic flow. Optic flow can be used to estimate the direction of self-motion (‘heading’) rapidly and efficiently. Analysis of oculomotor behavior reveals that eye movements usually accompany self-motion. Such eye movements introduce additional retinal image motion so that the flow pattern on the retina usually consists of a combination of self-movement and eye movement components. The question of whether this ‘retinal flow’ alone allows the brain to estimate heading, or whether an additional ‘extraretinal’ eye movement signal is needed, has been controversial. This article reviews recent studies that suggest that heading can be estimated visually but extraretinal signals are used to disambiguate problematic situations. The dorsal stream of primate cortex contains motion processing areas that are selective for optic flow and self-motion. Models that link the properties of neurons in these areas to the properties of heading perception suggest possible underlying mechanisms of the visual perception of self-motion.  相似文献   

Among numerous procedures for determination of the psychophysical relation, one approach has seldom been applied. Essential in this method is to present a set of stimuli whose intensity increases in fixed time following different forms. The objective stimulus increment, which the subjects perceive as linear growth directly, represents the inverse psychophysical relation. In this paper the method was tested in the fields of click frequency and sound pressure. This procedure was named "Perception of the Form of Stimulus Increment in Time". In comparison to other psychophysical approaches, this one has several advantages. The principal ones are the following: (1) In assessing the psychophysical relation it is not necessary to try to measure the perceptual magnitude; and (2) the psychophysical relation is directly determined by its dynamic pattern. In this paper modifications to the method are reported which facilitate the subject's task and avoid some differences in subjects' individual approaches to the task. The modified procedure leads to results satisfactory independent of the influence of the factors irrelevant to the psychophysical relationship.  相似文献   

Computer-generated shapes varying on visual dimensions such as curvature, tapering, and thickness have been used to investigate identification deficits in the category-specific visual agnosia (CSVA) Patient E.L.M.. However, whether the implemented variations on each of these dimensions were perceived by novice observers as "similar amounts of change" is unknown. To estimate distance in psychophysical shape space, sets of shapes were developed using two different scaling methods--an objective method based on visual search, and a subjective method based on judgments of similarity--and a third approach that did not involve scaling. How well each method estimated psychophysical shape space was assessed by measuring the confusions within memory among the shapes. The results suggested that, although neither of the approaches perfectly reflected psychophysical shape space, subjective scaling was a better estimator of distance in psychophysical shape space than were other approaches. The number of confusions produced on each set of shapes was used to develop a new set of shapes that accurately estimated distance in psychophysical shape space. These results suggest that a combination of approaches is preferable in order to accurately estimate distance in psychophysical shape space.  相似文献   

This article briefly introduces the phenomena of ki- energy to the Western readers who are not familiar with them, by relying on Yuasa Yasuo's conceptual scheme. Ki- energy has traditionally been an intense thematic focus of various East-Asian fields of human endeavours such as acupuncture medicine, martial arts and meditational training. The article articulates some of the salient features of this energy as it is understood in these fields, while incorporating knowledge of contemporary scientific research on them. It is written with a view to stimulating further research on it, as it carries important implications for addressing many of the issues we face today.  相似文献   

Kitazaki M  Sato T 《Perception》2003,32(4):475-484
Attentional effects on self-motion perception (vection) were examined by using a large display in which vertical stripes containing upward or downward moving dots were interleaved to balance the total motion energy for the two directions. The dots moving in the same direction had the same colour, and subjects were asked to attend to one of the two colours. Vection was perceived in the direction opposite to that of non-attended motion. This indicates that non-attended visual motion dominates vection. The attentional effect was then compared with effects of relative depth. Clear attentional effects were again found when there was no relative depth between dots moving in opposite directions, but the effect of depth was much stronger for stimuli with a relative depth. Vection was mainly determined by motion in the far depth plane, although some attentional effects were evident even in this case. These results indicate that attentional modulation for vection exists, but that it is overridden when there is a relative depth between the two motion components.  相似文献   

A general formulation of the power law is presented which has two special features: (1) negative exponents are admissible; and (2) the log law is a special limiting case. Estimation procedures, which provide joint estimates of the exponent and the absolute threshold, are derived for the direct ratio scaling methods. A solution is provided for theaveraging problem for ratio production and bisection scaling, two methods generating observations on the physical scale, and Monte Carlo methods are used to evaluate the resulting estimators.  相似文献   

Remembrance of sounds past: memory and psychophysical scaling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
What is the role of long-term memories of previous stimulus-response mappings, and of previous sensory and perceptual experiences generally, in psychophysical scaling judgments? I conducted four experiments in an attempt to provide some preliminary answers to this question. In each experiment, subjects made judgments of the loudness of sounds on 3 successive days. Stimulus intensities were drawn randomly from the same set on Days 1 and 3 but from a different set, either all 12 dB higher or all 12 dB lower, on Day 2. Four different types of psychophysical scaling judgments were studied: category judgment without an experimenter-induced identification function, ratio magnitude estimation with a variable standard, absolute magnitude estimation, and cross-modality matching. The first two methods required completely relative judgment, the last two completely absolute judgment. Data from all methods reveal profound effects of stimulus-response mappings experienced on previous days (long-term memory) and immediately previous stimuli and responses (short-term memory) on responses to current stimuli. Responses were typically a compromise between absolute and relative judgment. Individual differences were dramatic.  相似文献   

During self-motions, different patterns of optic flow are presented to the left and right eyes. Previous research has, however, focused mainly on the self-motion information contained in a single pattern of optic flow. The present experiments investigated the role that binocular disparity plays in the visual perception of self-motion, showing that the addition of stereoscopic cues to optic flow significantly improves forward linear vection in central vision. Improvements were also achieved by adding changingsize cues to sparse (but not dense) flow patterns. These findings showed that assumptions in the heading literature that stereoscopic cues facilitate self-motion only when the optic flow has ambiguous depth ordering do not apply to vection. Rather, it was concluded that both stereoscopic and changingsize cues provide additional motion-in-depth information that is used in perceiving self-motion.  相似文献   

The amounts of ipsilateral and contralateral masking obtained with a modified psychophysical procedure were compared for vibratory stimuli presented to different body loci. Results of a combined forced-choice localization task and a forced-choice detection task were similar to the results obtained in previous investigations which employed method of limits and two-alternative, temporal forced-choice procedures, respectively. Ipsilateral maskers produced similar amounts of masking in both the detection and localization tasks for fingertip and arm test sites. Contralateral maskers resulted in considerably more masking in the localization task than in the detection task for both fingertip and arm test sites. When large longitudinal distances were introduced between the test stimulus and masker, little masking was evident in either the localization or detection task. It was concluded that the differences in the amount of ipsilateral and contralateral masking obtained with different psychophysical procedures reflect different effects of a masker on the detectable attributes of a test stimulus. Implications of these results for the study of multiple tactile perception were discussed.  相似文献   

Bonato F  Bubka A 《Perception》2006,35(1):53-64
The effects of visual field color and spatial complexity on self-motion perception were investigated by placing observers inside a large rotating cylinder (optokinetic drum). Under optokinetic-drum conditions visually induced self-motion (vection) is typically perceived within 30 s, even though all forms of sensory input (eg vestibular, proprioceptive, auditory), except vision, indicate that the observer is stationary. It was hypothesized that vection would be hastened and vection magnitude increased by adding chromatic colors and spatial complexity to the lining of an optokinetic drum. Addition of these visual-field characteristics results in an array that shares more visual-field characteristics with our typical environment that usually serves as a stable frame of reference regarding self-motion perception. In the color experiment, participants viewed vertical stripes that were: (i) black and white, (ii) various gray shades, or (iii) chromatic. In the spatial complexity experiment, participants were presented with: (i) black-and-white vertical stripes, or (ii) a black-and-white checkerboard pattern. Drum rotation velocity was 5 rev. min(-1) (30 degrees s(-1)), and both vection onset and magnitude were measured for 60 s trials. Results indicate that chromaticity and spatial complexity hasten the onset of vection and increase its perceived magnitude. Chromaticity and spatial complexity are common characteristics of the environments in which our visual system evolved. The presence of these visual-field features in an optic flow pattern may be treated as an indicator that the scene being viewed is stationary and that the observer is moving.  相似文献   

J. C. Stevens and Marks’s (1980) method of magnitude matching and a derivative, category matching, are examined in two experiments. Category matching produces highly similar matching functions to those of magnitude matching. The two methods are both subject to significant sequential dependencies, which, however, should not affect exponents of matching functions. Such mixed-modality scaling methods are also useful for theory testing. In the present case, responses were assimilated to the immediately previous response (different modality stimulus) but contrasted with the stimulus (same modality) two trials back in the sequence. The dependency of the response-response dependency on Sn-Sn-k was independent of stimulus modality. However, the usual dependency of the coefficient of variation of ratios of successive responses on Sn-Sn-k was not found. These results support the class of theories in which assimilative response-response dependencies and contrastive response-stimulus dependencies arise from different mechanisms, and disconfirm those in which both effects arise in a linked fashion from a single mechanism.  相似文献   

Successive measures of emotional intensity were obtained by a two-step scaling procedure from 23 subjects anticipating an electric shock to be given at the end of a 45-min period. Half of Ss had a clock available, while the other half had to estimate apparent time. The emotional reaction was shown to increase exponentially as time before shock decreased. Heart rate also increased as time for shock was approaching, but the trend was not regular.  相似文献   

Both metric and nonmetric multidimensional scaling methods were used to analyze similarity estimates when random polygons were used as stimulus patterns. Three dimensions, dispersion, jaggedness, and elongation were obtained with both analyses and were related to physical measures of the patterns.  相似文献   

Functional measurement and psychophysical judgment   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

D Vickers  P Smith 《Perception》1985,14(4):471-497
In a recent assessment of models of psychophysical discrimination, Heath criticises the accumulator model for its reliance on computer simulation and qualitative evidence, and contrasts it unfavourably with a modified random-walk model, which yields exact predictions, is susceptible to critical test, and is provided with simple parameter-estimation techniques. A counter-evaluation is presented, in which the approximations employed in the modified random-walk analysis are demonstrated to be seriously inaccurate, the resulting parameter estimates to be artefactually determined, and the proposed test not critical. It is pointed out that Heath's specific application of the model is not legitimate, his data treatment inappropriate, and his hypothesis concerning confidence inconsistent with experimental results. Evidence from adaptive performance changes is presented which shows that the necessary assumptions for quantitative analysis in terms of the modified random-walk model are not satisfied, and that the model can be reconciled with data at the qualitative level only by making it virtually indistinguishable from an accumulator process. A procedure for deriving exact predictions for an accumulator process is outlined.  相似文献   

In part I, a concept of ratio estimation is defined and it is shown that if such estimates depend only upon the physical ratio of the signal to the reference signal, the psychophysical function must be a power function. Assuming the same exponents for each component, an invariance condition, equivalent to a sum of power functions, is studied empirically for binaural loudness. It is fully or partially sustained for 19 of 22 respondents. Since failures may be attributable to different exponents in the two ears, the ratio of the two exponents is estimated but that fails to explain the failures. Other possible explanations are suggested. In part II, an intensity filtering model is presented, accounting for the phenomenon where monaural loudness matches show a bias depending on the matching ear. We show (a) that the existence of such a bias does not alter the prior experimental results; and (b) assuming the power function, that five respondents attenuate the opposite ear and two enhance it.  相似文献   

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