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哈贝马斯在本文中系统评价了布兰顿在《清晰阐释》中所阐发的语言哲学,称之为理论哲学中的里程碑.哈贝马斯认为布兰顿在形式语用学与推理语义学之间实现了富有创新性的关联,清晰地阐明了自我理解.这里选录的两节首先在总体上描述布兰顿方法的特征,讨论了他将形式语用学和推理语义学的富有创新性的结合,其次讨论了这样一个问题:为什么我们会对我们言说的内容要求客观有效性--此问题被布兰顿视为核心问题.  相似文献   

田园  刘可欣 《现代哲学》2002,1(2):113-120
一般认为,维特根斯坦前后期哲学转变的原因是语言观的变化。本文结合维特根斯坦跨越两种哲学传统的背景,认为哲学转变的根本原因是由于前期本体论的内在缺陷而导致的本体论变化,维特根斯坦前期哲学本体论只局限于可说的“世界”,而不可说的神秘之物则被排除在世界之外,这与维特根斯坦珍视神秘之物的初衷相悖,这种内在矛盾促成了前期本体论向后期本体论的转变,这一转变的重大意义在于后期本体论消泯了可说与不可说的界限,是人类社会实践的坚实基础。  相似文献   

论生活世界的交往特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生活世界是人通过实践活动与创造活动所生成的主体间世界。它作为一种文化传统与背景资源为交往行为提供了价值与意义的根据来源,因此,文化价值性是其首要的特征。生活世界因交互主体的建构呈现出交互主体性,而交互主体性又是在私人交往与公共交往的互动中确立的。私人交往与公共交往并不是完全隔绝的,二者是一种共生共荣的关系。  相似文献   

本文从哲学方法论演变的视角,揭示了哈贝马斯在建构社会批判理论时,发生了从意识哲学到语言分析的语用学转向。其规范语用学的首要任务就是为理性重建提供新的模式,以支持交流行为理论,在此过程中显示出的对语形、语义和语用分析方法的整合运用,深刻地折射了20世纪哲学思维和方法论在大陆哲学和英美哲学、人文主义和科学主义之间合流的整体演进趋势。  相似文献   

金立 《哲学研究》2012,(8):114-119
论辩(Argumentation)是一种展开于主体之间,通过单个命题或命题组合来证明自身观点、反驳对方观点,以消除争议、谋求共识的理性行为。长久以来,无论是作为一种现象还是一个问题,论辩始终为逻辑学、修辞学、语用学等多学科共同关注。这不仅因为论辩是存在于生活世界中的一种普遍现象和言语行为,更重要的是因为它反映了基于主体间个性差异的思想的多样性和丰富性,以及不同思想在各自的论证和相互争辩中不断发展前行的客观事实。正如迈克尔所言:"人类心智被装上了两种相互对立的技能,一是将事物分门别类置入范畴,一是将事物视同特殊分别对待。因此,我们的思  相似文献   

该著致力于研究哈贝马斯的交往行为理论与历史唯物主义的关联。哈贝马斯认为历史唯物主义在当代社会陷入了困境,他要对历史唯物主义进行更新,希望用其交往行为理论来对历史唯物主义的基本原理进行构建。哈贝马斯早期非常重视认识论的研究,他认为马克思仅仅把社会劳动作为历史唯物主义的基础是不够的,应该添加交往行为这一维度,但他更加突出交往行为在社会进化中的作用。  相似文献   

哲学与生活世界的关系如何?我们常常讲哲学来源于生活世界,也应该回到生活世界。此种概括无疑是正确的,其中蕴含着丰富的内容。我们要做的就是把这些内容展示出来,以便对这个关系的脉络有  相似文献   

吴国璋  桑明 《学海》2001,(5):83-85
马克思的"世界历史"理论认为,世界历史的发展进程的最终目标是共产主义的实现,而共产主义又是人的解放和全面发展的社会.因此,马克思的"世界历史"理论与人的解放的学说是一致的.马克思所讲的世界历史形成的两个条件正是人的解放的两个条件,即"生产力的普遍发展和与此有关的世界交往的普遍发展".而这两个条件又是通过人的实践活动实现的.因此,可以说,人的解放是在人的实践活动的基础上,以生产力和交往的普遍发展为条件的、全面占有自己的本质、使自己成为一个自由而全面发展的人的世界历史过程.  相似文献   

巴比塔——论人类道德生活的形式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
寻找通向天堂捷径的设想和人类的历史同样古老,许多民族的神话中都有这一类故事。这类行为常被认为有一点“不敬”,却没有什么不光彩。像—切深刻的神话一样,它代表了规划所具有的魅力,这种魅力不是由于人类的幼稚,而是人类生活的一种常态。没有任何失败可以剥夺这种计划的感召力。而且,它还象征着这种事业的结局。  相似文献   

分析哲学是有其人文和社会的兴趣与关怀的。本文试图从批判理论的视角.运用哲学与生活世界相关联的解释学方法,分别解读了分析哲学创始人之一的罗素的逻辑分析哲学与他作为一个哲学家的社会批判兴趣之间的关系,以及前期维特根斯坦的逻辑语言分析哲学和后期的日常语言分析哲学与维特根斯坦所属的生活世界的关系。指出分析哲学由于没有建立在对现代性的科学一形而上学思维方式和生活方式的足够反思基础上,所以它对形而上学的批判兴趣最终仍然导致了一种非批判的形而上学。  相似文献   

Kind representations, concepts like table, triangle, dog, and planet, underlie generic language. Here, we investigate the formal structure of kind representations—the structure that distinguishes kind representations from other types of representations. The present studies confirm that participants distinguish generic-supporting properties of individuals (e.g., this watch is made of steel) and accidental properties (e.g., this watch is on the nightstand). Furthermore, work dating back to Aristotle establishes that only some generic-supporting properties bear a principled connection to the kind, that is, are true of an individual by virtue of its being a member of a specific kind (e.g., telling time for a watch). The present studies tested the hypothesis that principled connections are part of the formal structure of kind representations. Specifically, they tested whether they structure a newly learned kind representation. Experiment 1 found that introducing a property of a newly encountered novel kind in any one of four linguistic frames that provide evidence that a property has a principled connection to a kind (e.g., “It has fur because it is a blick”) led participants to infer a different conceptual consequence of principled connections (i.e., “There is something wrong with this blick, which does not have fur”) for which they had no direct evidence. Two introduction frames that provided no evidence for principled connections (e.g., “Almost all blicks have fur”) did not generate the same consequence. Experiment 2 found that all of the targeted properties were generic licensing, irrespective of the introduction frame. That the distinction between properties that bear principled connections to their kinds, and merely generic-supporting properties structures novel kind representations, provides strong evidence that this distinction is part of the formal structure of kind representations.  相似文献   

Recent studies have documented substantial variability among typical listeners in how gradiently they categorize speech sounds, and this variability in categorization gradience may link to how listeners weight different cues in the incoming signal. The present study tested the relationship between categorization gradience and cue weighting across two sets of English contrasts, each varying orthogonally in two acoustic dimensions. Participants performed a four-alternative forced-choice identification task in a visual world paradigm while their eye movements were monitored. We found that (a) greater categorization gradience derived from behavioral identification responses corresponds to larger secondary cue weights derived from eye movements; (b) the relationship between categorization gradience and secondary cue weighting is observed across cues and contrasts, suggesting that categorization gradience may be a consistent within-individual property in speech perception; and (c) listeners who showed greater categorization gradience tend to adopt a buffered processing strategy, especially when cues arrive asynchronously in time.  相似文献   

王晓钧  江亚丹  黄威红 《心理科学》2011,34(6):1496-1501
摘 要 尝试用新的理论视角-取向研究视角,对幸福观进行整合研究,建构一种与社会情境结合更紧密,更具概括性的幸福观取向理论。幸福观取向理论的假设建构模型包括四种幸福观取向维度:社会取向,个人取向,积极取向和消极取向。根据理论模型编制幸福观取向量表,以907名被试为研究对象,运用探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析方法对该理论模型进行实证研究。结果证明了该理论建构中各维度的因素负荷和拟合指数良好,幸福观取向量表显示出良好的信度和建构效度,保证了实证研究的有效性。  相似文献   

采用问卷法,从生命史理论的角度探讨母亲教养行为的代价传递性。研究问题一显示,童年期家庭环境的艰苦性和不可预测性不能预测个体成年后的生命史策略,原生家庭母亲的专制型教养方式通过焦虑型依恋行为的中介作用可以间接地负向预测成年女儿的生命史慢策略,原生家庭母亲的民主型教养方式可以直接预测成年女儿的生命史慢策略;研究问题二显示,生命史慢策略在原生家庭母亲的民主型教养行为和成年女儿的合作型协同教养行为之间起着完全中介作用。  相似文献   

This study investigated the availability of deductive reasoning competence in late adulthood. Forty-six Japanese older (mean age =71 years) and 58 Japanese young adults (mean age =19.6 years) were assessed for formal or deductive reasoning using Overton's (1990) revision of the four-card selection task. For older adults, metacognitive strategy—operating as a procedure designed to access reasoning competence—resulted in enhanced performance levels. When the semantic content of the reasoning task involved emotional issues, however, the metacognitive strategy failed to facilitate reasoning performance. This suggests that reasoning competence is available in late adulthood but that performance is susceptible to contextual variables. Social factors were not significantly related to older adults' reasoning performance. Thus, assessment of these factors may have been based on too broad a definition to describe adequately the status of the older adults. For the young, only semantic task content was related to reasoning performance.  相似文献   

Reasoning about bedrock abstract concepts such as time, number, and valence relies on spatial metaphor and often on multiple spatial metaphors for a single concept. Previous research has documented, for instance, both future‐in‐front and future‐to‐right metaphors for time in English speakers. It is often assumed that these metaphors, which appear to have distinct experiential bases, remain distinct in online temporal reasoning. In two studies we demonstrate that, contra this assumption, people systematically combine these metaphors. Evidence for this combination was found in both directly elicited (Study 1) and spontaneous co‐speech (Study 2) gestures about time. These results provide first support for the hypothesis that the metaphorical representation of time, and perhaps other abstract domains as well, involves the continuous co‐activation of multiple metaphors rather than the selection of only one.  相似文献   

从自我决定论看动机访谈法疗效机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动机访谈法是以病人为中心、促使病人自己改变问题行为的咨询技术和方法。该文从自我决定论角度,解释了动机访谈法取得疗效的机理:动机访谈法起到满足病人基本心理需要(胜任感、归属感、自主性),推动病人产生自主动机的作用,促使病人提高适应性行为的质量和稳定性,提高心理健康水平,从而取得心理治疗效果。  相似文献   

刘瑞光 《心理科学》2005,28(2):509-511
空间知觉与人在观察时的认知过程和透视结构有关,它还涉及不同参照系统信号之间的连续转换,运动自我透视和运动时间透视与整体和局部透视类似。视觉输入以视网膜协调的方式进行编码,来自每只眼睛的网膜中心值需要整合并与眼睛位置和眼动的信号相混合,形成自我中心信号。自我中心信号进一步转化为一个三维协调系统——自我中心参照系统。视觉系统的神经输出是地球中心信号。  相似文献   

赠品促销与价格促销对消费者购买决策的影响研究结果尚存在分歧。根据解释水平理论, 通过三个实验探究了赠品促销产品组合与价格促销产品组合在不同任务类型、不同时间距离条件下的促销效果差异。结果表明:(1)不同时间距离下, 消费者对促销产品决策存在差异。赠品促销方式在近期将来购物场景下的促销效果比在远期将来购物场景下的促销效果更好; 价格促销方式在远期将来购物场景下的促销效果比在近期将来购物场景下的促销效果更好。价格支付意愿任务下, 消费者对远期将来场景下促销产品的感知价值比近期将来购物场景下促销产品的感知价值高; 购买可行性任务下, 消费者对近期将来购物场景下促销产品的感知价值比远期将来购物场景下促销产品的感知价值高。(2)时间距离对促销方式与任务类型的表征水平匹配关系有增强、扩大作用。购买可行性任务下, 与远期将来时间相比, 消费者更倾向于在近期将来时间条件下选择赠品促销产品组合。价格支付意愿任务下, 与近期将来时间相比, 消费者更倾向于在远期将来时间条件下选择价格促销产品组合。  相似文献   

The paper outlines an approach to the formal representation of signalling conventions, emphasising the prominent role played therein by a particular type of normative modality. It is then argued that, in terms of inferencing related to this modality, a solution can be given to the task J.L. Austin set but failed to resolve: finding a criterion for distinguishing between what Austin called constatives and performatives. The remainder of the paper indicates the importance of the normative modality in understanding a closely related issue: reasoning about trust in communication scenarios; this, in turn, facilitates a clear formal articulation of the role of a Trusted Third Party in trade communication.  相似文献   

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