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We examined the differential item functioning (DIF) of Rosenberg's (1965 ) Self‐Esteem Scale (RSES) and compared scores from U.S. participants with those from 7 other countries: Canada, Germany, New Zealand, Kenya, South Africa, Singapore, and Taiwan. Results indicate that DIF was present in all comparisons. Moreover, controlling for latent self‐esteem, participants from individualistic countries had an easier time reporting high self‐esteem on self‐competence‐related items, whereas participants from communal countries had an easier time reporting high self‐esteem on self‐liking items ( Tafarodi & Milne, 2002 ). After adjusting for DIF, we found larger mean self‐esteem differences between the countries than observed scores initially indicated. The suitability of the RSES, and the importance of examining DIF, for cross‐cultural research are discussed.  相似文献   

Using an item‐response theory‐based approach (i.e. likelihood ratio test with an iterative procedure), we examined the equivalence of the Rosenberg Self‐Esteem Scale (RSES) in a sample of US and Chinese college students. Results from the differential item functioning (DIF) analysis showed that the RSES was not fully equivalent at the item level, as well as at the scale level. The two cultural groups did not use the scale comparably, with the US students showing more extreme responses than the Chinese students. Moreover, we evaluated the practical impact of DIF and found that cultural differences in average self‐esteem scores disappeared after the DIF was taken into account. In the present study, we discuss the implications of our findings for cross‐cultural research and provide suggestions for future studies using the RSES in China.  相似文献   

Likert‐type rating scales are among the most widely used tools in psychological research. Different numbers of response categories would likely affect response style, data distribution, reliability, and construct validity. There is a lack of research in factor structure invariance under Likert scales with different numbers of categories. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of varying numbers of Likert points (4–11) on scale properties such as factor structure, external validity, and latent means based on the Rosenberg Self‐Esteem Scale (M. Rosenberg, 1989 ). The sample consists of 1,807 students from secondary schools in Macau. Confirmatory factor analysis shows that the correlated two‐factor model is the most appropriate one; longitudinal invariance analysis reveals that measurement invariance across Likert scales was satisfied at the scalar level. In addition, latent mean scores on the two factors as well as observed means on the subscales are comparable across Likert scales. Moreover, the measurement model across Likert scales exhibit similar external validity. Although psychometric properties are mostly similar among a different number of points, the 4‐point Likert scale is not recommended for its higher skewness and lower loadings; the 11‐point Likert scale from 0 to 10 is slightly preferred for its higher loadings and composite reliability.  相似文献   

Responses to the body esteem scale (Franzoi & Shields, 1984) and multiple regression were used to determine if evolutionary biological theory is relevant to an understanding of self‐perceived physical and sexual attractiveness and self‐esteem and to determine if physical and sexual attractiveness are the same construct. It was hypothesized that regression models of physical and sexual attractiveness would differ within and across sex groups and that models of self‐esteem would differ across sex groups in accordance with evolutionary theory. These hypotheses were supported. Attributes of the body related to fecundity and successful mothering characteristics predicted for women and attributes of the body related to strength and dominance predicted for men. In addition, attributes of the body dealing with sexual maturity were stronger predictors of sexual attractiveness. Physical and sexual attractiveness are not the same constructs. This research indicates that evolutionary bological theory can provide relevant insight for an understanding of self‐perceived attractiveness and self‐esteem.  相似文献   

To assess the extent to which holistic wellness factors are predictive of self‐esteem, the authors administered the Coopersmith Self‐Esteem Inventories, School Form (Coopersmith, 2002), and the Five Factor Wellness Inventory (Myers & Sweeney, 2005a) to 225 adolescents ages 15 to 17 years. Wellness factors (Coping Self, Social Self, and Creative Self) explained a significant portion of the variance in components of self‐esteem (General Self‐Esteem, Home‐Parents Self‐Esteem, and School‐Academic Self‐Esteem). Implications for counselors and for further research are considered.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We hypothesized that the effect of initiator status on post breakup distress would vary as a function of trait self‐esteem, such that individuals with low self‐esteem would experience more distress after being rejected by their partners, whereas, among individuals with high self‐esteem, initiator status would not predict distress. We used a prospective design in which university students (N=66) were assessed for emotional responses following the dissolution of their real‐life romantic relationships, as well as a laboratory design in which students (N=190) imagined breaking up with their partners. As predicted, participants with lower trait self‐esteem exhibited greater distress after experiencing or imagining a romantic rejection than after ending or imagining themselves ending their relationships. Conversely, distress experienced by those with high trait self‐esteem did not differ as a function of who ended the relationship. Implications for understanding self‐esteem processes and the effects of romantic rejection are discussed.  相似文献   

Data presented for 124 young adult Black men indicate that self‐esteem was positively related to participants' Internalization racial identity attitudes, and negatively related to conformity to traditional masculine norms in the dominant culture in the United States. Psychological distress was positively related to Pre‐Encounter and Immersion‐Emersion racial identity attitudes (J. E. Helms, 1995) and to conformity to masculine norms. Los datos se presentan para 124 jovenes adultos Negros, que indican que el autoestima fue relacionado positivamente a la Interiorización actitudes de la identidad racial, y negativamente relacionado a la conformidad a normas masculinas tradicionales en la cultura dominante en los Estados Unidos. La angustia psicológica fue relacionada positivamente al Pre‐Encounter y el Immersion‐Emersion actitudes de la identidad racial (J. E. Helms, 1995), y a la conformidad a las normas masculinas.  相似文献   

Self‐esteem is a common target of intervention, and the proliferation of research on self‐esteem attests to the widely held belief of its significance as a personality variable. Despite its popularity, there is limited consistency in the use of its definition, and little evidence suggests that counselors routinely assess levels of self‐esteem. This indicates a lack of attention to accountability in the quality of counselor services. This article provides a step toward accountability by presenting a review of the evolution of self‐esteem as a construct, offering definitions grounded in the professional literature, and discussing a compendium of self‐esteem assessments. Working toward consistency and responsibility in defining and assessing self‐esteem can positively influence effective self‐esteem interventions.  相似文献   

Terror management theory (TMT) posits that the need for self‐esteem develops out of the socialization process in which children learn to abide by parental and, eventually, societal standards of ‘goodness’ to feel securely embedded in a cultural belief system. According to TMT, feeling safely immersed in a meaningful conception of reality (i.e., the cultural worldview) ultimately functions to protect people from anxiety due to the uniquely human capacity to be cognizant of their eventual death. After presenting the basic tenets of this perspective, we review several lines of research supporting it and then address some common questions and criticisms of the theory such as how is a TMT view of anxiety consistent with evolutionary principles, why do people commit suicide, and how is self‐esteem pursued in non‐Western, self‐effacing cultures? Finally, we discuss some implications of TMT for understanding social problems and for pursuing meaning and self‐esteem in healthier, more socially productive ways.  相似文献   

This study investigated the interactive effects of self‐compassion, self‐esteem, and age on mental health. Numerous previous studies have found that self‐compassion has a significant positive association with well‐being but most of these studies were conducted with young adults represented by college students. This study extended the previous findings by comparing its distinctive functions in different age groups. A total of 1,813 adults whose age ranged from twenties to fifties (M = 39.28 years, SD = 11.27) completed a questionnaire measuring self‐compassion, self‐esteem, subjective well‐being, and depression. The results of hierarchical regression analysis indicated that the positive relationship between self‐compassion and subjective well‐being was rendered stronger with older adults. In addition, self‐compassion moderated the relationship between self‐esteem and depression regardless of age. These results imply that self‐compassion may be complimentary to self‐esteem in improving mental health, especially for older adults.  相似文献   

This study attempted to determine the effects of family and social support on the self‐esteem, self‐efficacy, and job search self‐efficacy of the unemployed. A total of 117 surveys were collected in Nevada, Idaho, and Oregon measuring self‐esteem, general self‐efficacy, and job search self‐efficacy and social support. Pearson correlation coefficients demonstrated moderately strong positive relationships between social support and self‐esteem, general self‐efficacy, and job search self‐efficacy. Social and family support had a stronger influence on the self‐perceptions of men than women.  相似文献   

The present longitudinal study examined the role of quality of friendship in mediating the relation of pro‐sociality to self‐esteem over time. Participants were 424 Italian young adults (56% females) assessed at two waves (Mage = 21.1 at Time 1; Mage = 25 at Time 2). An autoregressive cross‐lagged panel model was used to test the mediational model. Self‐ and friend‐report measures of pro‐sociality, quality of friendship, and self‐esteem were included in the analyses. Results were in line with the hypothesized paths, with quality of friendship mediating the relation of pro‐sociality to later self‐esteem above and beyond its high stability. Self‐esteem, in turn, predicted pro‐sociality 4 years later. Overall, the present findings support the potential benefits of behaving pro‐socially for an actor in terms of increased perceived self‐worth and also expand previous work by outlining the specific mediational role of the quality of friendships. The theoretical and practical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

People learn more from new information when it leads to favorable future outlooks and thus can maintain optimism despite conflicting evidence. In two studies (N = 20 and 26), we investigated whether this optimism bias in belief updating is self‐specific by modifying a recently introduced learning paradigm. In each trial, participants had to estimate the probability of experiencing a negative future event, were then presented with the population base rate of that event, and were subsequently asked for a second, updated estimation. In half of the 88 trials with varying events, estimations were made for oneself, in the other half for a similar other. We tested whether the updates (differences between the first and second estimates) following undesirable base rate were lower than those following desirable base rates, and whether this difference was greater for self relative to other. In both studies, the overall results support the presence of a self‐specific optimism bias in belief updating. However, taking into account trait optimism (TO) as a moderator variable revealed that this was the case only in participants with high TO, whereas those with low TO showed optimistic belief updating for both self and other. In Study 2, we additionally controlled for possible misclassifications of base rate desirability. Taken together, the optimism bias in belief updating was demonstrated by a selective neglect of unfavorable information. A self‐specific influence of this bias in individuals with high TO may ultimately cause the impression of a more positive future outlook relative to others. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Many studies have noted significant relationships between religious sentiment and psychological adjustment, but few have been able to comment on the direction of influence. We assessed the relationships between religious values, self‐esteem, and trait hope when participants were in grades 11 and 12. The variables showed moderate levels of rank‐order stability. Structural equation modeling revealed that religious values in grade 11 did not predict improvements in self‐esteem in grade 12, but they did predict improvements in hope. In contrast, hope did not lead to increase in religious values. These results held after controlling for personality (Big Five factors and Eysenck's psychoticism factor). Results are discussed with reference to the beneficial effects of religious values in adolescence.  相似文献   

Job interview anxiety is an unpleasant experience for many candidates that can cause them significant distress in the days leading up to the interview. As a result, many candidates are motivated to overcome their feelings of anxiety, however, few empirical studies have examined strategies aimed at lowering nervous jitters. This study looked at the relation between interview anxiety and ‘self‐focused attention’ (the tendency to focus on oneself during the interview), and also negative self‐thoughts during the interview. We tested two training interventions that are grounded in the social anxiety literature, positive imagery (fostering positive self‐images), and field perspective taking (focusing attention externally), which were designed to reduce self‐focused attention and negative thought. Both interventions decreased interview anxiety and increased interview self‐efficacy, but did not affect interview performance scores.  相似文献   

Research suggests nonsuicidal self‐injury (NSSI) may function as a maladaptive strategy to regulate negative emotions, and individuals high in trait negative affectivity (NA) may be particularly at risk. Rumination, a cognitive emotion regulation strategy, may amplify negative affect, increasing the likelihood of NSSI. The current study found that high NA and high rumination interacted to predict both likelihood of engagement in NSSI and frequency of NSSI. This study provides support for the joint contribution of cognitive and temperamental factors impacting the relationship between NA and NSSI and suggests that interventions targeted at maladaptive emotion regulation strategies may help inform individualized treatment.  相似文献   

The present study investigated whether cooperative goals mediate the relationship between similarity in gender and self‐esteem and social support and relationship quality in ongoing peer dyads. Based on data collected from 209 student dyads, the findings largely support the mediating role of cooperative goals. However, the study found that gender similarity was positively related while self‐esteem similarity was negatively related to cooperative goals and relationship quality of peer dyad members.  相似文献   

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