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From a cultural-historical perspective, nature and nurture (and thus education) are contested concepts. The paper focuses on the nature/nurture debate in the work of William Shakespeare (influenced by Montaigne) and in the Romantic tradition (evidenced by Rousseau and Wordsworth), and argues that while our Romantic inheritance (still highly influential in education) problematises nurture, it tends to mystify nature. Given that conceptions of nature are culturally driven, there is an urgent educational challenge to problematise nature as well as nurture.
Andrew StablesEmail:

人们常把自然和文化看作是对立的。按这一看法,自然因为文化的发展或作用而逐渐衰落。人们需要根据“文化景观”的概念,对这两个术语间的关系进行新的分析。通过分析认识到,即使承认文化结构的创建作用,也可把自然视为是一重要的、独特的范畴。谈论并且追求自然的文化是明智的,所以人们不必把文化和自然考虑成彼此对立的,这些思考对自然遗产的保护具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

This article suggests that nature awareness and panpsychic gratitude transform a wounded mechanistic reductionist worldview into creative regenerative participation with the more-than-human world. Four practical keys are shared that have proven to be helpful in resuscitating the indigenous heart and cultivating greater empathy, love, compassion, and insight into the metaphoric resonance and teachings of the natural world. This inquiry situates the human family as vital consciousness tendrils of the living planet in this critical time of shifting climate patterns, loss of biodiversity due to human presence, geopolitical conflicts, and other challenges as we step into the Ecozoic Era.  相似文献   

50年前,DNA双螺旋结构的建立标志着生命科学一个崭新时代的到来。DNA双螺旋结构模型的建立不仅使生命科学及其相关领域发生了巨大变化,而且也深刻地影响到人类的社会生活与思想观念,甚至影响到社会文明的前景。今天,我们又站在一个历史的转折点上,中国科学家应当主动迎接生物技术世纪和知识经济时代的挑战,不仅在分子生物学的研究前沿作出自己的贡献,而且也应创造出更多的科学成果造福于人民。  相似文献   

张霞 《管子学刊》2004,(2):82-85
本文阐述人与自然和谐相处的历史渊源,着重分析研究《管子》生态保护和可持续发展思想,并着重对古代人与自然和谐相处的生态观对当代的启示进行研究。  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effects of framing the European Union (EU) as a common project vs. a common heritage on participants’ attitude towards EU integration (Experiment 1) and EU enlargement (Experiment 2). An additional aim was exploring whether the different frames affected the strength of identification with the EU, and if the framing effect on attitudes was mediated by participants’ identification with the EU and/or by their message evaluation (Experiment 3). Results showed that a common project-based frame was more effective than a common heritage-based frame in promoting positive attitude toward EU integration and enlargement, as well as participants’ identification with the EU, which mediated the framing effect on both attitudes; the mediation of participants’ message evaluation was not significant. The procedure of the last experiment was replicated on a British sample (Experiment 4), showing a similar pattern of results.  相似文献   

康德的启蒙理性自然观包含三个维度。第一个维度是不可知自然,它体现了人类在有限存在状态中对终极关怀的渴望。第二个维度是人的天性自然,它凸显出人类对自身自然性的合理肯定,表达了人类主体性的展开。第三个维度是合目的性自然,它显现了人类的理性自觉。康德的启蒙理性自然观最终促成了人的理性主体性在近代的全面建立,引发了自然向人生成的理论建设,但同时也成为了主体性是否应该回归自然的现代性争论以及自然被置于边缘地位的生态学困惑的思想源点。  相似文献   

《文子》是黄老道家的重要典籍,它在继承战国黄老学思路和资料的基础上,改造了老庄道家的宇宙观。将“道”与“气”相整合,笋以“自然论”贯之,对黄老学的发展做出了贡献,并为两汉哲学战线上目的论与反目的论的斗争奏响了序曲。  相似文献   

The lack of consistent evidence for the sexual double standard may be related to the rather benign nature of the heterosexual behaviors often studied (e.g., casual sex, premarital sex). College students from the southwestern U.S. evaluated targets who engaged in mixed-gender threesomes (where three people engage in simultaneous sexual acts; Study 1: N?=?120) and targets in a monogamous sexual relationship (Study 2: N?=?105). Evidence for the sexual double standard was found via effects of targets’ gender among those who engaged in threesomes. Targets who had monogamous sex were evaluated more favorably than the targets who engaged in threesomes. We suggest that the sexual double standard may still exist for uncommon sexual behaviors.  相似文献   

Witnesses sometimes report event details that are acquired solely from another witness. We reevaluated the potency of this memory conformity effect. After viewing a crime video, some participants learned about nonwitnessed details via discussion (dyad group), reading another participant’s report (read group), or watching another version of the video (both-video group). In Experiment 1, these participants often reported nonwitnessed details, but on a source-judgment test most details were attributed primarily to the actual source rather than to the video. In addition, the dyad group was not more likely than the read or both-video groups to report nonwitnessed details. Participants in Experiment 2 were explicitly discouraged from providing details that were remembered from the secondary source only. These postwarning instructions substantially reduced the memory conformity effect, and a dyad group was not more likely than a read group to report nonwitnessed details. Encouraging source monitoring at test can reduce the negative consequences of co-witness collaboration.  相似文献   

In this article we respond to van Hoof's (1999) critique of the identity status paradigm. Our review and evaluation of the existing data on identity statuses lead us to be more optimistic than van Hoof about the convergent and discriminant validity of identity status measures, especially objective measures that provide continuous status scores as well as nominal status classifications. Our review of longitudinal studies revealed that among university students tested annually 3 or more times, change in status classifications is significantly more likely to be observed than stability. Moreover, virtually all longitudinal studies with university students indicate that status changes are more likely to be progressive rather than regressive in terms of the hypothesized identity status developmental sequence. However, considerable status regression and fluctuation is observed and we agree with van Hoof that it may no longer be useful to postulate an invariant sequence of identity status stages. Nonetheless, the data do indicate reliable status differences in self-regulatory control processes including ego development, social-cognitive processing orientations, cognitive complexity, self-integration, moral development, and so on. Consequently, we conclude that a useful strategy, at least with university students, may be to focus on the social-cognitive processes that underpin identity statuses and to conceptualize these identity orientations as different styles of dealing with the demands, challenges, and opportunities afforded by institutionalized moratoria, such as a university context. Two lines of recent research inspired by this conceptualization are discussed.  相似文献   

In recent decades, various studies have challenged the traditional view that John Broadus Watson's Behaviorist Manifesto prompted a psychological revolution. However, methodological hindrances underlie all these attempts to evaluate the impact of Watson's study, such as the absence of comparative parameters. This article remedies this problem by conducting a comparative citation analysis involving Watson and eight other representative psychologists of the time: J. R. Angell, H. Carr, J. M. Cattell, J. Dewey, G. S. Hall, W. James, E. L. Thorndike, and E. B. Titchener. Eight important American journals were scrutinized for the period between 1903 and 1923, a decade before and a decade after the publication of Watson's Manifesto. The results suggest that even if Watson's study cannot be taken as revolutionary, it had an impact between 1914 and 1923 that was close to Dewey's, Titchener's, and Thorndike's and higher than Angell's, Carr's, Cattell's, and Hall's, although distant from James's. Finally, some methodological implications of this study are discussed.  相似文献   

One debate in mathematical cognition centers on the single-representation model versus the two-representation model. Using an improved number Stroop paradigm (i.e., systematically manipulating physical size distance), in the present study we tested the predictions of the two models for number magnitude processing. The results supported the single-representation model and, more importantly, explained how a design problem (failure to manipulate physical size distance) and an analytical problem (failure to consider the interaction between congruity and task-irrelevant numerical distance) might have contributed to the evidence used to support the two-representation model. This study, therefore, can help settle the debate between the single-representation and two-representation models.  相似文献   

For tragedy is a representation, not of man, but of actions and of life; the good or evil condition of men lies in action; and the telos is an action, not a characteristic. "The way people are" means their makeup; whether they are good or happy or the opposite means what they do. It is not in order to represent the human characteristics that performances are put on: characteristics, rather, are what are assumed in the dramatic performance of actions; since the deeds or story is the telos of tragedy, the telor being the most important thing.  相似文献   

通过极限图形(figure-limit)和数学的出现,单单理念的在场就使得向纯粹观念性的飞跃获得允许,而数学的出现这个事实可能引发对起源的特殊历史性的疑问。难道我们不是一方面面临非历史的理念,另一方面又看到,它介入了事件和历史事实?在这种情况下,我们将会遭遇到胡塞尔正好要避免的障碍,从而错失我们的目标,即现象学的历史。我们确实需要研究理念的深层历史性的意义。  相似文献   

Recent research has revealed the existence of intuitive representations strongly rooted in diverse knowledge domains and the difficulties of modifying those representations through instruction by means of conceptual change processes (Carey, 1995; Gopnik & Meltzoff, 1997; Vosniadou, 1994). According to some interpretations, these representations are organized in the form of intuitive or implicit theories, among whose features would be representational consistency across different contexts or tasks. Other authors, however, have argued in favor of the partial or situated nature of these representations so that we cannot talk about authentic theories (Caravita & Hallden, 1994; diSessa, 1993, 1994). In this research, we analyzed the consistency of the representations on the nature of matter held by people with diverse levels of instruction from adolescents aged 12 to students with advanced studies in chemistry. Our objective was to analyze the consistency of these representations with respect to the core concepts of chemistry, the intrinsic movement of particles, and the discontinuous nature of matter, which would be constituted by particles separated by empty space. However, these two core concepts would be in contradiction to our embodied representation of matter based on its macroscopic or sensorial properties according to which matter is static and continuous. The results confirm a majority and consistent use of intuitive representations as against scientific ones, confirming that at least from the point of view of consistency, these representations constitute authentic implicit theories. Moreover, it is those representations that correspond to the macroscopic properties of matter that are used in the most consistent way, which also supports the hypothesis of the embodied nature of these theories. Although the corpuscular theory of matter, when used appropriately, provides more consistent representations, our data show a quite limited use of this theory, even among students with advanced studies in science, which once more shows the difficulties of achieving, through instruction, a change in these implicit, embodied theories. In the article, we discuss the implications of these data for science teaching.  相似文献   

从修持者打坐致“上火”之症,可用无念法对应谈起,进而用通俗的语言讲无念之法及无念之理,又用中医和现代认识论试释无念法不耗自身内源,以其自我生息,达到修持的最高境界。  相似文献   

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