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The authors examined the altruism born of suffering model in a culturally diverse sample of young adults. They hypothesized that major life events would interact with perspective taking to predict empathic concern, which would predict multiple types of prosocial behaviors among young adults. The sample included 202 young adults (M age = 20.94?years; 76.5% girls; 36.5% White, 50.5% Latino) who reported on their exposure to major life events, perspective taking and empathic responding, and tendency to engage in six forms of prosocial behaviors. Life events indirectly, positively predicted prosocial behaviors via empathic concern. Empathic concern and perspective taking also interacted to predict empathic responding. The results demonstrated links that support the altruism born of suffering model, suggesting that life stressors might not always be negative and might promote resilience and social connection among young adults under specific conditions.  相似文献   

Much research has investigated the cognitive‐perceptual factors that promote empathic concern. However, little research has investigated such factors for a related emotion: empathic embarrassment. We suggest that 2 factors promote empathic embarrassment for a target in a compromising situation: liking the target, and imagining oneself in the target's situation. Results revealed that liking a socially compromised target increases both empathic concern and empathic embarrassment (Experiment 1). Furthermore, imagining the person's thoughts and feelings increases empathic concern and a desire for future exposure to the person, whereas imagining oneself in the person's situation primarily increases empathic embarrassment (Experiment 2). Implications of these results for future empathy research and applications for those who suffer from chronic embarrassability are discussed.  相似文献   

Individual social differences have been addressed in recent studies, and the oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) is the major candidate in explaining various social phenotypes. To study the association between a well-known haplotype (rs53576) of OXTR and children's prosocial behavior and its relationship with theory of mind (ToM) ability, 87 children (aged 3 to 5 years old) participated in 3 prosocial tasks and ToM performance experiments. Participants who were homozygous for the G allele (GG) exhibited more prosocial behaviors than did those with 1 or 2 copies of the A allele (AA), and GG carriers also displayed better ToM ability than did AA individuals. Further tests showed differences between genotypes in helping and comforting, albeit not in sharing. The results demonstrated that OXTR rs53576 was related to individual differences in ToM and was associated with prosocial behavior.  相似文献   

以56名大学生为被试,采用被试内设计先后在群体内外两种条件下完成观点采择、共情反应与助人行为实验,探讨大学生观点采择在影响其助人行为的过程中,群体关系与共情反应的不同作用。结果表明:(1)在内外群体关系中,大学生观点采择对助人行为的影响均需要借助于共情反应的中介而发挥作用;(2)群体关系在观点采择对助人行为的作用中发挥了一定的调节作用。在内群体关系中,大学生观点采择对助人行为的影响不仅需要借助于共情反应的部分中介效应而发挥作用,同时也存在一定的直接效应;在外群体关系中,大学生观点采择则完全借助于共情反应的中介效应而发挥作用,不存在显著的直接效应。  相似文献   

Fourth- and fifth-grade children (N = 117) were categorized into high- and low-empathy and affective-perspective-taking (APT) groups based on their scores on the Bryant (1982) empathy scale and a modified version of the Rothenberg (1970) and Silvern, Waterman, Sobesky, and Ryan (1979) APT measures. Children in the low-empathy/high-APT group had significantly higher Machiavellianism scores on Braginsky's (1970) measure than did children in the other empathy/APT groups. Highly empathic children were rated by their teachers as more helpful under certain circumstances and cited other-oriented reasons for their own helping behavior more frequently than did less empathic children.  相似文献   

以496名初中生为研究对象, 对其网络欺负行为进行为期2年的4次追踪测试, 同时测试其道德推脱、观点采择与共情关注。采用潜变量增长模型探讨初中生网络欺负行为的发展轨迹, 并分析道德推脱、观点采择与共情关注的影响。结果发现, (1)在2年时间内, 初中生网络欺负行为呈显著下降趋势, 起始水平与下降速度有显著负相关; (2)道德推脱能显著正向预测初中生网络欺负行为的起始水平, 负向预测其下降趋势; (3)观点采择能够显著负向预测初中生网络欺负行为的起始水平, 正向预测其下降趋势。上述结果肯定了道德推脱与观点采择对初中生网络欺负发展轨迹的预测作用, 以网络情境支持了道德推脱理论, 部分支持了社会信息处理模型。  相似文献   

以496名初中生为研究对象, 对其网络欺负行为进行为期2年的4次追踪测试, 同时测试其道德推脱、观点采择与共情关注。采用潜变量增长模型探讨初中生网络欺负行为的发展轨迹, 并分析道德推脱、观点采择与共情关注的影响。结果发现, (1)在2年时间内, 初中生网络欺负行为呈显著下降趋势, 起始水平与下降速度有显著负相关; (2)道德推脱能显著正向预测初中生网络欺负行为的起始水平, 负向预测其下降趋势; (3)观点采择能够显著负向预测初中生网络欺负行为的起始水平, 正向预测其下降趋势。上述结果肯定了道德推脱与观点采择对初中生网络欺负发展轨迹的预测作用, 以网络情境支持了道德推脱理论, 部分支持了社会信息处理模型。  相似文献   

A total of 4 raters, including 2 teachers and 2 research assistants, used Direct Behavior Rating Single Item Scales (DBR-SIS) to measure the academic engagement and disruptive behavior of 7 middle school students across multiple occasions. Generalizability study results for the full model revealed modest to large magnitudes of variance associated with persons (students), occasions of measurement (day), and associated interactions. However, an unexpectedly low proportion of the variance in DBR data was attributable to the facet of rater, as well as a negligible variance component for the facet of rating occasion nested within day (10-min interval within a class period). Results of a reduced model and subsequent decision studies specific to individual rater and rater type (research assistant and teacher) suggested degree of reliability-like estimates differed substantially depending on rater. Overall, findings supported previous recommendations that in the absence of estimates of rater reliability and firm recommendations regarding rater training, ratings obtained from DBR-SIS, and subsequent analyses, be conducted within rater. Additionally, results suggested that when selecting a teacher rater, the person most likely to substantially interact with target students during the specified observation period may be the best choice.  相似文献   

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