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Obesity and smoking are highly prevalent public health concerns in the United States. Data indicate that elevated Body Mass Index (BMI) is related to functional impairment. However, there is limited understanding of mechanisms that may explain their comorbidity among smokers. The current study sought to test whether anxiety sensitivity explained the relation between BMI and functional impairment among 420 (46.9% females; Mage = 38 years, SD = 13.42) treatment-seeking, adult smokers. Results indicated that BMI yielded a significant indirect effect through anxiety sensitivity for functional impairment, b = 0.01, SE = .01, 95% CI = [.002, .021]. These findings remained significant after controlling for participant sex, negative affectivity, tobacco dependence, psychopathology, and medical conditions (i.e. hypertension, heart problems, respiratory disease, asthma). Such data provide novel empirical evidence that, among smokers, BMI may be a risk factor for functional impairment indirectly through anxiety sensitivity. Overall, such findings could potentially inform the development of personalized interventions among this particularly vulnerable segment of the smoking population.  相似文献   

Aims: In the Transtheoretical Model (TTM), the preparation stage (as applied to smoking cessation) is defined as planning to quit in the next 30 days plus having quit for at least 24 h in the last year. This study examined the value of prior quitting experience as a stage classification criterion by investigating whether prediction of making a quit attempt differed as a function of prior quitting experience. Participants: One thousand and forty-six participants, all planning to quit in the next 30 days, in a randomised trial of the effectiveness of a telephone counselling and computer-generated tailored advice intervention were followed up at 3 months. Findings: A multivariate predictive model had markedly greater capacity to predict making a quit attempt among participants with prior quitting experience (as defined in several different ways), compared to analyses of the overall sample. A previous attempt of 24 h in the previous month was associated with the greatest difference in prediction. A quit attempt in the previous year (the TTM definition) did not discriminate. Conclusions: Recent prior quitting experience moderated the predictive capacity of some variables that influence smoking cessation. The findings provide some support for a stage model of smoking cessation but not its operationalisation by the TTM.  相似文献   

Cigarette smoking is more common among individuals with asthma compared to those without, resulting in increased risk of morbidity and mortality. However, there has been little exploration of psychological factors that differ between smokers with and without asthma. Thus, the aim of the current study was to examine differences between smokers with and without asthma in terms of anxiety sensitivity, panic symptoms, lifetime history of panic attacks, and lifetime history of panic disorder. Participants were 115 smokers with asthma (55.3% male, Mage = 38.4 years, SD = 11.9) and 120 smokers without asthma (70.6% male, Mage = 37.0 years, SD = 12.8) who were administered a structured diagnostic interview and completed self-report measures. As hypothesized, after controlling for the effects of cigarettes per day, gender, race, and education, smokers with asthma reported higher levels of anxiety sensitivity and panic symptoms and were at an increased risk for having a lifetime history of panic attacks (OR = 3.01) and panic disorder (OR = 2.96) compared to smokers without asthma. Further, group differences in anxiety sensitivity and panic symptoms remained even after removing participants with a lifetime history of panic attacks or panic disorder. These findings suggest that smokers with asthma are a particularly ‘at-risk’ population for panic psychopathology and likely in need of specialized smoking-related prevention and intervention efforts.  相似文献   

Anxiety sensitivity has been implicated as a potential risk factor for post-quit withdrawal symptoms. The present study examined relations between the extent of change in anxiety sensitivity and the course of nicotine withdrawal symptoms experienced during the initial two weeks of a quit attempt among treatment-seeking smokers. The sample consisted of 29 adult daily smokers (34% female; Mage = 47.7, SD = 13.1) who successfully quit and maintained their abstinence. After adjusting for the effects of gender, treatment condition, use of nicotine replacement therapy, nicotine dependence, alcohol use problems, baseline levels of anxiety sensitivity, and reductions in negative affect, greater reductions in anxiety sensitivity were related to faster decreases in withdrawal symptoms. The current data suggest that there may be merit to employ anxiety sensitivity reduction methods for the management of emergent withdrawal symptoms in smoking cessation treatment.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the associations between change in anxiety sensitivity (AS; fear of the negative consequences of anxiety and related sensations) and lapse and relapse during a 4-week group NRT-aided cognitive-behavioral Tobacco Intervention Program. Participants were 67 (44 women; M age = 46.2 years, SD = 10.4) adult daily smokers. Results indicated that participants who maintained high levels of AS from pretreatment to 1 month posttreatment, compared to those who demonstrated a significant reduction in AS levels during this time period, showed a significantly increased risk for lapse and relapse. Further inspection indicated that higher continuous levels of AS physical and psychological concerns, specifically among those participants who maintained elevated levels of AS from pre- to posttreatment, predicted significantly greater risk for relapse. Findings are discussed with respect to better understanding change in AS, grounded in an emergent taxonic-dimensional factor mixture model of the construct, with respect to lapse and relapse during smoking cessation.  相似文献   

There is growing recognition of the importance of understanding the nature of the associations between anxiety and cardiovascular disease (CVD), although limited research has examined mechanisms that may explain the anxiety-CVD link. Anxiety sensitivity (fear of anxiety-relevant somatic sensations) is a cognitive-affective risk factor implicated in the development of anxiety psychopathology and various behavioral risk factors for CVD, although has not been examined among individuals with CVD. Adult daily smokers (n = 619; 50.9% female; Mage = 44.0, SD = 13.67) completed an online survey that included the Anxiety Sensitivity Index-3 (ASI-3) and the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ). The presence of CVD was assessed via the presence of ≥1 of the following: heart attack, heart murmur, positive stress test, heart valve abnormality, angina, and heart failure. Smokers with CVD indicators (n = 66, 10.7%) had significantly higher scores on the ASI-3 (M = 33.5, SD = 22.15), relative to smokers without CVD (M = 22.0, S= 17.92; Cohen’s d = .57). Those with CVD were significantly more likely to have moderate or high anxiety sensitivity (66.7%) relative to those without CVD (49.4%). Physical and social concerns about the meaning of somatic sensations were common among smokers with CVD.  相似文献   


Self-efficacy expectations are important psychological determinants of smoking cessation. The present study aimed at exploring different sorts of self-efficacy. The following self-efficacy scales were composed: Emotional self-efficacy, Social self-efficacy, Skill self-efficacy, Relapse self-efficacy and Try self-efficacy. In a sample of 752 smokers with low motivation to quit, two subsequent self-report measurements of self-efficacy were conducted. Firstly, we investigated to what extent potential sources of self-efficacy - quitting history and smoking behavior -were related to the types of self-efficacy. The explained variance in self-efficacy scores ranged from 4.4% to 23.1%, and in all five types of self-efficacy, smoking behaviour explained a higher percentage of self-efficacy than quitting history. The number of past quit attempts was only related to Relapse self-efficacy. Secondly, we investigated to what extent the different types of self-efficacy at T1 were predictive of quitting behavior measured at T2. The results showed that only Skill self-efficacy was predictive of quitting activity between Tl and T2. Point prevalence quitting at T2 was predicted by Skill self-efficacy and Relapse self-efficacy. The latter type of self-efficacy, however, was a negative predictor of quitting. The different types of self-efficacy can be mapped on two dimensions: The extent to which the means to accomplish a certain task are specified in the questionnaire item; and the phase of behavior change to which the self-efficacy tasks are relevant. Based on the findings from the predictive validity, it is concluded that the more clearly the means to accomplish the task are specified, the more valid the self-efficacy judgements are.  相似文献   


Persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) disproportionately suffer from anxiety and depressive symptoms and disorders. Although past work has examined the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for depression, and to a lesser extent anxiety, among PLHIV, little is known regarding potential mechanisms underlying improvement in anxiety/depression among this group. Anxiety sensitivity is a well-established risk/maintenance factor for anxiety and depressive disorders and is hypothesized to play an important role in maintaining anxiety among PLHIV. Past work has identified anxiety sensitivity as a mechanism of action underlying changes in various anxiety domains yet it is unknown whether changes in anxiety sensitivity relate to changes in anxiety symptoms among PLHIV undergoing transdiagnostic CBT for anxiety. The current study sought to examine treatment-related changes in anxiety sensitivity and how the trajectory of change relates to anxiety and depressive symptoms as well as overall quality of life. Individuals (n = 35) with HIV/AIDS and elevated anxiety symptoms received CBT for anxiety. Results indicated that reductions in anxiety sensitivity were significantly related to changes in anxiety, depression, and quality of life. Together, these data suggest that changes in anxiety sensitivity are significantly related to changes in anxiety/depression and quality of life among PLHIV seeking treatment.  相似文献   

The benefits of mindfulness-based interventions to alleviate anxiety and depression have been supported by many studies. Given the effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions on anxiety and depression, the underlying mechanisms need to be explored. Using a randomized waitlist-controlled design, this study investigated whether anxiety sensitivity was a potential mechanism for the impact of mindfulness training on anxiety and depression. Participants with high psychological distress were randomly assigned to an eight-week mindfulness intervention (N = 35) or a wait-list control group (N = 34). Before and after the intervention or corresponding waitlist period, participants completed measures of anxiety and depression severity and impairment and anxiety sensitivity. Separate mixed ANOVA demonstrated significant group (intervention vs. control group) × time (pre- vs. post-test) interactions for anxiety sensitivity and overall anxiety severity and impairment and marginally significant interaction for overall depression severity and impairment. Moreover, simple mediation models showed that reductions of anxiety sensitivity from pre- to post-test mediated the impact of mindfulness training on changes in anxiety and depression severity and impairment. The findings suggest that anxiety sensitivity is a potential mechanism underlying the effect of mindfulness training on anxiety and depression, which provides a new perspective for the study of processes of change of mindfulness-based interventions.  相似文献   

Current models of health anxiety suggest that fear resulting from false alarms to perceived threats to one's health results in the development of hypochondriasis and related disorders. Disgust has been proposed as an affective response that may function as an etiological and maintenance mechanism in health anxiety. Moreover, the way in which an individual perceives the disgust response (disgust sensitivity) may affect health anxiety, separately from their likelihood of experiencing disgust (disgust propensity). The present study utilized multiple hierarchical regression analysis to investigate the degree to which self-reported disgust sensitivity and disgust propensity differentially predict elevated health anxiety in a sample of 620 non-treatment-seeking undergraduates. Further, this effect is tested in comparison to that of anxiety sensitivity, a construct demonstrated to be strongly related to health anxiety. Analyses indicate that disgust sensitivity, rather than disgust propensity, is primarily responsible for this relation. An additional analysis tested the specificity of disgust sensitivity relative to anxiety sensitivity. Disgust sensitivity was no longer significant after including anxiety sensitivity in the model. Suggestions for further evaluation of this relation are provided. These results suggest that although disgust sensitivity may appear related to health anxiety, this relation may be confounded by anxiety sensitivity.  相似文献   

Explicit expectations of the negative and positive social consequences of smoking are likely to have substantial influence on decisions regarding smoking. However, among smokers trying to quit, success in smoking cessation may be related not only to the content of expectancies about smoking's social effects but also to the ease with which these cognitive contents come to mind when confronted with smoking stimuli. To examine this possibility, we used the implicit association test (IAT) [Greenwald, A. G., McGhee, D. E., & Schwartz, J. L. K. (1998). Measuring individual differences in implicit cognition: The implicit association test. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74, 1464-1480] to assess implicit cognitive associations between smoking and negative vs. positive social consequences among 67 heavy social drinkers seeking smoking cessation treatment in a randomized clinical trial. Results showed that the relative strength of implicit, negative, social associations with smoking at baseline predicted higher odds of smoking abstinence during treatment over and above the effects of relevant explicit measures. The only variable that significantly correlated with IAT scores was the density of smokers in participants' social environment; those with more smoking in their social environment showed weaker negative social associations with smoking. Results suggest implicit cognition regarding the social consequences of smoking may be a relevant predictor of smoking cessation outcome.  相似文献   


The present investigation evaluated the moderating role of distress tolerance (DT) in the relation between the physical concerns (PC) dimension of anxiety sensitivity (AS–PC) and panic and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)-related re-experiencing symptoms in a nonclinical, undergraduate sample (n = 416; 300 females; M age=20.3 years, SD = 4.8). Consistent with prediction, there was a significant interactive effect between AS–PC and DT in regard to panic symptoms, such that greater AS–PC and low DT was associated with greater panic symptoms after controlling for the variance accounted for by negative affectivity and the respective main effects. However, contrary to prediction, AS–PC and DT did not significantly interact to predict PTSD-related re-experiencing symptoms. Also consistent with prediction, there was no interactive effect apparent for symptoms of depression or general anxiety, suggesting that the interaction between AS–PC and DT is specific to panic psychopathology.  相似文献   

Despite high rates of co-occurring tobacco use and anxiety symptoms and disorders among persons with HIV, evidence-based interventions for these individuals are not yet available. The present study sought to evaluate an integrated treatment model addressing smoking cessation and anxiety sypmtoms among HIV-positive smokers. Treatment was an 8-week intervention integrating a standard smoking cessation protocol (i.e., cognitive-behavioral therapy [CBT], nicotine replacement therapy) with CBT for anxiety. Inclusion criteria were 18–65 years of age, ≥ 10 cigarettes/day, State–Trait Anxiety Inventory [STAI-T] score of > 39, and moderate motivation (i.e., ≥ 5 out of 10 on a 10-point Likert scale) to quit smoking. Primary outcomes included scores on the Anxiety Sensitivity Index (ASI) and cigarettes smoked per day. Self-reported abstinence was biochemically verified by carbon monoxide breath analysis. Three male participants (mean age 49.3, SD = 9.1) completed through 2-month follow-up. At baseline all participants reported smoking an average of 20 cigarettes per day. Two participants quit smoking and maintained abstinence by the 2-month follow-up, and demonstrated a reduction in ASI scores. Participant 3 continued to smoke but at a reduced rate. Participants’ response to cognitive and behavioral strategies (e.g., creating balanced thoughts, interoceptive exposures) will be discussed. Clinical lessons learned include use of a flexible approach to cognitive restructuring, use of imaginal and in vivo exposures in session to better prepare patients for homework practice, and flexibility in delivering the treatment in an individual or group format. This clinical presentation provides preliminary support for the feasibility and initial effectiveness of an integrated treatment to reduce anxiety symptoms and aid in smoking cessation in anxious, HIV-positive smokers.  相似文献   


Identifying the optimal factor structure of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has recently been reinvigorated in literature due to the substantial changes to its diagnostic criteria in the fifth revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Currently, six models of PTSD are supported in literature, but there is no consensus on the best-fitting factor structure. Additionally, the extant literature examining the relationship between PTSD symptom-grouping and AS in the latent level has been scarce. The present study’s objectives are two-fold: first, we aimed to identify the best-fitted model of PTSD by comparing the six empirically-supported models, and; second, we examined the relationship between the best-fitting model with anxiety sensitivity (AS). Utilizing a sample of 476 combat-exposed soldiers, the results suggest that both the anhedonia and hybrid models provide the best fit to the data, with the anhedonia model achieving slightly better fit indices. Further, the examination on the influence of AS to PTSD reveal that while there is a pattern of decreasing factor loadings and factor correlations when accounting for AS, the changes are not significant to alter the PTSD symptom-structure. Based on these results, our findings suggest further investigation on the possible mediating or moderating mechanisms by which AS may influence PTSD.  相似文献   

Depression is typically treated as a homogeneous construct despite evidence for distinct cognitive, affective, and somatic symptom dimensions. Anxiety sensitivity (AS; the fear of consequences of anxiety symptoms) is a cognitive risk factor implicated in the development of depressive symptoms. However, it is unclear how lower order AS dimensions (i.e. physical, cognitive, and social concerns) relate to depressive symptom factors. Confirmatory factor analysis, followed by structural equation modeling, were conducted to examine the factor structure of depression and to then examine the relations between these factors and the lower order factors of AS. This study was conducted in a sample of 374 adults (M age = 35.5, 54.3% female) with elevated levels of psychopathology (89.2% meeting criteria for at least one DSM-5 diagnosis, 25.6% primary depressive disorder). In this study a two-factor model of depression, composed of Cognitive and Affective/Somatic factors, was superior to one- and three-factor solutions. AS cognitive concerns were related to both cognitive and affective/somatic symptoms of depression. Neither of the other AS dimensions was related to depression symptom dimensions. These findings provide a better understanding of the relations between AS and depression symptoms.  相似文献   

Background: Sensitivity to initial smoking constitutes an early predictor of the risk of dependence. We investigated the role of exposure to smoking (by parents, siblings, and peers) and reward-related candidate gene polymorphisms (OPRM1 A118G, DRD2 TaqlA and DRD4?bp VNTR) in adolescents’ responses to initial smoking.

Methods: We used cross-sectional survey data and saliva samples from 171 Dutch students who had never inhaled on a cigarette (mean age: 13.9?years). The outcome measure was adolescents’ self-reported responses to initial smoking.

Results: Exposure to peer smoking was associated with increased liking (OR?=?1.74, CI?=?1.13–2.70) and more pleasant sensations (β?=?.21, p?=?.01). Exposure to maternal smoking was associated with less unpleasant sensations (β?=??.20, p?=?.01). Adolescents carrying the G-variant of the OPRM1 A118G polymorphism were more likely to report liking (OR?=?2.50, CI?=?1.09–5.73) and adolescents homozygous for the C-variant of the DRD2 TaqlA polymorphism reported less unpleasant sensations (β?=?.18, p?=?.04).

Conclusion: Although preliminary, these findings suggest that exposure to environmental smoking and polymorphisms in the OPRM1 and DRD2 gene may affect initial sensitivity to nicotine, an early phenotype of the risk of dependence. In the future, collaborative efforts to combine data from multiple studies in meta-analyses are needed to improve accuracy of estimated effects in genetic studies.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine anxiety sensitivity, attentional bias to threat (ABT), and the aggregate influence of these constructs as prospective predictors of anxiety. Participants (N = 176) completed a baseline assessment session which included the completion of self-report measures of anxiety and anxiety sensitivity, as well as an eye-tracking task in which eye movements were recorded during the viewing of neutral and threat images. Measures of anxiety and anxiety sensitivity were completed again as part of an online questionnaire battery at a 1-year follow-up session. As predicted, baseline anxiety sensitivity and ABT predicted anxiety at 1-year follow-up even after accounting for baseline anxiety. However, these main effects were qualified by a significant interaction effect such that those high in anxiety sensitivity at baseline reported relatively higher anxiety at the 1-year follow-up, but only if they also exhibited higher levels of ABT at baseline. Results suggest that individuals with this combination of vulnerability factors (high levels of both anxiety sensitivity and ABT) may be at particularly high risk for developing anxiety and may benefit from preemptive efforts to reduce ABT.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effectiveness of two components of a smoking cessation intervention: a reading manual and a series of televised programs. Female smokers in the Chicago metropolitan area with a high school education or less were interviewed at 4 different times: baseline, immediate postintervention, and 6 and 12 months. We examined the effects of several baseline measures (race, age, number of cigarettes smoked, and stage of readiness to change) and exposure to the intervention components on subsequent stage of change. Race, baseline smoking rate, baseline stage, and exposure to both intervention components had direct effects on stage at immediate postintervention, with both intervention components increasing readiness to quit. Furthermore, exposure to the manual interacted with baseline stage, such that the manual benefited women at earlier stages more than women at later stages. Effects of both components were sustained at 6 months, and the effects of the manual were sustained at 12 months.  相似文献   

Contingent incentives can reduce substance abuse. Escalating payment schedules, which begin with a small incentive magnitude and progressively increase with meeting the contingency, increase smoking abstinence. Likewise, descending payment schedules can increase cocaine abstinence. The current experiment enrolled smokers without plans to quit in the next 6 months and compared escalating and descending payments schedules over 15 visits. In the larger incentive condition (LI, n = 39), the largest possible incentive was $100, and in the smaller incentive condition (SI, n = 18), the largest possible incentive was $32. In both conditions, more participants in the descending groups initiated abstinence. A higher proportion of participants in both the escalating and descending groups initiated abstinence in the LI than in the SI. Although participants in the descending groups had more abstinent visits during the first five contingent visits than those in the escalating groups, these differences were not maintained.  相似文献   

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