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This study examines musical memory in 12 patients with moderate or severe AD and 12 healthy, older adult controls. Participants were asked to distinguish familiar from novel tunes, to identify distortions in melodies, and to sing familiar tunes. Comparison of the AD and control groups showed significant impairment of the AD participants. However, a more complex picture emerged as we compared each individual case to the control group. Five of the AD group performed within the control group range on most tasks. An additional four participants showed partial sparing in that they performed below the range of control participants, but their scores were above the level of chance. The final three participants showed near complete loss of musical memory, as their performance was consistently at or near the level of chance. These results are discussed in terms of the literature on the heterogeneity of cognitive presentation in AD.  相似文献   

There has been much recent interest in the phenomenon of childhood amnesia, the difficulty most adults have in recalling at least the first 3 years of life. In contrast, it has been shown that infants 18 months of age or less can retain information over long periods. Although there is no agreed-upon explanation of this paradoxical phenomenon, there are proposed biological, cognitive, and social-cognitive explanations. Distinguishing among these accounts involves investigating both adults' memories for childhood events and the mnemonicabilities of young children. These studies may not only reveal the reason why our earliest years are shrouded from us as adults, but also shed light on the memory processes that allow us a rich representation of the remainder of our personal past.  相似文献   

An autobiographical memory task was administered to a group of 15 male alcoholics (duration of abuse x = 16 years) and to a control group comprised of 15 nonabusers. The alcoholics were inpatients in a chemical dependence treatment program who had their last drink 8 days prior to testing. Two aspects of autobiographical memory were compared. First, the distribution of memories for life events over the lifespan clearly differed for the two groups. The alcoholic group recalled far fewer memories from the most recent 5 years and showed an exaggerated tendency to recall memories from their early adulthood when compared to the control group. This result is consistent with a model of the onset of a temporally graded retrograde amnesia subsequent to a protracted period of alcohol abuse. In such cases the context for self-evaluation may remain heavily rooted in late adolescence. Second, in contrast to results of the control group, the data from men in the alcohol group revealed no relationship between latency to report autobiographical memories associated with a particular affect and self-rated frequency of such affects. This dissociation indicates the possible impact of atypical memory performance on views of the self.  相似文献   

Neuroimaging of Priming: New Perspectives on Implicit and Explicit Memory   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Priming refers to a change in the ability to identify or produce an item as a consequence of a specific prior encounter. Priming has been studied extensively in cognitive studies of healthy volunteers, neuropsychological investigations of brain-damaged patients, and, more recently, studies using modern functional neuroimaging techniques such as positron emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance imaging. We review recent neuroimaging studies that have converged upon the conclusion that priming is reliably accompanied by decreased activity in a variety of brain regions. The establishment of this cortical signature of priming is beginning to generate new hypotheses concerning the relation between priming and explicit retrieval, which we illustrate by considering recent experiments on within- and cross-modality priming.  相似文献   


People will create false memories of childhood experiences. In this article, the research that demonstrates the creation of false memories is first described. Three processes that may be involved in memory creation are then outlined. First, individuals must accept a suggested event as plausible. Second, they construct an image and narrative of the false event. Third, they incorrectly attribute the source of the event to personal memory rather than external suggestion. We argue that the self plays a role in each of these processes. In addition, because memories are important components of the self, when memories change, the self changes as well.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was 2‐fold. First, two experiments were devised to further investigate secondary distinctiveness‐based effects in relation to aging. By using a repeated study‐test procedure, it aimed at restoring the bizarreness effect (Experiment 1) or at amplifying the orthographic distinctiveness (OD) effect in older adults (Experiment 2). Second, by including Alzheimer's disease patients (AD patients) in both experiments, it also aimed at instigating research on secondary distinctiveness‐based effects in relation to Alzheimer disease. The results of Experiment 1 revealed that a repeated study‐test procedure may to some extent facilitate the free recalling of bizarre images in older adults. However, the benefit of such procedure does not seem to be durable in older adults (no bizarreness effect for the last study‐test cycle) and is inefficient in AD patients. Surprisingly, for both older adults and AD patients, results of Experiment 2 revealed a similar OD effect across all study‐test cycles. The findings of both experiments were related to previous work suggesting that the bizarreness effect and the OD effect are mediated by different processing.  相似文献   

Here, we examined mechanisms that affect retrograde memory in amnestic mild cognitive impairment (a-MCI) as a function of longitudinal clinical outcome. 8 a-MCI who converted to Alzheimer's dementia (AD) during the subsequent 3-year follow-up (converter a-MCI) and 10 a-MCI who remained clinically stable during the same period (stable a-MCI) were compared at the baseline evaluation (i.e., when they were diagnosed as a-MCI) using a remote memory questionnaire for public events that allows disentangling the differential contribution of storage and retrieval mechanisms to performance accuracy. Results suggest that deficits in remote memory are primarily explained by impaired retrieval abilities in stable a-MCI and by impaired storage in converter-to-AD a-MCI. This distinction between retrograde amnesia due to defective trace utilisation in stable a-MCI and trace storage in converter a-MCI is consistent with the temporal unfolding of declining anterograde memory over the course of disease progression to AD.  相似文献   

汪新建  周静 《心理科学》2004,27(2):441-442
出现于20世纪80年代末而成熟于90年代的多通道记忆模型(MEM),从横向水平结构上划分出知觉记忆系统和反映性记忆系统;从纵向垂直结构上划分出监控系统和执行系统,每个系统的功能虽有所侧重,但人的认知记忆括动却是这些系统相互作用、共同配合的结果,与其它的认知记忆模型相比,MEM不但注重了整体性、摆脱了单一线性的探讨模式,而且也强调了开放性和能动性。  相似文献   

Alzheimer病人记忆损害特征的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王力  程灶火  李欢欢 《心理科学》2004,27(4):896-900
目的了解AD病人记忆损害的特征。方法采用多维记忆评估量表中的12个分测验对30例临床诊断可能的Alzheimer病患者及与病人组相匹配的30例正常受试进行记忆功能的测定。结果AD组几乎在所有的分测验和指数分上均差于对照组。AD轻度组仅在自由组词、残图命名、空间广度、常识记忆等4个分测验及记忆广度、内隐记忆等2个指数分上与对照组之间无明显差异。中重度组则在所有分测验和指数分均差于对照组。经以教育年限为协变量校正后,轻度与中重度组在自由组词、残图命名、经历定向、常识记忆、自由回忆、内隐记忆、日常记忆等分测验和指数分上存在明显差异。12个分测验成绩的比较发现,负荷外显记忆的各个分测验的成绩均较差,负荷内隐记忆的两个分测验的成绩较好。结论轻度AD病人存在着广泛的外显记忆障碍,中重度AD病人除了存在外显记忆障碍外还表现出内隐记忆和日常生括记忆的障碍。这一结果提示人类大脑中存在着多个记忆系统,不同系统受损所导致的记忆障碍不同。  相似文献   

This article serves as an introduction to this special issue of Journal of Adult Development that deals with the topic of aging and autobiographical memory. Methodological issues, empirical findings, and theoretical frameworks that bear on older adults' autobiographical recall are discussed. Special emphasis is placed on an examination of the factors that underlie the offset of infantile amnesia and the reminiscence bump. An integrative approach to the study of aging and autobiographical memory is proposed that brings together paradigms from experimental psychology, clinical neuropsychology, and neuroimaging.  相似文献   

Deficit in olfaction and remote nonolfactory memory in Alzheimer's disease (AD) motivated the present study of remote memory for odors and faces, operationally defined as rated familiarity, in patients with AD and controls. Uncommon engineering symbols were rated for familiarity to ensure task comprehension. Results showed that patients with AD rate odors, but not faces, as significantly less familiar than do controls, which is indicative of deficit in remote odor memory. Follow-up testing 1 year later again showed this result. Poor odor-detection sensitivity in patients, with AD, but lack of significant correspondence between sensitivity and familiarity, suggests an existing but limited effect of sensitivity on familiarity. The findings provide further evidence that olfaction may be a useful modality for early identification of AD.  相似文献   

Forgetting functions generated by delayed matching-to-sample procedures allow delay-dependent effects to be distinguished from delay-independent effects on working memory. Parameters of negative exponential functions estimate initial discriminability (intercept) and rate of forgetting (slope). Forgetting functions for patients with Alzheimer's disease indicate that they differ from normal controls in terms of reduced initial discriminability—that is, in the encoding component of memory performance— but not convincingly in rate of forgetting. Reanalyses of previous studies with different species suggest that pro- and anticholinergic drugs influence initial discriminability in delayed matching-to-sample performance, but not rate of forgetting. The results of our reanalyses are consistent with the conclusion that the cholinergic system plays a role in the encoding component of working memory and that this is the main characteristic of the memory deficit shown by patients with Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

交互记忆系统研究回顾与展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张钢  熊立 《心理科学进展》2007,15(5):840-845
交互记忆系统是团队成员之间形成的一种彼此依赖的,用以编码、储存和提取不同领域知识的合作分工系统。其研究有助于发现高效工作团队如何处理解决问题所需要的信息,解释团队成员怎样通过发挥各自的专长去解决团队面临的问题。它是解释团队知识处理过程的一个机制。相关研究已有近20年的历史。文章从交互记忆系统的形成和维护、测量、影响因素及其对团队有效性的作用等几个方面对已有研究进行回顾,并指出其对管理研究和管理实践的借鉴意义及未来可能的研究方向  相似文献   

祝春兰  刘伟  马亮  张利 《心理科学进展》2014,22(12):1875-1881
轻度阿尔茨海默症往往伴随着不同程度的前瞻记忆衰退。已有研究以轻度阿尔茨海默症与前瞻记忆衰退的关联程度为主线, 对比了这一关联与“其他认知缺陷疾病-前瞻记忆衰退”、“轻度阿尔茨海默症-回溯记忆衰退”以及“轻度阿尔茨海默症-遗传表达”这三种关联的类似程度。此外, 也有研究涉及到了如何促进轻度阿尔茨海默症患者的前瞻记忆。将来的研究应引入病情程度、前瞻记忆任务类型等变量, 深入探讨轻度阿尔茨海默症与前瞻记忆衰退的关联, 并使用ERP、fMRI等神经生理技术确定轻度阿尔茨海默症患者前瞻记忆衰退的机制。  相似文献   

Prospective memory (PM), remembering to remember, is crucial to everyday functioning. Understanding factors associated with PM impairments is thus important. One likely factor is rumination: a common cognitive process comprising repetitive self-focused thoughts. We investigated whether rumination is associated with impaired PM, and whether any associated impairment is exacerbated with negative stimuli. A sentence-rating task with sentences varying in valence was used with embedded PM cues in a non-clinical sample (N = 60). State rumination, two trait rumination subtypes (reflective pondering and brooding), and mood were measured in relation to PM cue detection and response times. Results showed that state rumination was associated with impaired PM cue detection and slower response times to PM cues embedded in negative sentences (not positive or neutral). Trait brooding (not reflective pondering) was associated with slower PM response times. These findings indicate that state rumination and trait brooding are associated with dissociable PM impairments.  相似文献   

The phenomenology of autobiographical memories varies on a number of dimensions: some memories are vivid and others dim; some are emotionally intense and others lack emotional content. The present research sought to develop a psychometrically-sound scale to assess the entire range of dimensions on which autobiographical memories differ. We reviewed the literature on memory experiences and identified 10 relevant dimensions: Vividness, Coherence, Accessibility, Time Perspective, Sensory Details, Visual Perspective, Emotional Intensity, Sharing, Distancing, and Valence. We constructed a comprehensive item pool to assess these dimensions and, using data from several large samples (Ns=941; 510; 212), we showed that: (a) all 10 scales had adequate reliability (median alpha=.87; range=.72 to .97), (b) the 10-factor structure provided a good fit to the data, and (c) gender, personality, and memory recency had theoretically meaningful relations with the 10 scales. For example, gender and ethnicity differences in phenomenology were mediated by memory content, and early and recent memories had distinct phenomenologies. The discussion focuses on the theoretical and practical utility of the 10 scales.  相似文献   


Clinicians have noted that childhood abuse survivors frequently report that they have forgotten large parts of their childhood. While memory for abusive experiences has attracted a great deal of attention from researchers, other types of memory disturbances may also accompany a history of childhood trauma. Many clinicians report that certain types of sexual abuse, and abuse at certain developmental stages, is more likely to result in reports of gaps in memory for the abuse. However, because information has been mainly collected in clinical populations, the possibility of confounding between abusive experiences and psychological disturbances cannot be ruled out. This article reports on data gathered from a large, epidemiologic study conducted within a health maintenance organization. A history of childhood physical or sexual abuse doubled the prevalence of general autobiographical memory loss for women, while for men, the rate increased 1.5 times over those with no abuse history. Higher rates of autobiographical memory loss were noted where both types of abuse were reported. Further, multiple incidents of sexual abuse, sexual abuse by a relative, and more severe sexual abuse increased reports of autobiographical memory loss. Theoretical perspectives on changes in the memory system that may affect trauma survivors are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine different dimensions of memory functioning in young schizophrenics with normal general intellectual abilities. Thirty-three patients with schizophrenia and 33 healthy controls were included in the study. The results suggest that immediate short-term memory is intact, though there emerged a working memory deficit in the schizophrenia group. Deficient encoding of verbal material was observed in some, but not in other, testing conditions. There also seemed to be a retrieval deficit for verbal material in schizophrenia, though no storage deficit was indicated. Impaired memory for non-verbal material was also revealed. These results occurred in a context of intact executive functioning as measured by the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. The results indicate that temporal and frontal structures, as well as their interconnections, may be compromised in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

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