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Kaufman's procedures (Journal of Learning Disabilities, 9, 160–168, 1976) for determining intersubtest scatter on the WISC-R were investigated by means of J. M. Sattler's revised tables (Assessment of children's intelligence and special abilities (2nd ed.), Boston, Allyn and Bacon, 1982) for determining significant subtest fluctuations. Data from the standardization sample were analyzed and new normative tables for interpreting subtest scatter were produced. The results indicated that Sattler's revised tables yielded more conservative estimates of subtest scatter than those originally reported by Kaufman. McNemar chi squares indicated that, in almost every instance, a significant number of subtests switched from being significantly discrepant by Kaufman's ±3 criterion to nonsignificant by Sattler's revised values. It was concluded that Kaufman's ±3 rule of thumb is no longer defensible on any reasonable statistical grounds and that the clinician should utilize Sattler's revised table of critical values when determining whether a subtest deviates significantly from the mean Verbal or Performance scaled score. The normative tables generated in the present study should be consulted when assessing whether the overall amount of scatter observed in a particular child's profile represents “unusual” scatter.  相似文献   

This study examined the convergent and discriminant validity of the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence and the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test for 85 psychiatric inpatients. The correlation between the WASI Full Scale and K-BIT Composite IQ scores was significant (r = .89, p < .001). Multitrait-multimethod analysis of the subtest scores showed that the K-BIT had higher internal consistency for its two subtests but, therefore, less differentiation of cognitive functioning than the brief Wechsler scale, as would be expected due to the larger number and diversity of the latter subtests. Correlations among the Wechsler scale subtests were lower than among those for the K-BIT, so the former may tap different cognitive functions and yield more clinically useful information than the latter. This brief Wechsler scale appears to be a valid screening measure of verbal, performance. and general intellectual ability for use with an inpatient psychiatric population when considerations of the setting or patient preclude administration of a longer measure of intellectual ability.  相似文献   

One method of increasing the validity of WAIS-R short forms in estimating the standard WAIS-R Full Scale IQ is by using population-specific parameters in generating WAIS-R short forms. Three studies were conducted to evaluate (1) the contribution of age-scaled scores in generating accurate short-form Full Scale IQ, (2) the psychometric properties (validity and reliability) of WAIS-R subtests with a heterogeneous psychiatric population and subsequent development of short forms based on these properties, and (3) the validity of these short forms with respect to Silverstein's (1982) and Cyr and Brooker's (1984) 2- and 4-subtest combinations. Analyses showed (1) the use of age-scaled scores did not increase validity, (2) different subtest combinations were generated based on the population-specific parameters, and (3) increases in validity occurred for some short forms derived from the clinical sample. Despite increases in validity, clinicians and researchers are cautioned about the use of short forms in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Gignac GE 《Assessment》2005,12(3):320-329
Past attempts to model via confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) intersubtest covariation have used an oblique factor or a higher order modeling approach. The attempts have failed to yield adequate model fit, based on current CFA recommendations. Using the WAIS-R standardization data, it is demonstrated that the WAIS-R can be better conceptualized as measuring a first-order general factor and three orthogonal group-level factors. The results are discussed in relation to Verbal and Performance Intelligence scoring and failed attempts to find relationships between VIQ/PIQ difference scores and external criteria. Because Arithmetic and Digit Span did not share any variance with the other VIQ subtests, independent of General Intelligence, clinicians should reconsider interpreting a VIQ score that includes information from Arithmetic and Digit Span in nonclinical populations. Researchers are encouraged to model intelligence factors as nested factor models, considering their superior model fit, and the increased clarity in the interpretations of relationships between IQ indices and criteria.  相似文献   

It has been found in the United States and in Scotland that the subtests of the WISC-R and WAIS-R are more highly intercorrelated among low-intelligence groups than among high. The value of the intercorrelations is a measure of the strength of Spearman’s g, and hence Spearman’s g is apparently stronger among populations with low intelligence. Since intelligence has been increasing over time, it should follow that the strength of g has shown a corresponding decline. Evidence from the standardization samples of the WISC and WISC-R in Japan shows that this is the case.  相似文献   

Psychologists in inpatient psychiatric settings sometimes are asked to assess whether patients improve or decline in intellectual functioning. The impetus for this referral question may be a perceived change in psychiatric status, an acute neuropathological event, e.g., a head injury, or a suspicion of an early dementing process. For this study, data from 100 inpatients who completed the WAIS-R on two separate admissions were used to calculate confidence bands for measurement error surrounding test-retest difference scores. The analysis indicated that, if the retest interval is three months or less, significant practice effects must be factored into the interpretation of difference scores. A table for the interpretation of difference scores at different testing intervals is provided  相似文献   

It has been found in the United States and in Scotland that the subtests of the WISC-R and WAIS-R are more highly intercorrelated among low-intelligence groups than among high. The value of the intercorrelations is a measure of the strength of Spearman’s g, and hence Spearman’s g is apparently stronger among populations with low intelligence. Since intelligence has been increasing over time, it should follow that the strength of g has shown a corresponding decline. Evidence from the standardization samples of the WISC and WISC-R in Japan shows that this is the case.  相似文献   

Orthogonal and oblique factor analyses were performed using the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) standardization sample (Wechsler, 1981). Using objective criteria, it was decided to retain two factors. Evidence for a strong general intelligence (g) factor was found from both the orthogonal and oblique rotations. Whereas the verbal IQ provided an acceptable estimate of the Verbal Comprehension factor, a purer measure was found in the form of a Verbal Comprehension Deviation Quotient containing only the Information, Vocabulary, Comprehension, and Similarities subtests. The performance IQ was found to be an inadequate measure of the Perceptual Organization factor. A Perceptual Organization Deviation Quotient, containing only the Block Design and Object Assembly subtests, was recommended as an effective alternative. Analysis of the variance components for each subtest at every age level revealed that a substantial proportion of subtests at a wide range of age levels evidence either high or intermediate levels of specific variance. These results are discussed in terms of interpreting individual subtest scores and patterns. Each of the study's major findings are compared with prior work done with the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) (Wechsler, 1955).  相似文献   

This study examined differences in K-ABC performance between at-risk (n = 44) and normal (n = 49) preschool children. For the group at-risk, all of the mean global scores on the K-ABC clustered around a standard score of approximately 90. The normal group's mean scores were 15 to 21 standard-score points higher and clustered near 110. The results of t tests for independent samples indicated that the normal group's scores on both the global scales and K-ABC subtests were significantly higher than the at-risk group's scores in nearly every instance. Correlations among scores were consistent with previous findings for preschoolers on the K-ABC. For the normal group, correlations obtained among the global scales were nearly identical to those reported for the standardization sample. For the at-risk group, however, the correlation of .75 between Sequential processing and Achievement was higher than that (.58) between Simultaneous processing and Achievement.  相似文献   

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) IQs and clinical ratings of 10 ego functions in a diagnostically heterogeneous sample of 60 adult psychiatric inpatients were correlated. With severity of pathology statistically controlled, higher intelligence was associated with more adequate ego functioning in several spheres: primary autonomous functions, thought processes, object relations, and mastery-competence. There were also some clinically meaningful differences between the Verbal and Performance IQs in the pattern of correlations. Extending Hartmann's original views, the authors employ an ethological framework to conceptualize intelligence in relation to the ego's role in adaptation, emphasizing that intelligence is an important-albeit neglected-aspect of ego functioning.  相似文献   

Individuals tend to adopt either analytic or holistic modes of categorizing objects. In two studies, we examined the relation between these categorization tendencies and cognitive abilities as measured by standard psychometric instruments. The participants in both studies were pretested with a restricted classification task in which it was possible for them to classify simple stimuli by dimensional identity or overall similarity. Those making a large number of either type of categorization were then tested with subtests of the WAIS-R and with the Raven's progressive matrices. Across both studies, the analytic individuals (many dimensional identity classifications) scored higher than the holistic individuals (many overall similarity classifications) on some but not all of the subtests. The results are consistent with the idea that holistic modes of categorization may be more "primitive" than analytic modes. The findings are discussed in terms of the association between categorization mode and either general or specific cognitive abilities.  相似文献   

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) IQs and clinical ratings of 10 ego functions in a diagnostically heterogeneous sample of 60 adult psychiatric inpatients were correlated. With severity of pathology statistically controlled, higher intelligence was associated with more adequate ego functioning in several spheres: primary autonomous functions, thought processes, object relations, and masterycompetence. There were also some clinically meaningful differences between the Verbal and Performance IQs in the pattern of correlations. Extending Hartmann's original views, the authors employ an ethological framework to conceptualize intelligence in relation to the ego's role in adaptation, emphasizing that intelligence is an important — albeit neglected — aspect of ego functioning.  相似文献   

The relationship between Loevinger's measure of ego development and the Wechsler Intelligence Scales subtest scores was investigated in 91 adolescent and young adult psychiatric inpatients. Correlations with Verbal IQ and verbal subtests in general were positive and significant. The correlation with the Comprehension subtest was the highest and remained significant when Full Scale IQ was partialled. Post-conformists obtained the highest mean scores on Picture Arrangement; however, there was no difference among the lower stages on this subtest. The results lend support to a social reasoning component of ego development.  相似文献   

Potential racial bias on commonly used WAIS-R short forms was examined in a group of 201 African-Americans matched with Caucasians in terms of age, education, gender, and occupational status. Within racial groups, all short form IQs correlated highly with the WAIS-R IQs (all rs 0.87). Although relatively large racial differences emerged on the Block Design, Vocabulary, and Arithmetic subtests, only mild racial discrepancies emerged for three out of the seven short forms investigated. While the magnitude of the results for the short forms was mild, based on these findings it was suggested that certain short forms not be used with African-Americans in order to minimize the potential influence of racial basis.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the relationship between total number of significant Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery-Revised (WJ-R) intracognitive strengths and/or weaknesses (scatter) and low and underachievement for 2,974 subjects in grades 1 through 12 from the WJ-R standardization sample. Intra-cognitive strength and weakness base rate information was calculated using two common criteria used to define exceptionality. Independent sample t-tests compared subjects with high or low total numbers of intracognitive strengths and/or weaknesses on six achievement-related dependent variables. A total of up to two significant WJ-R intracognitive strengths and/or weaknesses was found to be common in the sample, and more than two intracognitive strengths and/or weaknesses was not related to low or underachievement. The results reinforce prior recommendations for abandoning the scatter concept in psychoeducational assessment.  相似文献   

Matched to the proportions found in the U.K. census data for a range of demographic variables (age, sex, and socioeconomic status) 123 participants were tested on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) and a test of the minimum presentation time required to identify tachistoscopically presented words. The correlations between the sum of the scaled scores for Full, Verbal, and Performance subtests and the log of the identification measures were -0.40, -0.22, and -0.51, respectively. These results are in line with those observed between the WAIS-R measures and standard visual inspection time (IT). Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that a three-factor model of intelligence with Verbal, Performance, and Attention/Concentration factors, and with the identification threshold loaded on the Performance factor alone, represented a better fit to the data than either a single general factor model or a two-factor model with Verbal and Performance factors. These results are in line with findings in the IT literature (Deary, 1993) that speed of information processing is significantly related to performance IQ but not to verbal IQ.  相似文献   

In addition to playing a role in the deterioration of depressed people's interpersonal environment, excessive reassurance-seeking may be implicated as a vulnerability factor for depression. If so, excessive reassurance-seeking should display relative specificity to depression versus other forms of psychopathology. Two studies of psychiatric inpatients (Study 1 on adults and Study 2 on children) tested this possibility. In Study 1 a Depressed group obtained higher reassurance-seeking scores than an Other Disorders group did. Similar findings were obtained in Study 2, such that depressed youth reported higher reassurance-seeking than nondepressed youth. Hence, these two studies of psychiatric inpatients provided reasonable support for the specificity of excessive reassurance-seeking to depression as compared to other forms of psychopathology.  相似文献   

Relatively few studies have addressed the issue of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) alexithymia scale's construct validity. In this study, the validity of the scale is supported by the finding of a significantly lower percentage of alexithymic individuals in a large sample of psychiatric inpatients than in samples of patients with a variety of physical disorders (i.e., migraine headaches, asthma bronchitis/emphysema, and hypertension). Validity of the scale is further supported through a comparison of the alexithymic and nonalexithymic psychiatric inpatients on a series of Rorschach and MMPI variables. As predicted, alexithymics were less verbally productive, displayed less ability to fantasize, and demonstrated greater defensive pseudonormality. Results suggest the measure may be of value in studies of psychiatric patients as well as those with physical disorders.  相似文献   

Relatively few studies have addressed the issue of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) alexithymia scale's construct validity. In this study, the validity of the scale is supported by the finding of a significantly lower percentage of alexithymic individuals in a large sample of psychiatric inpatients than in samples of patients with a variety of physical disorders (i.e., migraine headaches, asthma bronchitis/emphysema, and hypertension). Validity of the scale is further supported through a comparison of the alexithymic and nonalexithymic psychiatric inpatients on a series of Rorschach and MMPI variables. As predicted, alexithymics were less verbally productive, displayed less ability to fantasize, and demonstrated greater defensive pseudonormality. Results suggest the measure may be of value in studies of psychiatric patients as well as those with physical disorders.  相似文献   

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