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The present study examines both the unique and the combined role of best friends' delinquency and perceived friendship quality in the development of adolescent delinquency. Questionnaire data were gathered from 435 Dutch adolescent best friends (mean age at first wave = 12.97) over a period of 5 years with annual assessments. Results showed that mean levels of delinquency and perceived friendship quality increased over time. Adolescent best friends were highly similar in both mean levels and changes in delinquency over time. For boys, similarity in mean level delinquency between best friends was higher than for girls. In addition, only for boys, friends' delinquency is associated with increases in adolescent delinquency over time, and adolescents' delinquency is associated with increases in friends' delinquency over time. No bidirectional longitudinal associations were found between perceived friendship quality and adolescent delinquency. No interaction effects between friendship quality and friends' delinquency on adolescent delinquency were found. Thus, findings were more in support of the differential association theory than of the social control theory.  相似文献   

This study examined associations of peer socialization and selection, over time, with nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) among 5,787 (54.2 % females) Chinese community adolescents. Both effects were tested using two aspects of adolescents’ friendship networks: the best friend and the friendship group. Participants completed questionnaires assessing NSSI, depressive symptoms and maladaptive impulsive behaviors at two waves of time over a 6-month period. Results showed that even after controlling for the effects of depressive symptoms and maladaptive impulsive behaviors, the best friends’ engagement in NSSI still significantly predicted adolescents’ own engagement in NSSI. Adolescents’ friendship groups’ NSSI status also significantly predicted their own NSSI status and frequency. Additionally, adolescents with NSSI tended to join peer groups with other members also engaging in NSSI.  相似文献   

以560名5、7、10年级学生为被试, 检验父母支持、友谊质量与孤独感、抑郁的关系是否符合间接效应模型及其模型适用性问题。结构方程建模及群组分析结果发现:(1)总体上, 间接效应模型成立, 父母支持既直接影响孤独感和抑郁, 也通过影响友谊质量进而影响孤独感和抑郁状况; (2)从具体适应问题看, 间接效应模型对于孤独感和抑郁均显著, 但更适用于对孤独感的预测; (3)从发展阶段看, 间接效应模型仅适用于童年晚期和青少年早期, 且更适用于童年晚期; (4)从性别角度看, 间接效应模型对两性均显著, 但更适用于男生。结果提示, 父母支持、友谊质量对孤独感和抑郁的影响均符合间接效应模型, 但该模型的适用性可能因具体适应问题、发展阶段和性别而有差异。  相似文献   

为考察初中生友谊质量与孤独感的变化轨迹及两者间的关系,采用关系网络问卷、孤独感量表对西安市的875名初中生(M=12.73±0.18;男生494名)进行三年追踪测量,使用多元潜变量增长模型进行分析。结果发现:(1)初中三年,中学生的友谊质量逐渐提高,孤独感水平逐渐下降;(2)初一时的友谊质量和孤独感水平存在显著的个体差异,初中三年期间二者的发展速度也存在个体差异;(3)初一时的友谊质量可显著预测初一时的孤独感水平(β=-1.77,p<0.001)及随后的发展速度(β=0.20,p<0.05);(4)男生的孤独感水平初始值高于女生,友谊质量的初始值则低于女生;高SES个体孤独感的起始值高于低SES个体。本研究结果揭示了初中三年期间个体友谊质量与孤独感的动态变化关系及友谊质量对孤独感的预测作用,对改善青少年孤独感的现状有一定的现实指导意义。  相似文献   

为考察初中生友谊质量与孤独感的变化轨迹及两者间的关系,采用关系网络问卷、孤独感量表对西安市的875名初中生(M=12.73±0.18;男生494名)进行三年追踪测量,使用多元潜变量增长模型进行分析。结果发现:(1)初中三年,中学生的友谊质量逐渐提高,孤独感水平逐渐下降;(2)初一时的友谊质量和孤独感水平存在显著的个体差异,初中三年期间二者的发展速度也存在个体差异;(3)初一时的友谊质量可显著预测初一时的孤独感水平(β=-1.77,p<0.001)及随后的发展速度(β=0.20,p<0.05);(4)男生的孤独感水平初始值高于女生,友谊质量的初始值则低于女生;高SES个体孤独感的起始值高于低SES个体。本研究结果揭示了初中三年期间个体友谊质量与孤独感的动态变化关系及友谊质量对孤独感的预测作用,对改善青少年孤独感的现状有一定的现实指导意义。  相似文献   

学习困难儿童友谊质量、定向、孤独感的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
刘在花  许燕 《心理科学》2003,26(2):236-239
采用问卷法对2-6年级学习困难儿童研究发现,与非学习困难儿童相比,学习困难儿童友谊质量、定向显著偏低,孤独感显著偏高;性别对学习困难儿童友谊质量、定向影响显著,孤独感受年龄影响显著,另外,学习困难儿童友谊质量、定向能够显著地负向预测孤独感。  相似文献   

This paper evoked leader-member exchange (LMX) and transformational leadership theories to explain innovative behavior in leader-member dyads. Data from 225 leader-member dyads in a Fortune 500 manufacturing plant found exchange quality to be positively related to follower autonomy, leader support of followers, and follower commitment to the organization. Further, followers who were supported by their leaders and who were committed to the organization were more likely to be innovative. Also, exchange quality was directly related to innovative behaviors. Contrary to expectations, transformational leadership was negatively related to innovative behaviors of followers.  相似文献   

该研究采用问卷法,对湖北省一所初级中学二年级青少年进行了一个学年的纵向追踪研究,使用Bjorkquist等人编制的直接和间接攻击量表(DIA)以及Parker和Asher编制的友谊质量问卷(FQQ)测查青少年的身体攻击和友谊质量。然后采用二元交叉滞后回归分析法考察了初中二、三年级学生在一个学年中的攻击行为与友谊质量(总问卷及分问卷得分)的关系。结果表明,在控制了前测"肯定与关心"得分后,身体攻击显著地负向预测了"肯定与关心"得分。在控制了前测的"冲突解决策略"得分后,攻击行为边缘显著地预测了后测的"冲突解决策略"得分。同时发现,后测"身体攻击"和"冲突与背叛"不存在显著的相关。  相似文献   

为了揭示童年期友谊质量与孤独感的纵向发展关系,以771名小学3、4年级学生为对象,采用友谊质量问卷、孤独感问卷和应对方式问卷进行了为期2年的纵向追踪。结果表明:(1)在纵向发展上,童年期儿童的友谊质量无法持续稳定地预测孤独感的纵向发展,但孤独感可以持续显著预测友谊质量的发展;(2)童年期儿童的应对方式既可以显著预测友谊质量的纵向发展,也可以显著预测孤独感的纵向发展。结论:在纵向发展上,童年期儿童的友谊质量与孤独感呈共同变化关系,两者的发展轨迹均受第三因素——应对方式发展的影响。  相似文献   

This study aims to examine the effects of mother’s and father’s perceived parenting style and friendship quality on several indicators of adolescents’ well-being. High school students (n?=?401) completed scales assessing their perception of their mother’s and father’s parenting style (authoritarian, authoritative and permissive), quality of friendship, self-esteem, general satisfaction with life and subjective happiness. The results showed that the perceived parenting style of both parents as well as the quality of friendship had significant effects on adolescent’s well-being, while the interaction effects of friendship quality and either parent’s parenting style were not significant. Adolescents of authoritative and permissive mothers reported higher self-esteem and life satisfaction than adolescents who had authoritarian mothers. Also, adolescents who considered their mothers authoritative were happier than those with authoritarian mothers. Adolescents who perceived their fathers as authoritative or permissive showed higher results on all assessed indicators of well-being than adolescents whose fathers were authoritarian. Furthermore, adolescents with a higher quality of friendship reported more happiness, life-satisfaction and self-esteem. The obtained results highlight the importance of the role of parents and peers in fostering positive development in adolescence.  相似文献   

为探讨青少年网络受欺负与自伤行为的关系,以及友谊质量和反刍思维在二者关系中的调节作用,采用青少年自我伤害问卷、网络受欺负问卷、友谊质量问卷等对1805名青少年进行调查。结果表明,网络受欺负对自伤行为有正向预测作用,且友谊质量和反刍思维共同调节二者的关系,即在低友谊质量高反刍思维的情况下,网络受欺负对青少年自伤行为有明显影响。提示心理干预者要注意帮助网络受欺负者寻找同伴友谊情感支持和构建理性健康认知模式。  相似文献   

The Self-Rating Scale of intelligence (SRSI) the Otis intelligence test were administered to 20 pairs each of same-sex long-acquaintance males and female each of same-sex short-acquaintance males and females. The SRSI provided subjects with the opportunity to make intelligence attributions to self, friend, and ideal friend and to provide the expected rating of self by the friend and people-in-general. Significant positive correlations were obtained from relating the within-person perceptions, while nonsignificant correlations were obtained from the relation of perceptions and objectively measured intelligence, between friends. Self-concept support from the friend and from people-in-general were. the more significant relationships identified across groups.  相似文献   

为探讨社交网站使用、线上积极反馈、友谊质量和青少年孤独感的关系,采用社交网站使用强度问卷、线上积极反馈问卷、友谊质量量表和孤独感量表对538名中学生进行调查,结果发现:(1)社交网站使用与线上积极反馈和友谊质量都呈显著正相关,而与孤独感显著负相关,线上积极反馈与友谊质量显著正相关,而且两者都与孤独感显著负相关;(2)社交网站使用对孤独感没有直接的预测作用,但能通过两条路径的间接作用影响青少年孤独感:通过线上积极反馈的中介作用;通过线上积极反馈和友谊质量的链式中介作用。研究结果揭示了社交网站使用对青少年孤独感的影响及其作用机制,能为网络时代的青少年降低孤独感提供有益启示。  相似文献   

Young people perceive loneliness as a distressing emotional experience associated with sadness and boredom. Also, feelings of loneliness may be associated with psychosocial and emotional problems during adolescence. The aim of this study was to investigate whether perceived social competence mediated the cross-sectional relationship between sport participation and loneliness in young people when controlling for age, sex, shyness, and non-organized physical activity. This cross-sectional study consisted of 2,055 pupils (995 boys and 1,060 girls) from 38 schools in Norway, with a mean age of 15.3 years. In addition to normal theory regression procedures, bootstrapping techniques were used to test the hypothesized indirect effect. Findings revealed that sport participation was inversely associated with loneliness mediated by perceived social competence. This indirect effect was evident when controlling for age, sex, non-organized physical activity and shyness. Findings suggest that sport participation during adolescence is indirectly associated with lower level of loneliness through higher level of perceived social competence. One may argue that sport participation during adolescence can contain important social components that help meet young peoples’ social needs and expectations, which in turn may prevent feelings of loneliness.  相似文献   

This study examines personal collectivism and individualism (or allocentrism and idiocentrism) in relation to the perception of same-sex friendships among adolescents living in a multi-ethnic context in the Netherlands. Respondents originally from collectivist cultures were more allocentric than respondents originally from individualist cultures. Among the former group allocentrism was unrelated to idiocentrism, whereas a negative relation was found among the latter group. Allocentrism was related to a greater sensitivity to friends, using more ascribed features in describing friends, having fewer friends but seeing their relationship as closer, perceiving less intimacy with other-than-best-friends, and endorsing rules about relations with third parties more. Idiocentrism was related to less sensitivity to friends, using more personal characteristics in describing friends, but also to having fewer friends, talking less intimately with others, and endorsing friendship rules about intimacy less. Additionally, gender had independent effects on the perception of friendship, suggesting that cultural and gender differences cannot be characterized by the same set of features.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to find out the degree of loneliness among adolescents with immigrant backgrounds in Portugal and the factors that may predict the level of loneliness among them. The study sample consisted of 313 adolescents. The mean duration of sojourn in Portugal for the sample was 8.2 years (SD= 4.8). They were asked to complete a questionnaire. A control group involving 363 Portuguese youth was also included in the study. There were no significant differences between adolescents from immigrant families and Portuguese adolescents who have never migrated in terms of level of loneliness. The strongest predictors of loneliness were self-esteem, duration of sojourn, and perceived discrimination. Implications of the study for counselors are suggested.  相似文献   

Research on adolescent best friendships typically focuses on school-based friendships, ignoring important differences between classroom-based and out-of-school friendships. With data from 156 ninth-grade students, many of whom named more than 1 best friend across the 14-day period, the authors examined associations between the daily school context of one's best friendship and adjustment. Benefits of in-grade best friendships were found in academic engagement when a composite was assessed across the 2-week period. Daily findings were more complex and were different between weekends and school days. Out-of-grade best friends were named more frequently on weekends, and on weekend days in which they named an out-of-school best friend participants spent more time with that friend but felt like less of a good student. Implications for our understanding of friendship context and for the measurement of friendship itself are discussed.  相似文献   

This investigation examined potential moderators of the longitudinal relation between negative affectivity and drinking. Specifically tested was the degree to which alcohol expectancies and coping styles moderate the relation between negative affectivity in early adolescence and drinking in middle and late adolescence. Four hundred ninety nine early adolescents completed inventories of negative affectivity, coping style, and tension reduction expectancies, and were followed up with inventories of drinking in middle and late adolescence. Constructive coping moderated the relation between negative affectivity and drinking in middle adolescence, such that only those with poor coping skills exhibited this positive relation. Although early negative affectivity was directly related to drinking in late adolescence, no interactions between negative affectivity and expectancies or coping were detected for drinking at that age. This absence of consistent moderating effects indicates significant limitations in the ability of the traditionally-conceived affect regulation model to reliably predict adolescent drinking. This research was conducted at the Center for Education and Drug Abuse Research (CEDAR) which is located in the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh and is supported by grant P50-DA-05605 from the National Institute on Drug Abuse.  相似文献   

Loneliness is an adverse phenomenon that tends to peak during adolescence. As loneliness is a subjective state, it is different from the objective state of being alone. People’s attitudes toward being alone can be more or less negative or positive. Cultures differ in the form and meaning of social behavior, interpersonal relationships, and time spent alone. However, for cross-cultural comparisons to be meaningful, measurement invariance of the measure should be established. The present study examined measurement invariance of the Loneliness and Aloneness Scale for Children and Adolescents (LACA) in a sample of 218 Belgian and 190 Chinese early adolescents, aged 11–15 years. Using nested multigroup confirmatory factor analyses, measurement invariance of the LACA across Belgium and China was established. More specifically, evidence was found for configural, metric, and partial scalar invariance. Because partial scalar invariance was established, the two cultural groups could be compared. No significant differences were found for peer-related loneliness. Regarding the attitudes toward aloneness, Belgian adolescents were more negative and less positive toward being alone than Chinese adolescents. The present study is encouraging for researchers who want to use the LACA for cross-cultural comparisons, in that we found evidence for measurement invariance across two disparate cultural groups speaking completely different languages.  相似文献   

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