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本研究旨在编制适合我国幼儿教师职业特点的工作投入问卷。在文献综述的基础上,根据访谈(N=24)和开放式问卷调查(N=72),编制了问卷的项目;根据探索性因素分析(N=516),抽取了四个因素,即工作愉悦、工作价值、工作责任和工作专注;根据验证性因素分析及信效度检验(N=720),考察了问卷的主要心理测量学指标,均符合要求。幼儿教师工作投入问卷共有21个项目,结构和信效度良好,可以作为幼儿教师工作投入的测评工具。  相似文献   

This study describes an initial psychometric evaluation of a new 15–item self-report instrument, the Family Rules from the Past questionnaire (FRP), which measures perceived dysfunctional rules from the past. Reliability and validity tests were conducted including a factor analysis to determine the underlying dimensions of the FRP. A sample of 943 young adults completed the FRP, a demographic questionnaire, and measures of family health and competence, alcoholism in the family, and social desirability. Results showed support for internal consistency reliability, test-retest reliability, construct validity, concurrent validity, and criterion-related validity for the FRP. Individuals from dysfunctional families and adult children of alcoholics scored significantly higher on the FRP than individuals from more functional families. Implications for the uses of the FRP in individual, couple, and family therapy are discussed.  相似文献   

Affective style is an individual difference variable that refers to tendencies for regulating emotions. The emotion research literature has consistently identified three general strategies to handle emotional reactions: some strategies are aimed at re-adjusting affect to adapt successfully to situational demands; other strategies are intended to conceal or suppress affect; and a third approach is to tolerate and accept emotions, including unwanted and aversive reactions. We conducted two studies to develop a self-report measure to assess these affective styles. In the first study (n = 434), a list of 127 items related to this construct was administered. A factor analysis supported three factors: habitual attempts to conceal or suppress affect (Concealing subscale; 8 items), a general ability to manage, adjust, and work with emotions as needed (Adjusting subscale; 7 items), and an accepting and tolerant attitude toward emotions (Tolerating subscale; 5 items). The scale showed satisfactory internal consistency. Furthermore, the respective subscales showed different patterns of relations with existing instruments measuring similar constructs. Findings were cross-validated in an independent sample (n = 495). The factor structure and results of psychometric analyses were replicated. The final 20-item Affective Style Questionnaire is a brief instrument to measure individual differences in emotion regulation.  相似文献   

Given the lack of validated measures of adolescents’ self-representation, in this paper we present the development process and psychometric properties of a new self-representation questionnaire for adolescents (SRQA), aged 12–16 year old. We examined SRQA factor structure through two studies. In the first study, 32 attributes (16 positive and 16 negative), previously validated in three studies, were administered to 239 adolescents (M = 13.8; SD = 1.28). An exploratory factor analysis showed that 21 attributes (13 positive and 8 negative) were organized in five factors: instrumental, social, emotional, intelligence, and physical appearance. In the second study, these 21 attributes were administered to 232 adolescents (M = 13.8; SD = 1.23). A confirmatory factor analysis supported the SRQA five factor model (Model fit: χ 2/df ratio = 2.392; CFI = .90; RMSEA = .08). Internal consistency was acceptable, ranging between .60 and .85. Girls displayed higher scores in the instrumental and social factors, whereas boys presented higher scores on the physical appearance factor. In line with previous research, results regarding age differences were inconsistent: while in Study 1 results suggested that as, age increases, adolescents’ intelligence self-representation becomes more negative, in Study 2 no age differences were found. Concurrent validity of the SRQA was explored through correlations with the Teacher Report Form, filled out by the adolescents’ homeroom teachers. Results revealed significant negative correlations between two dimensions of self-representation (i.e., instrumental and intelligence) and several dimensions of adolescents’ internalizing and externalizing problems, providing evidence of concurrent validity for the SRQA.  相似文献   

Analysis of 10 terms in the Menstrual Joy Questionnaire of Delaney, Lupton, and Toth indicated that the 34 undergraduate students did not agree on the definitions of scale items. The authors discuss the use of this questionnaire as a stimulus in experimental research and as a measure of positive perimenstrual experience.  相似文献   

  We examined the psychometric properties of a German translation of the Child Global Report version of the Alabama Parenting Questionnaire (APQ). A total of 1219 German school-children (644 boys and 575 girls), ages 10–14 years participated in the study. The APQ was subjected to exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Exploratory factor analysis produced five factors that were largely consistent with the a priori scale structure. These factors included dimensions of parental involvement, positive parenting, poor monitoring/supervision, inconsistent discipline, and corporal punishment. Fit indexes from confirmatory factor analyses suggested that the five factor model represented a satisfactory solution for the data, with some minor modifications in scale content. These findings provide initial support for the factorial validity of the child report version of the APQ in German families.  相似文献   

Recent research highlights the importance of transdiagnostic factors of psychopathology, particularly in understanding comorbidity. Repetitive negative thinking (RNT) is one such factor, which may elucidate anxiety-depression comorbidity. The Response to Anxiety Questionnaire (RAQ) aims to evaluate repetitive negative thinking (RNT) related to anxiety-depression comorbidity, specifically hopelessness and rumination about anxiety symptoms. Anxious hopelessness is negative thoughts about the future due to anxiety symptoms, and anxious rumination includes negative evaluations of the meaning of anxiety symptoms, therefore the current study assessed the RAQ in three studies. We used exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis methodologies to examine the factor structure of the RAQ. In addition, we tested indirect effects of the two factors of RAQ (Rumination and Hopelessness) between anxiety and depression, and tested measure convergent validity. Results of the current study provide additional support for the psychometric properties of the RAQ, suggesting a two factor makeup (hopelessness, rumination), as well as its use in predicting anxiety and depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

The Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire (SCSORF) was administered to 124 undergraduate college students attending a private Catholic university and the result was compared to measures of spirituality, religious behavior, religious coping, and affect. The present study found that the SCSORF was strongly related to spirituality, in particular, seeking support from one's spirituality. However, the SCSORF was not correlated with an openness to new spiritual experiences. The SCSORF was also related to religious behavior and religious coping. The SCSORF was not related to affect, indicating that scores on the SCSORF were not affect-dependent. Results from this study provide additional evidence that the SCSORF is a reliable and valid measure of religious faith.  相似文献   

Relative to other components of Clark and Wells’ (1995) model, anticipatory processing has been understudied, despite research that suggests that anticipatory processing may maintain social anxiety through mechanisms such as increased anxiety, negative memory biases, and other negative consequences. Anticipatory processing has only been examined as a unitary process, with no efforts examining the underlying structure of this process. The purpose of the current study was to examine the factor structure of the Anticipatory Social Behaviours Questionnaire (ASBQ, Hinrichsen and Clark Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 34, 205–218, 2003) and identify relationships between the measure’s factors and other constructs of social anxiety. Study 1 (N?=?861) used exploratory factor analysis and concluded that a two-factor model (Avoidance and Preparation) was the best conceptualization of anticipatory processing. Study 2 confirmed the two factor model in a separate sample (N?=?485) and demonstrated the superiority of the two-factor model over a unitary model. Results of Study 3 suggested that, with a sample of high-socially-anxious undergraduates (N?=?59), the Avoidance factor was more maladaptive than the Preparation factor. Results are discussed in the context of the anticipatory processing literature and future directions are proposed.  相似文献   

Two different types of ruminative coping, depressive rumination and grief rumination, negatively influence bereavement outcome. Although grief-specific rumination is likely to be relevant in the bereavement context no internationally validated scale to measure grief rumination exists. Therefore, the current contribution aims to validate the Utrecht Grief Rumination Scale (UGRS), a scale developed to measure grief-specific rumination, in an English sample. Psychometric properties of the English UGRS were compared with those in a Dutch sample. 204 British adults (89 % women, 11 % men), bereaved on average 16 months ago, and 316 Dutch adults (88 % women, 12 % men), bereaved on average 12 months ago, filled out online questionnaires. Different types of rumination (grief rumination, brooding, reflection, trait rumination) and symptoms of psychopathology (anxiety, depression, complicated grief) were measured. A correlated five factor model provided the best fit for the UGRS. Multi-group comparisons showed that the factor structures of the English and Dutch version of the UGRS were highly similar across language groups. The UGRS showed excellent reliability. Results further supported the construct, convergent, divergent and concurrent validity of the English UGRS. The psychometric properties of the Dutch UGRS corroborated these findings. The UGRS appears a valid instrument to assess grief-specific rumination in international research and may have potential applicability as a clinical instrument to assess rumination in individuals with problematic grief.  相似文献   

In the past, child bedtime routines have been examined through observation or sleep diaries. These methods are often expensive and hinder study comparisons due to lack of consistent operational definitions of routines. This article describes the development and psychometric evaluation of the Bedtime Routines Questionnaire (BRQ), a 31-item paper-and-pencil, parent-report measure of children’s bedtime routines. The BRQ and related measures were completed by 226 caregivers of children ages 2 to 8. The BRQ demonstrated a solid factor structure, adequate internal consistency, and fair validity coefficients. Overall, promising results for the BRQ are reported.  相似文献   

A model of anxiety that emphasizes a single common pathology across diagnostic categories is gaining support and influencing nosological and treatment approaches of anxiety disorders. As research in this area continues to grow, a need exists for an assessment tool of the theorized single anxiety pathology that is unbiased toward any particular anxiety diagnosis. The Anxiety Disorder Diagnostic Questionnaire (ADDQ) was developed as a screening tool for the presence of clinical fear and anxiety irrespective of diagnoses. It is a brief four-section index developed to assess fear, anxiety/worry, escape/avoidance behaviors, physiological symptoms, and associated distress and interference. The ADDQ was tested for reliability and validity in two samples: 146 undergraduate students who were given the ADDQ along with a variety of other commonly-used measures of anxiety and 94 outpatients representing a mix of diagnoses (28.2% panic disorder with or without agoraphobia, 44.6% social anxiety disorder, 20.7% generalized anxiety disorder, 3.3% anxiety disorder not otherwise specified, 2.1% obsessive–compulsive disorder, and 1.1% posttraumatic stress disorder). Internal consistency of the instrument was strong, and a one- or two-factor solution was found to be the best fit to the data. Convergent and discriminant validity was also demonstrated. Data from those clinical participants who completed a manualized cognitive–behavioral treatment program indicated a very strong concordance between change on the ADDQ and change in clinician severity ratings from a structured diagnostic interview. The findings offer support for the psychometric validity of the ADDQ in both clinical and nonclinical populations.  相似文献   

The structure of the Children's Attributional Style Questionnaire was examined for 359 children in Grades 5 and 6. Unsatisfactory internal consistency reliabilities ranged from .19 to .41 for the subscales and .54 for the overall measure. In addition, scree plots of the individual subscales resulted in a range of 2 to 4 factors per subscale and hence lacked evidence of unidimensionality.  相似文献   

Despite research suggesting that alcohol-dependent individuals have both craving and avoidant tendencies for alcohol, few studies have measured self-report tendencies using the Approach and Avoidance of Alcohol Questionnaire (AAAQ). The goal of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the AAAQ using a sample of adults receiving 12 step-based residential treatment for alcohol dependence. As part of a larger study, 100 adults receiving residential treatment completed the AAAQ and several other assessments shortly after treatment admission. Analyses of the AAAQ examined its factor structure, internal consistency, and convergent and predictive validity. A maximum likelihood estimation factor analysis using oblique rotation produced 3 factors accounting for 69 % of the variance. A confirmatory factor analysis suggested that the 3-factor model was a moderate fit for data from a second sample of patients. Internal consistency was fairly high and convergent validity was demonstrated by relationships with another scale of alcohol craving, time since last drink, and quantity and frequency of pre-treatment alcohol use. Regarding predictive validity, the level of approach tendencies on the AAAQ was significantly related to abstinence status during the first 6 months following treatment. Avoidance level was not related to abstinence. The results largely replicated past studies utilizing outpatient samples and suggest that the AAAQ shows promise as a psychometrically sound, internally reliable self-report craving measure for individuals with alcohol dependence.  相似文献   

This study examined the psychometric properties of a Hebrew version of the Behavioral Inhibition Questionnaire (BIQ) in a non-clinical sample of Israeli children and adolescents. We produced a Hebrew translation of the BIQ and collected 227 responses to it from parents of children aged 4–15. Some respondents in the larger sample also completed the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED) questionnaire (n?=?91) and the Conners’ Abbreviated Parent-Teacher (CONNERS) questionnaire (n?=?39), in addition to the BIQ. Lastly, 21 children of BIQ respondents (aged 8–14) completed a self-report version of the questionnaire. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed to assess how well the established six correlated factor model of the BIQ applied to the sample data. The Hebrew BIQ demonstrated good internal consistency (Chronbach’s α?=?.94, n?=?227) and 3 month test–retest reliability, (r?=?.95, p?<?.001, n?=?21). It also showed both convergent validity, as scores on the BIQ were correlated with the SCARED (r?=?.66, p?<?.01. n?=?91), and discriminant validity, as BIQ scores were not correlated with the CONNERS (r?=?.24, n?=?39). Finally, mother reports of BI were significantly correlated to child reports of BI via the BIQ (r?=?.60, p?<?.01, n?=?21). Thus, through this preliminary study we demonstrated that the Hebrew version of the BIQ is an effective tool for screening for BI among Israeli children, making it a useful instrument for future research.  相似文献   

Study 1 evaluated the psychometric properties of the English version of the Thought Control Ability Questionnaire (TCAQ; Luciano et al. 2005), an index of perceived control over intrusive cognitions. Confirmatory factor analysis in a sample of 720 University students revealed a clear uni-dimensional structure (after removal of items 5, 7, 8, 14, and 25) with high internal consistency (α = .87, 95% CI = [.86, .88]) and test-retest reliability after a six month interval (r = .68). Correlational analyses supported an inverse relationship with measures of depression, anxiety, maladaptive cognitive control strategies, and obsessive–compulsive symptomatology. Study 2 tested the ability of the TCAQ to predict successful cognitive control during an experimental suppression protocol. Results demonstrated that weak thought control ability was predictive of the frequency and associated levels of distress of a target thought while under instruction to suppress. Additionally, weak perceived thought control ability was predictive of increased efforts to suppress the target material. Collectively, results suggest that thought control ability is a measurable individual difference variable and that the TCAQ is a reliable index of perceived cognitive control.  相似文献   

ObjectivesUsing an item-based analysis, the factor structure of the Recovery-Stress Questionnaire for Athletes (RESTQ-Sport) [Kellmann, M., & Kallus, K.W. (2001). Recovery-Stress Questionnaire for Athletes: User manual. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics] was assessed as a test of its validity. The RESTQ-Sport is a 76-item questionnaire that was developed to assess the physical and mental impact of training stress and to facilitate the formulation of strategies for the enhancement of recovery. According to [Kellmann, M., & Kallus, K.W. (2001). Recovery-Stress Questionnaire for Athletes: User manual. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics], two factors: Recovery and Stress, comprised the 12 General subscales and seven Sport subscales of the RESTQ-Sport.MethodsA total of 585 male and female athletes who train at a Canadian national sport center were recruited to complete the RESTQ-Sport. Maximum likelihood factor analyses were performed.ResultsThe results confirmed the two-factor structure proposed by Kellmann and Kallus for the Sport-Recovery/Stress Scale but disconfirmed this structure for the General-Recovery/Stress Scale. Item analysis further disconfirmed the two-factor structure for the General Scale and failed to confirm the 19 Subscales proposed by the authors on both of the General and Sport Scales.ConclusionsThese results are interpreted to suggest that while the questionnaire should not be considered to be a diagnostic tool for under-recovery states, the RESTQ-Sport does, nonetheless, still measure general parameters of training stress which can be tracked in recovery planning.  相似文献   

Emotion regulation (ER) strategy use has been identified as a transdiagnostic predictor of the development, maintenance, and recovery from several forms of psychopathology. However, the ER strategy use literature relies primarily on self-report measures that have several important limitations. This article describes the development and initial psychometric evaluation of a novel clinician-administered measure of ER strategy use, the Semi-Structured Emotion Regulation Interview (SERI; Lee, Weathers, &; Sloan, 2016 Lee, D. J., Weathers, F. W., &; Sloan, D. M. (2016). The Semi-Structured Emotion Regulation Interview (SERI). Unpublished instrument. [Google Scholar]). The SERI was developed in a construct validation framework with emphasis on a multistage content validity process. The SERI assesses frequency and efficacy (i.e., proximal change in the targeted emotion) of 9 strategies in regulation of a specified emotion type and intensity (e.g., severe anxiety) during the past 30 days. Undergraduates (N = 68) completed a battery of self-report measures and a subsequent interview. Frequency and efficacy of each strategy was assessed separately with respect to regulation of moderate and severe anxiety and anger. Each of the assessed strategies demonstrated excellent discriminant validity. Associations between SERI and self-report measures of ER strategy use varied by target emotion type and intensity for some strategies, but not others. Implications and suggestions for future research are described.  相似文献   

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