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Pigeons learned to peck a green key on which parallelogram-shapes were projected; they then received generalization tests in which the orientation of the parallelogram was varied. Nondifferential training produced very little eventual stimulus control along the orientation dimension, but when training included S- trials (absence of the parallelogram) subjects responded consistently more to certain orientations than to others. Unlike typical results for visual generalization (e.g., line-tilt), the tilt gradients obtained for this complex stimulus were bimodal, supporting predictions on the basis of human perceptual data. However, unimodal gradients could be produced by specific discrimination training along the orientation dimension. Other forms of intradimensional training also produced relatively steep gradients, often characterized by unexpected but consistent secondary peaks. An attempt to obtain inhibitory gradients (S+: green key; S-: parallelogram on a green background) resulted in virtually zero responding all along the shape-orientation dimension; therefore, specific inhibitory control could not be evaluated. All these experiments suggest that definition of this complex stimulus dimension in terms of mere "angular orientation" is inappropriate, and alternative interpretations are discussed.  相似文献   

As one moves about a table, the projection of its shape on the retina varies enormously, yet the table's shape appears constant. The various retinal images of a single object are nearly congruent in projective geometry. To explain apparent constancy, standard theories of vision assume that the visual system has access to this projective congruence. We present four experiments that undermine this assumption (i.e., the projective thesis). The basic result is that observers' estimates of shape in a simple production task represent gross departures from correct projection, even when observers are given aids to fixation. We manipulate both observer sample and experimental procedure in an attempt to find a source of these persistent errors. Our present hypothesis is that observers lack the sensitivity or implicit knowledge of projective geometry that has been attributed to them.  相似文献   

In order to compare the recognition of objective (defined in three dimensions) and projective (on the frontal-parallel plane) shapes, subjects were asked to identify angles (either objective or projective) on random polygons that were displayed in complex and meaningful photographic slides in the frontal-parallel plane. The subjects’ judgments corresponded much more closely to the objective than to the projective shapes, almost independently of which of the two shapes they were asked to judge and of whether the slides were presented in a normal upright orientation or were rotated 180 deg. The results are incompatible with the strong form of the shape-slant hypothesis, which assumes that the primary perceptual information concerns the properties of the projective retinal image. The results indicate, instead, that a tacit conception of three-dimensional space is primary in the perceptual process.  相似文献   

A familiarization-novelty preference procedure was used to determine whether 3- to 4-month-old and 6- to 7-month-old infants utilize the Gestalt principle of good continuation to organize visual patterns. The study involved presentation of a target item (i.e., a square or diamond) either in-line or off-line with a set of distractor items (i.e., circles). Infants in both age groups responded to a change in the target element in the off-line, but not in the in-line, condition. The results suggest that infants organize visual pattern information in accord with the principle of good continuation. Implications of this finding for models of the ontogenesis and microgenesis of object perception in infants and adults are discussed.  相似文献   

In three picture-picture matching experiments, the effects of a view change on our ability to detect a shape change (Experiments 1 and 2) were contrasted with the effects of a shape change on our ability to detect a view change (Experiment 3). In each experiment, both view changes and shape changes influenced performance. However, shape changes had more influence than did view changes in the shape change detection task Conversely, view changes were more influential when the task was to detect view changes. Thus, the participants could often discriminate between the effects of shape changes and the effects of view changes. The disruptive effect of task-irrelevant changes (view changes in the first two experiments; shape changes in the final experiment) does not support Stankiewicz's (2002) claim that information about viewpoint and about shape can be estimated independently by human observers. However, the greater effect of variation in the task-relevant than in the task-irrelevant dimension indicates that the observers were moderately successful at disregarding irrelevant changes.  相似文献   

Five experiments examined the time taken to judge that two consecutive elongated geometrical shapes had the same structure, irrespective of their orientation. Shape transformations either changed the orientation of the principal axis while maintaining the relative locations of focal features or maintained the orientation of the principal axis while changing the relative locations of focal features, or they changed both. Experiment 1 demonstrated that changes in the orientation of the principal axis were more detrimental to matching than were changes in the locations of the shape’s focal features. Indeed, the time taken to match same-orientation shapes was the same as that taken to match shapes that maintained the same position in the visual field. Further experiments showed that this result was not due to differential apparent motion in the transformation conditions, that it was not due to response bias, and that it generalized across shapes. However, the result was different when subjects could predict the location of the to-be-matched stimulus. In this case, performance was principally affected by the position of the focal feature of the shape and not by the shape’s orientation. It is suggested that the results reflect the efficiency with which subjects can construct matching representations for the stimuli When subjects cannot predict stimulus locations, they generate representations by describing shape structure relative to the shape’s principal axis. When the axis of the to-be-matched shapes is constant, subjects can use the same procedure in generating this representation for both shapes, facilitating matching relative to the case in which the orientation of the axis changes. When subjects can predict the stimulus location, they selectively attend to the focal features of shapes, minimizing the effects of shape orientation.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted on the orientation anisotropy in which averaged visual evoked potentials (VEPs) were recorded from the occipital scalp. The first experiment confirmed the findings of Maffei and Campbell (1970) that obliquely oriented gratings alternated back and forth produced smaller-amplitude VEPs than when the gratings were oriented horizontally or vertically. Since no asymmetry was found in VEPs produced by a Julesz figure presented under identical conditions, it was concluded that direction of displacement could not have been contributing to the effect. In a second experiment head tilt of the subject was manipulated together with grating orientation and the results indicated that the orientation anisotropy is retinally rather than gravitationally referenced. It was concluded that the site of orientation constancy is located either at higher levels of the primary visual system or in the second visual system.  相似文献   

Visual fixation and cardiac deceleration for 36 infants 20–24 weeks old were recorded during three kinds of events in which objects moving on a linear trajectory were temporarily occluded by a screen: (1) a familiar object appeared on both sides of the screen; (2) a novel object appeared on both sides of the screen; and (3) a novel object appeared to change to a familiar one behind the screen. Infant attention was related to novelty and familiarity of objects and there was no evidence of behavior reflecting the expectancy that a stable object continued to exist behind the screen. These findings are in conflict with those of previous tracking studies and the discussion focuses upon explanations for this discrepancy.  相似文献   

The failure of shape constancy from stereoscopic information is widely reported in the literature. In this study we investigate how shape constancy is influenced by the size of the object and by the shape of the object's surface. Participants performed a shape-judgment task on objects of five sizes with three different surface shapes. The shapes used were: a frontoparallel rectangle, a triangular ridge surface, and a cylindrical surface, all of which contained the same maximum depth information, but different variations in depth across the surface. The results showed that, generally, small objects appear stretched and large objects appear squashed along the depth dimension. We also found a larger variance in shape judgments for rectangular stimuli than for cylindrical and ridge-shaped stimuli, suggesting that, when performing shape judgments with cylindrical and ridge-shaped stimuli, observers rely on a higher-order shape representation.  相似文献   

An habituation/dishabituation paradigm demonstrates that 2- and 4-month-old infants are able to discriminate auditory sequences that vary slightly in tempo. Discriminations were only observed for intermediate tempi (600 ms but not 100, 300, 1500 ms IOI), suggesting that infants have the same optimal tempo range as adults.  相似文献   

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