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Physical activity is generally considered as most relevant for modulating heart rate (HR). The authors show here that HR is not only modulated by physical activity but even more by social contexts. HR modulation in three free-ranging, socially embedded, male greylag geese fitted with implanted radiotransmitters was investigated. Measured HR ranged from 40 beats per minute (bpm) during rest to a maximum over 400 bpm during takeoff. Almost the same maximum HRs (400 bpm) were reached during social interactions, which however, generally require less bodily action. Mean HR during social interactions (agonistic interactions, vocalizations) was significantly higher than during behaviors with a less obvious social context (e.g., resting, comfort or feeding behavior), but with comparable physical activity involved. The authors also found significant and consistent differences in HR between the three focal individuals, probably because of individual behavioral phenotype. Our results show that social context has a strong modulatory effect on the sympathico-adrenergic activity in a social bird and conclude that particularly the latter may pose considerable energetic costs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2008 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   

Visual co-orientation with another's gaze direction (gaze following) may provide important information about the location of food, social interactions or predators. Gaze following has been shown in a variety of mammals, but only in few bird species, and has not been tested in precocial birds at all. It has been suggested that gaze following is an anti-predator behaviour, and in Common ravens (Corvus corax) and rooks (C. frugilegus), it emerges shortly after fledging, at a time when young birds leave the predator-safe nest. However, if gaze following is adaptive, the developmental pattern should differ between altricial and precocial birds. Greylag geese (Anser anser) are highly social birds with a precocial development. Goslings move and feed independently within 24 h post-hatching, and they are highly vulnerable to aerial predators. We therefore predicted that greylag geese are capable of gaze following and that they develop this skill already pre-fledging. We experimentally tested 19 hand-raised greylag goslings for their ability to follow a conspecific's gaze when they were between 10 days and 6 weeks old. In line with our predictions, first responses were already detectable in 10-day-old goslings. Our results therefore not only demonstrate that greylag geese follow the gaze of conspecifics into distant space, but that they also develop this ability much earlier than altricial birds.  相似文献   

Heart rate telemetry was explored as a means to access animal emotion during social interactions under naturalistic conditions. Heart rates of 2 middle-ranking adult females living in a large group of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) were recorded along with their behavior. Heart rate changes during 2 types of interactions were investigated, while controlling for the effects of posture and activity. The risk of aggression associated with the approach of a dominant individual was expected to provoke anxiety in the approachee. This prediction was supported by the heart rate increase after such an approach. No increase was found when the approacher was a kin or a subordinate individual. The tension-reduction function of allogrooming was also supported. Heart rate decelerated faster during the receipt of grooming than in matched control periods.  相似文献   

The effects of the outcome of competitive encounters on physiological parameters have been studied, especially testosterone levels, but hardly on other systems that, however, present a high sensitivity to stress. This study assessed the effect of a competitive game on heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP) in a sample of university students. In addition, the influence of anxiety and attributions of the outcome was also explored. Only winners significantly showed a rise in HR during the competition followed by a decrease along the posttask phase in addition to more internal attributions. On the contrary, the average HR for losers during the competition was lower compared with their baseline values. No differences depending on the outcome were found in BP. The cardiovascular response as well as the subjective interpretation of the outcome suggest a more active strategy employed by winners vs. a more passive strategy of losers. Future studies should specifically investigate the importance of coping strategies for psychophysiological adaptation to contests and for the outcome reached. This would permit an advance in the understanding of the role of individual differences in the processes of stress and in associated diseases. Aggr. Behav. 27:351–359, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The main goal of the current research is to investigate emotional reactions to situations that implicate honour in Turkish and northern American cultural groups. In Studies 1A and 1B, participants rated the degree to which a variety of events fit their prototypes for honour-related situations. Both Turkish and American participants evaluated situations generated by their co-nationals as most central to their prototypes of honour-related situations. Study 2 examined emotional responses to Turkish or US-generated situations that varied in centrality to the prototype. Highly central situations and Turkish-generated situations elicited stronger emotions than less central situations and US-generated situations. Americans reported higher levels of positive emotions in response to honour-enhancing situations than did Turkish participants. These findings demonstrate that the prototypes of honour relevant situations differ for Turkish and northern American people, and that Turkish honour relevant situations are more emotion-laden than are northern American honour relevant situations.  相似文献   

Annual variation in day length (photoperiod) triggers changes in the immune system of seasonal breeders. The rationale behind this study was to delineate any sex differences in immune responses of photoperiodically entrained animals challenged against lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inflammatory stress. We observed that photoperiodically entrained [short day, SD, 10?h light (L):14?h dark (D); long day, LD, 16?h L:8?h D; and natural day length, NDL, 12?h L:12?h D] male and female Indian palm squirrels, Funambulus pennanti, presented sexual dimorphism in immune status after LPS-induced stress. Females presented high humoral (anti-keyhole limpet hemocyanin immunoglobulin) and cellular immunity (lymphocyte proliferation) compared with the males of all photoperiodic conditions. Female squirrels showed reduced pro-inflammatory cytokine levels (interleukin-1β, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor-α) than the males suggesting their high efficiency to recover from LPS-induced inflammatory stress. Increased duration of melatonin secretion and corticosterone concentration in squirrels experiencing SD evidently supported survival of squirrels as compared with control (NDL) and LD squirrels of both sexes. Decreased immune status in both sexes under LD condition might be due to a short melatonin signal mimicking the LDs of summer. Thus, we infer that photoperiodic entrainment via the levels of melatonin and corticosterone synergistically supported more the survival of female squirrels under LPS-induced stress.  相似文献   

C S Essman  F Deutsch 《Adolescence》1979,14(54):411-420
Adolescents (75 males, 150 females) assumed the role of parent surrogate and responded to nine problem situations involving younger siblings. Responses were coded into 21 categories--grouped as high, medium, low and non-power as well as "effective" or "ineffective"--and analyzed by sex, grade (10, 11, or 12) and birth order (first-, second-, or laterborn). Ninety-two percent of responses were categorized as "ineffective" (i.e., not communicating own or sibling's feelings). Seniors used less high and more medium and non-power responses than younger students. Most students, particularly females, expressed interest in joining a group to learn better ways of relating to younger siblings.  相似文献   

The authors investigated whether human listeners could categorize played-back dog (Canis familiaris) barks recorded in various situations and associate them with emotional ratings. Prerecorded barks of a Hungarian herding dog breed (Mudi) provided the sample. Human listeners were asked to rate emotionality of the vocalization and to categorize the situations on the basis of alternative situations provided on a questionnaire. The authors found almost no effect of previous experience with the given dog breed or of owning a dog. Listeners were able to categorize bark situations high above chance level. Emotionality ratings for particular bark samples correlated with peak and fundamental frequency and interbark intervals. The authors did not find a significant effect of tonality (harmonic-to-noise ratio) on either the emotionality rating or situation categorization of the human listeners. Humans' ability to recognize meaning suggests that barks could serve as an effective means of communication between dog and human.  相似文献   

Direction of changes in heart-rate responses (HRR) were investigated in three separate experiments as a measure of differential cognitive and emotional specialization of the cerebral hemispheres. Visual stimuli were presented via the visual half-field technique in all three experiments. Slides with different contents were flashed for 200 msec on each trial either to the left or right of a center LED fixation point. The LED went on 5 seconds prior to slide onset. HR changes were scored as second-by-second deviations during 10 seconds after LED onset from pre-LED base line. In the first experiment it was hypothesized that emotionally relevant stimuli initially projected to only the right hemisphere would result in more anticipatory acceleration than when the same stimulus was initially projected to the left hemisphere. A picture of a snake and of a geometric figure were repeatedly briefly flashed to the right of the LED for half of the subjects, and to the left for the other half. There were 25 trials with an intertriai interval of 25–40 seconds. Results showed significant effects of deceleration as a function of the slide stimulus in all groups on seconds 5, 6, or 7 after onset of the center LED. Furthermore, an anticipatory acceleration was observed during the first trial-block on seconds 3 and 4 in the right hemisphere groups only with no differences between the neutral and emotional stimuli. In Experiments 2 and 3, a letter-string of six letters and a complex symmetric pattern were used as stimuli. These stimuli were chosen because previous research has clearly implicated the hemispheres to be differentially specialized in their ability to process verbal and visuo-spatial stimuli. The set-up was identical to Experiment 1, with the exception that differences in response to the two types of stimuli were evaluated on a within-subjects basis. The results from Experiments 2 and 3 showed stimulus-related deceleration, peaking on seconds 5–7 in all groups and an anticipatory acceleration peaking on seconds 3 and 4 in the right hemisphere groups, with decelerations during the corresponding seconds in the left hemisphere groups. The results are discussed in relation to recent findings by Walker and Sandman (1982) about the possibility of hemispheric specialization in psychologic influences on heart rate changes in response to environmental demands.  相似文献   

Directional responses to sounds in young gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three experiments were conducted to determine the ability of infant gerbils to approach an auditory stimulus. In the first experiment, gerbil pups, 16-23 days of age, were tested in a circular apparatus with a central start area and a movable sound source located at one of eight positions around the perimeter. Stimuli included high- and low-intensity presentations of a tape-recorded gerbil social call, a broad-band white noise stimulus, and a no-stimulus control condition. The subjects showed a strong tendency to approach the low-intensity social call and a less pronounced tendency to approach the white noise. In the second experiment, gerbil pups were tested in the same apparatus with or without ear blocks to determine the role of binaural cues in directional approach responding. The tendency to approach a low-intensity vocalization was disrupted by obstruction of one ear but not by blocking both ears. Thus, binaural balance was shown to be important for early sound localization. In the third experiment, the tendency to approach a social call was compared at different ages, 12-15, 16-19, 20-23, and 24-27 days after birth. Approach responses were first seen at 16-19 days. The responses continued during the 20-23-day period but began to wane at 24-27 days of age.  相似文献   

We examined the development of infants' regional electrocortical (EEG) and heart rate (ECG) responses to affective musical stimuli during the first 12 months of post-natal life. Separate groups of infants were seen at 3 (n=33), 6 (n=42), 9 (n=52), and 12 (n=40) months of age at which time regional EEG and ECG responses were continuously recorded during a baseline condition and during the presentation of three orchestral pieces that were known to vary in affective valence and intensity (happy, sad, fear). Overall, there were two important findings. First, we found that although the overall amount of EEG 4-8 Hz power increased between 3 and 12 months, the distribution of EEG power changed across age, with the younger infants (3- and 6-month-olds) showing no difference between frontal and parietal regions, but the older infants (9- and 12-month-olds) showing relatively more activation at frontal than at parietal sites. This development likely reflects the maturation of frontal lobe function. Second, we found that the presentation of affective music significantly increased brain activity at 3 months of age, had seemingly little effect at 6 and 9 months, and significantly attenuated brain activity at 12 months. Findings suggest that there is a clear developmental change in the effect of music on brain activity in the first year, with music having a "calming" influence on infants by the end of the first year of life.  相似文献   

Conditioning-specific reflex modification (CRM) of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response (NMR) involves changes in responding to an unconditioned stimulus (US) when the US is tested in the absence of the conditioned stimulus. Previous experiments have shown that CRM is a function of the type and intensity of the aversive US used during classical conditioning. As a result, it has been suggested that CRM may be mediated, at least in part, by the aversiveness of the US. Here, we show that by using a moderately intense electrical pulse to the skin as a US, CRM of the rabbit NMR is accompanied by an increase in heart rate. The largest changes in heart rate occur at US intensities that produce the strongest levels of CRM. The heart rate data show that there may be an increased emotional/arousal component to the US that is correlated with CRM and support the use of CRM as a potential model for posttraumatic stress disorder.  相似文献   

This study investigated the urinary cortisol stress response to one known stressor (anaesthesia) and three unusual events hypothesized to result in increases in cortisol (confinement to one half of an enclosure for several days due to a hurricane, an enrichment exercise, and a change in group composition) in young chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Although a cortisol stress response to a variety of laboratory experiences has been documented in captive animals, it is unclear whether other types of atypical events are stressful, including those that are not necessarily negative. Cortisol was measured in 519 urine samples collected from 20 awake, unrestrained chimpanzees; individuals were compared against their own baseline values. A significant increase in urinary cortisol concentration was found as a result of the stress of anaesthesia, but no significant change in urinary cortisol resulted from the three other potential stressors. A lack of a urinary cortisol response to these events may indicate that the events were not actually stressful for the chimpanzees, but may have resulted from the limited temporal resolution of measuring cortisol excretion as an indicator of integrated secretion, or from changes in rates of agonistic behaviors.  相似文献   

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