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The internet has established itself as an everyday medium of communication, whereby patterns for the use of information and services relevant to health can be documented. Therefore also allowing questions regarding the possibilities and limit limitations of internet intervention in clinical psychology and psychotherapy to be also posed. Although specialist discourse is limited to conceptional analysis due to the lack of theoretical concepts and weak empirical data, there is a basis for the realization of a system of net-supported psychological advice and psychotherapy. Our present contribution has the goal of introducing some current exemplary concepts.Furthermore, effects on the therapeutic process and setting will be described and necessary quality criteria clarified.Finally, perspectives on counseling and therapy through the internet will be formulated.The authors conclude that online, counseling will take on an important function in the exchange of information and although useful in the initiation of therapy, will have to be considered separately from online therapy.Both methods – although instrumental in closing gaps within the socio-psychological care-system – can not substitute classical psychotherapy.  相似文献   

After a long time of growth current studies on representative samples of adolescents indicate that the number of adolescent cannabis users in Germany is possibly decreasing. However, it may be presumptuous to expect a similar trend concerning the number of clients with cannabis-related disorders. Even if there is in fact a downward trend which is not yet proven, the rapidly growing number of clients presenting with these disorders in recent years cannot be explained by a similar growth in the number of regular cannabis users. Treatment centres should therefore expect a further inreasing number of especially male adolescents and young adults seeking help for problems related to cannabis use. The development, evaluation and implementation of specific treatment options concerning cannabis use disorders will be increasingly needed in the future. Cognitive-behavioral and motivational interventions have been shown to be evidence-based treatments. The paper describes some promising or already successful treatment approaches and related research projects in Germany.  相似文献   



Empirical studies show a relationship between family factors and disturbed eating behavior. Feelings of shame are associated with a higher level of eating disorder symptoms and with family relations perceived as being dysfunctional. Thus shame can be understood as a mediator of the relationship between dysfunctional family relations and eating disorder symptoms.

Material and methods

For 69 female patients, including 55 with bulimia nervosa and 14 with eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS) between 14 and 22 years of age, who participated in a comparative study of psychotherapy outcome, eating disorder symptoms (EDI, EDE-Q), general psychiatric symptoms severity (SCL-90R), level of shame (TESE-KJ) and perceived family relations (FB-A) were measured at the beginning of psychotherapy.


The higher the feeling of shame the more dysfunctional the perceived family relationships were and the more the eating disorders and general symptoms severity were reported. Shame was a partial mediator of the relationship between family functionality and symptoms.


Feelings of shame could originate in dysfunctional family relationships but could also evoke more negative perceptions of interpersonal relationships. The direction of causality could not be proven in the correlative design; nevertheless, shame contributes to an understanding of the mechanisms between dysfunctional family relationships and eating disorder symptoms.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung  相似文献   

In the Netherlands schema therapy is the first evidence-based treatment to be recommended for patients with personality disorders in forensic settings. Initial results show that schema therapy can even be effective in cases of “psychopathy”. The central concept in schema therapy are schema modes which can also be seen as emotional states or “parts of the personality”, which dominate temporary thoughts, emotions and behavior. Schema modes are the basis of individual mode models, which guide understanding and treatment of the disorder throughout the complete therapy. The schema therapeutic analysis of delinquency is part of the schema mode model and connects the sequences of the crime with the offender’s schema modes. With respect to the mode treatment, emotion-focused techniques and the therapeutic relationship are of special importance. The schema therapeutic treatment plan combines short-term behavior-related therapeutic goals with the underlying themes (needs and modes) in order to plan concrete interventions based on this. This has to be embedded into the individual structure of therapeutic options in the respective institutions (e.?g. individual psychotherapy, nursing staff, occupational therapy). This article demonstrates the practice of the schema therapeutic approach with a forensic case study and discusses resources and limits of the schema therapeutic approach in a forensic setting.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a study of the state of outpatient psychotherapy of children and juveniles in Germany after the PTG came into force. A total of 180 psychotherapists were questioned on certain issues. One result was that patients have to wait 4.5 months for psychotherapy and that every second patient asking for a diagnostic interview and possible treatment was refused.Of those who were given a diagnostic interview 43% were not taken into treatment, although disturbances were diagnosed such as addiction, bodily disabilities with psychic complications, enuresis/encopresis, anorexia nervosa, psychosomatic illnesses, developmental arrests which would normally demand psychotherapeutic treatment. Furthermore only 25% of those children and juveniles who Löcherbach et al. (2000, S.59 f.) considered needing and wanting psychotherapeutic treatment were actually in a G IV psychotherapy.Apart from this the possibility of getting psychotherapy as well as the kind of psychotherapy proved to be dependent on the kind of medical insurance. Differing payments by the insurance companies caused longer waiting times for patients and determined the choice of psychotherapy by the psychotherapists.  相似文献   



Well-being and its correlates have rarely been investigated in psychotherapists. Results from research on other occupational groups have shown that subjective and work-related well-being are both associated with performance and motivation as well as with mental and physical health. Therefore, personal and job-related resources of practicing psychotherapists were investigated in this study in order to assess their associations with well-being.


A total of 771 psychotherapists filled in an online questionnaire including questions concerning well-being (WHO-Five Well-being Index, WBI-5), burnout (Maslach Burnout Inventory, MBI), and personal (Psychological Capital Questionnaire, PCQ) as well as job-related (Dutch Questionnaire on Work Experience, VBBA) resources.


Of the participants 45?% reported that they were suffering from high emotional exhaustion. Over 30?% reported a reduced subjective well-being, while more extensive professional experience was associated with better well-being. Psychotherapists reported optimism and hope to be the most important personal resources, whereas opportunities for personal and professional development were the most important job-related resources.


The study identified personal and job-related resources which may be relevant for different aspects of well-being in psychotherapists.  相似文献   



Due to the increasing importance of effective, patient-oriented treatment options for mentally ill children and adolescents, new alternatives to established inpatient and outpatient care in child and adolescent psychiatry have to be found. Intensive cross-sectoral treatment settings may be an alternative but have not yet been evaluated or implemented in routine care.


The objective of this randomized study was to compare and assess satisfaction with a new model of care within the underlying BeZuHG (“behandelt zu Hause gesund werden”, treated at home become healthy) study with regular inpatient care (TAU). Patients in BeZuHG received early discharge from inpatient care followed by 3 months of intensive home treatment enhanced by clinical elements.

Material and methods

Youths and parents were asked to fill in a patient satisfaction questionnaire (BesT) at completion of treatment. Participants in the study were evaluated between April 2012 and January 2013.


Neither BeZuHG nor inpatient care was clearly superior. Youths in the control group stated a higher satisfaction with the overall treatment than youths in the BeZuHG group (p?=?0.031), while youths in the BeZuHG group named a significantly higher satisfaction with the home treatment component than with the inpatient component of treatment (p?=?0.007).


Patient satisfaction could be shown for inpatient and BeZuHG treatment at discharge. Data may change at follow-up. A long-term follow-up should be implemented to confirm these results or to allow other conclusions.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  In seiner Fünften Cartesianischen Meditation entwickelt Husserl eine transzendentale Theorie der Fremderfahrung, der sogenannten ,,Einfühlung“. Diese Theorie charakterisiert er in dieser Schrift als ,,statische Analyse“. Genau besehen werden darin jedoch mehrere genetische Momente der Fremderfahrung in Betracht gezogen. In diesem Aufsatz versucht der Verfasser, zuerst aufgrund einiger nachgelassener Texte Husserls die wesentlichen Charaktere der statischen und der genetischen Methode und auch den Zusammenhang der beiden festzustellen, um dann aus der Analyse der Fünften Meditation die statischen und die genetischen Momente konkret herauszuarbeiten. Aus dieser Untersuchung wird deutlich, dass die Theorie der Fremderfahrung in der Fünften Meditation als statische Analyse angesehen werden kann, insofern sie die ,,Fundierungsstruktur“ der Fremderfahrung kl?rt. Es ergibt sich aber auch, dass sie bereits in die genetische Sph?re eingetreten ist, sofern sie durch den ,,Abbau“ der h?heren Sinnesschicht der Fremderfahrung die primordiale Eigenheitssph?re als Unterschicht freilegt, und wenn sie dann versucht, von dieser Eigenheitssph?re her die h?here Konstitution des fremden Leibes und des alter ego durch die ,,paarende Assoziation“ als ,,passive Genesis“ aufzukl?ren. Dieser halb-genetischen Theorie fehlt jedoch ein weiteres notwendiges Verfahren der genetischen Methode (das der Rückfrage nach der ,,Urstiftung“), das überprüfen soll, ob und wie alle zur primordialen Sph?re geh?rigen Sinne (,,mein Leib“, ,,mein Menschen-Ich“ usw.) wirklich ohne konstitutive Leistungen der auf fremde Subjektivit?t bezogenen Intentionalit?t “urgestiftet” werden k?nnen. Einige Stellen der Fünften Meditation weisen darauf hin, dass eine solche Urstiftung unm?glich w?re. In der Tat hat der sp?te Husserl seine ehemalige Konzeption, die die statische Fundierungsabfolge zugleich als notwendiges genetisches Nacheinander auffasste, revidiert.
Tetsuya SakakibaraEmail:

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