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Ss heard a passage from Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass and were asked to indicate, as quickly as possible, whenever they heard a mispronunciation. Mispronunciations were produced by changing one consonant sound in a three-syllable word by one, two, or four distinctive features (e.g., busily to “pizily,” “visily,” or “sizily”). Mispronunciations involving a single feature change were seldom detected, while two and four feature changes were readily detected. The syllable in which a mispronunciation occurred did not affect the probability of detecting a mispronunciation. However, reaction times to mispronounced words were at least a third of a second slower when they occurred in the-first syllable of the word. The results were taken to support the notion that words are identified by their distinctive features.  相似文献   

Many psycholinguists have studied associations to vowel speech sounds. It appears that associations involving brightness and size are related to the manner in which the vowels are articulated. That is, high front vowels are judged to be bright and small, and low back vowels are judged to be dim and large. In an extension of a study by Greenberg and Jenkins (1966), 40 English-speaking and 40 Spanish-speaking adults rated nine audiotaped vowel sounds on 23 dimensions. The front-back distinction was again found for both groups. In addition, ratings for all nine vowels were similar for the two groups, which has implications for the cross-cultural universality of these associations.  相似文献   

Prolongation of speech sounds is currently used to modify stuttering and enhance fluency. Prolonged speech (PS) (e.g., prolonged vowels, prolongation throughout utterances) is, however, often perceived as unnatural by listeners. This study examined at which durations and in which contexts 52 college students (primary language was American English) perceived PS to be unnatural. Stimuli were limited to controlled variation in prolongation of the vowel in the middle single-syllable word of a carrier phrase (i.e., say word again). The prolongation was effected by digital waveform manipulation within the Kay Elemetrics Computerized Speech Laboratory (CSL). The listeners judged if they strongly agreed, agreed, or disagreed that the phrases sounded natural. Results indicated that the extent of vowel duration (and possibly context) does influence listener's perception of speech naturalness, findings which can be applied to facilitate fluency therapy.

Educational objectives: (1) The reader will learn about and be able to summarize the digital waveform manipulation procedure in the study. (2) The reader will learn about and be able to describe the effects of differential vowel prolongation on listener's perception of speech naturalness. (3) The reader will learn about and evaluate how differential vowel prolongation can be used to enhance fluency.  相似文献   

The irrelevant speech effect is the impairment of task performance by the presentation of to-be-ignored speech stimuli. Typically, the irrelevant speech comprises a variety of sounds, but previous research (e.g., Jones, Madden, & Miles, 1992) has suggested that the deleterious effect of background speech is virtually eliminated if the speech comprises repetitions of a sound (e.g., “be, be, be”) or a single continuous sound (e.g., “beeeeeee”). Four experiments are reported that challenge this finding. Experiments 1, 2, and 4 show a substantial impairment in serial recall performance in the presence of a repeated sound, and Experiments 3 and 4 show a similar impairment of serial recall in the presence of a continuous sound. The relevance of these findings to several explanations of the irrelevant speech effect is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper explores the extent of timing deficits in vowels produced by brain-damaged speakers of a language with a phonological contrast in vowel length. Short and long vowels in Thai were produced in isolated monosyllabic words by 20 normal adults, 14 right hemisphere patients, and 17 left hemisphere aphasics. Vowel durations were measured spectrographically. Although the phonological contrast was relatively preserved, as indicated by average duration, a subtle timing deficit in vowels produced by nonfluent aphasics was indicated by a compressed duration continuum and increased variability in vowel production.  相似文献   

Discriminating temporal relationships in speech is crucial for speech and language development. However, temporal variation of vowels is difficult to perceive for young infants when it is determined by surrounding speech sounds. Using a familiarization-discrimination paradigm, we show that English-learning 6- to 9-month-olds are capable of discriminating non-native acoustic vowel duration differences that systematically vary with subsequent consonantal durations. Furthermore, temporal regularity of stimulus presentation potentially makes the task easier for infants. These findings show that young infants can process fine-grained temporal aspects of speech sounds, a capacity that lays the foundation for building a phonological system of their ambient language(s).  相似文献   

This study explored a number of temporal (durational) parameters of consonant and vowel production in order to determine whether the speech production impairments of aphasics are the result of the same or different underlying mechanisms and in particular whether they implicate deficits that are primarily phonetic or phonological in nature. Detailed analyses of CT scan lesion data were also conducted to explore whether more specific neuroanatomical correlations could be made with speech production deficits. A series of acoustic analyses were conducted including voice-onset time, intrinsic and contrastive fricative duration, and intrinsic and contrastive vowel duration as produced by Broca's aphasics with anterior lesions (A patients), nonfluent aphasics with anterior and posterior lesions (AP patients), and fluent aphasics with posterior lesions (P patients). The constellation of impairments for the anterior aphasics including both the A and AP patients suggests that their disorder primarily reflects an inability to implement particular types of articulatory gestures or articulatory parameters rather than an inability to implement particular phonetic features. They display impairments in the implementation of laryngeal gestures for both consonant and vowel production. These patterns seem to relate to particular anatomical sites involving Broca's area, the anterior limb of the internal capsule, and the lowest motor cortex areas for larynx and tongue. The posterior patients also show evidence of subtle phonetic impairments suggesting that the neural instantiation of speech may require more extensive involvement, including the perisylvian area, than previously suggested.  相似文献   

The effect of communicative stress on the frequency of stuttered syllables in 12 adult stutterers reading six different but equivalent passages using normal voicing, whispering, and articulation-without-phonation speech under a stress and a non-stress condition was studied. Although the frequency of stuttering was significantly greater in the normal voicing mode than in the whispering mode and greater in the whispering mode than in the articulation-without-phonation mode, no differences were found between the stress and the nonstress conditions with respect to stuttering.  相似文献   

The interactions, during word-recognition in continuous speech, between the bottom-up analyses of the input and different forms of internally generated top-down constraint, were investigated using a shadowing task and a mispronunciation detection task (in the detection task the subject saw a text of the original passage as he listened to it). The listener's dependence on bottom-up analyses in the shadowing task, as measured by the number of fluent restorations of mispronounced words, was found to vary as a function of the syllable position of the mispronunciation within the word and of the contextual constraints on the word as a whole. In the detection task only syllable position effects were obtained. The results, discussed in conjunction with earlier research, were found to be inconsistent with either the logogen model of word-recognition or an autonomous search model. Instead, an active direct access model is proposed, in which top-down processing constraints interact directly with bottom-up information to produce the primary lexical interpretation of the acoustic-phonetic input.  相似文献   

Accepting as a given that the humanities disciplines are not product or "results" driven, this paper argues that the core of an interdisciplinary field of medicine and humanities, or medical humanities, is an interpretive enterprise that is not readily open to quantitative assessment. A more humanistically oriented medical practice can derive, however, from the process that produces new insights and works toward the development of a new, mutually shared, and humanizing language.  相似文献   

The work reported here investigated whether the extent of McGurk effect differs according to the vowel context, and differs when cross‐modal vowels are matched or mismatched in Japanese. Two audio‐visual experiments were conducted to examine the process of audio‐visual phonetic‐feature extraction and integration. The first experiment was designed to compare the extent of the McGurk effect in Japanese in three different vowel contexts. The results indicated that the effect was largest in the /i/ context, moderate in the /a/ context, and almost nonexistent in the /u/ context. This suggests that the occurrence of McGurk effect depends on the characteristics of vowels and the visual cues from their articulation. The second experiment measured the McGurk effect in Japanese with cross‐modal matched and mismatched vowels, and showed that, except with the /u/ sound, the effect was larger when the vowels were matched than when they were mismatched. These results showed, again, that the extent of McGurk effect depends on vowel context and that auditory information processing before phonetic judgment plays an important role in cross‐modal feature integration.  相似文献   

In seven experiments, reaction time (RT) was recorded to phoneme targets in sentences. By means of tape splicing or other experimental interventions preceding the target, speech information was or was not discarded, and targets were either temporally displaced "early" or "late" or remained on time." RT to displaced targets was slower than to on-time targets, except when the tape-splicing manipulation in effect presented coarticulatory target information in advance, in which case RT was faster than RT to on-time targets. The latter manipulation also produced faster RT than RT to the same targets in the original sentence, that is, that containing no experimental intervention at all. In three of the experiments, half the targets were contained in stressed syllables, half in unstressed syllables. Stressed and unstressed targets were affected differently, depending upon practice and other factors. Results were interpreted in terms of listener expectancies based on timing redundancy in continuous speech. They indicate an interaction between the effects of segmental and suprasegmental cues during ongoing perception.  相似文献   

The possible-word constraint (PWC; Norris, McQueen, Cutler, & Butterfield, 1997) has been proposed as a language-universal segmentation principle: Lexical candidates are disfavoured if the resulting segmentation of continuous speech leads to vowelless residues in the input—for example, single consonants. Three word-spotting experiments investigated segmentation in Slovak, a language with single-consonant words and fixed stress. In Experiment 1, Slovak listeners detected real words such as ruka “hand” embedded in prepositional-consonant contexts (e.g., /gruka/) faster than those in nonprepositional-consonant contexts (e.g., /truka/) and slowest in syllable contexts (e.g., /dugruka/). The second experiment controlled for effects of stress. Responses were still fastest in prepositional-consonant contexts, but were now slowest in nonprepositional-consonant contexts. In Experiment 3, the lexical and syllabic status of the contexts was manipulated. Responses were again slowest in nonprepositional-consonant contexts but equally fast in prepositional-consonant, prepositional-vowel, and nonprepositional-vowel contexts. These results suggest that Slovak listeners use fixed stress and the PWC to segment speech, but that single consonants that can be words have a special status in Slovak segmentation. Knowledge about what constitutes a phonologically acceptable word in a given language therefore determines whether vowelless stretches of speech are or are not treated as acceptable parts of the lexical parse.  相似文献   

Vowels are better identified in a consonantal syllabic context than as isolated vowels. This finding is contrary to predictions from traditional theories of vowel perception. The poor perception of isolated vowels might be attributed to a lack of dynamic acoustic cues or to familiarity effects related to the phonological rules of English. Vowel identification tests were conducted using six talkers, nine vowels, and seven syllabic contexts. Consonantal context improved vowel identification; final consonants aided identification more than initial consonants. No consistent support was found for the effect of phonological rules but duration information was seen to play a critical role. Results constitute a challenge to traditional theories of vowel perception.  相似文献   

Recent experiments showed that the perception of vowel length by German listeners exhibits the characteristics of categorical perception. The present study sought to find the neural activity reflecting categorical vowel length and the short-long boundary by examining the processing of non-contrastive durations and categorical length using MEG. Using disyllabic words with varying /a/-durations and temporally-matched nonspeech stimuli, we found that each syllable elicited an M50/M100-complex. The M50-amplitude to the second syllable varied along the durational continuum, possibly reflecting the mapping of duration onto a rhythm representation. Categorical length was reflected by an additional response elicited when vowel duration exceeded the short-long boundary. This was interpreted to reflect the integration of an additional timing unit for long in contrast to short vowels. Unlike to speech, responses to short nonspeech durations lacked a M100 to the first and M50 to the second syllable, indicating different integration windows for speech and nonspeech signals.  相似文献   

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