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This paper presents a brief review of the vocabulary of motives tradition in sociology and argues for its applicability to the study of suicidal motivation. A comparison of motive statements in the notes of suicides and motive statements elicited from a nonsuicidal group reveals a measure of motive standardization. The findings promote viewing suicide motives as social constructions learned in interaction which permit the individual and others to assign meaning and acceptability to the suicidal act.  相似文献   

Our study investigated the association of aggression and suicidal behavior in schizophrenic inpatients. Eight thousand nine hundred one admissions for schizophrenia (1998-2007) to a psychiatric university hospital were included. Schizophrenic suicides (n = 7)/suicide attempters (n = 40) were compared to suicides (n = 30)/suicide attempters (n = 186) with other diagnoses and to schizophrenic non-attempters regarding aggression. Logistic regression analysis was performed to explore risk factors for attempted suicide. Schizophrenic suicides/suicide attempters did not differ from other suicides/suicide attempters or from schizophrenic non-attempters with regard to aggression. Risk of inpatient suicide attempt was increased for patients with attempted suicide at admission, high school graduation, and disorganized subtype. Aggression could not be found to be a predictor of attempted suicide. Aggression seems to have a minor role for suicidal behavior in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Thirty suicides about whom book-length biographies have been written were examined in the framework of the ten statements formulated by Leenaars for each of his ten theories of suicide. Suicides who fit well with particular theories were identified, and the theories compared both for their success in describing the suicides and for their similarity with one another.  相似文献   


Two competing paradigms of suicide imply different views of whether suicide can be rational. The first, the “received orthodoxy” of mental health professionals for more than a century, views all suicides as irrational and holds that suicidal persons should always be prevented from ending their own lives. The second grants that most suicides are irrational, but claims suicide may sometimes be a rational option. Lokhandwala and Westefeld's argument manifests the conflict between these two paradigms: After initially granting that suicide may be a rational option for some people, they in effect urge mental health professionals to presume in practice that any suicidal patient is irrational. Patients for whom suicide might indeed be rational will be ill-served by mental health professionals who follow Lokhandwala and Westefeld's advice.  相似文献   

Our objective was to determine whether the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) World Cup in 1998 had a short-term impact on the number of suicides in France. Exhaustive individual daily data on suicides from 1979 to 2006 were obtained from the French epidemiological center on the medical causes of death (CepiDC-INSERM; France). These data were analyzed using the seasonal ARIMA model. The overall effect of the World Cup was tested together with potential specific impact on days following the French team games. Between 11th June and 11th July, a significant decline of 95 suicides was observed (-10.3%), this effect being the strongest among men and people aged between 30 and 44. A significant decrease was also observed for the days following French team games (-19.9%). Our results are in favor of an effect of nationwide sport events on suicidal behaviors and are consistent with other studies. Many of the theories explaining the relationship between sports and suicide are related to sense of belongingness and social integration, highlighting the importance of social link reinforcement in suicide prevention.  相似文献   

Rates of suicide by jumping show large regional differences. Barriers on bridges may prevent suicides but also may lead to a substitution of jumping site or method. The aim of our study was to compare suicide data from regions with and without suicide bridges and to estimate the effects on method and site substitution if bridges were to be secured. In a national survey, suicide data for the years 1990 to 2003 were collected. Regions with high rates of bridge suicides were identified and compared with regions with low rates, and the analysis revealed that only about one third of the individuals would be expected to jump from buildings or other structures if no bridge was available. The results suggest no method substitution for women. For men, a trend of a substituting jumping by overdosing in regions without suicide bridges was found. We conclude that restricted access to suicide bridges will not automatically lead suicidal individuals to choose another jumping site or suicide method. The results support the notion that securing bridges may save lives.  相似文献   

Statistic methods are used to investigate the discrepancy in the occurrence of suicides and attempted suicides in the urban and rural districts of Brandenburg. Although the socilolgical structures of the rural districts are much like those of the town, there exist obvious discrepancies in the incidence rate. The suicide rate is paradoxically in contrast with what may be expected when one has read the literature. The rate is higher in the rural districts than in the town. The possible causes of this phenomenon are discussed indetail. It is considered recommendable for the planning of preventive measures that not only the figures for actual suicides be taken as a representative rate and starting point, but also the figures for suicidal acts (suicides and attempted suicides).  相似文献   

The prevalence and odds ratios of different suicide risk factors were compared in three pairs of decedents: 80 suicides and 25 injury decedents with blood relatives with suicidal behavior history (biologically exposed); 259 suicides and 126 injury decedents with unrelated acquaintances with suicidal behavior history (socially exposed); and 471 suicides and 523 injury decedents with neither relatives nor acquaintances with suicidal behavior history (unexposed). Negative life events and high psychological stress were more common in socially exposed suicides than in other suicides. The adjusted odds ratios of most established suicide risk factors were higher in unexposed decedents than in biologically or socially exposed decedents, suggesting that the predictive value of established risk factors wanes in individuals who have been exposed to suicidal behavior in family or friends.  相似文献   

In less than 50 years, the rate of suicide among Sri Lankans has risen from a modest level to one of the highest in the world. This article describes the current pattern of suicides, including sex differences and similarities, and reviews some of the institutional practices, material conditions, and social norms that may figure in the increases. A study is reported, which asked how ordinary Sri Lankans account for suicidal behavior and what practices they recommend for assisting suicidal individuals. Gender inflected these accounts, with essentialist accounts associated with women's suicides and contextual accounts associated with men's suicides.  相似文献   

In Mexico, suicides are increasing in certain latitudes where local rates have grown to levels of alert; suicide is also the second most common cause of death for the group aged 15 to 19. The psychological autopsy method was utilized to uncover and analyze common factors in all of the registered suicides within 2011 and 2012 in a small town of the state of Guanajuato, located in the center of Mexico. A total of nine decedents were analyzed, and 22 interviews were conducted. The most salient factors were as follows: poverty, financial stress, substance abuse, low levels of education, conflictive relationships, and a poor handling of emotions. The concepts of social exclusion and vulnerability were employed to analyze suicides as symptoms of a much deeper problem of this country, suggesting that anomie and social malady are nowadays important suicidal factors, mostly for children and young people.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The operation of the Cleveland Suicide Prevention Center is reviewed, and 53 known suicides during the Center's first four years of operation are discussed. A suicide rate of 288 per 100,000 suggests that persons contacting the Center represented a high suicide risk group. Of the suicides, 57 percent were women. This high proportion of females was statistically significant when compared to the smaller percentage of female suicides for Cuyahoga County, Ohio. Of the persons who committed suicide, 26 percent initiated direct contact with the Center themselves, and none recontacted the Center just prior to death. The question is raised whether contact initiated by another may in itself be suggestive of greater suicidal risk. Some of the practical problems in evaluation and referral are discussed.  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about midlife suicides, compared to adolescent and elderly suicides. A life-span model of suicidal behaviors is suggested as a heuristic conceptual tool. General midlife tasks and crises, as outlined by Levinson and Erikson, are reviewed. However, more than routine midlife developmental problems occur in most suicides. Some of the possible distinctive traits of midlife suicides (versus younger and older suicides) include: loss of spouse, years of heavy drinking, reaching the age of high depression risk, and occupational problems (including unemployment, inability to work, and retirement). Midlife suicide rates tend to be highest among white males, although female suicide rates peak in midlife. The paper concludes with a review of assessment and treatment issues related to a half-dozen high-risk midlife suicide types.  相似文献   

Incidence of suicidal ideation and behavior in the United States, 1994.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Completed suicides reflect only a portion of the impact of suicidal behavior; sublethal behaviors cause morbidity and can signal treatable problems such as depression. There is no national quantification of nonlethal suicidal behaviors. The present study used a random-digit-dialed telephone survey to estimate the 12-month incidence of suicidal ideation, planning, and attempts among U.S. adults. Of 5,238 respondents, 5.6% (representing about 10.5 million persons) reported suicidal ideation, 2.7% (about 2.7 million) made a specific suicide plan, and 0.7% (about 700,000) made a suicide attempt (estimate = 1.1 million attempts). Hence, suicidal behaviors are not uncommon and occur along a continuum ranging from ideation to completed suicides. Preventing nonlethal precursor behaviors may prevent deaths.  相似文献   

Results of recent analyses of statistics on suicide in the United States have documented a trend toward increased lethality in the method of choice in female suicides. A brief review of this research is presented, and its implications for female suicidal risk assessment are discussed.  相似文献   

A sample of 40 suicide notes were analyzed for motivational content in relation to an existential‐constructivist theory of suicide. Results generally supported the 4 theoretical categories of somatic, relational, spiritual, and psychological motivations, with 39 notes having content that could be classified according to the aforementioned categories. Psychological motivations were found to be the most prevalent, followed by relational, spiritual, and somatic concerns. Notes of completed suicides included more relational motivations than did those of suicide attempters, and older writers of notes showed more psychological and fewer spiritual motivations than did younger writers. Recommendations are offered for revising the theory to provide a stronger meaning‐based understanding of suicidal behavior.  相似文献   

Although it is usually assumed that all those who commit suicide give some prior indication of their intention to take their own life, there is growing evidence that a small but significant proportion of suicides occur without any clear, explicit indicators. It is proposed that these suicides share similar pathways to other suicides but that the despair involved is not expressed so clearly, often being kept secret. In order to identify such suicides and potential suicides it is helpful to have an indicator of the dominant sub‐sets of constituents that are precursors to suicide. A 14‐item Suicide Precursors Scale (SPS) was therefore developed. This was applied to 128 cases of suicide that occurred between January 1997 and December 2000 in Stockport (South Manchester, UK). A very high alpha coefficient of 0.98 supported the reliability and homogeneity of the SPS. A Multi‐Dimensional Scaling (MDS) analysis of the SPS revealed three prototypical sub‐sets of expressions of suicidal actions—illness, life circumstances, and depressive history. These are offered as coherent themes in the life of potential suicides, which may be of assistance both in determining whether an equivocal death is suicide or not, and in alerting caring agencies to the potential for suicide even when the despair is kept secret. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Bipolar disorders are prevalent, often severe, and disabling illnesses with elevated lethality largely due to suicide. Suicide rates average approximately 1% annually, or perhaps 60 times higher than the international population rate of 0.015% annually. Suicidal acts typically occur early in bipolar disorders and in association with severe depressive or mixed states. The high lethality of suicidal acts in bipolar disorders is suggested by a much lower ratio of attempts:suicide (approximately 3:1) than in the general population (approximately 30:1). Risk factors can help to identify patients at increased suicidal risk, but ongoing clinical assessment is essential to limit risk. Empirical short-term interventions to manage acute suicidal risk include close clinical supervision, rapid hospitalization, and electroconvulsive therapy. Remarkably, however, evidence of the long-term effectiveness of most treatments against suicidal behavior is rare. A notable exception is lithium prophylaxis, which is associated with consistent evidence of major (approximately 80%), sustained relative reductions of risk of suicides and attempts, and lower lethality (increased attempts:suicide ratio). Such benefits are unproved for other treatments commonly used to treat bipolar disorder patients, including anticonvulsants, antipsychotics, antidepressants, and psychosocial interventions. Applying available knowledge systematically, with close and sustained clinical supervision, can enhance management of suicidal risk in bipolar disorders patients.  相似文献   

The prevalence of suicidal ideation among college students   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A total of 737 university students were surveyed using a psychometrically sound self-report measure of suicidal ideation. Over 43% of those participating were found to have experienced some level of suicidal ideation during the previous year. Of those found to have had suicidal thoughts, 14.9% in some way acted on those thoughts without actually making suicide attempts. An additional 5.5% were found to have made attempts on their lives. Serious suicidal ideation and actual attempts were related to several demographic traits, and implications of the results are discussed. In general, findings indicate that the problem of youth suicide may involve a greater percentage of young people than previously thought. Moreover, findings provide indirect support for the hypothesis that the difference in male-female completed suicide rates is primarily a function of the lethality of the attempts.  相似文献   

The differences between shame and guilt are explored, with a focus on experiential and developmental factors and on behavioral reactions to these emotions. The role of shame as a motive for suicidal behavior is illustrated with examples of suicidal behavior in Greek tragedy, Asian cultures, and jails, and among contemporary suicides, such as that in 1996 by Admiral Mike Boorda, Chief of U.S. Naval Operations.  相似文献   

The UK government's health strategy, The Health of the Nation , included a target for reducing the population suicide rates by 15% over an 8-year period [Department of Health (1992), London: HMSO]. This thrust has been carried forward in subsequent work embodied in the ninth standard of the National Service Framework for Mental Health [Department of Health (1999), London: HMSO] and Safety First: FiveYear Report of the National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Homicide by People with Mental Illness [Department of Health (2001), London: HMSO]. A crucial aspect in reducing suicide rates is the accurate assessment of those who may be at risk to enable appropriate interventions to take place.While any person who wants to end his or her own life may find a way to do so, it is most important for the clinician to approach any potential suicide with the conviction that it is possible to prevent at least some suicides. This paper outlines best practice regarding the exploration and assessment of suicidal ideation and suicidal potential.  相似文献   

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