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Two experiments were conducted to study the effect of retention interval and information load on short-term recognition memory in retarded subjects. The task consisted of an input trial of 1–15 pictures followed by a test trial of one picture, with the subject having to press different levers to indicate whether the probe picture had been present on the input trial. Retention intervals between input trial and test trial were manipulated over a range of 1–24 sec. Both accuracy and latency of response were measured. Results showed that latency increased and accuracy decreased as a function of both retention interval and number of stimuli. In addition, number of stimuli interacted with retention interval such that accuracy was not affected by retention interval when information input was small, but decreased quite dramatically at longer retention intervals when input was larger. The results were discussed in terms of current memory search models for both normal and retarded subjects.  相似文献   

The experiments reported in this paper were designed to test how global and local information are processed by the memory system. When subjects are required to match a given letter with either a previously presented large capital letter or the small capital letters comprising it, (1) responses to the global level (i.e. the big letter) are faster than responses to the local level (i.e. the small letters), and (2) responses to the latter level only are affected by the consistency between the large and the small letters (Experiment 2), a pattern similar to that obtained in perception (Experiment 1). Such results obtain when subjects are required to attend to only one level with a short ISI between the first and second stimulus, but not when a longer ISI is used (Experiment 5) or when subjects are required to attend to both levels at the same time (Experiments 3 and 4). The results are discussed in the light of a model that postulates a temporal precedence of the global information over the local one at the perceptual level.  相似文献   

Event-based prospective memory (PM) is related to the ability to execute a previously planned action at the appropriate situation. Previous literature showed enhanced performance when emotional stimuli are used as PM targets. However, it was entirely unexplored whether this effect is susceptible to prospective memory load (PML), related to the number of target events that are relevant for the pending PM task. Here we presented participants with angry or neutral faces for an identity judgment (ongoing task). A different number of faces, depending on low vs. high levels of PML, served as PM targets. The results showed better PM performance following negative than neutral targets, but only under low levels of PML. This indicates that the bottom-up facilitation driven by negative stimuli serving as PM targets dramatically depends on the available attention resources allocated for monitoring the incoming information.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence obtained with neutral stimuli has shown that selective attention relies on working memory functions as distractor processing occurs under conditions of high but not of low working memory load. We investigated whether these findings also hold for affectively valent distractors. In three experiments, participants completed the original Flanker task with famous people (Exps 1 and 2) and an affective Flanker task (Exp. 3) in which positive and negative words were presented superimposed onto happy, angry, and neutral faces under conditions of high or low working memory load. In line with past findings, results showed greater interference effects due to processing of distractors showing known people under high working memory load. In contrast interference effects due to processing of valent distractors occurred regardless of working memory load. The present findings are in contrast with those reported with neutral stimuli as they indicate that automatic evaluation of incoming affectively valent information occurs regardless of task priorities and of working memory load.  相似文献   

抑郁症患者在工作记忆内情绪刺激加工的特点为倾向于加工与负性心境一致的材料, 被认为是抑郁症认知易感性的核心特征。目前研究者们围绕抑郁症工作记忆中央执行系统三个子功能的情绪刺激加工特点及其作用机制进行了大量研究, 发现在更新功能上, 患者难以移除负性情绪信息, 且在正性信息的加工上存在缺损; 在抑制功能上, 患者难以抑制无关负性情绪信息进入工作记忆; 在转换功能上, 患者情绪材料转换困难的研究证据尚不充分。神经生理与脑成像的研究初步表明, 工作记忆中的情绪刺激加工与抑郁症患者背外侧前额叶和前扣带回的功能激活水平异常有关。未来研究需评估工作记忆三个子功能对抑郁症状的差异性贡献及在情绪刺激加工上的统一性, 并探究其随疾病发生发展变化的轨迹, 谨慎选取并评估不同情绪刺激材料指标的诱发效应及其对工作记忆功能的独特影响。在此基础上, 深入探究工作记忆内情绪刺激加工的神经机制, 为工作记忆偏向矫正干预的临床应用及其预期效果提供理论依据和方向。  相似文献   

Our study aimed to examine the role of perceptual load in eyewitness memory and susceptibility to misinformation and establish whether trait-based memory specificity protects against misinformation. Participants (n = 264) viewed a video depicting a crime and completed a memory questionnaire immediately afterwards and 1 week later. Memory specificity was measured using the Autobiographical Memory Test (AMT). Higher AMT scores were associated with better memory accuracy. Performance was worse in the high load compared to the low load condition at immediate recall. However, this effect was not seen for every question and load did not influence eyewitness identifications. To test the possibility that load effects were not fully captured by the questionnaire in experiment 1, we conducted a second experiment (n = 120) where we systematically manipulated misinformation about central and peripheral details. We found no effects. Our findings suggest that high perceptual load enhances eyewitness suggestibility, while specific autobiographical memory protects against misinformation.  相似文献   

The present studies were designed to examine the role of place cues in memory retrieval during early infancy. Three-month-old infants were trained to move a mobile by kicking. Two weeks later, memory retrieval was disrupted if they were reminded in a location or place different from where they had been trained, but not if they were reminded in the same place (Experiment 1A). The same result was obtained even though highly salient cues in their immediate visual surround remained unchanged during reminding (Experiments 1B and 1C). No disruption was seen, however, when retrieval was cued in a different place after only 1 day (Experiment 2). These findings unequivocally demonstrate that infants as young as 3 months encode incidental information about the place where an event occurs and suggest that early memories are buffered against retrieval in potentially inappropriate contexts over the long term.  相似文献   

Recent research in language comprehension indicates a constructive encoding process in which the linguistic input is transformed into some more general semantic structure which is stored. In attempting to characterize the nature of such structures, some conflicting findings have been observed for paragraphs which describe similar set-theoretic relations, linear orderings and set inclusions. While the linear ordering research supports the constructivist theory, the set inclusion work does not. The set inclusion studies, however, employed true-false tests and not the usual recognition tests. The present study investigated the processing of set inclusion paragraphs in a self-paced study/recognition test paradigm. Results supported the constructivist theory and were contrary to predictions based upon the previous set inclusion research. Subjects were unable to differentiate between presented information and unpresented deducible information. These results were discussed in terms of accuracy constraints of different tasks on memorial performance and a possible interaction of Type of Test by Universal Quantification.  相似文献   

This study aimed to test the hypothesis that impairments of temporal duration processing after frontal lobe lesions reflect deficits in executive monitoring functions rather than a domain-specific deficit in the maintenance of duration information in working memory. Patients with frontodorsal lesions, clinical controls with post-central lesions, and healthy controls performed recognition and classification tasks, which should allow for testing maintenance and monitoring functions, respectively. Results showed mild non-selective impairments of the frontal patients on both temporal and spatial recognition tasks, but a marked selective degradation on temporal classification while performance on spatial classification was unimpaired. This suggests that maintenance of duration information in working memory after frontal lesions is basically preserved but that, depending on executive task characteristics, there is a specific deficit in the strategic organization of this type of information.  相似文献   

Attribution difficulty and memory for attribution-relevant information   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This research compared the processing and retrieval of attribution-relevant information when the attributional inference is easy or difficult to make. Subjects attributed behavioral events to the person or to the situation, based on several items of context information. Each context sentence implied either the person or the entity as causal agent. When the attributional inference was difficult to make (an equal number of context sentences implied actor and entity as the causal agent), subjects recalled more of the behavioral events, recalled more context sentences, and were less confident in their attributions than when the attributional inference was easy to make (most context sentences implied the same causal agent). Subjects also recalled context information that was implicationally incongruent with the majority of the other context sentences with a higher probability than when that same information was implicationally congruent.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the probed recall of visually presented letter sequences in which the items appeared at different spatial locations. Three types of probe were compared: (1) spatial position; (2) temporal association; and (3) combined position and association. In the first experiment, in which the spatial locations of the items were correlated with their temporal order, spatial probes were more effective than temporal association probes. In the second experiment spatial location was uncorrelated with temporal order, and spatial probes were less effective than temporal association probes. Regardless of the probe, errors tended to be items presented close in time to correct responses: spatial proximity was far less important. The results are discussed in terms of a storage system in which items and their spatial locations are organized within a temporal format. Both experiments showed superior combined probe performance, demonstrating that short-term retrieval is not limited to the use of one type of cue at a time. Secondary aspects of the results showed additionally that subjects can “edit” their responses to avoid making obvious mistakes, and that spatial location can be partially forgotten rather than being completely lost.  相似文献   

Subjects studied either faces composed from visual features or verbal facts composed from concepts. Recognition times were increased for both faces and facts when they were composed of elements that occurred in multiple study items. In Experiment 1 the interfering effect of other study items was much larger for verbal facts than for faces. This difference was largely eliminated in Experiment 2 where care was taken to control the features by which the faces were encoded. Experiment 2 also showed that verbal information could interfere with pictorial information and vice versa. However, this cross-modality interference was much weaker than within-modality interference. The data are consistent with the ACT theory in which pictorial material and verbal material are stored together in an abstract propositional network. The subnode model (Anderson, Language, memory, and thought, Hillsdale, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1976) can account for the greater within- than cross-modality interference.  相似文献   

Behavior change is central to both prevention and treatment of many chronic diseases. Frequently, however, individuals do not initiate the behavior change recommendations suggested by health professionals. One explanation for low rates of compliance with such recommendations may be selective memory biases in favor of information supporting the idea that one is healthy. Two studies examined whether memory for health information would be biased by preexisting health beliefs. In the first study (N?=?113), individuals' attitudes about the value of alcohol consumption influenced their memory for pro- versus anti-alcohol information. Participants showed better memory for information supporting their attitudes. In Study 2 (N?=?50), memory for behavioral recommendations depended on participants' behavioral practices. Participants displayed better memory for behavioral recommendations consistent with the idea that they were healthy than for recommendations which challenged those beliefs. These findings illustrate an additional manner in which selective processing can affect health promotion efforts, suggest that a motivation to maintain existing health beliefs may underlie the memory differences, and demonstrate that there may be value in developing efforts to ensure that people remember potentially threatening health recommendations.  相似文献   

The frequently cited finding that mood-congruent information can be better recalled than mood-incongruent information is tested using categorically organized stimulus material which imposes a systematic structure on the recall process. A target person was described with respect to six categories of social behaviour, with predominantly desirable behaviours in some categories and predominantly undesirable behaviours in others. Participants were induced either an elated mood state or a neutral state using Velten's procedure. Instructions (impression formation versus memory) were also manipulated. Although the mood manipulation apparently worked and did influence the impression judgments of the target person, it did not selectively facilitate the recall of mood-congruent material, neither at the level of specific items nor at the categorical level. However, when only deviating behaviours are considered which do not fit the structural constraints, mood-congruent information is indeed better recalled. To interpret these results, it is argued that the manifestation of mood effects depends on the restrictions of different tasks or response modes. Three other findings were obtained: Superior recall of redundant, structurally consistent information compared with deviating information; an advantage of positive over negative information which is confined to the impression formation condition; and, surprisingly, an incongruency effect for the encoding mood which may reflect the deeper processing of incongruent material.  相似文献   

Load theory predicts that concurrent working memory load impairs selective attention and increases distractor interference (N. Lavie, A. Hirst, J. W. de Fockert, & E. Viding). Here, the authors present new evidence that the type of concurrent working memory load determines whether load impairs selective attention or not. Working memory load was paired with a same/different matching task that required focusing on targets while ignoring distractors. When working memory items shared the same limited-capacity processing mechanisms with targets in the matching task, distractor interference increased. However, when working memory items shared processing with distractors in the matching task, distractor interference decreased, facilitating target selection. A specialized load account is proposed to describe the dissociable effects of working memory load on selective processing depending on whether the load overlaps with targets or with distractors.  相似文献   

Despite a great deal of research on the processing of numerical magnitude (e.g., the quantity denoted by the number 5), few studies have investigated how this magnitude information relates to the ordinal properties of numbers (e.g., the fact that 5 is the fifth integer). In the present study, we investigated order-related processing of numbers, as well as months of the year, with a novel ordering task to see whether the processing of order information differs from the processing of magnitude information. In Experiments 1 and 2, participants were shown three numbers (Experiment 1) or three months (Experiment 2) and were required to indicate whether the stimuli were in the correct order. In Experiment 3, participants were again shown three numbers; however, now they were instructed to indicate whether the three numbers were ordered in a forward, backward, or mixed direction. Whereas number comparison tasks typically reveal distance effects (comparisons become easier with increased distance between two numbers), these three experiments reveal a different pattern of results. There were reverse distance effects when the stimuli crossed a boundary (i.e., when numbers crossed a decade or months crossed the year boundary) and no effect of distance when the stimuli did not cross a boundary (i.e., when numbers were within a decade and months were within the January—December calendar year). These data suggest that additional mechanisms are involved in the processing of order information: a scanning mechanism and a long-term memory checking mechanism.  相似文献   

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