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A content analysis was performed on 43 articles published between 1970 and 1998 discerned as relating family systems theory (FST) frameworks and constructs to organizational consultation. Frameworks and constructs were coded and then investigated in relation to four independent variables: type of organization, decade of article publication, gender, and educational training of author. Results indicate that the use of FST frameworks and constructs vary depending upon the characteristics of the organization, time period, and consultant. Results highlight specific FST frameworks and constructs most common in organizational consultation.  相似文献   

Organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) describe actions in which employees are willing to go above and beyond their prescribed role requirements. Theory suggests and recent research supports the notion that these behaviors are correlated with indicators of organizational effectiveness. Studies have yet to explore whether relationships between OCB and organizational effectiveness are generalizable to non-United States samples. The present study examined relationships between OCB and indicators of organizational effectiveness—employee-level customer-service behavior; and unit-level measures of profit, efficiency, and customer perceptions of service quality—for bank branches in Taiwan. The results suggest significant relationships between OCB and a number of the indicators of effectiveness. Implications and limitations of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

This one-year study explored the impact of an occupational therapy consultation model on housing status and goal attainment among 57 people with severe mental illness who were homeless or at risk of homelessness. A repeated-measure experimental design was used. Although results were mixed, the significant improvement in housing stability and goal attainment six months into the study supports the value of continued research on the effects of both direct and consultative occupational therapy intervention on client goal attainment.  相似文献   

The mental health field now possesses clinical trials attesting to the efficacy of affirmative practice with sexual minority individuals. With the goal of efficiently moving the results of these clinical trials into real-world clinical practice, this paper offers a model for adapting existing evidence-based practices originally developed for the general population to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer (LGBQ)-affirmative. The adaptation model presented here guides clinicians to incorporate six LGBQ-affirmative transtheoretical principles of change into practice. These principles facilitate raising awareness of the impact of minority stress on sexual minority clients’ mental health and on client self-evaluation while drawing upon sexual minority resilience and intersectional experiences to build empowering coping skills and validating relationships. The adaptation model also provides a transtheoretical approach to case conceptualization that directs clinicians to consider the role of early and ongoing minority stress on sexual minority clients’ cognitive, affective, motivational, behavioral, and self-evaluative experiences that maintain current distress. This case conceptualization approach highlights common associations among these experiences, suggesting clear routes of interventions for many sexual minority client presentations. Case examples from recent clinical trials of LGBQ-affirmative cognitive-behavioral therapy illustrate how these principles and this case conceptualization can be effectively utilized in practice. While the principles and case conceptualization are meant to be transtheoretical and therefore applicable across therapeutic techniques, to date they have been tested only in clinical trials for cognitive-behavioral treatments. Therefore, this paper concludes with a call for future research to determine the effectiveness of implementing this adaptation model across diverse therapeutic modalities and client presentations.  相似文献   

Studies on the training of individuals for task performance in stressful situations have typically considered two approaches. One approach requires that, while training on the task, trainees be exposed to stressors of a kind and intensity characteristic of the situations for which they are being trained ("high fidelity" training). Such an approach might suffer from the interference of stressors with task acquisition. Another approach allows the trainee to train on the task in a stress-free environment or under low-intensity stressors ("low fidelity" training). This approach leaves the trainee insufficiently prepared for task performance under stress. The present study compared these two basic approaches to three forms of "phased" training, which consisted of different combinations of three separate and distinct training phases: a phase which allows the trainee to acquire the task under stress- free conditions; a phase which allows him or her to passively experience the stressor; and a phase in which newly acquired skills are practiced under stress. The results showed that a phased training process which combines the first and third phases just described, is more effective than either "high fidelity" training or "low fidelity" training.  相似文献   

Putting Self-Regulation Theory into Practice: A User's Manual   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cervone, Shadel, Smith, and Fiori (2006 ) propose that theories of personality architecture may provide an integrative theoretical framework for self-regulation research. Building further on this argument, the present paper considers one comprehensive modern approach to personality architecture, personality systems interactions (PSI) theory. The authors provide a brief overview of PSI theory and discuss a simple, three-step "user's manual" that has guided applications of the theory to real-life behavior. Work on PSI theory highlights some of the integrative potential of personality science in the field of self-regulation. The authors conclude that theories of personality architecture may improve the quality and precision of the counselling, coaching, and training that psychologists in many diverse areas provide.  相似文献   

王碧英  高日光 《心理科学进展》2014,22(10):1532-1542
公仆型领导以服务员工为导向, 在本质上超越了以往任何一种以组织利益为先的领导方式。然而, 国内该主题的研究还很不系统。本研究首先在中国组织情境下, 采用质化研究与量化研究相结合的方式, 探讨公仆型领导的结构维度, 建构公仆型领导的测量量表; 然后以团队及其成员为研究对象, 采用追踪研究设计, 收集“管理者-员工”配对数据, 运用结构方程模型、多元回归分析以及多层线性模型技术进行统计分析, 从而探讨公仆型领导的有效性。具体包括三个研究:(1)公仆型领导的结构与测量研究; (2)公仆型领导有效性的追踪研究—— 基于领导行为比较的视角(是否有效); (3)公仆型领导有效性的追踪研究—— 基于作用机制的视角(如何有效)。研究结果有助于澄清公仆型领导的内涵与维度结构, 识别和测量公仆型领导行为, 证实公仆型领导的有效性, 比较公仆型领导与家长式领导、变革型领导的影响效果, 揭开公仆型领导对个体绩效和团队绩效的作用机制。  相似文献   

This pragmatic study evaluated the effectiveness of a collaborative assessment intervention as an approach to midtherapy consultation, which has yet to be empirically tested. Ten adult participants in ongoing psychotherapy with a variety of presenting concerns, primarily consisting of general mood and adjustment issues, received a brief assessment-based intervention based on Finn's (2007) Therapeutic Assessment model. Following the collection of assessment questions and the administration of a multimethod assessment battery, clients and therapists participated in a joint feedback session with the assessor. Clients were then followed as their psychotherapy continued. The results of idiographic and aggregate analytic approaches revealed significant reductions in client-reported symptomatic distress, as evidenced by a medium effect size (d = –.50) and a significant change in the trajectory of distress. Client reports of the process of psychotherapy revealed a significant increase in the clients’ ratings of the working alliance. The findings suggest that a midtherapy consultation using collaborative/therapeutic assessment methods is beneficial but that further rigorous investigation is needed.  相似文献   

This article discusses the [development and] use of a video life-world schema to explore alternative orientations to the shared health consultation. It is anticipated that this schema can be used by practitioners and consumers alike to understand the dynamics of videoed health consultations, the role of the participants within it and the potential to consciously alter the outcome by altering behaviour during the process of interaction. The study examines health consultation participation and develops an interpretative method of analysis that includes image elicitation (via videos), phenomenology (to identify the components of the analytic framework), narrative (to depict the stories of interactions) and a reflexive mode (to develop shared meaning through a conceptual framework for analysis). The analytic framework is derived from a life-world conception of human mutual shared interaction which is presented here as a novel approach to understanding patient-centred care. The video materials used in this study were derived from consultations in a Walk-in Centre (WiC) in East London. The conceptual framework produced through the process of video analysis is comprised of different combinations of movement, knowledge and emotional conversations that are used to classify objective or engaged WiC health care interactions. The videoed interactions organise along an active or passive, facilitative or directive typical situation continuum illustrating different kinds of textual approaches to practice that are in tension or harmony. The schema demonstrates how practitioners and consumers interact to produce these outcomes and indicates the potential for both consumers and practitioners to be educated to develop practice dynamics that support patient-centred care and impact on health outcomes.  相似文献   

Theory suggests that individuals who are high in emotional intelligence are likely to exhibit a higher level of performance outcomes. However, research acknowledges the need to further establish the connection between emotional intelligence and work outcomes. We address this call by empirically examining the relationship between emotional intelligence and two aspects of work outcomes (task performance and two forms of organizational citizenship behaviors, altruism and compliance). Emotional intelligence was assessed by Schutte et al.'s (1998) self-report measure of emotional intelligence, whereas work outcomes were assessed by the employees' supervisors. The findings show positive relationships between emotional intelligence and employees' work outcomes.  相似文献   

《Humanistic Psychologist》2013,41(3):213-246
Two concepts form the basis of this study: a collaborative research design and a qualitative analysis of data. Participants and investigators were partners in the study, with the expectation that all would benefit from the joint effort. A qualitative analysis of the data was employed to arrive at a process-oriented, contextualized, dynamic perspective on relationships. Females, randomly paired into dyads, met for 1 hour per week for 9 weeks, individually writing commentaries of their experiences talking together and building relationships. The investigators' analyses focus on similarities-differences, self-disclosure, emotion, and intimacy, illustrating the complexities of relationship formation that emerge when examining the data with a multidimensional lens.  相似文献   

Dans cette étude, on a examiné l’influence de l’état des attributions et le style attributionnel (AS) sur la persistance à court‐terme d’un échec perçu à une tâche de putting. 101 élèves débutants en golf ont participéà cette recherche. Deux épreuves de 8 putts ont été interrompues chacune pendant trois minutes. Durant cette période, on a mesuré la persistance individuelle en comptant le nombre de fois que le sujet essayait de putter. L’analyse des résultats montre que le style attributionnel influence la persistance à court‐terme contrairement à l’état des attributions. Les sujets ayant un AS “fort contrôle personnel” font montre de plus de persistance que ceux ayant un AS “faible contrôle personnel”. Ces résultats confirment ceux obtenus lors de recherches antérieures sur les bénéfices motivationnels d’un style attributionnel “optimiste” dans des situations d’échec lors de la réalisation d’une tâche. Des attributions instables sont particulièrement bénéfiques aux sujets ayant un AS externe/incontrôlable. Ces derniers ont un niveau significativement plus élevé de persistance que les sujets ayant un AS externe/incontrôlable mais qui ont fait des attributions causales stables. This study investigated the influence of state‐attributions and attributional style (AS) on short‐term persistence in a putting task during perceived failure. Participants were 101 novice golf students. Two trials of eight putts each were interrupted by a 3‐minute free period during which individual persistence was measured by calculating the number of putts attempted in the free period. Analyses revealed that attributional style influenced short‐term putting persistence but state‐attributions did not. Participants with a “high personal control” AS showed greater persistence than those with a “low personal control” AS, which supports past research on the positive motivational benefits of a more “optimistic” attributional style in task failure situations. Moreover, unstable attributions were particularly protective for individuals with an external/uncontrollable AS, in that they promoted significantly higher levels of persistence than was shown by external/uncontrollable AS individuals who made stable causal attributions.  相似文献   


Recent findings suggest that organizational culture and learning impact organizational performances. We report the results of an organizational change program focused upon strengthening further productivity in a public sector organization. The findings suggest that systematic and structured programs that include specific organizational goals, performance measures, performance feedback mechanisms, and incentives yield enhancements of targeted organizational performances. We present guidelines to promote organizational change and suggest that perceived collective efficacy plays an important role in changing organizational culture.


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