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Although it is generally assumed that Tyndale's Prologue to the Epistle to Romans (1526) is a translation of Luther's Preface (1522), this article examines those places where Tyndale deviated from a straight translation of Luther's text, and supports Thomas More's statement that Tyndale was a worse heretic than Luther. Tyndale's doctrine of God, the Father, Christ, and especially of the Holy Spirit, faith, righteousness, flesh and spirit, the state of fallen man and the temporal regiment show Tyndale was not doctrinally a Lutheran when he wrote his Prologue to Romans.  相似文献   

志心皈命 :三清上圣 ,诸天高真 ,一切大神 ,悯念垂慈 ,鉴纳祈祷 :愿赐惠泽 ,普佑世人 ,愿赐恩光 ,拯危救苦。天灾永消 ,人祸不兴 ,国境清平 ,物阜年丰 ;弭兵息战 ,世界和平 ,人各互敬 ,博爱齐同 ,睦邻友好 ,互信以诚 ,化干戈为玉帛 ,释冤结为祥和。元首吉庆 ,黎庶康宁 ,凶恶化贤 ,邪魔归正 ,冤仇和释 ,谅解包容 ,永葆熙洽清宁 ,共享太平繁荣。为国捐躯 ,因灾殒命 ,饿殍饥鬼 ,含怨冤魂 ,愿藉神光力 ,一切得解脱 ,藉此胜会因 ,皆生入天界。是所至诚祈祷 ,恭望圣慈 ,俯垂洞鉴 !祈祷词$中国道教协会!会长@闵智亭…  相似文献   

Freud's theory of melancholia has lately experienced a renaissance among those interested in the creative potentialities of the psyche. In this essay, I consider the ways in which melancholia can contribute to the actualization of these potentialities by preparing the ground in which inspiration can later take root. I also outline the circumstances in which the melancholy subject's refusal to abandon its lost objects represents an entirely valid response to loss. At the same time, I propose that if the subject is to develop an affirmative and imaginatively supple relationship to its psychic history, it must in the end move from melancholia to meaning production. Insofar as melancholia signals the psyche's inability or stubborn unwillingness to move forward, its powers by necessity remain dormant until the subject is able to exchange its sadness for the versatile meaning-making capacities of the signifier. I moreover argue that it is only when the subject is able to transcend its melancholia enough to begin to desire new objects that it can develop loving and responsible relationships with others—that it can begin to welcome others in their own terms rather than reducing them to its own narcissistic image.  相似文献   

Torsional eye movements are triggered by head tilt and a rotating visual field. We examined whether attention to a misoriented form could also induce torsion. Thirty-six observers viewed an adapting field containing a bright vertical Une, and then they viewed a display that was composed of two misoriented words (one rotated clockwise, the other counterclockwise, by 15°, 30°, or 45°). The subjects were instructed to attend to one of the words. The subjects’ adjustments of a reference line to match the tilt of the afterimage showed that attention to a misoriented word produces torsional eye movement (verified with direct measurements on 4 additional subjects). This eye movement reduces the retinal misorientation of the word by about 1°. The results of this study reinforce the linkage between selective attention and eye movements and may provide a useful tool for dissecting different forms of “mental rotation” and other adjustments in internal reference frames. Apparent-motion displays confirming that the eye rotated in the head may be downloaded from www.psychonomic.org/archive.  相似文献   

In this paper the author shows that human beings have two quasi‐instinctual primitive tendencies – namely, the compulsion to confess and the compulsion to judge (to condemn or to absolve). These compulsions are originally unconscious and become conscious during the course of the analytic process. The compulsion to judge is a natural consequence of the compulsion to confess. These two tendencies are intensified by the analytic situation. The patient has a compulsion to confess to the analyst and to himself, and likewise the analyst has a compulsion to confess to himself and to the patient. The patient therefore has a compulsion to judge himself as good or bad and to judge the analyst as good or bad while, on the other hand, the analyst has a compulsion to judge himself as good or bad and to judge the patient as good or bad. The task of analysis is to make both patient and analyst conscious of their compulsions to confess and to judge (to condemn or to absolve). The compulsion to judge in the analyst, particularly if unconscious, may give rise to mistakes in diagnosis, technique, treatment, and the assessment of analysability. The requirement of analytic neutrality in the analyst constantly conflicts with his compulsion to judge. If we are profoundly involved in our patient's dramatic conflict, we are bound to pass a judgement (condemnation or absolution); however, when we judge, we are not neutral and therefore become incapable of intellectual consciousness of the patient's conflict. Conversely, if we do not judge, we are neutral, but are then relatively uninvolved in the patient's conflict and are hence virtually unable to achieve emotional consciousness. The author attempts to show that neutrality cannot and must not be a preconstituted attitude in the analyst, but can and must be a point of arrival following a profound, intensely felt existential experience based on an attitude of non‐condemnation and non‐absolution.  相似文献   

This study explored gender differences in escalatory tendencies, defined as individuals' intentions to react when faced with the prospect of potential aggression from others. The escalatory tendencies are based on an interaction unit of analysis, which is a proxy representation of behavioral intention from planned behavior theory. This study consists of a convenience sample of 264 male and female participants who were asked to report their escalatory tendencies following verbal and physical forms of aggression committed by various hypothetical offenders, including their intimate partner at home, as well as the men and women at work who are in higher, lower, or equal positions. The main findings support the assumptions that escalatory tendencies toward verbal aggression are higher than those toward physical aggression; that escalatory tendencies at work are higher toward lower status workers than toward those of higher status; that escalatory tendencies within the same gender are higher than between genders; and that women tend to escalate more against their spouses than do men. The findings emphasize the importance of studying aggression and escalatory tendencies in context. Aggr. Behav. 32:1–9, 2006. © 2006 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   


In this article, career firefighters from Oklahoma City, New York City, and Arlington County, VA, and volunteer firefighters from Pennsylvania, share their on-site experiences and the emotional aftermath of responding to terrorism. The authors acted as facilitators, compilers, and organizers so that major themes firefighters have raised are presented to inform the work of first responders and others seeking to understand the experiences of firefighters during and after terrorist incidents. The authors conclude by presenting survey data indicating high levels of firefighter job satisfaction and the major sources of emotional support they use following exposure to terrorism.  相似文献   

The process of retrofit change from traditional work structures to a team structure is described from the viewpoint of employees engaged in the process. Results of extensive interviews and factor analysis of a questionnaire administered to a large group of incipient team members revealed four general factors of concern in this transition to teams. Relationships between these factors and performance improvement over time were found.  相似文献   

市场经济伦理辨析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对市场经济伦理的研究在经济伦理学学科体系的建立和发展中具有基础性意义。市场经济伦理是一个区别于经济伦理和经济伦理学的概念 ,它包括表达市场机制自身的伦理意蕴、处理市场经济主体利益矛盾的伦理原则以及评价市场经济活动参与者行为是否正当的伦理规则等内容。在研究市场经济伦理时 ,应当区分伦理和道德不同的适用语境。  相似文献   

Pathways to reading: the role of oral language in the transition to reading   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
What is the role of oral language in reading competence during the transition to school? Is oral language in preschool best conceptualized as vocabulary knowledge or as more comprehensive language including grammar, vocabulary, and semantics? These questions were examined longitudinally using 1,137 children from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development. Children were followed from age 3 through 3rd grade, and the results suggest that oral language conceptualized broadly plays both a direct and an indirect role in word recognition during the transition to school and serves as a better foundation for early reading skill than does vocabulary alone. Implications of these findings are discussed in terms of both theoretical models of early reading and practical implications for policy and assessment.  相似文献   

The perspective of deliberative choice is constitutively from here. This simple truth carries significant implications for our agency and integrity, some of which are the focus of Wallace's thought‐provoking essay. Wallace is concerned with the discrepancy between our present attachments and the rational justification of past decisions, which threatens our personal and moral integrity. 1 In what follows, I raise some questions about Wallace's claim that attachments make us immune to regret and, ultimately, about his account of the impact of contingency in our practical thought. My argument revolves around two cases of immunity to regret, due to the agent's attachment to a ground project. Contrary to Wallace, I argue that in these cases the agent's inability to regret that things had not gone otherwise is neither unreasonable nor morally objectionable.  相似文献   

佛教文献记录的梁武帝天监三年发菩提心"舍道"一事,因时间、人物等衔接问题,引发诸多争议。本文从文献记载及流传情况着手,结合分析梁初佛、道二教之争,指出梁武帝天监三年发菩提心"舍道",是佛、道二教斗争的结果。  相似文献   

Children are exposed to differences in adult interactive styles from an early age. The Ainsworth Strange Situation. designed as a standard measure to activate attachment behaviors in the young child, allows us to examine the child's reaction to individual differences in strangers' styles. In the present study, the effect of 11 different strangers was examined to determine if different stranger styles influenced the scoring of behavioral ratings of the child's behavior in the Strange Situation. Boys and girls reacted differently to the different strangers. Eighteen-month-old children showed more variations in their reactions to different interactional styles than did 12-month-olds. Boys showed more resistance and avoidance to strangers who used more direction and initiation. Girls did not react this way. The results are discussed in terms of the child's expectations of sex-determined styles of interaction learned from past social interactions.This research was supported by Grant MH 37911 to the senior author from the Behavioral Sciences Research Branch, Family Processes Division, NIMH, U.S. PHS and Grant HD 17571 from the National Institute of Child Health and Development.  相似文献   

宋儒疑经改经的"通弊"本是由窥求"圣人之意"而来。他们对《康诰》文字错简及到底是成王书还是武王书的论证,态度是严谨的,且具有较充分的理由;而对《尚书》相关篇次顺序的考辨,也是在"穷其理"而认真思考后得出。有无"是理"是宋儒认定典籍是否为圣人所作的基本标准。  相似文献   

This study explores the factors underlying the reporting intentions of cycling crashes by looking at barriers to reporting from other contexts and eliciting them via a survey and a structural equation model (SEM). The barriers consist of the attitude that crash reporting is useless, the preference to allocate time to other activities, the concerns about family distress and social image, the distrust in the police, and the medical consultation aversion. The survey elicited the reasons as well as socio-economic characteristics, cycling habits and last crash experience of cyclists, and yielded 1512 complete responses that were used for SEM estimation. The empirical analysis revealed that: (i) distrust in the police and medical consultation aversion are related to the reporting intentions both directly and indirectly through the attitude that crash reporting is useless and the preferences to allocate time to other activities; (ii) medical consultation aversion has a higher weight than the distrust in the police in demotivating cycling crash reporting intentions; (iii) the reasons are all strongly related to cyclists’ characteristics and last cycling crash characteristics; and (iv) information provision regarding the societal benefits of crash reporting is important for increasing the reporting rate.  相似文献   

Prior knowledge has been shown to facilitate the incorporation of visual stimuli into awareness. We adopted an individual differences approach to explore whether a tendency to ‘see the expected’ is general or method-specific. We administered a binocular rivalry task and manipulated selective attention, as well as induced expectations via predictive context, self-generated imagery, expectancy cues, and perceptual priming. Most prior manipulations led to a facilitated awareness of the biased percept in binocular rivalry, whereas strong signal primes led to a suppressed awareness, i.e., adaptation. Correlations and factor analysis revealed that the facilitatory effect of priors on visual awareness is closely related to attentional control. We also investigated whether expectation-based biases predict perceptual abilities. Adaptation to strong primes predicted improved naturalistic change detection and the facilitatory effect of weak primes predicted the experience of perceptual anomalies. Taken together, our results indicate that the facilitatory effect of priors may be underpinned by an attentional mechanism but the tendency to ‘see the expected’ is method-specific.  相似文献   

本文意在说明我国伊斯兰教历史上就有与中国社会相适应的传统。认为认识和把握这个传统对今天和今后妥善处理中国伊斯兰教问题很有必要。在此认识基础上,作者通过这种相适应的含义和程度、背景和条件,方式和过程、矛盾及其解决、结果和立论、特点和意义六个方面进行了探索。  相似文献   

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