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Previous research indicates that blood pressure may impact a variety of cognitive functions, including short-term memory, abstract reasoning, visual-spatial abilities, and attention (Boller, Vrtunski, Mack, & Kim, 1977; Elias, Robbins, Schultz, & Pierce, 1990; Franceschi, Tancredi, Smirne, Mercinelli, & Canal, 1982; Mazzucchiet al., 1986). However, studies which have assessed the cognitive functioning of hypertensive adults have offered conflicting results, particularly when hypertension levels were in the mild range (e.g., Bolleret al., 1977; Eliaset al., 1990; Elias, Wolf, D'Agostino, Cobb, & White, 1993; Farmeret al., 1987, 1990; Franceschiet al., 1982; Pérez-Stable, Coates, Halliday, Gardiner, & Hauck, 1992; Schmidtet al., 1991; Waldstein, Ryan, Manuck, Parkinson, & Bromet, 1991). A number of factors may contribute to the inconsistent findings in this area. Researchers have employed a wide range of neuropsychological instruments to assess varying domains of cognitive function. Sample sizes in some studies have been too small to ensure sufficient power. Finally, studies have employed varying methodological control over potential confounding factors such as concurrent medical conditions, alcohol abuse, psychiatric disorders, or antihypertensive medication. This study compared male veterans with blood pressures in the mildly hypertensive range (n=166) to normotensive veterans (n=176) on neuropsychological measures of verbal fluency, visual-spatial ability, verbal and visual memory, dexterity, attention, and executive functions. Results revealed that, after controlling for differences in education and income, there was no relationship between mild hypertension and combined measures of cognitive performance. The present findings suggest that mild hypertension alone has little effect on cognitive function in adults.  相似文献   

首先通过改变生活方式进行干预,药物治疗首先要排除精神压力引起的血压过度反应,干预难治性高血压通过联合用药与改变用药的时间。  相似文献   


A model of adolescent health risk behavior that is both cognitive and social-psychological in orientation is described, and an aspect of the model is tested empirically. The model suggests that health risk behaviors (e.g., smoking or drunk driving), especially among adolescents, are not always intended or premeditated, but instead are often reactions to risk-conducive circumstances. Because they are not entirely premeditated, such behaviors are not accurately predicted by “traditional” behavioral intention measures, but are predicted by a central construct in the model labeled behavioral willingness. Results of two studies indicate that both intention (expectation) and willingness measures predict future risk behaviors, and do so independent of one another. Additional analyses provide further evidence of discriminant validity between the two constructs by indicating that they relate differently to perceptions of personal vulnerability to the health risks associated with these behaviors.  相似文献   

从高血压的新定义分析难治性高血压   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ASH公布了高血压新的定义,其中高血压的过度反应需与真性难治性高血压鉴别,从三个层面分析难治性高血压。  相似文献   

Interrelations of two measurement methods (cognitive versus behavioral ratings) for executive function (EF) were examined and related to reading comprehension and math calculations in fourth and fifth grade students (n = 93) in the context of a diverse urban student population. Relations among measures within four EF processes (working memory, planning, inhibition and shifting) were modest; relations to academics were stronger. EF measures contributed to both academic outcomes even in the context of relevant covariates (age, language and educational program). Working memory was particularly important for reading comprehension across measurement type. Cognitive measures from all EF processes, particularly inhibition and planning, and behavioral ratings of working memory were important for math.  相似文献   

王成  尤文平  张清芳 《心理科学进展》2012,20(10):1560-1572
van Galen (1991)的书写产生模型指出书写过程是由层级结构组织起来的多个认知模块平行加工的结果。以此模型为出发点, 介绍了书写产生研究中主要关注的三个问题:书写过程中是否存在语音中介?书写时拼写编码的加工单元是什么?以及书写过程中认知编码阶段和运动执行阶段之间的关系?此外, 我们总结了书写产生与口语产生和阅读之间的联系, 介绍了书写产生过程的认知神经机制。最后, 我们分析了汉语的独特特点, 并指出这些特点对于书写产生研究的重要意义, 期待更多的心理语言学研究关注书写产生这一研究领域。  相似文献   

The author argues that distancing is the dominant response to poor people on the part of those who are not poor and that distancing, separation, exclusion, and devaluing operationally define discrimination. Such responses, together with stereotypes and prejudice, define classism. The article focuses on classism in the United States. Classism is examined in the context of theoretical propositions about the moral exclusion of stigmatized others and is illustrated by cognitive distancing, institutional distancing (in education, housing, health care, legal assistance, politics, and public policy), and interpersonal distancing. The adoption of the Resolution on Poverty and Socioeconomic Status by the American Psychological Association Council of Representatives in August 2000 is cited as an important step in the direction of eliminating the invisibility of low-income persons in psychological research and theory.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the application of cognitive behavior therapies to the treatment of the guilt difficulties that women experience in Western industrialized societies. Evidence on the relevance of guilt to women is reviewed, including psychological problems common to women that involve high guilt, sex differences in personality traits, and sex-typing in social roles. Cognitive behavioral theories of guilt are summarized. Areas of inquiry in assessment of dysfunctional guilt are discussed. Three cognitive behavioral treatment strategies for women's guilt are presented. In permission-giving, guilt-provoking behavior is reframed as acceptable. Interventions to lessen discrepancies between guilt-provoking behavior and core roles that are central to self-definition can focus on revising core role requirements and on making behavior more consistent with core roles. Rational-emotive therapy focuses on reduction of irrational beliefs that support self-blame and conditional selfworth and developing more adaptive cognitions. Treatment recommendations for specific guilt problems in assertive refusal and in the aftermath of assault are also reviewed.Ellen Tobey Klass, PhD, associate professor of psychology at Hunter College, City University of New York, and has a private practice in New York City.  相似文献   

20世纪中叶以来,随着控制论的兴起与广泛应用,目的论问题成为生物学哲学以及系统科学哲学的重要议题。运用控制论原理及其目的论思想对高血压病诊治中的有关问题进行了分析和探索,以期对高血压病做到更有效的控制。  相似文献   

大动脉炎(Takayasu arteritis,TA)是一种累及主动脉及其主要分支的慢性进行性非特异血管炎性疾病,多发于年轻女性。高血压是大动脉炎的常见临床表现之一,对于大动脉炎引起的继发性高血压,应给予积极的综合治疗,降压治疗的同时,活动期患者应用糖皮质激素和/或免疫抑制剂控制病情,酌情给予抗栓、抗动脉硬化等综合性治...  相似文献   

老年执行功能的认知可塑性和神经可塑性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杜新  陈天勇 《心理科学进展》2010,18(9):1471-1480
执行衰退假说认为执行功能的特异性衰退是引起认知年老化的主要原因, 近年来越来越多的研究表明, 老年人的执行功能及其相关脑区(主要为前额叶)存在可塑性, 通过训练执行功能的衰退可得到缓解, 且相关脑区的激活水平、脑容量或神经递质都可发生改变; 部分研究还发现执行功能训练对其它认知能力有一定的迁移效应。这些发现对于认知年老化理论的继续探索和认知干预研究的实践应用都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Whatever view we hold it must be shown Why every lover has a wish to make Some other kind of otherness his own: Perhaps, in fact, we never are alone. (2)  相似文献   

降压治疗的决策思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
尽管降压药物有了很大发展,高血压的控制率仍很低下。降压治疗中还存在包括医生和患者两方面的许多误区。目前已取得的共识是:降压治疗的益处主要来自血压控制。因此,非常重要的是要达到血压的有效和长期稳定的降低。根据患者的年龄、基线血压、伴随的临床状况等,因人而异地选择副作用小、降压效果好的药物,提高顺应性是改善高血压控制率的关键。  相似文献   

It is only recently that conditioning and allied techniques have been applied on any large scale outside the laboratory. With the emergence of these procedures into the clinical world, in particular, a new class of problems present themselves. It is no longer sufficient to focus upon narrowly technical or theoretical problems; philosophies, social and practical issues must be taken into consideration and the new techniques evaluated conceptually and practically in direct comparison with their psychodynamic alternatives. Selected issues are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

高血压药物基因组学研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗高血压药物基因组学的发展,促进了药物反应种族差异的发现及其机制的阐明。药物反应遗传学标记的确定和遗传学背景的分析,有助于临床医生选择更适合个体的抗高血压治疗,从而达到最有利于患者的治疗效果。药物基因组学是高血压个体化治疗的分子生物学基础。  相似文献   

人类对高血压的治疗是百年以来医学的重要成就。越来越多的证据表明,有效控制高血压是降低相关疾病发病、死亡、致残的重要手段。医学对高血压治疗药物、手段、方案的探索尚未止步,许多正在进展中。  相似文献   

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