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Past research has verified that observers assume that objects are reliably oriented with respect to a gravitationally centered coordinate system. Observers also appear to attend more to specific parts of objects, like faces, that typically are closer to the top. In the present work, we explored whether or not observers have a generic bias to view tops as being more salient than bottoms. In three experiments, observers indicated whether random shapes appeared to be more similar to comparison shapes that shared identical tops rather than bottoms. Observers exhibited a reliable tendency to match figures with similarly shaped tops. Matching choice was also a function of global shape attributes such as axis of elongation or size. The findings are consistent with the notion that, in nature, tops tend to be the most visible part and to provide the best information with respect to important aspects of objects such as animal intentionality and artifact functionality.  相似文献   

Howard IP  Hu G  Saxe R  James EZ 《Perception》2005,34(1):7-15
Previously, we showed that many supine observers in a furnished room tilted 90 degrees perceive themselves and the room as upright. We called this the "levitation illusion" because the arms feel weightless when held out from the body. We now report that a familiar scene viewed by supine observers through a mirror at 45 degrees appears vertical when, optically, it is horizontal and above the head. However, the body feels pitched upright only partially. This visual-righting effect, like the levitation illusion, is due to the polarity axis of the scene being accepted as vertical even in the presence of conflicting information from the gravity sense organs. In experiment 1 we tested the potency of objects containing either intrinsic polarity (due to familiar tops and bottoms) or extrinsic polarity (due to support relationships) to generate a visual-righting illusion. To almost all observers, a blank surface seen in the mirror appeared like a ceiling. A scene containing an object with intrinsic polarity, such as a chair or person, seen in the mirror appeared vertical to almost all observers. A scene containing a pair of objects with only extrinsic polarity, such as a ball on a shelf (but not a ball under a shelf), also appeared vertical to most observers. In experiment 2 we found that a polarised scene was more likely to produce a visual-righting illusion when it was arranged as a view through a window rather than as a picture inside a room.  相似文献   

Observers typically detect changes to central objects more readily than changes to marginal objects, but they sometimes miss changes to central, attended objects as well. However, even if observers do not report such changes, they may be able to recognize the changed object. In three experiments we explored change detection and recognition memory for several types of changes to central objects in motion pictures. Observers who failed to detect a change still performed at above chance levels on a recognition task in almost all conditions. In addition, observers who detected the change were no more accurate in their recognition than those who did not detect the change. Despite large differences in the detectability of changes across conditions, those observers who missed the change did not vary in their ability to recognize the changing object.  相似文献   

Previous research indicated that most salient, real-world objects possess natural regularities that observers commonly assume in perceptual judgments of figural orientation and interpretation. Regularities include 3-dimensionality, bilateral symmetry, and the tendency for object tops to possess more salient information than bottoms. Thus, when observers interpret randomly shaped figures, they reliably impose volume, bilateral symmetry, and top and front orientation directions, even when figures are 2-dimensional and asymmetric. We confirmed generalizability for observers to assume these regularities with stimuli that vary in complexity, and we found evidence supporting another regularity, that of symmetry verticality (symmetry about a vertical axis). Findings support use of a family of perceptual heuristics corresponding to natural regularities that constrain stimulus indeterminacy and help guide judgment of object orientation and interpretation.  相似文献   


An intrinsic part of seeing objects is seeing how similar or different they are relative to one another. This experience requires that objects be mentally represented in a common format over which such comparisons can be carried out. What is that representational format? Objects could be compared in terms of their superficial features (e.g., degree of pixel-by-pixel overlap), but a more intriguing possibility is that they are compared on the basis of a deeper structure. One especially promising candidate that has enjoyed success in the computer vision literature is the shape skeleton—a geometric transformation that represents objects according to their inferred underlying organization. Despite several hints that shape skeletons are computed in human vision, it remains unclear how much they actually matter for subsequent performance. Here, we explore the possibility that shape skeletons help mediate the ability to extract visual similarity. Observers completed a same/different task in which two shapes could vary either in their skeletal structure (without changing superficial features such as size, orientation, and internal angular separation) or in large surface-level ways (without changing overall skeletal organization). Discrimination was better for skeletally dissimilar shapes: observers had difficulty appreciating even surprisingly large differences when those differences did not reorganize the underlying skeletons. This pattern also generalized beyond line drawings to 3-D volumes whose skeletons were less readily inferable from the shapes’ visible contours. These results show how shape skeletons may influence the perception of similarity—and more generally, how they have important consequences for downstream visual processing.


We investigated the ability of human observers to discriminate an important global 3-D structural property, namely volume, of motion-defined objects. We used convex transparent wire-frame objects consisting of about 12 planar triangular facets. Two objects, vertically separated by 7°, were shown simultaneously on a computer display. Both revolved at 67°/sec around a common vertical axis through their centers of mass. Observers watched the objects monocularly for an average of three full rotations before they responded. We measured volume discrimination as a function of absolute volume (3–48 cm3; 1 m viewing distance) and shape (cubes, rods, and slabs of different regularity). We found that (1) volume discrimination performance can be described by Weber’s law, (2) Weber fractions depend strongly on the particular combination of shapes used (regular shapes, especially cubes, are easiest to compare, and similar shapes are easier to compare than different shapes), and (3) humans use a representation of volume that is more veridical and stable in the sense of repeatability than a strategy based on the average visible (2-D) area would yield.  相似文献   

This study examined the detection of collision events when multiple moving objects were present in the scene. Observers were presented with displays simulating a 3-D environment with multiple moving objects. The authors examined the ability of observers to detect collisions using a signal-detection paradigm and a visual search paradigm. The results indicated that, overall, observers were quite accurate at detecting collisions. Observers used both expansion information and static position to detect collisions, with expansion information being the more important source. Singleton search conditions were not processed in parallel, and conjunction search conditions had poorer performance than singleton search conditions. In addition, reaction times were greater for target-present trials as compared with target-absent trials. The results are interpreted in terms of 4 visual search hypotheses for collision detection when multiple moving objects are present.  相似文献   

Statistical learning has been widely proposed as a mechanism by which observers learn to decompose complex sensory scenes. To determine how robust statistical learning is, we investigated the impact of attention and perceptual grouping on statistical learning of visual shapes. Observers were presented with stimuli containing two shapes that were either connected by a bar or unconnected. When observers were required to attend to both locations at which shapes were presented, the degree of statistical learning was unaffected by whether the shapes were connected or not. However, when observers were required to attend to just one of the shapes' locations, statistical learning was observed only when the shapes were connected. These results demonstrate that visual statistical learning is not just a passive process. It can be modulated by both attention and connectedness, and in natural scenes these factors may constrain the role of stimulus statistics in learning.  相似文献   

In cluttered scenes, some object boundaries may not be marked by image cues. In such cases, the boundaries must be defined top-down as a result of object recognition. Here we ask if observers can retain the boundaries of several recognized objects in order to segment an unfamiliar object. We generated scenes consisting of neatly stacked objects, and the objects themselves consisted of neatly stacked coloured blocks. Because the blocks were stacked the same way within and across objects, there were no visual cues indicating which blocks belonged to which objects. Observers were trained to recognize several objects and we tested whether they could segment a novel object when it was surrounded by these familiar, studied objects. The observer's task was to count the number of blocks comprising the target object. We found that observers were able to accurately count the target blocks when the target was surrounded by up to four familiar objects. These results indicate that observers can use the boundaries of recognized objects in order to accurately segment, top-down, a novel object.  相似文献   

The present study addressed the question of whether we prefer to make eye movements within or between objects. More specifically, when fixating one end of an object, are we more likely to make the next saccade within that same object or to another object? Observers had to discriminate small letters placed on rectangles similar to those used by Egly, Driver, and Rafal (1994). Following an exogenous cue, observers made a saccade to one end of one of the rectangles. The small target letter, which could be discriminated only after it had been fixated, could appear either within the same or at a different object. Consistent with object-based attention, we show that observers prefer to make an eye movement to the other end of the fixated same object, rather than to the equidistant end of a different object. It is concluded that there is a preference to make eye shifts within the same object, rather than between objects.  相似文献   

Attention can select items based on location or features. Belopolsky and colleagues posited the attentional window hypothesis, which theorized that spatial and featural selection interact such that featural selection occurs within a “window” of spatial selection. Kerzel and colleagues recently found that the attentional window can take complex shapes, but cannot configure around non-contiguous locations. The current experiments investigated whether perceptual grouping cues, which produce perceptual objects or surfaces, enable the attentional window to configure around non-contiguous locations. Using the additional singleton paradigm, we reasoned that observers (1) would be slowed by a colour singleton distractor that appears within the observers’ attentional window and (2) would be unaffected by distractors that do not appear within the attentional window. In separate blocks of trials, a target appeared upon one of two objects. Observers were cued to the relevant surface, and we asked if responses were affected by distractors on the cued task-relevant surface, and on the uncued irrelevant surface. Colour singleton distractors slowed responses when they appeared on the cued surface, even when those locations were non-contiguous locations. Distractors on the irrelevant surface did not affect responses. The results support a highly adaptable attentional window that is configurable to the surfaces and boundaries established by intermediate-level vision.  相似文献   

Most studies and theories of object recognition have addressed the perception of rigid objects. Yet, physical objects may also move in a nonrigid manner. A series of priming studies examined the conditions under which observers can recognize novel views of objects moving nonrigidly. Observers were primed with 2 views of a rotating object that were linked by apparent motion or presented statically. The apparent malleability of the rotating prime object varied such that the object appeared to be either malleable or rigid. Novel deformed views of malleable objects were primed when falling within the object's motion path. Priming patterns were significantly more restricted for deformed views of rigid objects. These results suggest that moving malleable objects may be represented as continuous events, whereas rigid objects may not. That is, object representations may be "dynamically remapped" during the analysis of the object's motion.  相似文献   

Shifts of attention due to rapid cue onsets have been shown to distort the perceived location of objects, but are there also systematic distortions in the perceived shapes of the objects themselves from such shifts? The present study demonstrates that there are. In three experiments, oval contours were presented that varied in width and height. Two brief, bright white dots were presented as cues and were positioned horizontally or vertically either inside or outside the oval contour. Observers had to judge whether the oval was taller than wide. The results show that the perceived shape of an oval was changed by visual cues such that the oval contours were repelled by the cues (Exp. 1). This effect only occurred when the cues preceded the ovals, providing sufficient time between the presentations to attract involuntary attention (Exp. 2). Moreover, an explanation based on figural aftereffects was ruled out (Exp. 3).  相似文献   

Haptic curvature comparison of convex and concave shapes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A sculpture and the mould in which it was formed are typical examples of objects with an identical, but opponent, surface shape: each convex (ie outward pointing) surface part of a sculpture has a concave counterpart in the mould. The question arises whether the object features of opponent shapes can be compared by touch. Therefore, we investigated whether human observers were able to discriminate the curvatures of convex and concave shapes, irrespective of whether the shape was convex or concave. Using a 2AFC procedure, subjects had to compare the curvature of a convex shape to the curvature of a concave shape. In addition, results were also obtained for congruent shapes, when the curvature of either only convex shapes or only concave shapes had to be compared. Psychometric curves were fitted to the data to obtain threshold and bias results. When subjects explored the stimuli with a single index finger, significantly higher thresholds were obtained for the opponent shapes than for the congruent shapes. However, when the stimuli were touched by two index fingers, one finger per surface, we found similar thresholds. Systematic biases were found when the curvature of opponent shapes was compared: the curvature of a more curved convex surface was judged equal to the curvature of a less curved concave surface. We conclude that human observers had the ability to compare the curvature of shapes with an opposite direction, but that their performance decreased when they sensed the opponent surfaces with the same finger. Moreover, they systematically underestimated the curvature of convex shapes compared to the curvature of concave shapes.  相似文献   

Observers were presented with brief exposures of pairs of colored objects (letters) and asked to report both the color and the shape of each object. Several observers showed strikingly clear evidence of nearly perfect stochastic independence between reports of the four features (two colors and two shapes). For instance, the probability that the shape of a given object could be reported seemed independent of (a) whether the color of the object could be reported and (b) whether features of the other object could be reported. Such stochastic independence is predicted by many parallel-processing models (e.g., Bundesen, 1990). However, the results are difficult to reconcile with simple serial models in which the encoding of one object is completed before the encoding of another object is begun.  相似文献   

Bootsma RJ  Craig CM 《Perception》2003,32(5):525-544
In four experiments we examined the nature of the information used in judging whether events would or would not give rise to a collision in the near future. Observers were tested in situations depicting approaches between two objects (lateral approaches) and approaches between an object and the point of observation (head-on approaches), with objects moving according to constant deceleration or sinusoidal deceleration patterns. Judgments were found to be based, to a large extent, on the (in)sufficiency of current deceleration to avoid upcoming collision, as specified optically by tau-dot (tau). However, the information specified by tau (tau), that is the current (first-order) time remaining until contact, was also found to play a significant role. We deduce that judgment of upcoming collision is based on the detection of tau and its evolution over time, suggesting that observers are sensitive to delta(tau) rather than to tau itself.  相似文献   

In visual search experiments, we examined the existence of a search asymmetry for the direction with which three-dimensional objects are viewed. It was found that an upward-tilted target object among downward-tilted distracting objects was detected faster than when the orientation of target and distractors was reversed. This indicates that the early visual process regards objects tilted downward with respect to the observer as the situation that is more likely to be encountered. That is, the system is set up to expect to see the tops of these objects. We also found a visual field anisotropy, in that the asymmetry was more pronounced in the lower visual field. These findings are consistent with the idea that the tops of objects are usually situated in the lower visual field and less often in the upper field. Examination of the conditions under which the asymmetry and the anisotropy occur demonstrated the importance of the three-dimensional nature of the stimulus objects. Early visual processing thus makes use of heuristics that take into account specific relationships between the relative locations in space of the observer and 3-D objects.  相似文献   

Observers categorized perceptual stimuli when the category costs and benefits were manipulated across conditions, and costs were either zero or nonzero. The cost-benefit structures were selected so that performance across conditions was equivalent with respect to the optimal classifier. Each observer completed several blocks of trials in each of the experimental conditions, and a series of nested models was applied to the individual observer data from all conditions. In general, performance became more nearly optimal as observers gained experience with the cost-benefit structures, but performance reached asymptote at a suboptimal level. Observers behaved differently in the zero- and nonzero-cost conditions, performing consistently worse when costs were nonzero. A test of the hypothesis that observers weight costs more heavily than benefits was inconclusive. Some aspects of the data supported this differential weighting hypothesis, but others did not. Implications for current theories of cost-benefit learning are discussed.  相似文献   

Vuong QC  Tarr MJ 《Perception》2006,35(4):497-510
The spatiotemporal pattern projected by a moving object is specific to that object, as it depends on both the shape and the dynamics of the object. Previous research has shown that observers learn to make use of this spatiotemporal signature to recognize dynamic faces and objects. In two experiments, we assessed the extent to which the structural similarity of the objects and the presence of spatiotemporal noise affect how these signatures are learned and subsequently used in recognition. Observers first learned to identify novel, structurally distinctive or structurally similar objects that rotated with a particular motion. At test, each learned object moved with its studied motion or with a non-studied motion. In the non-studied motion condition we manipulated either dynamic information alone (experiment 1) or both static and dynamic information (experiment 2). Across both experiments we found that changing the learned motion of an object impaired recognition performance when 3-D shape was similar or when the visual input was noisy during learning. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that observers use learned spatiotemporal signatures and that such information becomes progressively more important as shape information becomes less reliable.  相似文献   

Observers in recognition experiments invariably view objects against a blank background, whereas observers of real scenes sometimes view objects against dense clutter. In this study, we examined whether an object's background affects the information used for recognition. Our stimuli consisted of color photographs of everyday objects. The photographs were organized either as a sparse array, as is typical of a visual search experiment, or as high density clutter, such as might be found in a toy chest, a handbag, or a kitchen drawer. The observer's task was to locate an animal, vehicle, or food target in the stimulus. We varied the information in the stimuli by convolving them with a low-pass filter (blur) or a high-pass filter (edge) or converting them to grayscale. In two experiments, we found that the blur and edge manipulations produced a modest decrement in performance with the sparse arrangement but a severe decrement in performance with the clutter arrangement. These results indicate that the information used for recognition depends on the object's background. Thus, models of recognition that have been developed for isolated objects may not generalize to objects in dense clutter.  相似文献   

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