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中国是世界犯罪心理学思想的重要发源地。本文通过对《尚书》、《周易》、《诗》、《周礼》等历史文献的研究,从犯罪心理的形成原因及其预防、审判心理、刑罚心理和罪犯改造心理等四个方面,对殷周时期(约公元前16世纪~前771年)的犯罪心理学思想进行了比较全面、系统的探讨。作者认为,殷周时期的犯罪心理学思想虽然是一种比较朴素、直观的理论形态,但它作为中国犯罪心理学思想史的肇始和开端,无疑占有十分重要的地位,对后世产生了很大的影响。  相似文献   

荀子是战国末期的儒学大师。在中国古代犯罪心理学思想史上,荀子的思想不仅比较丰富,且颇具特色。本文从犯罪心理的原因、犯罪心理的预防以及刑罚心理等三方面探讨了荀子的犯罪心理学思想。  相似文献   

法家是战国时期代表新兴地主阶级利益,以主张“以法治国”而著称的一个学派。它提出了一整套推行“法治”的理论和方法,为建立统一的封建专制主义中央集权制国家提供了理论根据。在先秦诸子百家中,抑或是在整个中国古代,法家是对法律现象和犯罪现象研究最多的一个学派,在法家的整个思想体系中也包含着丰富的犯罪心理学思想。他们的犯罪心理学思想,集中表现为把人心、人情、人性等心理学问题,作为探究犯罪原因和控制犯罪的方法依据。  相似文献   

犯罪心理学是以犯罪心理为研究对象。狭义的犯罪心理学的研究对象是犯罪人即犯罪主体的心理和行为,就是说犯罪心理和犯罪是其研究对象。简单地说,他是研究犯罪人的个性缺陷及有关的心理学问题。广义的犯罪心理学的研究对象,除包括狭义的犯罪心理学的研究对象之外,还包括犯罪对策中的心理学问题,如侦查心理、审讯心理、预防犯罪、惩治犯罪以及教育改造罪犯中的心理学问题。简单地说,广义的犯罪心理学既研究犯罪人的心理和行为,又研究与犯罪作斗争的对策心理部分。在这里,仅对广义的犯罪心理学中的临界犯罪心理进行阐述和论证。  相似文献   

我国古代有关犯罪心理的见解初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
犯罪心理学是研究犯罪行为的心理实质及犯罪心理的形成,发展和活动规律的科学。和心理学一样,它也是一门古老而年轻的科学。古代中国和西方的许多思想家已对犯罪人的心理和行为作了一些探讨。尤其是中国古代的思想家,他们“从生活实践的经验中总结出很多心理学的理论,并积累了大量资料。他们对犯罪心理学也作了朴素的探  相似文献   

刑事一体化倡导一种新的研究视野,对于促进犯罪心理学的发展具有重要意义。犯罪心理学是一门交叉学科或边缘学科,用刑事一体化的大视角来审视,一些基本理论问题还须进一步阐释和完善。面对刑事一体化的思路,犯罪心理学需要进一步发展与创新。创新才能促进发展,才能使犯罪心理学有更好的前景。  相似文献   

《管子》既非一人一时所作,也非一家一派之言,它是兼有战国及其后文字的一部论文集。在学术思想上,它冶先秦法家、儒家、道家等诸子于一炉。它的犯罪心理学思想,充分表明了其学术思想的这一特点。所以,它和《商君书》、《韩非子》既有共同的观点,又存在着许多相异之处。为了能够比较全面地反映《管子》书中的犯罪心理学思想,我们这里以它的全部篇章作为研究的材料。  相似文献   

武伯钦   《心理科学进展》1987,5(4):27-33
犯罪心理学的基本理论问题值得认真、深入地研究探讨。近年较多的同志都已采用狭义的犯罪心理学体系。在已公开出版的《犯罪心理学》书中,存在着一些薄弱和不足之处。如犯罪心理学的对象,笔者认为不能只研究严格法学意义上的“犯罪主体的心理”,还包括在年龄、精神、健康状况方面无责任能力的实施了刑法所禁止的行为的人的心理,即泛指有危害社会行为的人的心理。又如犯罪心理学的“原因论”,笔者认为不应简单照搬犯罪学,犯罪社会学的犯罪原因论,应当采用心理学研究方法,确定影响犯罪心理产生的因素及其相互关系。再如“犯罪心理结构”这一概念,存在主要的十方面缺陷,本文重点进行了剖析,提出“不良的心理个性倾向→动力定型”的心理学科学概念。  相似文献   

《周易》犯罪学思想探析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
《周易》中的犯罪学思想,几乎涵盖了现代犯罪学研究的所有理论基本点。本文从犯罪学基本概念、犯罪产生的客观必然性以及社会、政治诸方面揭示了犯罪产生的深层原因;还从人类学、生物学、心理学等方面探讨了犯罪产生的直接原因。并指出《周易》犯罪学对策论是以预防为主、法治与德治并举的原则;其理论架构具有整体性、动态性,体现了一种独特的认识方法。  相似文献   

大学生犯罪是严重的社会问题,具有明显的心理特点,在认知、情感和意志上有显著的特征。本文从心理学的角度,采用多种心理学理论对大学生犯罪进行了分析,并总结出自卑、冷漠、失衡、享乐和刺激五种导致大学生犯罪的主要心理特征。  相似文献   

Giuseppina D'Oro 《Ratio》2012,25(1):34-50
Collingwood has failed to make a significant impact in the history of twentieth century philosophy either because he has been dismissed as a dusty old idealist committed to the very metaphysics the analytical school was trying to leave behind, or because his later work has been interpreted as advocating the dissolution of philosophy into history. I argue that Collingwood's key philosophical works are a sustained attempt to defend the view that philosophy is an autonomous discipline with a distinctive domain of inquiry and that Collingwood's attempt to defend the autonomy of philosophy is intimately connected to his defence of intensional notions against the kind of meaning scepticism which came to prevail from the 1920s. I defend the philosophical claim that there is a third way between the idealist metaphysics with which Collingwood is often associated and the neo‐empiricist agenda which characterised analytic philosophy in mid‐century by defending the hermeneutic thesis that Collingwood's work is a sustained attempt to articulate a conception of philosophy as an epistemologically first science. Since there is a via media between the old metaphysics and the new empiricism there is no need to choose between a certain kind of armchair metaphysics and a scientifically informed ontology.  相似文献   

陈鼓应 《哲学研究》2012,(2):28-37,128
<正>一、前言周敦颐继承了隋唐五代以来儒释道三教融合的开阔学风。从他的人生历程来看,他既有儒家入仕传统的一面,也有由庄子所开启的文人传统的一面。①作为一位由士入仕的儒者,周敦颐支持范仲淹  相似文献   

通过明确医疗活动中病人隐私权的涵义,结合案例,分析新形势下医疗活动中医院、医务人员应如何保护病人的隐私,防止病人隐私权受到侵犯.  相似文献   

本论文的目的在于运用“关系范畴”说明朱熹的宇宙本体论。近代以后对宋明理学的研究受到西方一些思想的影响 ,而以西方的思维模式来说明理学的范畴 ,最终丧失了理学本来所具有的哲学意义。因此 ,本论文要论证冯友兰先生所主张的“共相”和“殊相”不能说明朱熹理学的本来意义。本论文试图用“阴阳 ,动静关系”范畴来说明朱熹的宇宙本体论 ,说明阴阳两个体一方面保存自己的个体性 ,而另一方面也维持相生的整体性 ,并进一步说明个体必须以整体为依归 ,整体必须以个体为前提。  相似文献   

In the early twentieth century, Hilda Diana Oakeley (1867–1950) set out a new kind of British idealism. Oakeley is an idealist in the sense that she holds mind to actively contribute to the features of experience, but she also accepts that there is a world independent of mind. One of her central contributions to the idealist tradition is her thesis that minds construct our experiences using memory. This paper explores the theses underlying her idealism, and shows how they are intricately connected to the wider debates of her period. I go on to explain how the parts of Oakeley's idealism are connected to further areas of her thought – specifically, her views on history and her growing block theory of time – to provide a sense of Oakeley's philosophy as a system. As there is no existing literature on Oakeley, this paper aims to open a path for further scholarship.  相似文献   

John Preston has contended that Paul Feyerabend retreated from his earlier commitment to realism and consciously embraced a ‘voluntarist’, social constructionist, idealism. Though there seems to be unmistakable subjective idealist statements in some of Feyerabend's writings, it will be argued that Feyerabend's idealistic period was short-lived, and that he returned to a form of realism in his later writings. Specifically, Feyerabend's distinction between theoretical/abstract and empirical/historical traditions of thought, when understood with Feyerabend's re evaluation of Bohr's philosophy of quantum physics in mind, is most aptly interpreted as aprocess realist position. Preston, in interpreting Feyerabend as a voluntarist, social constructionist, subjective idealist, fails to distinguish the ever-present rhetorical and provocative statements of Feyerabend's from the core arguments being presented. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Robert John Russell 《Zygon》1985,20(2):135-158
Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to analyze David Bohm's work in terms of physics, philosophy, and theology. First, I discuss the development of Bohm's thought since 1951. Then, using the methodology of Imre Lakatos, I evaluate the scientific status of his research program. Next, I explore the philosophical dimensions of Bohm's views in which realist and idealist, monist and dualist, contingent and determinist outlooks occur in creative tension. Finally, I suggest ways in which Bohm's ideas are relevant to theology through concepts of God and cosmos, beauty and purpose, grace and free will, church, self and evil.

The entire universe is basically a single, indivisible…but flexible and ever changing, unit (Bohm 1951, 140).

Idealist Heresies in Philosophy of Science: Cassirer, Carnap, and Kuhn. As common wisdom has it, philosophy of science in the analytic tradition and idealist philosophy are incompatible. Usually, not much effort is spent for explaining what is to be understood by idealism. Rather, it is taken for granted that idealism is an obsolete and unscientific philosophical account. In this paper it is argued that this thesis needs some qualification. Taking Carnap and Kuhn as paradigmatic examples of positivist and postpositivist philosophies of science it is shown that these accounts share important features with Cassirer's idealist philosophy of science developed in the first half of this century. As it turns out, often Cassirer is more modern than those classical philosophers of (post)posivitist philosophy of science. For instance, Quine's criticism against Carnap's empiricist philosophy of science launched in Two Dogmas of Empiricism is anticipated by Cassirer for several decades. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The view of language is greatly changed from early modern philosophy to later modern philosophy and to postmodern philosophy. The linguistic question in early modern philosophy, which is characterized by rationalism and empiricism, is discussed in this paper. Linguistic phenomena are not at the center of philosophical reflections in early modern philosophy. The subject of consciousness is at the center of the philosophy, which makes language serve purely as an instrument for representing thoughts. Locke, Leibniz and Descartes consider language from a representationalist point of view. To them, language itself is idealized and represents thought as if it were thought representing itself. Like the structural linguist Saussure, the founders of phenomenology and analytical philosophy give much attention to the logical or static structure of language, and stick up for the representationalism of early modern philosophy. However, their successors refuse to accept this attitude, meaning the final collapse of representationalism. Translated by Cui Zengbao and Yang Dachun from Zhexue Yanjiu 哲学研究 (Philosophical Research), 2007, (8): 62–67  相似文献   

This article reports two experiments requiring subjective evaluative judgments of the potential dangerousness of hypothetical persons. The research operationally fits the paradigm for the study of personality impression formation, and seeks to illuminate the processes by which two offenses combine to evoke a net judgment of dangerousness. The theoretical framework and philosophy adopted is Anderson's information integration and functional measurement theory. In Study 1, all paired combinations of 10 distinctive crimes were each presented as having been committed by the same person on two separate occasions. Subjects judged overall offender dangerousness. In Study 2, judgments of dangerousness were made when the time purportedly elapsing between two crimes was systematically varied over several ranges of up to 41 years. Three key findings emerged. First, judgments of dangerousness result from an averaging process. This result yields paradoxical implications having considerable pragmatic significance. Second, judgments of dangerousness following two sequential criminal acts (one of high and one of low seriousness) are consistently higher when the high seriousness one is the second crime. Third, with certain qualifications discussed in the text, a serious earlier crime appears to elicit an approximately constant magnitude of judged present dangerousness no matter how long ago it was perpetrated. This result implies that subjects infer considerable permanence of criminal predilection to those who have committed a serious crime in the past.  相似文献   

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