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Aim of this study was to provide a non-invasive assessment of the dynamic properties of the ankle joint during human locomotion, with specific focus on the effects of gender and age. Accordingly, flexion-extension angles and moments, obtained through gait analysis, were used to generate moment–angle loops at the ankle joint in 120 healthy subjects walking at a same normalized speed. Four reproducible types of loops were identified: Typical Loops, Narrow, Large and Yielding loops. No significant changes in the slopes of the main loop phases were observed as a function of gender and age, with the exception of a relative increase in the slope of the descending phase in elderly males compared to adult females. As for the ergometric parameters, the peak ankle moment, work produced and net work along the cycle were slightly, but significantly affected, with progressively decrease in the following order: Adult Males, Adult Females, Elderly Males and Elderly Females. The evidence that only few of the quantitative aspects of moment–angle loops were affected suggests that the control strategy which regulates the biomechanical properties of the ankle joint during walking is rather robust and qualitatively consistent across genders and age.  相似文献   

Prior studies of postural coordination have shown inconsistencies between hip-ankle coordination in redundant and non-redundant coordination tasks as well as predictions of the HKB model. These inconsistencies were investigated by testing the hypothesis that there are different hierarchical control structures for redundant (multiple potential task solutions) and non-redundant (a single task solution) coordination tasks (Bernstein, 1996). The transfer between a non-redundant postural tracking task and a redundant scanning task consisting of 16 hip-ankle relative phase patterns from 0° to 337.5° was investigated. The results showed that the transfer between the tasks was transitory, negative and occurred only from the non-redundant to the redundant task. This finding supports the hypothesis that inconsistencies between redundant and non-redundant coordination dynamics may be due to a hierarchical relation between control structures for the performance of these types of tasks.  相似文献   

Although a great deal of experimental attention has been directed at understanding Fitts' law, only a limited number of experiments have attempted to determine if performance differs across effectors for a given movement difficulty. In three experiments reciprocal wrist and arm movements were compared at IDs of 1.5, 3, 4.5 and 6. When absolute movement requirements and visual display were constant, participants' movement times and response characteristics for the arm and wrist were remarkably similar (Experiment 1). However, when amplitude for wrist movements was reduced to 8° and the gain (4×) for the visual display increased participants' movement time, defined on the basis of kinematic markers (movement onset − movement termination), was increasingly shorter relative to arm movements as movement difficulty was increased (Experiment 2). Experiment 3 where the arm was tested at 32° and 8° with the 8° movements provided the same gain (4×) that was used for the 8° wrist movements in Experiment 2, no advantage was observed for the arm at the shorter amplitude. The results are interpreted in terms of the advantages afforded by the increased gain of the visual display, which permitted the wrist, but not the arm, to more effectively preplan and/or correct ongoing movements to achieve the required accuracy demands. It was also noted that while the wrist was more effective during the actual movement production this was accompanied by an offsetting increase in dwell time which presumably is utilized to dissipate the forces accrued during movement production and plan the subsequent movement segment.  相似文献   

Motor control research relies on theories, such as coordination dynamics, adapted from physical sciences to explain the emergence of coordinated movement in biological systems. Historically, many studies of coordination have involved inter-limb coordination of relatively few degrees of freedom. This study looked at the high-dimensional inter-limb coordination used to perform the golf chip shot toward six different target distances. This study also introduces a visualization of high-dimensional coordination relevant within the coordination dynamics theoretical framework. A specific type of Artificial Neural Network (ANN), the Self-Organizing Map (SOM), was used for the analysis. In this study, the trajectory of consecutive best-matching nodes on the output map was used as a collective variable and subsequently fed into a second SOM which was used to create visualization of coordination stability. The SOM trajectories showed changes in coordination between movement patterns used for short chip shots and movement patterns used for long chip shots. The attractor diagrams showed non-linear phase transitions for three out of four players. The methods used in this study may offer a solution for researchers from a coordination dynamics perspective who intend to use data obtained from discrete high-dimensional movements.  相似文献   

The role of intrinsic and extrinsic information feedback in learning a new bimanual coordination pattern was investigated. The pattern required continuous flexion-extension movements of the upper limbs with a 90 ° phase offset. Separate groups practiced the task under one of the following visual feedback conditions: (a) blindfolded (reduced FB group), (b) with normal vision (normal FB group), or (c) with concurrent relative motion information (enhanced FB group). All groups were subjected to three different transfer test conditions at regular intervals during practice. These tests included reduced, normal vision, and enhanced vision conditions. Experiment 1 showed that the group receiving augmented information feedback about its relative motions in real-time produced the required coordination pattern more successfully than the remaining two groups, irrespective of the transfer conditions under which performance was evaluated. Experiment 2 replicated and extended the superiority of the enhanced feedback group during acquisition and retention. Experiment 3 demonstrated that successful transfer to various transfer test conditions was not a result of test-trial effects. Overall, the data suggest that the conditions that optimized performance of the coordination pattern during acquisition also optimized transfer performance.  相似文献   

While recent studies indicate that observers are able to use dynamic information to anticipate whole-body actions like tennis shots, it is less clear whether the action’s amplitude may also allow for anticipation. We therefore examined the role of movement dynamics and amplitude for the anticipation of tennis-shot direction. In a previous study, movement dynamics and amplitude were separated from the kinematics of tennis players’ forehand groundstrokes. In the present study, these were manipulated and tennis shots were simulated. Three conditions were created in which shot-direction differences were either preserved or removed: Dynamics-Present–Amplitude-Present (DPAP), Dynamics-Present–Amplitude-Absent (DPAA), and Dynamics-Absent–Amplitude-Present (DAAP). Nineteen low-skill and 15 intermediate-skill tennis players watched the simulated shots and predicted shot direction from movements prior to ball-racket contact only. Percent of correctly predicted shots per condition was measured. On average, both groups’ performance was superior when the dynamics were present (the DPAP and DPAA conditions) compared to when it was absent (the DAAP condition). However, the intermediate-skill players performed above chance independent of amplitude differences in shots (i.e., both the DPAP and DPAA conditions), whereas the low-skill group only performed above chance when amplitude differences were absent (the DPAA condition). These results suggest that the movement’s dynamics but not their amplitude provides information from which tennis-shot direction can be anticipated. Furthermore, the successful extraction of dynamical information may be hampered by amplitude differences in a skill-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Affordances have recently been proposed as a guiding principle in perception–action research in sport (Fajen, Riley, & Turvey, 2009). In the present study, perception of the ’passability’ affordance of a gap between two approaching defenders in rugby is explored. A simplified rugby gap closure scenario was created using immersive, interactive virtual reality technology where 14 novice participants (attacker) judged the passability of the gap between two virtual defenders via a perceptual judgment (button press) task. The scenario was modeled according to tau theory (Lee, 1976) and a psychophysical function was fitted to the response data. Results revealed that a tau-based informational quantity could account for 82% of the variance in the data. Findings suggest that the passability affordance in this case, is defined by this variable and participants were able to use it in order to inform prospective judgments as to passability. These findings contribute to our understanding of affordances and how they may be defined in this particular sporting scenario; however, some limitations regarding methodology, such as decoupling perception and action are also acknowledged.  相似文献   

Fields studying movement generation, including robotics, psychology, cognitive science, and neuroscience utilize concepts and tools related to the pervasiveness of variability in biological systems. The concept of variability and the measures for nonlinear dynamics used to evaluate this concept open new vistas for research in movement dysfunction of many types. This review describes innovations in the exploration of variability and their potential importance in understanding human movement. Far from being a source of error, evidence supports the presence of an optimal state of variability for healthy and functional movement. This variability has a particular organization and is characterized by a chaotic structure. Deviations from this state can lead to biological systems that are either overly rigid and robotic or noisy and unstable. Both situations result in systems that are less adaptable to perturbations, such as those associated with unhealthy pathological states or absence of skillfulness.  相似文献   

We present a computational model of grasping of non-fixated (extrafoveal) target objects which is implemented on a robot setup, consisting of a robot arm with cameras and gripper. This model is based on the premotor theory of attention (Rizzolatti et al., 1994) which states that spatial attention is a consequence of the preparation of goal-directed, spatially coded movements (especially saccadic eye movements). In our model, we add the hypothesis that saccade planning is accompanied by the prediction of the retinal images after the saccade. The foveal region of these predicted images can be used to determine the orientation and shape of objects at the target location of the attention shift. This information is necessary for precise grasping. Our model consists of a saccade controller for target fixation, a visual forward model for the prediction of retinal images, and an arm controller which generates arm postures for grasping. We compare the precision of the robotic model in different task conditions, among them grasping (1) towards fixated target objects using the actual retinal images, (2) towards non-fixated target objects using visual prediction, and (3) towards non-fixated target objects without visual prediction. The first and second setting result in good grasping performance, while the third setting causes considerable errors of the gripper orientation, demonstrating that visual prediction might be an important component of eye–hand coordination. Finally, based on the present study we argue that the use of robots is a valuable research methodology within psychology.  相似文献   

Both observational and physical practices support the acquisition of motor skill knowledge in the form of spatiotemporal coordination patterns. The current experiment examined the extent that observation and physical practice can support the transfer of spatiotemporal knowledge and amplitude knowledge associated with motor skills. Evidence from a multijoint limb task revealed that knowledge about spatiotemporal patterns (relative phase) acquired by observers and models can be generalized exceptionally well within the trained arm (right) and across to the untrained arm (left). Transfer of relative phase occurred even when untrained combinations of joint amplitudes were required. This indicates that observation and physical practice both lead to the development of an effector-independent representation of the spatiotemporal knowledge in this task. Both observers and models showed some transfer of the relative amplitude knowledge, with observers demonstrating superior transfer for both a trained and untrained-arm transfer test, while the models were limited to positive transfer on an untrained-arm transfer test. The representation of movement amplitude knowledge is effector-independent in this task, but the use of that knowledge is constrained by the specific practice context and the linkage between the elbow and wrist.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare force variability and the neural activation of the agonist muscle during constant isometric contractions at different force levels when the amplitude of respiration and visual feedback were varied. Twenty young adults (20–32 years, 10 men and 10 women) were instructed to accurately match a target force at 15% and 50% of their maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) with abduction of the index finger while controlling their respiration at different amplitudes (85%, 100% and 125% normal) in the presence and absence of visual feedback. Each trial lasted 22 s and visual feedback was removed from 8–12 and 16–20 s. Each subject performed three trials with each respiratory condition at each force level. Force variability was quantified as the standard deviation of the detrended force data. The neural activation of the first dorsal interosseus (FDI) was measured with bipolar surface electrodes placed distal to the innervation zone. Relative to normal respiration, force variability increased significantly only during high-amplitude respiration (∼63%). The increase in force variability from normal- to high-amplitude respiration was strongly associated with amplified force oscillations from 0 to 3 Hz (R2 ranged from .68 to .84, p < .001). Furthermore, the increase in force variability was exacerbated in the presence of visual feedback at 50% MVC (vision vs. no-vision: .97 vs. .87 N) and was strongly associated with amplified force oscillations from 0 to 1 Hz (R2 = .82) and weakly associated with greater power from 12 to 30 Hz (R2 = .24) in the EMG of the agonist muscle. Our findings demonstrate that high-amplitude respiration and visual feedback of force interact and amplify force variability in young adults during moderate levels of effort.  相似文献   

Recently there has been much interest in social coordination of motor movements, or as it is referred to by some researchers, joint action. This paper reviews the cognitive perspective’s common coding/mirror neuron theory of joint action, describes some of its limitations and then presents the behavioral dynamics perspective as an alternative way of understanding social motor coordination. In particular, behavioral dynamics’ ability to explain the temporal coordination of interacting individuals is detailed. Two experiments are then described that demonstrate how dynamical processes of synchronization are apparent in the coordination underlying everyday joint actions such as martial art exercises, hand-clapping games, and conversations. The import of this evidence is that emergent dynamic patterns such as synchronization are the behavioral order that any neural substrate supporting joint action (e.g., mirror systems) would have to sustain.  相似文献   

Previous research on the properties of haptic space has shown systematic deviations from Euclidean parallelity in haptic parallelity tasks. The mainstream explanation for these deviations is that, in order to perform the task, participants generate a spatial representation with a frame of reference that integrates egocentric and allocentric components. Several studies have shown that the amount and type of deviations are affected by the configurations with regard to the arms and the rods to be matched. The present study reports 4 experiments that further address the effects of task configurations and body movements. Experiments 1 and 2 replicate and extend previous results concerning haptic matching task and acoustic pointing tasks. The third experiment includes acoustic cues aligned differentially to the reference and test bars. The fourth experiment concerns a geometrical matching task performed in the rear peripersonal space. Results show that haptic deviations from the Euclidean space are modulated by the available cues and by the body configurations. This indicates the need for further analysis on the role of body, arm and shoulder positions, and movement effects in haptic space perception.  相似文献   

Two not mutually exclusive explanations, perceptual and motor expertise, account for the finding that experts outperform novices in recognizing deceptive actions from bodily (kinematic) cues. The aim of the present study was twofold: First, we sought to examine the impact of motor and perceptual expertise on distinguishing deceptive and non-deceptive actions. Second, we tested the hypothesis that differences in perceptual judgments on deceptive movements vs. non-deceptive movements do not necessarily need to be caused by either perceptual or motor expertise differences, but can also be a result of response bias. Skilled handball players (field players and goalkeepers) and novices had to detect whether a penalty-taker shot or faked a shot at the goal. Signal detection theory (SDT) analysis revealed that skilled handball players outperformed novices in discriminating shots from fakes. No differences in perceptual sensitivity were found between the goalkeepers and the field players. However, SDT analysis showed that goalkeepers were significantly biased to judge movements as deceptive, while neither field players nor novices showed this response bias.  相似文献   

The issue of unidimensionality is dealt with in various research areas in the field of Psychology (e.g. conceptual spaces, semantic modeling, psychometrics) and always involves spatial modeling. An investigation of the dimensionality of opposite spatial scales (even basic) has however not yet been carried out. In this paper we look at whether opposite judgments of height, size, width and length (high/low, large/small, wide/narrow, and long/short) imply underlying unidimensional continua. In three experiments, independent ratings for the 8 above mentioned properties were elicited with participants looking at photographic representations of various objects (Study 1), real life objects (Study 2) and spatial extensions in object-independent conditions (Study 3). Explorative and confirmative factor analysis and Andrich Extended Rating Scale Models were applied in order to determine whether the ratings referred to opposite scales on the same linear continuum. Results from the three studies consistently revealed that this is not the case. A joint analysis of the data showed interesting interactions between the spatial properties analyzed suggesting a possible explanation for the lack of unidimensionality.  相似文献   

We recently showed that palm board measures are systematically inaccurate for full-cue surfaces within reach of one's hand, whereas free-hand gestures and reaching actions are quite accurate for such surfaces (Durgin, Hajnal, Li, Tonge, & Stigliani, 2010). Proffitt and Zadra (2010) claim that our demonstration that palm boards are highly inaccurate is irrelevant to interpreting past and present findings concerning dissociations between verbal reports and palm board estimates. In their paper they offer a theoretical representation of the findings of Bhalla and Proffitt (1999) and argue that our analysis is incompatible with their account. We offer here an alternative account of the findings of Bhalla and Proffitt, based on their actual data (which are fully compatible with our original analysis). We further show how our account generalizes to more recent studies that continue (1) to mistakenly describe null statistical effects on (insensitive) palm boards as evidence of a “dissociation” from (more sensitive) verbal measures that show a similar relative magnitude of change and (2) to introduce uncontrolled demand characteristics.  相似文献   

The present study examined the principles underlying inter and intralimb coordination constraints during performance of bimanual elbow–wrist movements at different cycling frequencies (from 0.75 Hz to 2.50 Hz). Participants performed eight coordination tasks that consisted of a combination of in-phase (IN) and/or anti-phase (AN) coordination modes between both elbows and wrists (interlimb), with isodirectional (Iso) or non-isodirectional (NonI) coordination modes within each limb (intralimb). As expected, the principle of muscle homology (in-phase coordination), giving rise to mirror symmetrical movements with respect to the mid-sagittal plane, had a powerful influence on the quality of global coordinative behavior both between and within limbs. When this principle was violated (i.e., when the anti-phase mode was introduced in one or both joint pairs), the non-isodirectional intralimb mode exhibited a (de)stabilizing role in coordination, which became more pronounced at higher cycling frequencies. However, pattern loss with increasing cycling frequency resulted not only in convergence toward the more stable in-phase patterns with the elbows and wrists but also to the anti-phase patterns (which were associated with directional compatibility of within-limb motions). Moreover, participants generally preserved their initial mode of coordination (either in-phase or anti-phase) in the proximal joints (i.e., elbows) while shifting from anti-phase to in-phase (or vice versa) with their distal joint pair (i.e., wrists). Taken together, these findings reflect the impact of two immanent types of symmetry in bimanual coordination: mirror-image and translational symmetry.  相似文献   

Large disturbances arising from the moving segments (focal movement) are commonly counteracted by anticipatory postural adjustments (APAs). The aim of this study was to investigate how APAs – focal movement coordination changes under temporal constraint. Ten subjects were instructed to perform an arm raising movement in the reactive (simple reaction time) and predictive (anticipation–coincidence) tasks. A stop paradigm was applied to reveal the coordination. On some unexpected trials, a stop signal indicated to inhibit the movement; it occurred randomly at different delays (SOA) relative to the go signal in the reactive task, and at different delays prior to the focal response initiation in the predictive task. Focal movement was measured using contact switch, accelerometer and EMG from the anterior deltoid. APAs were quantified using centre of pressure displacement and EMG from three postural muscles. The inhibition rates as a function of the SOA produce psychometric functions where the bi-serial points allow the moment of the motor "command release" to be estimated. Repeated measures ANOVAs showed that APAs and focal movement were closely timed in the reactive task but distinct in a predictive task. Data were discussed according to two different models of coordination: (1) hierarchical model where APAs and focal movement are the results of a single motor command; (2) parallel model implying two independent motor commands. The data clearly favor the parallel model when the temporal constraint is low. The stop paradigm appears as a promising technique to explore APAs – focal movement coordination.  相似文献   

Durgin et al. (2010) argued that the apparent accuracy of the palmboard measure of geographical slant is accidental and reflects limitations in wrist flexion that reduce palmboard adjustments by just the right amount given the perceptual overestimations upon which they are based. This account is inconsistent with findings that verbal reports and palmboard adjustments are dissociable. In addition to previous evidence found for such dissociation, Durgin et al. also found verbal/palmboard dissociations in Experiment 2. Experiments 1 and 3 of Durgin et al. lacked verbal reports and instead compared palmboard adjustments to free-hand estimates in the context of small wooden surfaces. These experiments are not relevant to the issue of verbal/palmboard dissociability. Across studies, the accuracy of Durgin et al.'s palmboard implementation is far less than that found by others (Feresin & Agostini, 2007). The design of Durgin et al.'s Experiment 5 misrepresented the experimental conditions of Creem and Proffitt (1998), and consequently, the findings of this study have no bearing on the issue at hand.  相似文献   

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