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In an era in which certain arenas of scientific research have become increasingly controversial, this article critically evaluates what it means to “believe in science.” Many scientists today seem to claim a sovereign right to no political interference under the rubric of freedom. This article questions such a notion, and explores the dominance of science and the silencing of moral voices by undertaking two brief investigations—the first into National Socialist Germany, which insisted that it was defined by “applied biology,” and the second into the world of contemporary American biomedicine. When all ethical barriers are eradicated, it seems that a will to power takes over—manifested in Nazi Germany’s vaunted scientific autonomy. In light of these sobering historical examples, this article reminds the reader that members of the public, including physicians, rightly deliberate about how to conscientiously order their lives together, and that part of that instrinsically political deliberation is to set limits to the ways medical science is applied and what scientists may do in pursuit of their goals.
Jean Bethke ElshtainEmail:

依依 《天风》2005,(12):50-50
神的恩赐是何等丰富,源源不断地从天上倒下来,可我们人就是这样败坏,完全经不起神的祝福,是——我出生在一个美满而又蒙福的家庭,爸爸高大威武,聪明能干,在外赚钱养家;妈妈娇小温柔,持家有道,把家收拾得井井有条。从小,我就知道自己要比别的孩子幸运。我家是当地有名的万元户,爸爸的  相似文献   

王侠 《天风》2006,(18):37
家是人们熟悉的一个字眼,熟悉的一个地方。家究竟是什么?不同的人对家的理解也不同,有人说家是人的栖身之所,休养身心的地方,是避风的港湾;有人说家是丈夫的王国,妻子的世界,孩子的乐园;有人说家是……家在人的心里概念是不尽相同的,但相同的是家对每个人都是重要的,因为她是人一生离不开的地方。人可以没有钱、没有权、没有势、没有一切,但不能没有家。家既是重要的,每个人都会爱自己的家,我也一样。  相似文献   

This study investigated whether young voters would vote for and volunteer to work for the election campaign of a presidential candidate, given the candidate's background and positions on two major campaign issues. Findings indicate that, although voter-candidate agreement on a single issue may be enough for a voter to vote for a candidate, agreement on both issues may be necessary before a voter agrees to volunteer to work for the candidate's election campaign.  相似文献   

Casati R 《Perception》2007,36(12):1849-1851
A special type of visual stimulus is described which gives the perceiver the impression that a shadow has been hidden behind a surface in the image, contrary to expectations based on ecological situations in which covering a shadow only passes it on to the cover.  相似文献   

汪振仁 《天风》2005,(1):4-5
经文:诗121:1-8 山,是我们熟悉的自然景物。人们喜欢山,因为爱它那多姿多彩的风景,也爱它里面蕴含的宝藏。诗人笔下的山,其高大、巍峨、挺拔、险峻、秀丽,令人神往,给人以遐想;经过艺术家的妙笔,展现在画卷上的山峦、奇峰,使人赏心悦目,陶冶人的性情。许多人喜欢爬山,是为了锻炼身体和意志,并增加对大自然的认识。然而对基督徒来说,山,这一受造之物与我们的信仰又有着千丝万缕的关系。  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated that the act of remembering can prompt the temporary suppression of related items in memory—that is,retrieval-induced forgetting (Anderson, Bjork, & Bjork, 1994). In extending work of this kind, the present research sought to identify some important boundary conditions of this effect. As expected, temporary forgetting was eliminated under task conditions that elicited distinctive encoding operations—specifically, when material was relevant to the self. This result is noteworthy since it identifies spontaneous processing operations that protect information from temporary forgetting, a finding that has important implications both for the emergence of this inhibitory effect in everyday life and for theoretical treatments of memory function.  相似文献   

Conclusion Against the ideology of conflict in which uncompromising violence is the winning attribute in the contest for political supremacy and superiority, Plato seeks to balance the oppositions of masculinity and femininity evenly in the single soul, to rethink manliness and allow it to be a disposition developed out of gentleness as well as spiritedness, and allowing men to draw on feminine characteristics to construct a new ideal of human nature. Socrates, we have seen, argues that guardian natures must be both gentle and spirited, and that a harmonious tension between these traits is conducive to the good of the soul and the city. There is no equivalent re-evaluation of womanliness however, no interest in re-evaluating the female role in the generation of children, and no interest in re-assessing the ontological dependencies of form and matter and their relation to reproduction and identity. Plato complicates and allows variations within the logic of gender relations which privilege the male as ideal, but these moves could not remove that structural inequality. Meanwhile, real women continue to be born withsexed bodies on whichgendered meanings are already inscribed (in a variety of different ways as deformed, inchoate, and lacking specificity), providing the ground and matter on which a creative principle gets to work and produces children, ideas and meanings.Ultimately, reason is master of the self in service of which spirit and gentleness are employed, and the inclusion of feminine gentleness into that service is no threat to the dominance of patriarchal hierarchy; both conceptually and empirically, woman and women remain source and resource for the patriarchal order. Reforming gender roles and abolishing the patrilinear genealogy is Plato's well-intentioned aim, but his failure to achieve this is inevitable, I have argued, as long as a specific identity for woman remains untheorised and a maternal genealogy unrecognized. Unless the ideal human being is re-conceptualised, giving a specific identity and value to the different morphologies of male and female humans, ignoring gender will never allow women an equivalentvalue: for, if women may be queens, this necessarily makes men their kings in the ideal republic.A Jonathan Richman song.  相似文献   


From a certain simplistic and inaccurate, although regrettably popular, perspective philosophy, at least for the past few decades, is available only in two main flavours - analytic and continental. Some self-identified members of both camps are apt to endorse uncharitable caricatures of what the others are up to. Among the many lines of criticism that can be directed against this false dichotomy, I wish to focus on discussion of a broadly naturalistic orientation that rejects many of the commitments both of paradigmatic analytic philosophy and paradigmatic continental philosophy. For the committed naturalist, the enterprise of philosophy is continuous with that of systematic empirical enquiry into the workings of the world (science). From a naturalistic perspective many of the standard moves of analytic philosophy, such as testing a proposal against ‘intuitions’, are as preposterous as the claims of ‘continental’ and ‘analytic’ philosophers sometimes appear to one another.  相似文献   

张倩红  朱晓 《学海》2011,(3):73-79
1290年英王爱德华一世对犹太人的驱逐是欧洲历史上发生的首次大规模驱犹事件,凭借犹太人对王权的依附,王室对犹太人严重剥削,导致犹太人对王室财政支持能力下降;犹太人从事放贷业引起中小地主的土地流转,集中到教会和大贵族手中,对王权造成了一定程度的威胁;爱德华一世企图鼓励犹太人改宗,但是犹太人对本民族宗教的坚定信仰使国王的政宗政策以失败而告终;英国国内频繁出现的血祭诽谤案引起普通民众反犹情绪高涨,这一切最终导致爱德华一世驱犹事件的出现,并为欧洲大规模驱犹树立了一个样板。  相似文献   

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