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Peer-delivered health models may hold important benefits for family members, yet their prevalence, components, and outcomes are unknown. We conducted a review of peer-delivered services for families of children and adults with serious health problems. Studies of interventions published between 2000 and 2016 were included if the intervention contained a component for family members. Of 88 studies that were assessed for their eligibility, five met criteria. Familial components included information about the health condition and management, strategies to enhance communication and stress, and the provision of emotional support. Outcomes were largely favorable, including reductions in distress and symptoms of trauma, enhanced quality of life, and positive perceptions of the peer therapeutic alliance. Peer-delivered services for family members may hold important benefits to caregivers; however, the research base remains thin. A research agenda to develop and examine these models is discussed.  相似文献   

In order to meet the challenging needs and behaviors of children with Serious Emotional Disorders (SED), a school and community based Intensive Mental Health Program (IMHP) was developed and evaluated. We describe the conceptual framework, treatment principles, and model for service delivery for psychological and educational interventions under the umbrella of the IMHP. The program illustrates a model of comprehensive services for children with SED.  相似文献   

A growing literature has examined the association between therapeutic alliance and treatment outcomes in child therapy. Few studies, however, have specifically investigated the role of therapeutic alliance within evidence-based parenting programs for children with externalizing behavioural difficulties. The current study prospectively collected measures of therapeutic alliance for 117 families completing a Triple P parenting program in a community children’s mental health center. Higher levels of mother and father rated therapeutic alliance were associated with greater gains in parenting skills and parental sense of competence. Parental rated therapeutic alliance was also associated with greater improvements in child conduct problems for mothers, but not fathers. However, therapist ratings of therapeutic alliance had limited associations with treatment improvement. The implications of the findings for clinical practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Cultural issues tied to race/ethnicity are important aspects in delivering medical home services to children with neurodevelopmental disabilities and their families. To better understand family satisfaction with family centered care (FCC) in medical homes of children with disabilities, this study investigated whether family race/ethnicity, in addition to parent and child characteristics, significantly influenced family perceptions of FCC in three areas: family-provider partnership, care setting practices and policies, and community coordination and follow-up. Based on the life course theory for optimizing children's developmental trajectories, examining connections between family race/ethnicity and satisfaction with health care allows for identification of strengths and weaknesses in medical home services delivery, and offers opportunities for family support and improvement in outcomes for children with disabilities. This study developed an original empirical survey using a structured questionnaire developed by Family Voices, a national advocacy organization dedicated to promoting the well-being of children with disabilities and their families. The study collected data for 122 families in a large urban area in the northeastern United States. Multivariate analyses revealed that family race/ethnicity significantly contributed to the prediction of parental satisfaction with medical homes of children with disabilities, and to families' perceptions of FCC in care setting practices and policies, and community coordination and followup, but not to family provider partnership. Non-White families reported significantly lower satisfaction. Discussion emphasizes that health care providers need to become more vigilant in providing culturally sensitive care. To enhance FCC practices and policies, the study advances a checklist of ten essential areas that promote culturally sensitive interactions between families of children with disabilities and their medical and non-medical health care providers.  相似文献   

This paper explores some clinical implications of combining individual and group psychotherapy for children functioning at different levels of ego development. More highly structured children are able to observe the continuity and discontinuity that inevitably exist between the two modalities. Bridging of the two therapeutic contexts—integrating split off object representations—enriches the transference and strengthens the therapeutic alliance. In working with ego impaired children the goal in combining treatment modalities is to provide a therapeutic structure capable of containing unintegrated affects and perceptions. The therapist's challenge is to provide the opportunity to regulate emotional distance while at the same time maintaining the experience of a nurturing relationship. While potential hazards exist, with proper precautions taken, combined treatment can provide significant opportunities to establish or strengthen a therapeutic alliance with children, particularly those most in need and yet most resistant to treatment.  相似文献   


Increased cultural diversity in the United States and elsewhere in the west requires that the school special services providers be aware of differences among identity groups, and sensitive to how these variations influence parents' perceptions of, and responses to, their child with a developmental disability. Because concern about diversity is relatively recent, the data base for action is virtually nonexistent. Nonetheless, there exists sufficient information to alert the special services provider to such factors as culture, religion, race, and social class in developing service programs. Understanding the values, beliefs, and experiences of families enables one to provide more effective services than does operating with the assumption that everyone views the world through essentially the same lens.  相似文献   

Client engagement is an essential yet challenging ingredient in effective therapy. Engaged clients are more likely to bond with therapists and counselors, endorse treatment goals, participate to a greater degree, remain in treatment longer, and report higher levels of satisfaction. This study explored the process of engaging high-risk youth and their parents in a unique home-based family therapy intervention. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 19 families who completed family therapy sessions that included a core component aimed at increasing treatment engagement. Parents’ and youths’ perceptions of engagement suggest the importance of developing therapeutic alliance with therapists, who facilitated building a shared alliance among family members. Implications for improving client engagement are discussed within the context of alliance building with the therapist and among family members.  相似文献   

Coordination of mental health services in children with serious emotional disturbance (SED) has shown a preliminary relationship to positive outcomes in children. Yet, research in this area is sparse. Therefore, the relation between service coordination activities and adaptive functioning was examined for 51 children SED who were treated in the school-based Intensive Mental Health Program for elementary school students (IMHP; average treatment length was 12?months; mean age 9.37 at intake). Systematic review of detailed case records identified 16,669 episodes of service coordination that could be coded reliably for frequency, quality, and purpose (planning, linking, monitoring) of the service coordination component. Adaptive functioning was measured by Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale (CAFAS) ratings and daily points earned on the behavior management system of the IMHP at intake, 6, 12?months, and discharge. Findings indicated that the frequency, quality, and purpose of the service coordination component varied from case to case and by time in treatment. Although service coordination activities overall decreased as treatment progressed, concentrated high quality service coordination (measured by frequency, quality, and component of service coordination) consistently predicted improved functioning on both CAFAS ratings and daily points earned. Results have both practice and policy implications for training interagency teams and clinicians on when and how to optimally coordinate services.  相似文献   

Reasons for the underutilization of genetics services by families of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are not well understood. We report the identification of factors associated with this underuse. Survey-based study of parents and/or guardians of children with ASD. One hundred fifty-five families completed the questionnaire. Thirty-one of 155 (20%) children had seen a genetics professional. Forty-nine of 154 (32%) children had undergone genetic testing. Parents whose child saw a genetics professional were more likely to 1) Have a primary provider refer for or suggest a genetics evaluation 2) Have asked for a referral, and/or 3) Know another person with a genetic cause of ASD. amilies of children with ASD who have not received genetics services are less aware of their availability and utility. They are also less likely to have their provider recommend a clinical genetics evaluation. Efforts should be taken to increase awareness of both health providers and parents regarding the usefulness of genetics services for ASD.  相似文献   

Knowledge about the etiology of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) is increasing, but causes remain elusive for most cases. Genetic counselors are positioned to help families that have children with ASDs despite uncertainty regarding etiology. To determine how genetic counselors might best provide services, an anonymous survey was conducted with 255 parents whose children were diagnosed on the autism spectrum. Questions concerned: 1) their perceptions of ASD cause(s) and 2) recurrence risk, 3) whether perceived risk affected family planning decisions, 4) whether parents had received genetic services, and 5) how genetic counselors might assist families. The most prevalent perceived cause was genetic influences (72.6%). Most parents’ recurrence risk perceptions were inaccurately high and significantly affected family planning. Only 10% had seen a genetic professional related to an ASD. Parents provided several suggestions for genetic counselor best practices. Findings indicate the importance of genetic counselor awareness of parent perceptions in order to best help families who have children with ASDs.  相似文献   

Client satisfaction has emerged as an important variable in evaluating outcomes for mental health treatment, yet studies have seldom queried children and adolescents about their perceptions of the services they receive. The present study surveyed 20 youths receiving community-based, wraparound services about their satisfaction, sense of involvement, and feelings of unconditional care. Unconditional care, in this case, referred to the youth's sense that his or her caretakers would remain stable regardless of what happened. Each of these variables was in turn related to behavioral adjustment. It was found that both youths' sense of involvement and their perceptions that their care was unconditional were strongly associated with satisfaction with services. However, neither satisfaction nor involvement were correlated with the severity of subjects' acting-out behaviors. Subjects' perception that care was unconditional was strongly, negatively correlated with the severity of acting-out behaviors. Thus, while the relationship between satisfaction and behavior remains unclear, it appears that youths' perceptions of the stability of their services plays a role in their acting out. It was concluded that youths' feelings about their services can provide meaningful information for researchers and service providers.  相似文献   

Positive and negative alliance‐related behaviours of thirty‐seven families seen in brief family therapy were rated from videotapes using the System for Observing Family Therapy Alliances ( Friedlander et al., 2006b ). Positive associations were found between in‐session behaviour and participants' perceptions of the alliance and improvement so far both early (session 3) and later in therapy (session 6). Binary logistic regression showed that successful outcomes (defined as consensus by therapist and all family members on general improvement and reduced problem severity) were significantly predicted by positive individual behaviour (Engagement in the Therapeutic Process, Emotional Connection with the Therapist, Safety within the Therapeutic System) in session 3 and productive within‐family collaboration (Shared Sense of Purpose within the Family) in session 6. Shared Sense of Purpose was the alliance indicator most consistently associated with clients' and therapists' perceptions of therapeutic progress; moreover, it was the only alliance indicator to improve significantly over time in treatment.  相似文献   

Research suggests that improvements to community mental health (CMH) care for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are needed. Recent research examining the feasibility of training CMH therapists to deliver a package of evidence-based practice intervention strategies (EBPs) targeting challenging behaviors for school-age children with ASD offers initial support for such efforts to improve care. Specifically, quantitative data from a recent pilot study indicate that CMH therapists with limited ASD experience can deliver an EBP intervention with fidelity and perceive it as useful to their practice. Further, client attendance is high and children demonstrate improvement on standardized measures. To further understand the feasibility and impact of training CMH therapists to deliver EBPs, this mixed-methods study examined parent perspectives of the process and impact of outpatient psychotherapy for 13 parents of children ages 5–13 with ASD whose therapists were trained to deliver the EBP intervention. Results complement and expand previously reported quantitative data on psychotherapy process indicating that parents are highly involved in treatment for their children, perceive a strong therapeutic alliance with their children’s therapist, and highlight that treatment was different once therapists began delivering the intervention. Results also indicate themes related to parents’ perceptions of positive child and parent outcomes that provide important details on the specific gains that were observed during treatment. Study findings underscore the importance of parent perspectives in understanding the process and impact of implementing EBPs in CMH settings for families of children with ASD.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the termination of children's mental health services. Analyses were based on the 901 families in the Fort Bragg Evaluation Project who participated at Wave 1 and Wave 2 six months later. The project compared a full continuum of care provided at a demonstration site with traditional care at two comparison sites. The results showed that in most cases families and providers were partners in decisions to terminate treatment. About half of the clients self-terminated or were terminated solely at the discretion of the provider. Providers tended to play a more dominant role in terminating restrictive services; families played a more central role in terminating outpatient care. Regardless of initial psychopathology, children in single-headed households, whose parents were dissatisfied with services, did not expect their child to cooperate with treatment and did not expect treatment to help their child, were more likely to terminate care than others. While the Demonstration site had significantly fewer terminations, the sites did not differ with regard to the reasons for termination, who participated in termination decisions, or the factors that affected the likelihood to terminate care. Of most interest, mental health outcomes among children who had terminated all care did not vary by reasons for termination or by who participated in the termination decision.  相似文献   

Respite care is widely believed to be an important support service for families raising a child with a disability. We report the findings of a respite care utilization study conducted within the context of a larger research and demonstration project examining three models of intensive, in-home services for children experiencing psychiatric crises. Respite care, both in-home and out-of-home, was a support service available to families in two of the three study conditions. Overall, 34% of 146 eligible families used in-home and or out-of-home respite care. Utilization was lower than the estimates developed prior to implementation, prompting an inquiry at the end of the first project year designed to maximize use and to gather more information on caregiver and service provider attitudes toward respite care. The inquiry included caregiver and provider focus groups, surveys, and enhanced data collection and analysis. Caregiver interviews indicated that many families did not fully understand what it meant to receive respite care or even that it was available to them. A comparative analysis of respite care users and non-users revealed that respite care users were more likely to have younger children, children who had a greater number of assessed functional impairments, and fewer social supports. Respite care users also reported greater difficulty managing their children's difficult behaviors.  相似文献   

Mental health systems need scalable solutions that can reduce the efficacy–effectiveness gap and improve mental health outcomes in community mental health service settings. Two major challenges to delivery of high-quality care are providers’ fidelity to evidence-based treatment models and children’s and caregivers’ engagement in the treatment process. We developed a novel, tablet-based application designed to enhance via technology the quality of delivery of trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy (TF-CBT). We piloted its use in four community mental health service organizations using a blocked randomized controlled trial to examine the feasibility of implementing tablet-facilitated TF-CBT versus standard TF-CBT with 13 providers and 27 families. Provider fidelity and child engagement in treatment were observationally measured via session audio recording. Parent and child perceptions of the tablet application were assessed using structured interviews and mixed-method analyses. Providers actively and appropriately used tablet TF-CBT to facilitate treatment activities. Providers and families expressed high satisfaction with its use, demonstrating acceptability of this approach. Youth and caregivers in both conditions reported high alliance with their providers. Overall, we found that tablet-facilitated treatment is accepted by providers and families and may be integrated into mental health treatment with minimal training. Further study is needed to examine the extent to which technology-based applications may enhance the reach, quality, and clinical outcomes of mental health treatment delivered to children and families.  相似文献   

We examined co-parenting alliance based on information provided by 57 incarcerated parents and their corresponding child caregivers who took part in the Messages Project, in which incarcerated parents video recorded greetings to children that were then mailed home. We assessed perceptions of co-parenting alliance, measured by the Parenting Alliance Measure, and levels of child contact from both parents and caregivers. We also observed expressions of positive and negative attitudes that prisoners expressed regarding the home caregiver during the video recording. Incarcerated parents reported more frequent phone contact with children and more frequent letter-writing to children than did home caregivers. Incarcerated parents likewise reported higher levels of co-parenting alliance with the home caregiver in comparison to the assessment of co-parenting alliance reported by the home caregiver. Among children observing the video recorded message, a more positive co-parenting alliance between their parent and home caregiver was associated with increased positive mood. More frequent displays of negative attitudes toward caregivers during the recordings were associated with more negative mood indicators among children. Results suggest the importance of a strong co-parenting alliance between incarcerated parents and home caregivers, but imply that incarcerated parents may have a more optimistic view of their connection home than is the case for collaborating caregivers.  相似文献   

This study examined whether clients' ratings of the working alliance as well as their perception of cognitive-behavioral (CB) and psychodynamic-interpersonal (PI) techniques (delivered by therapists who used both) were associated with clients' intersession processes (i.e., their thoughts about therapy and therapeutic activity between sessions). Seventy-five clients who were currently in therapy at a large university counseling center participated in the current study. Multilevel regression analyses demonstrated that alliance and clients' perceptions of their therapists' use of PI techniques were positively associated with clients' general thoughts about therapy between sessions. Also, stronger alliances were associated with more therapeutic activities between sessions and more positive (and less negative) thoughts about therapy between sessions. In addition, clients at later sessions who described their therapists as using more PI techniques also reported engaging in more therapeutic activities between sessions (after controlling for the variance in the other variables, such as use of CB techniques). Clients' perceptions of their therapists' use of CB techniques in the most recent session were not related to thinking about therapy or therapeutic activities after controlling for the variance in the other variables.  相似文献   

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