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In humans, impaired recognition memory following lesions thought to be limited to the hippocampal region has been demonstrated for a wide variety of tasks. However, the importance of the human hippocampus for olfactory recognition memory has scarcely been explored. We evaluated the ability of memory-impaired patients with damage thought to be limited to the hippocampal region to recognize a list of odors. The patients were significantly impaired after a retention delay of 1 h. Olfactory sensitivity was intact. This finding is in agreement with earlier reports that rats with hippocampal lesions exhibited memory impairment on an odor delayed nonmatching to sample task (after 30 min and 1 h) and that patients with damage thought to be limited to the hippocampal region were impaired on an odor span memory task. Olfactory recognition memory, similar to recognition memory in other sensory modalities, depends on the integrity of the hippocampal region.  相似文献   

In a recent study, rats with hippocampal lesions performed as well as did unoperated rats on an olfactory memory span task, performing ~80% correct even when the span length reached 24 odors. This finding seems potentially at odds with demonstrations that memory-impaired patients typically fail tasks in which large amounts of information must be retained. Accordingly, we have assessed recognition memory span performance for line drawings of objects, designs, and odors in amnesic patients with damage thought to be limited to the hippocampal region. The patients were impaired on all three tasks. We consider possible explanations for the difference between the findings for humans and rats, including the fact that olfactory function is particularly well-developed in rodents.  相似文献   

Recognition memory impairment after selective hippocampal lesions in monkeys is more profound when measured with visual paired-comparison (VPC) than with delayed nonmatching-to-sample (DNMS). To clarify this issue, we assessed the impact of stimuli similarity and encoding duration on the VPC performance in monkeys with hippocampal lesions and sham-operated controls. The novelty preference was compared for pictures of dissimilar vs. similar objects and for encoding duration of 30, 10, 5, and 1 sec. The novelty preference was spared after hippocampal lesions with dissimilar (colored or black and white [BW]) stimuli and an encoding time ≥10 sec, but declined with similar stimuli or a short encoding time of 1 or 5 sec. Therefore, the severe VPC impairment reported earlier after hippocampal damage cannot be attributed to the long encoding time used (30 sec) relative to DNMS (1-5 sec). However, it may result, at least in part, from the poorer distinctiveness of the stimuli typically used for VPC (BW slides of pictures of equal size and brightness of objects differing in shape) relative to the actual objects used for DNMS, differing in shape, color, size, brightness, and texture. This conclusion fits well with current models that view the hippocampus as a comparator capable of individualizing the representations of highly overlapping inputs.  相似文献   

Summary In Experiment 1, recall and recognition of 80 action phrases were compared under two encoding conditions: verbal and motor (performing the denoted acts). Memory performance was better under motor encoding than under verbal encoding, and more so in recognition than in recall. We assume that this finding is due to the item-specific effect of a specific motor component in the memory trace after enacting. In Experiments 2 and 3 we further investigated whether false-alarm rates are dependent on the motoric similarity of distractor items. The rate of false alarms was lower under motor encoding than under verbal encoding, but the motoric similarity of distractor items to list items did not influence the false alarms. The results were interpreted as support for the assumption that motor encoding enhances item-specific information in relation to verbal encoding, but that during verbal recognition the motoric quality of the depicted movement is not processed.  相似文献   

Voice and face recognition were tested in 21 left- and 9 right-hemisphere-damaged patients. Test materials were photographs and recordings of famous political and entertainment personalities. Pathological face recognition (prosopagnosia) and voice recognition (phonagnosia) were both significantly more prevalent in the right-hemisphere group. Only one instance of prosopagnosia and one of phonagnosia were observed in the left-hemisphere group, all of whom were aphasic. Of the right-hemisphere cases, there were four instances of each agnosia, with three patients showing a dual impairment. These findings are discussed in relation to differential modes of processing by the two cerebral hemispheres.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we investigate hypermnesia, net memory improvements with repeated testing of the same material after a single study trial. In the first experiment, we found hypermnesia across three trials for the recall of word solutions to Socratic stimuli (dictionary-like definitions of concepts) replicating Erdelyi, Buschke, and Finkelstein and, for the first time using these materials, for their recognition. In the second experiment, we had two “yes/no” recognition groups, a Socratic stimuli group presented with concrete and abstract verbal materials and a word-only control group. Using signal detection measures, we found hypermnesia for concrete Socratic stimuli—and stable performance for abstract stimuli across three recognition tests. The control group showed memory decrements across tests. We interpret these findings with the alternative retrieval pathways (ARP) hypothesis, contrasting it with alternative theories of hypermnesia, such as depth of processing, generation and retrieve–recognise. We conclude that recognition hypermnesia for concrete Socratic stimuli is a reliable phenomenon, which we found in two experiments involving both forced-choice and yes/no recognition procedures.  相似文献   

Amnesic Korsakoff patients and controls were presented with twelve words, each shown individually in the presence of a weak associate. They were then asked to freely associate to 12 other words that were strong associates of the to-be-remembered (TBR) words. The Korsakoff patients generated, and were able to recognize, as many of the TBR words as the controls. Yet, in spite of this recognition ability, these same patients were subsequently unable to recall the critical TBR words when the weak cues were again presented. A follow-up study found that the same recognition results could be obtained with Korsakoffs months after initial presentation suggesting that the patients might initially have “recognized” the most highly associated words simply because they represented the most probable choices. Intermediate association prompts failed to generate correct responses. It was hypothesized that the Korsakoff patients cannot restructure their semantic associative hierarchy during input in such a way as to become sensitized to other than the strongest associates as prompts during recall.  相似文献   

The diversity of methods, contents and tests used in the study of eyewitness memory may have contributed to discrepancies in results in this field. In this experiment, using incidental or intentional learning, we examine the recall and recognition of actions and details concerning the central and peripheral information of a kidnapping. A similar pattern emerges in free recall, hits and recognition confidence: scores are much higher in actions than in central details and there are almost no differences between peripheral actions and details, showing that the distribution of attentional resources is different for actions and details in central than in peripheral information. Although in recall the degree of error was low, in recognition false alarms, especially those in central actions, reduced the level of accuracy to even lower than chance performance in both incidental and intentional groups, also showing that subjects accept false but plausible contents with a high level of confidence. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The formation of new associations between items is critical for establishing episodic memories. It has been suggested that the hippocampus is essential for creating such associations but is not involved, or is much less involved, in memory for single items. In Experiment 1, we tested controls and amnesic patients with bilateral lesions thought to be limited primarily to the hippocampal region in both single-item and associative recognition memory tasks. In the single-item task, a conventional recognition memory task was administered in which participants studied either houses or faces and were tested for their ability to recognize the individual items. In the associative task, participants studied paired pictures of houses and faces with instructions that encouraged associating the two stimuli, and were tested for their ability to recognize the specific pairings that were presented at study. Like the controls, the amnesic patients performed more poorly on the associative task. Relative to the controls, the amnesic patients were impaired to a similar extent on the single-item and associative tasks. In Experiment 2, the performance of the amnesic patients was improved by increasing the number of presentations of the study lists (eight presentations instead of one). On both the single-item and associative tests, the performance of the amnesic patients after eight presentations was now identical to the performance of the controls who had been given only one presentation of the study list. Thus, the associative condition was not disproportionally difficult for the amnesic patients. These results are consistent with the idea that the hippocampus is similarly involved in single-item and associative memory.  相似文献   

Associate-recognition has received little attention as a potential clinical tool for detecting early Alzheimer's disease (AD). As an important preliminary stage to investigating the paradigm's diagnostic utility, we designed and administered a verbal associate-recognition task to healthy elderly participants (n = 62) and compared their performance to that on traditional cued-recall PAL. In both test conditions, the stimulus list comprised of a mixture of highly imageable and less imageable word pairs. Overall, performance on the associate-recognition task was superior to that on the cued-recall analogue. This 'recognition advantage' was not attributable to the higher baseline or chance guessing rate in the associate-recognition condition, as the size of the recognition advantage varied across learning trials and stimulus imageability. In comparison to performance on the imageable stimuli, performance on the less imageable stimuli was poor in both associate-recognition and cued-recall conditions. Across the delay, performances were more likely to drop in the cued-recall condition than the associate-recognition condition. These results suggest that verbal associate-recognition may be clinically efficacious and better tolerated in elderly populations than traditional cued-recall paradigms. Although these results are encouraging, further research is required to examine the utility of associate-recognition in clinical populations, particularly early AD.  相似文献   

Visual recognition of biological motion is impaired in children with autism   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Autistic children and typically developing control children were tested on two visual tasks, one involving grouping of small line elements into a global figure and the other involving perception of human activity portrayed in point-light animations. Performance of the two groups was equivalent on the figure task, but autistic children were significantly impaired on the biological motion task. This latter deficit may be related to the impaired social skills characteristic of autism, and we speculate that this deficit may implicate abnormalities in brain areas mediating perception of human movement.  相似文献   

Low accessibility of threatening information is a crucial element in the theory of repression. Despite many attempts, no empirical evidence has been found for such an inverse memory bias in normal subjects. An alternative approach is to study repressive processes as an individual difference. Adopting such a trait approach, several studies have shown impaired memory for threatening memories of real‐life episodes in so‐called repressors. Several other studies have yielded evidence of avoidant processing of mildly threatening information in the early stages of information processing in repressors. Thus far, little evidence for a similar avoidant bias in memory has been offered for repressors. To demonstrate the presence of memory deficits for mildly threatening information, we tested recall and cued recognition after a 30 min delay, for (i) threatening, (ii) pleasant, and (iii) neutral words in repressors and non‐repressors. No proof was found for poorer recall and recognition of threatening words in repressors, or for lower numbers of threatening semantic intrusions in these individuals, while the power of the study was adequate. While repression‐related avoidant processing may be present for even mildly threatening stimuli at earlier stages of information processing, the results of the present study indicate that repressed memory may only show up for relatively intense emotional events. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Children learn novel information using various methods, and one of the most common is human pedagogical communication or teaching – the purposeful imparting of information from one person to another. Neuro‐typically developing (TD) children gain the ability to recognize and understand teaching as a core method for acquiring knowledge from others. However, it is not known when children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) acquire the ability to recognize and understand teaching. This study (total = 70) examined whether children with ASD recognize the two central elements that define teaching: (1) that teaching is an intentional activity; and (2) that teaching requires a knowledge difference between teacher and learner. Theory of mind understanding was also tested. Compared to individually matched TD children, high cognitively functioning children with ASD were impaired in their comprehension of both components of teaching understanding, and their performance was correlated with theory of mind understanding. These findings could have broad implications for explaining learning in children with autism, and could help in designing more effective interventions, which could ultimately lead to improved learning outcomes for everyday life skills, school performance, health, and overall well‐being.  相似文献   

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