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病例报告属于描述性研究方法,是通过记录非同寻常的临床现象,可能揭示新病种、特殊机制、新疗法等,为临床工作经验介绍、总结的初步形式。在医学科学探索的历程中,病例报告拥有特殊的地位和曾经的辉煌,目前仍是医学研究的一种重要体裁。"一个好的病例报告就是一个有教育意义的好故事",一个不同寻常的现象,可能是一个新的病种、一个特殊的机制或一种特殊的组织病变或生理功能紊乱所致。一篇好的病例报告为临床医生和科研工作者提供直接生动的第一手临床资料,能促进临床医生和医学生热爱临床工作,养成面对难题、独立思考、追根朔源、发现与解决问题的能力,值得重视。  相似文献   

阳明心学的成就离不开对佛道思想的吸收与融合,王阳明早年对道家道教更是甚为痴迷,然而王阳明后来却对道家道教明确采取了一种批判否定的态度,而这种巨大的思想转向与王阳明多年习练养生术的切身体会关系密切.自身的需要促使王阳明早年长期热衷于养生术的修炼,可得到的却是彻底的失望,遂而领会长生之虚妄.打破迷悟的王阳明进而转向对德性自我的真己的养护,养生必得有益于养心,这种对德性之心的修持也成为阳明心学形成的关键.从养生到养德的态度转变,也是了解道家道教思想对阳明心学形成所起影响不可缺少的一条线索.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with Aristotle’s theory of habituation, focusing on the following three issues: (1) the relation between habit and reason, (2) human nature and habituation, and (3) the roles of family and politics in habituation. Aristotle’s theory of habituation has been a topic of interest recently. Yet so far, most debates about this topic are about the first issue. This paper will bring in the second and the third issues, in order to provide a complete picture of the theory. To be more specific, the paper seeks to better understand the following three claims of Aristotle, corresponding to the three issues mentioned above: (1) “We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts” (NE 1103a34–b1) . (2) “We are adapted by nature to receive virtues, and are made perfect by habit” (teleuioumenois de dia tou ethous) (1103a25–26). (3) “One’s own good cannot exist without household management, nor without a form of government” (1142a9–11).  相似文献   

在快乐中培养少儿的道德品行是亚里士多德音乐教育思想的道德目标。在审美通感的基础上,通过道德移情进行理性灵魂的德性活动,是音乐教育培养少儿道德品行的心理机制。“执中”为善、积习成德是音乐教育培塑未来道德公民的基本途径。  相似文献   

This paper reconsiders some themes and arguments from my earlier paper “Fairness, Respect and the Egalitarian Ethos.” That work is often considered to be part of a cluster of papers attacking “luck egalitarianism” on the grounds that insisting on luck egalitarianism’s standards of fairness undermines relations of mutual respect among citizens. While this is an accurate reading, the earlier paper did not make its motivations clear, and the current paper attempts to explain the reasons that led me to write the earlier paper, assesses the force of its arguments, and locates it in respect to work of Richard Arneson and Elizabeth Anderson. The paper concludes by bringing out what now appears to be the main message of the earlier paper: that the attempt to implement an “ideal” theory of equality can harm the very people that the theory is designed to help.  相似文献   

中国身体观与中国问题--兼评周与沉《身体:思想与修行》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
身体问题是每一个人、每一个民族与文化的切身问题。人之为人的一个重要特征就是,他是作为身体而存在。身体不止是生理层面的血肉形躯(肉体),更由历史、社会、文化所建构而成的。身体既是人的自我理解的起点,又是人与社会、自然沟通交往的存在支点甚至价值支点。无论勘察人的本质,还是究诘人的处境,都不能不将身体作为一个重要的起点和条件。对人之存在与生存的关切,只有落实到对身体的关注,才算是全面与切实的。由身体出发,来探讨一个民族的思想与社会的历史和现状,不止是提供了一个崭新的视野,其本身就是一个至为重要的切入角度。在当代西…  相似文献   

The early hasidic movement was distinguished by its readiness to see the sacred in everything. As presented by Rabbi Yaakov Yosef of Polonnoye (d. 1782), disciple of the Baal Shem Tov, this perception was particularly to be applied to fragmented eastern European Jewish society. The scholarly class saw themselves as “holy” but could not relate to the ignorant masses. Hasidic teachings sought to reveal the holiness in everyone and thus draw together these disparate classes, with a vision of an underlying unity of the Jewish people. During the nineteenth century, the Enlightenment and Reformist movements provoked a strong traditionalist reaction which eventually led to the contemporary ultra-orthodox (haredi) enclave. The haredi Jew consciously seeks to live in a separate society with invisible walls protecting the holiness within and keeping at bay the profane world outside. The hasidim form an important section of this haredi enclave, deliberately suppressing the earlier inclusivist hasidic ethos. In the mid-twentieth century, the Habad hasidic movement revived aspects of that ethos in a modern form, leading to its dominant contemporary mode of expression: outreach. At the same time, Habad seeks to remain part of the haredi world. This post-modern combination of opposites may eventually influence other haredi groups and lead to new configurations of the schisms provoked by the confrontation of tradition and modernity.  相似文献   

The crisis of 2008?C2009 has been viewed primarily as a financial one, which has spilled over into the economy more generally. I want to argue that there is a much deeper crisis, of which the present one is a result. The deeper crisis is political: more specifically, it is a crisis in the ideology and social ethos of the American people. I refer to what has happened to the thinking of United States citizens since the Second World War, and the dangers that that transformation entails for world peace and cooperation??let alone the creation of an economic regime in which deep financial crises do not occur. Short of a change in the ideology of a many of its citizens, I do not believe the United States can succeed in preventing a repeat performance, perhaps many encores, which become increasingly severe.  相似文献   

袁晓晶 《现代哲学》2021,(1):138-143
早期儒家思想中,孟、荀以"血气"为身体的自然基础,通过讨论"气"的观念,形成"身教"的思想。孟子通过"知言养气"的修身办法,以志统摄气,强调气之浩然与清明;荀子通过"以礼治气"的礼教方法,以教治气,强调气之自然与可塑。孟子的养气说,注重以内在的意志力完成对血气的超越;荀子的治气论,强调以外在的礼义完成对血气的规范。二者合一,形成早期儒家的身教思想,而这一思想对于后世儒学工夫论的发展起到奠基的作用,对今日反思儒家的教化哲学亦有启发之处。  相似文献   

田润 《道德与文明》2020,(3):150-157
柯亨认为,罗尔斯差别原则的真正实现,不仅需要公正的强制性规则,而且还需要一种贯穿个人选择之中的平等主义风尚。对于这种平等主义风尚,有妨碍职业自由、伤害到最不利者的尊严以及这种风尚无法实现三种反对意见,但这些反对并不成功。同时,也存在从保护职业自由的角度、从用好"才能"的角度、从运用辩护性共同体的角度三种修正平等主义风尚的方法,其中前两种修正存在一定问题,第三种则更为成功。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper is concerned with the contrast in views between traditional mainstream Chinese philosophy and Western liberal individualism on the importance of the concept of individual rights in social and political thought. The contrast is striking because, whereas individual and political rights have long featured in public discourse in the West, in China, mainstream social and political thought has developed without a notion of individual rights. In search of the significance of this major difference, the paper traces ideas of the self in China through Confucian ethics, and compares the Confucian conception of the self with the deontological liberal conception of the subject as a bearer of rights in the West. Having established that the Chinese way of thinking about the self and about moral agency is in stark contrast to the image of the self as a bearer of rights in the deontological conception, the paper goes on to discuss the inadequacy of the moral individualism of a rights-based morality and argues for an alternative view of morality which places importance on the intrinsic value of collective goods and on membership in a society.  相似文献   

熟读经典,培养中医思维   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
师古为效今,熟读历代著名医家的经典医籍,亦是为当今之新中医培养中医思维观而用。通过阐述了熟读典籍的重要意义,以及从典籍中吸取何种精华为我所用,探讨了当今之新中医如何发展创新,试图探索一条复兴中医之路。  相似文献   

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