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In this article, we explore the values attributed to multilingualism and bilingual education expressed in interviews with immigrant parents whose children are enrolled in French Immersion programs in the Vancouver metropolitan area. Our analysis indicates that language socialization and language learning encompass more than the transmission of values, practices, and language repertoires to include a collective construction of new practices and language identities. Furthermore, a dialectic of integration and resistance to assimilation appears to underlie the actions of these parents who foster multilingualism in their children as part of a national and international integration strategy.  相似文献   

Autonomy, a basic ethical value in public health, is regularly put under pressure by the demands of empowerment, rights of individuals and healthy communities. This article describes the results of a study about the support of non-immigrants and immigrants subjects (n?=?137) from the Montreal area on the value of autonomy conveyed in six public health programs. The results indicate that non-immigrants Quebecers and longstanding immigrants differ from recent immigrants concerning activities about commitment of fathers, poverty families, screening for sexually transmitted diseases and treatment of tuberculosis.  相似文献   

This study examines the representation of the determining factors of patients’ states of health in therapeutic care situations. We describe the average representation of experienced hospital nurses (n=44) and the differences which they consider to exist between their own and their patients’ points of view. Taking as our starting point the purpose of the care provided and the asymmetry of the carer/patient relationship, we hypothesize, on the one hand, that nurses will have a representation of their patients’ state of health which is based on the care to be provided, with the factors determining the state of health being necessarily perceived as having a general impact on patients’ lives while still being remediable, i.e. capable of changing and being controlled by the provided care. On the other hand, we expect them to attribute a passive position and attitude to their patients, with the factors determining their state of health being necessarily perceived as being out of their own control. The results and the analysis of the representations reported as being those of the patients and their families seem to justify this perception and role of carer: the supposed representations of the latter would appear to be convergent but less focused on health problems and would tend to minimize the patient’s involvement, in particular when the state of health declines. The results are discussed with reference to the Health Belief Model and the social norm of internality as well as the professional practices observed in hospital environments.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2022,28(3):157-175
IntroductionThe Covid-19 pandemic disrupted the organization of work and represented a turning point in the deployment of mediated and remote work. Wherever the continuation of the activity was possible at a distance, telework was imposed. Nevertheless, it is exercised in new conditions and the organization of work modalities is defined according to the evolution of the situation and governmental health measures.ObjectiveIn this context, the objective of this study is to understand what are, from the point of view of middle managers, the impacts of telework in confinement and then during the progressive re-establishment of the activity on site, on the one hand, on the work, its organization and its conditions of realization and, on the other hand, on the work collectives, the relationship to work and the quality of life of the employees.MethodIn this perspective, we carried out an exploratory and comprehensive study through semi-structured interviews with 17 directors of service in a French public organization.ResultsThe lexical and morphosyntactic analysis performed shows that the modalities of work organization/reorganization at different moments of the crisis, their impact on work activity, the psychosocial experience of telework within the services and the managerial practices deployed (3 classes) could constitute opportunities but also generate risks.ConclusionThe results of this study allow us to identify the benefits but also the potentially deleterious effects of the use of telework in times of crisis and provide elements for consideration in its post-pandemic deployment.  相似文献   

The selection interview is a situation full of uncertainty for applicants. Not knowing precisely how they will be evaluated, they will thus try to gather information about interviews, mainly through media such as advice books. These books can participate in reducing applicants’ uncertainty: (1) by materializing the abstract concept that is the interview using metaphors, (2) by providing information about interview formats, and (3) by providing advices to prepare for the interview. This study investigates the presence of these three means in both French and English advice literature. It highlights that all three are used in general, that the last two means are the most frequent ones, and that several differences between the two literatures emerge. Implications for research and organizations are discussed.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2021,27(3):201-207
This document is intended to promote the belief that test use in research should abide by legal and ethical principles as well as best practice standards and that tests should be used by competent professionals who focus attention on the rights of test-takers and other parties involved in the testing process. Issues discussed in this document highlight these considerations.  相似文献   

The opening of medically assisted procreation (MPA) for single women and couples of women, that is, apart from medical indications of infertility, raises the main question of the eradication of the father and of the paternal branch of the child's descent, which is difficult to reconcile with respect for the rights of the child, who has the right to know and be cared for his parents, as far as possible (International Convention on Human Rights of the child, Article 7 – 1). Moreover, the MPA claim for women appears to be an opportunity to lift the therapeutic lock to generalize access to artificial procreation, including fertile male/female couples, the most numerous being the target the most lucrative in the procreation market contained to date by the therapeutic objective assigned by the law to the MPA.  相似文献   

This study examines the relations between the three dimensions of the burnout (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and decrease of personal accomplishment) and their associations with stress factors as perceived by the teacher. Using a sample of 787 elementary school teachers, we put to the test a theoretical model with path analysis. We achieve with a structural model that brings to light that personal accomplishment is determined directly by personal exhaustion and indirectly through depersonalization. The latter is influenced by negative relations with parents. Except this effect, the model also shows that the others sources of stress influence directly the emotional exhaustion. This study also confirms the three-dimensional structure of the French version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI).  相似文献   

Bekaert, Masclet and Caron's inventory of resilience factors (IRF-40) is a French measurement scale which measures the protection factors combining to bring about resilience in adolescents. This three-dimension measurement instrument has been worked out on the basis of a literary review aiming at identifying all the protection factors reported in the research studies. An exploratory factorial analysis with oblimin rotation carried out on a sample of 299 adolescents enabled to underline the three-dimension structure (familial protection factors: personal protection factors; extra-familial protection factors) including 40 items. The study of the internal consistency reveals high coefficients for the whole scale (0.91) as well as for the different dimensions (0.77 to 0.91). The examination of the convergent validity shows significant correlations with the life satisfaction scale (r = 0.61) and the psychological well-being scale (r = 0.72). As for the temporal stability (n = 73), a measure of 0.92 was obtained. The present research aims at completing the evaluation of the psychometric properties of the IRF-40 on a sample of adolescents. With the intention of bringing to light the structure of the instrument, a confirmatory factorial analysis (CFA) was carried out on 414 adolescents (average age = 14.96). The analyses carried out approve of the three-dimension structure of the scale. The study of the divergent validity (n = 123) has brought to light a high and significant correlation (r = –0.757) between the IRF-40 and Berndt and Kaiser’ s composite depression scale as well as a significant correlation between the IRF-40 and the under scale of the MDI-C (r varies between –0.294 and –0.563). In addition, the IRF-40 enables to differentiate the adolescents exposed to a traumatism and who have depression scores to those who experience no depression. Indeed, the participants not experiencing depression obtain significantly higher scores on the IRF-40 (U = 282.5; P = 0.001) in comparison with the participants experiencing depression. What is more, it appears that the latter score lower familial protection factors (U = 443.5; P = 0.001), personal protection factors (U = 390; P = 0.001) and extra-familial factors (U = 629; P = 0.001) than those who do not experience depression. As a conclusion, the results of the present study show a very probant image of the psychometric qualities of the IRF-40 and support its use on a population of adolescents.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the simultaneous effect of three person-environment fit dimensions, namely person-organization fit, person-group fit and person-supervisor fit on the millennials’ intent to leave. Data were collected among a sample of 178 employees born after 1980 working in Quebec organizations from various industries. Results indicate that the three person-environment fit dimensions are linked to intent to leave, but that only person-organization fit has an effect on intent to leave.  相似文献   

Recently, social psychology has taken an interest in attitudes and beliefs about laïcité and their relations to other variables, such as expressions of prejudice. Laïcité can be defined as the separation of churches and State, the role of the State being to assure an equality and a freedom of religion. The aim of this study was to construct a measure of beliefs of laïcité, and then to compensate for the lack of reliable measures about the possible interpretations of laïcité. The exploratory (study 1) and confirmatory factor analyses (study 2) led to sixteen items being included in the scale and representing four laïcité dimensions: public expression of religious beliefs, religious neutrality of the State and its institutions, equality of different religious beliefs, and protection of religious groups. Correlations across different dimensions showed that the public expression of religious beliefs was positively correlated with equality of different religious beliefs and negatively to neutrality of the State and its institutions. Moreover, convergent and discriminant validity (studies 2 and 3) showed that dimensions of laïcité are differently correlated with prejudice, SDO, religiosity, or with the republican model's adhesion. t-tests showed that compared to Catholics, agnostics and atheistics want a stronger religious neutrality of the State, are more in favor of an equalitarian treatment of different religious beliefs, but are less in favor of a protection of religion by State. Concerning the attachment to laïcité, this variable is only very weakly correlated with the four dimensions. Statistical analysis conducted on attachment to laïcité and other psychosocial variables such as prejudice, social dominance orientation (SDO), religiosity, religious beliefs (atheistics and agnostics vs. catholics) and political orientation showed that only SDO is (negatively) related to attachment to laïcité. These results suggest different conceptions of laïcité depending on psychosocial variable such as religion, prejudice or SDO. Finally, a test-retest has been effected on the scale (study 4). The results shown that the adhesion to the laïcité’s dimensions is stable in the time.  相似文献   

《Médecine & Droit》2021,2021(169):59-63
Forensic expertise becomes dominant in our society. Several reports questioned the competence of medical experts. We analysed the scientific competence of the 136 experts in Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine from senior courts in France. For that purpose, we made the choice of the H-Index and the number of scientific publications as markers of quality, using Google Scholar and PubMed databases. Thirty-five percent of experts have an H-Index equal to zero and 27 % never published. Out of the 104 experts who published at least one scientific article, 27 (26 %) did not publish for at least 10 years. The present study illustrates the great heterogeneity of the medical expert population regarding our criterions of judgement. This questions the selection and the operating mode of legal experts. There is a major difference with the selection process performed by the French Conciliation and Compensation Commissions. We propose that the official scholarly societies should be consulted during the appointment process.  相似文献   

Two revised versions of the scale “I Like School” of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), were developed in France upon junior high school pupils and upon fourth and fifth grade level pupils (Psychol Psychométrie 15 (1994) 44–64; Can J Behav Sci 35 (2003b) 50–55). This study presents a validation of an adaptation of these versions of the scale to French elementary school pupils, intitled “Échelle des attitudes des élèves envers l’école élémentaire” (ÉAÉE). Four factors still arise, with an improvement of their internal consistency. Fifth factor is also controlled, named “Funny school, distraction place”. The results indicate acceptable fidelity (internal consistency and test–retest reliability), allow to identify the personal factors, which determine the attitudes towards school and support the convergent validity of the scale.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test the predictive effect of two variables related to meritocratic ideology and possibly associated with academic stress: academic orientation related worries and apprehension of school evaluation. Differential effects of these variables on stress were also investigated regarding gender and school (middle-high and high schools). Six hundred and nine secondary students completed a questionnaire. Results show that emotional worries regarding academic orientation and apprehension of school evaluation are significant predictors of academic stress. Results reveal differential effects for middle-high school and high school students. In practice, grading and methods used to this aim should be carefully considered as well as the support offered regarding orientation project of middle-high school students especially.  相似文献   

An approach to the evolution of the relations between school and career counselling activities and those of personnel selection during the 20th century in France leads to distinguish between three periods. During the first one, these activities (organised around the notion of aptitudes) were close. The second period was marked by the birth of procedures for selecting and distributing the students within the school organisation: vocational counselling activities grew apart from those in the domains of employment counselling and selection. In the last period (characterized by a high unemployment rate and a growth of very flexible forms of work and employment) these different activities – organised around the notion of competence – came closer. In short, these activities appear to find their meaning only through their reciprocal links, in connection with the kind of work and school organizations where they take place.  相似文献   

Since their child has been diagnosed as having an autistic spectrum disorder (ASD), parents are confronted with important and chronic stress in their everyday life. To face it, they use coping strategies. Using qualitative analyse, this article exposes preliminary results on changes in coping strategies of ASD families and presents how parents manage to adjust their coping.  相似文献   

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